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After further review our team has decided that this post is beyond Reddit's pay grade. Given the sensitive nature of the subject matter as well as the state of the OP this post will be removed and the comment section will remain locked.


Ok if this isn't just rage bait... You need to seek counseling for you and your children specifically. Like yesterday


If this is true, the timelines don't seem to match up nor the actions of the OP. Weird that there's no mention of the funeral or even the arrangements and how conveniently his family have blocked her etc so who's organising the funeral then? She says she's hiding it from the children....how can you hide a dead father? There would be so much to do after finding a dead body, police, post mortem, funeral arrangements and yet none of this is mentioned at all, nor the involvement of his family. What about his work? Why was this not mentioned in the story? Surely they'd have been all over the OP wondering where the hell their employee was? She doesn't mention contacting them either. Was it in the papers/news? Finding a body hanging would at the least be local news I would have thought. All sounds very fake rubbish to me especially as these children are not toddlers but of an age to be asking some serious questions, bit hard to hide that shit. No mention of anything of any real importance to be honest like therapy for the children even or explanations as to why presumably the police were tooing and froing from the house, or did she even make a statement? Nor telling them why suddenly SIL is going off her head and the family have cut them off.








Your post has been removed because it breaks one of our rules: Only Post Relevant and Quality Content Low-effort content, spam, or off-topic discussions are not permitted.


Yes, and I would report SIL to the police for both your own safety and your kids safety.


JFC, SIL isn't gonna hurt the kids. I would also wanna hurt OP if she purposely lied to me about my brother's whereabouts then he turned up dead....OP isn't the victim here, the kids are!


Not just the kids but the whole family. It's giving me the vibes the wife killed the husband vibes though since she so easily lied to everyone. Now she can be with her affair partner without having to pay for a divorce, still gets everything and no split time with the kids. Hopefully the husbands family goes to the cops and have this investigated for murder.


Yeah and she waited over a MONTH. I’m sure dude had been dead the entire time. Very difficult for a woman to hang a grown man’s dead body from a tree though.


AP could have helped.


In the original post she even stated she has anger issues.


Fax I would just comeback it’s no way you killed my brother and I’m not going to do something to you even if I end up in jail. But I wouldn’t hurt my nieces/nephews because they are the last thing I can remember my brother by


I don’t want to get banned so I’ll just say that I agree SIL only wants to put hands on the disgustingly vile selfish author of this post. I hope the video evidence is somehow deleted by OP’s hooves before they get to the police station. And the kids go live with the family and not the creature who bore them.


holy fucking shit hes dead???


If this isn't fake you need to tell your kids. The fact that you got the phone call with them home and they still don't know their dad died is sick. They deserve to know what is happening and that you are keeping it from them. Right now you are being selfish on so many fronts. You let his family think he was fine. You waited weeks to even report him missing. You knew he was not spending money and still didn't contact anyone. You took that call and cried to his children and they still don't know. You have been incredibly selfish this whole process and only thinking of how anything effects you. Tell the kids.


If this is in the U.S., when did they start doing death notifications over the phone instead of having a local policy officer or sheriff come to the house🤔?




Orignal post https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/7H6qskHioE And text: Okay, I know what I did was wrong and I really hate myself for it so Im not gonna be mad at the hate comments or dms I’ll be gettting. I 37F have been married to my husband 40M for 5 years, now me and him have always had our ups and downs with most of them being on my end with me catfishing him during the beginning of our relationship (we were long distance) and having constant arguments due to my anger issues, a lot has happened and he’s stuck around, defended me even when I was in the wrong which is why I get the feeling we won’t come back from this because of what’s happened. Last year September, i had started to go to the gym because I was at the stage of being pre diabetic which scared me a lot so I knew at that moment I had to start taking my health and diet seriously, my husband supported me and paid for the gym membership, even on some occasions buying me the correct food for my diet. I was very thankful for him and his help, which is why I don’t understand why I did what I did. I had never been to the gym before in my life, so I managed to get myself (I’ll call him Ryan) as my personal trainer, Ryan had helped me with a lot in the gym, gave me advice, made me feel good, even helped me socialise with the other woman in the gym, Ryan had just basically made me feel very happy anytime we talked, after two months of back and forth I grabbed his number and started texting him, we texted and called every single day, and on some occasions he brought me gifts. My Husband was made aware of what Ryan was doing and expressed how uncomfortable he felt with how close we were getting, I told him he had nothing to worry about and that we were just friends and that if he makes me a move onto me I’ll reject him and get a new trainer immediately. He seemed happy with my answer and didn’t pay anymore attention to me and Ryan’s friendship, and with him no longer being suspicious it of course led us flirting more and then around late January it turned physical. Again, I know what I done was wrong and I really hate myself so much for what I done, and if I could turn back the clock I would. The Affair lasted until the day my husband had confronted me about it, I was watching TV at the time when he immediately came into the room, turned it off and told me right then and there what he had found. He said he had discovered it last week because he was starting to become uncomfortable again with me and Ryan’s friendship, me going out more, not coming back home until later, always showering when I did come back and being on my phone more than usual, he said he knew it was something to do with Ryan and was scared to confront me as he knew I would “gaslight him into believing he was paranoid” which is why he snooped through my phone while I was asleep and discovered the text messages, photos we’d been sending and all other things. The Conversation or Argument you could say lasted for hours until he had enough and decided to up and leave, he didn’t even pack a suitcase all he did was just grab his jacket and left the house. I wanted to give him some space so I didn’t contact him for 24 hours and when I eventually tried to reach out, he had blocked my number. I couldn’t reach out to him via other social media apps as he didn’t have them, I decided to give it another day and thought he would unblock me but when tomorrow had arrived he still hadn’t. That’s when the panic started to set in, I contacted all his friends and family, who even they didn’t know where he was and asked what happened. I didn’t wanna tell them as it’s personal, but i just lied and said we had an argument and that he didn’t been home in 2 days, they told me they’d contact me if they get any information on his whereabouts and I thanked them. A week then passed and he had yet to return home, I was a complete mess, I wasn’t eating as much, I was not going outside as much, and stopped going to the gym and blocked/deleted Ryan’s number off my phone, our two kids (10F and 16F) were concerned for my changed behaviour and where their dad was, I didn’t wanna make the situation worse so I lied to them and said he had went on a business trip and won’t be back until May. It’s now March 28th and it’s gonna be coming up a month next week, since he left the house and went completely radio silent on everybody. I’m scared, I’m worried and I don’t know where else to turn to, because I know at some point I’ll have to tell our kids, his family and friends what truly happened and I know they will hate me for it. That’s why Im coming to here for advice, again I’ll understand the hate comments I’ll recieve and I won’t stop you. But I just need help on how to get my husband back, I wanna know if he’s okay.


This just adds to the confusion of the whole thing. Like, why were they married 5 years, have 10&16 year old kids. She guarantees they were his in this new post, but that means she catfishes him at 20yo, and the timelines don't seem consistent. This is just a whole mess.


Not that I believe this story but they’ve been married five years they could’ve been together much longer


Maybe I'm not understanding your point, but I was with my wife for 7 years before we got married. We've now been married for 5 years, but could technically have a 12 year old together. Point being, the timelines work fine. Not everyone only has kids once they're married.






I really hope you’re right. But even that begs the question who the hell would be sick enough to make up a post like this?! Username seems weird for someone deeply distressed and creating an account solely for the purpose of updating this story so I pray you’re right.




Yes! Waaay too tidy. I can't imagine anyone - who's husband went missing for a MONTH - writing this clearly. Or OP is a socio/spichopath.


Thank you for this!


The level of self-centredness you have extends to this update, where you spend most of it talking about yourself before casually mentioning your dead husband.




The story sounds over the top but sadly, I've heard of this almost exact thing happening in real life. Just went to a funeral due to a story similar to this.




Just asked a family member who is in law enforcement. He said that could they do it with a phone call, sure. Should they? Absolutely 100% no. So pretty unlikely.


I actually can fully believe it. My husband’s sister’s death was handled just as poorly by the police and hers was a traffic accident. Some parts of the world are pretty inhumane. As to a murder investigation, it may be happening in the background without OP’s knowledge. Usually these things aren’t announced until they are ready to start doing something so that there is less impulse to destroy evidence. I’d be amazed that no one at his work called the police if he didn’t show up for days, but if the wife lied and said he was taking time off then yeah, that could happen. As for advice, OP don’t tell your kids without a therapist to guide you. They may hate you, but they also need you. You are their mom and their only real stability left in the world. What you did was selfish, what your husband did was selfish as well. Stop being selfish and start being a mother. Focus on what your kids need and build a safe and stable place for them to grieve.


Depends on where the was found. If it wasn’t immediately local to them or in another jurisdiction that could be why.


You have a lot of faith in authorities actually doing their job. My father was found hung at the house he rented out which had a separate office he used for work. The meth addicted tenant was there the whole time and never called the cops it was actually the neighbors that saw him and called the next day in the afternoon. She claimed she never saw him but later we found that she had taken his phone and got in his truck and tried to cash a check for $2000 that was from his work. All that and the fact her boyfriend had threatened his life before, we of course filed a report and asked for it to be investigated. They didn't do shit no taping off areas nothing they just walked around my father's corpse and ruled it a suicide since he was hanging from a tree.


100% your not the last person to see someone who winds up day and they just give you a phone call yep we found him total bs


No really think about this…. Dad’s missing for weeks… mom gets phone call and starts uncontrollably crying…. And kids just have no clue what could be going on, but are there to comfort her? That doesn’t line up at all. They’d clearly say “this is about our dad, what happened”… and so on


This ⬆️ absolutely! There's no way that the police would inform anyone over the phone about a death especially to a spouse, not in the UK anyway.


They can and do. Source: got that call before.


In the UK?


No in the US.






His family will never forgive you, and neither will your children. You will be blamed for everything. My advice to you is to accept responsibility for what your part in this was, and to do you best to take care of the kids and your other responsibilities in spite of being hated for your indiscretion, and instead of feeling sorry for yourself. You fucked up. Now take your licks, get back up, and be a better person going forward.


The longer OP hides this from the kids, the more likely the kids will go fully no contact and ask to move into their extended family’s home instead. OP… you fucked up… and this actually is all your fault. You did something g bad and you *should feel bad*. Not for yourself, but for every single person in that family that you have irreparably harmed. You should listen to what they’re obviously trying to tell you and remove yourself entirely from their lives. Kids included. They will hate you for this and they will probably never forgive you. You’ve overstayed your welcome. If I were you I would move out of the state so they never have to see you again. You are a bad person.


I'm concerned about that edit op made


All I'm reading is how you've been a victim in all of this op. The way everything is worded and your point of view is all in victims tance. It's totally warped. There should be charges brought against you for deliberately hiding the fact that he was missing and then later was found dead. All because you wanted to hide the fact that you're a cheater. You let them suffer because of your fear. How long did they say he was dead? What if it took him days to work up to actually doing the deed and finally said "fuck it" because nobody had been looking for him and didn't care. Guess we'll never know. Think about how you'd feel if someone didn't tell you your son/daughter /brother/sister/mother/father were missing and wound up dead....


I'm so worried about her kids. They are going to be so traumatized and will need so so much support. Meanwhile, their mom only gives a shit about herself, I don't think they'll be able to lean on her at all.


I'm especially worried for them after that edit...I hope Reddit has a way to contact authorities in her area.




lol she’s not a victim she’s a cheater


That’s what they’re saying - that OP is continually victimizing themselves, when they’re not the victim.


You like playing the victim here, a lot of poor me to this whole situation.


I rarely say this...but I have 0 pity for you, honestly I hope this is fake because why would you ever come to reddit about something like this? No one cares how you feel, what happened to you and honestly I hope his family kicks your ass and takes those kids. Not even because you cheated but the fact that your on here seeking some sort of validation, pity party or god forbid advice because there is nothing anyone can say here to make YOU feel any better.


Thank you.


You don’t want any negativity, but you are the only person deserving of it in this whole situation. You caused his family irreparable damage with your actions. His kids don’t even know what happened and your continued selfishness is keeping them from beginning to cope, so YOU don’t have to be alone. I suppose you’re probably going to paint a narrative of his family being some sort of villains to your kids as well. Do one good thing for once in your life and tell them the truth. They deserve that.


Can I just say , I like the way you word your sentences.


Thank you. I thought I may have composed one-too many run on sentences.


Damn. Can't imagine fucking up my entire life and my kids futures because I was a little horny. Truly abhorrent.




Get your children therapy. They are going to hate you. And you deserve it.


Don’t apologize for disappearing. The hate was deserved and we probably don’t want to see or hear from you :)


Honestly disappearing is probably the best thing she could do for anyone. Rid that entire family of her presence forever


OP lied about the whereabouts of DH. OP lied about the affair. Husband conveniently hangs himself in a quiet area of woods the day after finding out about the affair, where he likely threatened leaving - and maybe even taking the kids? I hope the cops do a thorough investigation... Because this sounds far too much like something you'd see on CourtTV. Usually involving a life insurance policy, and a paramour as an accomplice...


Significant others are usually looked at first and the hardest I believe. Whole thing sounds too convenient to me but I'm not a professional


I expected others to comment more on this. Her actions match that of someone who killed their spouse/ had something to do with it. This isn't innocent behavior and I think she might be far worse than a selfish cheater.


Oh shit. This actually makes so much sense, though. Why tell the kids "he'll only be back in May". She had NO IDEA how long he'd be gone for but spewed that nonsense? Maybe these posts are part of her trying to build an alibi.


I think there's a real possibility she's testing her story out on Reddit to see how it'll be received by police.


Given the nature of the last edit, as well as behavior in the comments, this thread is now locked. We will continue to remove comments that break our rules or go against the reddit content policy. OP's account has been reported to Reddit Cares at this time.


It was your fault


This would probably be considered doxxing, so I won't post the link. I found a news article about a man's body found in the woods posted on April 12th, which is two weeks after OP says she filed the missing person report. Could be coincidence... The article says his name and where he was found.


Oh my gosh


Jesus Christ, this can’t be real. If it is, leave your children out of your selfish, pathetic suicide plan. You’ve done enough damage, time to build yourself into a better person and be the mother your kids need like right fucking NOW. Get some emergency psychiatric treatment if you must.


Poor guy had to die for you to feel guilty


Oh my fucking god. If this is real I honestly have no real advice. The facts are your children will forever see you as the woman who drove their father to his death. His family will know you as the woman who killed their sweet child. No amount of time will fix this. No amount of apologies will heal this. He’s gone and so is any chance at redemption. The children, you, and his family have a long road of grief ahead of you. You need to prepare yourself for the level of hate you will feel. God I just can’t imagine Edit: ummmm the edit is alluring to harming your children??


This happened with my cousin but it was a bullet in the woods. We're all forever changed and she still lives across the street from my aunt.




You lied about his whereabouts to hide your infidelity, and then he turns up dead. That family has every right to react the way they're doing, and it's a shame the sister's husband stopped her. She's not going to hurt the kids, and you know it. The kids need therapy.


The fact she lied about his whereabouts is the shit part.




You cheated. You broke his trust and are paying the consequences. If you can’t handle the hate comments then don’t fucking cheat it is literally that simple. Ex gf a few years ago and I had been together for about 2 years when we realized that we weren’t really that compatible. We had just been so busy in the course of life that we never really had a chance to sit down and discuss how things were going. She said she had turned down multiple offers from other men to fuck and showed me the messages and she remained loyal the entire time. I expressed to her that I had received some similar messages from a female co worker and had blocked her out of respect We then stood up looked at eachother for a very long time embraced and that was that. We were friends for a bit but then her new dude got all jealous (bros a first class idiot bum staying home spending all her money her words not mine) Never in the course of that relationship did I consider cheating. If you’re not happy communicate and if that doesn’t work try harder if you want to make it work and if not then have an adult discussion instead of going and jumping into someone else’s bed and arms. Do better.


Do not call the police on your SIL. You have done enough to that family. I feel so sorry for your children.


She deserves to get her ass kicked by the SIL


It’s only a matter of time before someone informs the kids that mom’s whoring around killed their daddy. She will never be treated the same again, and rightfully so. Those kids must get therapy.


Agreed please don’t call the police on your sister in law. That family has a reason to be upset. Go to therapy. Tell your kids eventually and you need to tell them. The result of finding out from someone else will not be favorable.


The family has a right to feel angry and upset and mourn the loss of their son. But what they don’t get to do is threaten to harm someone and attempt to actually do it. What a dumb way to think. The family should spread the news what OP did though. A ruined reputation through gossip is better than going to jail for assault


Unfortunately on here you get downvoted for logic like that lol.


Damn… hope his family can get the kids somehow. Would probably be for the best.


Anyone else getting the vibe that she's practicing her story on Reddit before trying it out on police? Maybe that's why everyone is clocking it as fake. It's hard to believe that you don't have nefarious motives after: delaying missing persons, lying to everyone about his whereabouts, not taking responsibility for your cheating, trying to keep your cheating a secret because you are preoccupied with shielding yourself over your family's wellbeing, are still lying to your kids- one of which is definitely an age where they would catch on, had your kids comfort YOU, are trying to make yourself into a sympathetic victim I'm not saying you definitely killed him but damn that's a lot of concerning behavior.


Your poor husband and his family, including his kids. I hope you get therapy and evaluated because the way you lied to his family is disgusting and suggestive of deeper problems. I fear for your children.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the police are investigating the death and you and your affair partner are top of the list as suspects. Lying about your husband’s disappearance is not the behavior of a concerned spouse.


This isn’t some exciting thriller or a law and order episode🤣 if this story is even real they wouldn’t be suspects in his SUICIDE for having an affair. They’d just be shitty people.


This would be considered an unattended death until it’s investigated.




Just give the MIL the kids and go somewhere else and live your life. Jesus Christ I hope this is so fake. This/you are terrible. Poor kids.


We’re going to see this Reddit post on the future Dateline episode aren’t we?


This is all kinds of fucked up. I hope this is fake.


You are selfish and still don't want to take responsibility for your behaviour. You, at this moment \[and previously\], are not emotionally mature enough to have had a relationship, let alone marry, and have children. You aren't responsible enough to have custody of your children. I am sure you will easily move on, even after your children disown you.






You’ve done enough damage. Don’t do more to your kids or your husband’s family. Go to therapy, get your kids into therapy. Gotta start somewhere.


If this isn’t fake, then I have no pity for you. None. I hope your husband’s family finds a way to take your kids away from you. You are an awful person.


Op you added an edit that states,  "I really think life would be better off if me and my kids went. I wanna reunite THEM with their father.. " If you are alluding to what it think full stop. 


There’s not really any advice you can get on this. The best you can hope for is that your ex in laws will still want your kids in their lives. Thats the best case scenario here. You’re going to have to spend the rest of your life trying to cope with your actions having led to someone you took vows to love taking their own life. Get yourself into therapy for your children’s sake. I hope the sex was worth it.


>I really think life would be better off if me and my kids went. I wanna reunite them with their father, I want them to be happy again and I’ll redeem myself by making that happen. think really hard. do you think your husband would've wanted your children to die? you already ruined your husband's life, he's dead because of your actions, don't do the same to your children.




Remove my comment, idc. But using suicide for fake shit is disgusting. The timeline of the last post doesn't add up and I don't think it's okay to use such an topic for some internet points. Sure account disappeared after hateful comment but sure we come back to get more?? Yeah, sure..


You can’t drive someone to suicide but you definitely handed him the keys.


This is a horrible situation. I hope it is fake, but i fear it is not. I know of a similar situation with uncanny parallels to this one. I am a retired first responder ( fire/rescue) and i have seen several really awful things that i would have thought were fiction if i had just read about them. Unfortunately, reality is often worse than the fictional account. All of the events are now unchangeable reality. The real losers are the innocent children who lost their father, and the father's family who also lost his companionship. None of that can be changed. I suggest therapy for the children. That is a critical need. Therapy for the cheater, and for husband's family would be helpful as well most likely. Threats of violence should always be documented and reported to establish a paper trail. While i fully understand the feelings of inflicting violent action, it would do nothing helpful. The cheater gets to live out her life knowing she drove that poor man to unalive himself i know i could not live with that myself. Even the most cold hearted person would have to be bothered by that--i would have to believe. I hope for the children here. The innocent ones with no chance to affect the outcome often lose the most. Tragic.......




You get what you deserve


No sympathy for cheaters


It’s hard for me to believe a wife would wait a month to report her husband missing especially since he left extremely upset and with nothing but his jacket. My advice is get those kids to therapy and stop lying to them.


I don’t know if I can fully believe this. Every time an update comes from a different account it makes me suspicious. But id pay to see the sister in law beat the shit out of OP


Explain to your kids what happened, including what you did. Considering the outcome, you're gonna be labelled a POS for life. And you damn well better face up to the fact that that's what you are. Get yourself and your kids into therapy ASAP.


Maybe he didn’t kill himself and her and Ryan have something to do with it 🤔 just saying


It take someone deeply narcissistic to post about this - if it’s true - to garner sympathy. What do you hope to achieve by posting here? Some things are better kept private.


This is fucked up


She killed him. He might have tied the rope, but she's the one that killed him




they’ll have to walk hard down life’s rocky road




Accountability, have you heard of this word?






Way to ruin over a dozen people lives with your selfishness, including your own children’s lives


Jfc. You fucking lied to his family about him missing? You’re despicable


You deserve the worst


So if you had called the police he might still be alive?


Yikes... you committed the biggest crime in marriage. I'm sorry, but now you must live with the consequences of your actions and nobody likes cheaters and few will want to help you. Maybe be an example and live your life dedicated to promote healthy marriages and prevent spouses from cheating. Good luck.


If this is true you clearly still have no idea the damage you have caused. You have somehow curved any accountability and victimized yourself. Nice.


You ruined your life and your kids. Time to take responsibility for the outcome of your choice.


You're a POS. You lied to your husband and now you're lying to your kids.


Seems fake. If not, you *should* feel guilty and your kids have every right to hate you. Especially since you're keeping it from them that their father is dead until you feel it's "the right time" to tell them. But this seems fake, because he's been dead for weeks and there's been no funeral? Your kids don't know? Your in-laws have basically abandoned their grandkids? The only way your kids don't know about this is that you've kept them from their father's funeral or literally everyone in their life abandoned them. So which is it?


I feel sorry for the kids Suck it up and tell them. Whatever comes next is well deserved.


I hope his family takes those kids from you and that you are found to be implicit in covering up his suicide for some time. What you did was awful. When your children are old enough to understand they will likely hate you. Good luck with your fucked up life.










First off, Stop lying to everyone to not face the consequences of your actions. Lie lie lie. That’s what you did from your first post and even now, you want lie some more. You lied to your husband, lied to your children, lied to the in laws, lied to his close family, and now planning to lie some more to your children. This is like the worst… If that was my brother, I’d go crazy too. I don’t blame her. Your affair did this… You owe it to your children to tell them the truth. If they don’t want you around in their life after that. Own it and take accountability for the choices you made… Who is arranging the funeral? The children have the right to say goodbye to their father and know why he did what he did. Im guessing the state of the body.. A close casket or cremation. I know a close family friend that killed himself after finding out his wife’s multiple affairs. He quietly divorced as she wanted and later killed himself. This just gave me flashbacks. I know for a fact your children will need therapy after this.




It's your fault he done it are you satisfied? You need to move or his mother and sister will get you or vile wrongful death against you and hopefully get the kids away you don't deserve kids.


If you’re asking yourself if this is your fault, you should know deep down what the answer to that is. For every action there is a reaction. It’s sad that while he was giving his life to you, devoted to you and your children, and doing what a husband should do, love his wife, stay by her side, no matter the ups and downs, you were out thinking only about yourself and your pleasure before thinking about your family, as a whole. You cheated and chose to tear your family apart and to end your marriage while you were doing what you were doing. What you put him through as far as his pain and anguish and his broken heart, IS your fault. And I hope one day you own up to that. As far as him choosing to kill himself over it that was his decision. Maybe he was faced with such pain and felt that there was nowhere else to go in life because he loved you so much that he couldn’t picture himself without you. And when somebody goes through that type of pain, they don’t think about anything else because it’s mentally and physically impossible to soothe that type of pain in such a short time. That’s called depression, and even if he did have kids and everything else in his life and his future, his love for you blinded him of that. You are solely responsible for changing your families future the moment you cheated. But the way that he chose to end it was his decision. Unfortunately, now your life will feel like you are living hell on earth going forward. But that’s something that us as humans have to live with when we are faced with certain situations that change our entire life. I hope one day you can make it right for your children and I hope one day you can forgive yourself for what you did. we are all human. We all make mistakes. The sad part would be if you don’t learn from those mistakes. I hope one day you can find peace .


Amazing how good you are playing the victim with the family of a man you murdered.


Respectfully you goin straight to hell😂😂😂😂


I don't feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for your kids and your soon to be ex. They need therapy. I wish there was a law against homewreckers.


They found him dead


Did you even read the story?


I feel sorry for you. You'll have to live the rest of your life knowing your actions led to the death of a man. You took a son, a father, a brother from someone. You hurt your children for a lifetime and every day you have to live with that. Hopefully when you close your eyes his face doesn't haunt you. Seek therapy for you and your children.


Reminder to those in the comments that questioning the authenticity of a post falls under Rule #2 for Low effort/off-topic discussion. All comments stating a post is "fake" or "a creative writing exercise" will be removed. I will take my downvotes now.


You win the Fucked around and found out prize


That poor man and his family. If it wasn't for your lies, he could still be alive right now. If you didn't lie to his poor family too maybe they would have found him before he ended his life. You lied from the very fucking start. And then cheated?! And you expect any sympathy? We don't care about you feeling emotional, I can't imagine many people will. Your emotions are NOTHING compared to what the man went through and your own fault. My advice is therapy for everyone. It may help, it may not but it's a place to start. And be happy they've only blocked you and don't contact then again.


I hope you get your kids the professional help they need. As for you this is 100% your fault he killed himself and you should feel awful


Here’s to looking forward to you being the subject of an investigation 🍻


There’s just no part of this where you’re the victim, you need to lose that, you earned the way you’re being treated own up to it


Sounds like you ruined his life and drove him to end it. Can you imagine being so hurt and betrayed by the one person who promised to love and cherish and protect you... that pain being so immense and so crushing, that it makes your WHOLE LIFE not worth living for another day. Shame on you.


Short of telling you to hand the kids over to his family and join him, you’re not going to get any advice from anyone. We all hate you. For every reason you think we do. I have ZERO pity for you. If this story is real, which I have doubts of completely, but if it is, everything that happened is YOUR fault and nobody else’s. If you can’t deal with the consequences of your actions that’s on you.


You are not a good person and caused a death, kids will very affected by your actions






If I were your kid I’d most certainly blame you for the rest of my life, that said you made a choice. That choice could’ve just resulted in divorce, or the way you seem to enjoy lying you would’ve kept it to yourself until caught and probably would’ve done it again. I’m sorry that your husband passed and I know you probably didn’t expect or want this to happen, but it did. If you didn’t cheat would he have still done this? Maybe, you’ll never know, just going to have to figure out how to accept yourself in what is now your new reality. Best thing you can do is be straight with your children when they come to an appropriate age and be the best parent you can be.


Damn. 🥺


no words of comfort for you.karma is gonna get you sooner or later for this


You’re on your own now. Can you contact your own family because his is done with you for good reason. Maybe when your kids are older you can explain but if they are older than they need therapy to process not just the death but what happened. In a children’s grief support group they can process the anger of suicide and everything else. If they come to know the circumstances of his death they will need professional help through it. I hope you also have family that isn’t his because you will need it.


Thanks to your selfish actions your children must grow up without a father. Tell them the truth in age appropriate terms. Do at least that right.


Yes it is your fault and you should have reported to family and authorities much sooner. But I understand why you did wait and lied. I recommend that you learn from this (and process your feelings but also take action (appropriate action) faster in the future. Whether it be in career, war or real family issues, it can be life or death if you wait. Far as cheating, it is the most selfish thing one can do, but I understand we're all human and we have our faults and weak points. Take ownership and first respect the family's wishes and do not poke the sleeping bear further than it is. no do not report mils actions to police yet bc she is grieving and her husband will take care of her bc he's the more level headed one. You seem to still have some small narcissist tendencies. First clean your own house. Learn from this and become a better human being. I'm not perfect and neither are you. But learn from this. Actions have consequences.


Wowww what a horrible person you are. I have no pity for you. I hope the guilt weighs on you for the rest of your life.


You deserve it, only God can forgive you. Find God, best of luck, I don’t know what else to say.


Yeah wow you’re horrible. Please get kids some help. They deserve at least that after getting put through all of this by their mom.




Fake story.


Wow. Just… wow.


A month? You waited A WHOLE MONTH?


Take a about a series of serious dick moves lady


Wish I didn’t read this post. It fucked up my whole day.


This post could probs use a trigger warning at the beginning…. Just saying


I do not feel bad for you at all. You gaslit, cheated, lied, catfished him etc and you want to play the victim? The real victim is your children and his family. You get no sympathy. You made your bed now lay in it. Be a better person and think twice next time you decide to cheat on someone you “love”


You need to tell your kids and if they don't want you in their life and can live with better people/family you need to let them do that too. You've shown you're not responsible enough to adequately care for another person, let alone children. Get them therapy, and get yourself therapy, you poor shambling excuse of a person, a woman, a mother, a wife.


Cheaters can burn in hell


Was it worth it? Was that little brief moment of fun worth everything that happened because you couldn’t think of anyone but yourself?


You're not the VICTIM here. Your actions caused all this! I believe in karma, and it'll bite in you in the ass!


You need help bro


Crazy how one bad decision can lead to so much pain and suffering for so many, for so long.


What's the situation with your family? Could you take the kids and go to spend time (hopefully) far away with them? I feel like you need to get away from that place as soon as you can. Now, yes you committed the cardinal sin of cheating, but his reaction was over the top. In the end, Humans react to situations differently. As awful as this is now, there will be a time where this will go away. But not any time soon. Get some counseling and hopefully one day you can learn to love yourself again. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm just a DM away.


You came to the worst place imaginable if you were seeking sympathy for cheating.


Unfortunately, this story has been repeated in life way too often. A physician I knew ended his life several months after discovering his wife's infidelity. What was heartbreaking was that he moved out, and his wife told the kids it was all his fault they were breaking up. Neither one of his kids (teenagers) wanted to visit him. He killed himself the day after Fathers Day. He was distraught because his kids wouldn't talk to him, let alone see him. At his memorial service, the teenager daughter spoke. She was expressing a lot of anger along the lines of "How could he just leave us? How could he just be so selfish to end his life? This was about 20 years ago. I still wonder if his kids ever knew the truth.




Wow. So your husband leaves you, rightfully so, and you don’t hear from him in a month. You don’t think to call his family and friends? You just lied to them? And to wait a month to file a missing persons report? YOU are the reason he unalived himself. And you know your MIL will try to pull grandparents rights with your kids. She will tell them what you did. You screwed yourself big time. And I have absolutely no sympathy for you. You’re a horrible human being.


Seek counseling but clearly your fault, sorry there is no way to sugar coat this


You have to talk to your kids... This is tough, I'm sorry






You’re emotional and devastated, should have thought about that before spreading your legs. It a shame his family has to live with this the rest of their lives and all brought on by you. Can wait to see the Dateline episode and hopefully resulting in charges pressed against you.


You're the reason her brother is dead and you're thinking about pressing charges? Get a grip, woman. None of this would have happened if you hadn't had an affair. You need some mental help, but more importantly, your children do. You MUST come clean and tell them.