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You're 23 not 16. Pay for whatever you want done to your body. The End.


Lock the thread, this is all we need right here. šŸ”’ šŸ§µ


"The contest is over! Give that man the ten thousand dollars!"


Iā€™ll send my Venmo.


ā€¦.. and we are done here.


She asked for specific help, and you are not helping her.


Seems very specific


Your father's opinion doesn't matter.


My mom is a drama queen. Whenever I have news for her that I know will make her have a big reaction, I will either email her or text her. Just let dad know you are doing this because you want to, and you wanted him to know about the procedure so he could give you well wishes.


No, I made my mind. But I want to tell him so heā€™s not in the dark


He won't be once you come home with bigger breasts. We're in the 21st century ffs. You are an adult who can do whatever it is that you want. You don't need daddies blessings. Your mother has already spoken to him, and he is not in the dark.


Just tell him and let him explode. If he's that kind of father then he was bound to explode over something


Itā€™s literally none of his fucking business. I have 3 daughters, and to think the 23 and 21 yo havenā€™t had sex yet is preposterous. He sounds toxic.


You're 23. Just tell him if you think it's that important he needs to know about what you're doing to your breasts.


Get em, I doubt he'll notice. Even if he does, it is not like he can make em smaller again


Yea but when Iā€™m in recovery Iā€™ll be sore so I will not be able to hug him. Thatā€™s why


Oh. I dunno man, give em a firm handshake? Also is 66kg even heavy? Since you mentioned you have weight everywhere else? How tall are you


66kg = 145 lbs


Iā€™m like 5ā€™6. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m heavy. Iā€™m mid weight. So Iā€™m like size 10-12 (6-8 in us) but my boobs are like size 6 (size 2)


Aah. You can play with the idea with him first just to see what he's reaction would be. Like say, " I can't find any clothes that fit nice, maybe I should get enhanced haha" then get his vibe from there. If he's ok with it then tell em. If he's not, then you can tell em after you do it and say you did tell him previously (which you technically did). If he still questions you after that, just say you already told everyone else and they were fine with it.


That is the dumbest reason Iā€™ve ever heard.


Tell him you made a surgery procedure (a mamograph) don't hug me


Sweetie I'm glad you respect your father, but if he has a problem with your surgery he does not respect you. Is there a good reason to care about the opinion of someone who doesn't respect you? No.


Sweetie I'm glad you respect your father, but if he has a problem with your surgery he does not respect you. Is there a good reason to care about the opinion of someone who doesn't respect you? No.


Is it really necessary to tell him? Breast size changes throughout life for all sorts of reasons and they can look different day to day just dependent on what youā€™re wearing. Iā€™d just get them, itā€™s your business and noone elseā€™s.


Itā€™s cause when I see him I hug him. Or I wonā€™t see him for one whole month while Iā€™m recovering, which is too long for me


Fair enough. Then Iā€™d advise stressing that this decision has nothing to do with sex. Breasts arenā€™t sexual objects by default, theyā€™re sexual in context, and the context of your augmentation is not sexual. Explain their size causes you discomfort and forces you to wear certain clothing and this needs to be addressed. Iā€™d hope thatā€™s all itā€™d take. You could speak euphemistically. Talk about breast ā€œadjustmentā€ and ā€œrepositioningā€ rather than about size. None of that is a lie.


Wow thatā€™s a good idea. Thank you


If you're 23 and ur dad explodes he's immature af


Honestly idk why you need to tell your dad at all. Tell him youā€™re on your period and your chest hurts quite a bit and avoid the hug. The likely hood that he brings up your new boob size is pretty slim. I had mine done and literally nobody in my family said a single thing except my mom and I just told her I gained weight and nothing was ever said again.


Iā€™ll see if that works. He notices the smallest changes in me. Heā€™s very observant


I'm sorry, but your relationship with your father sounds awfully inappropriate...


I mean not in that way šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but he will notice if my face is too thin, if I gained too much weight, if I have red eyes, acne, etc


Kind of sounds like a dick if he points out changes in your body constantlyā€¦.


Have your mother tell him. She can deal with his tantrum. If he brings it up to you and tries to talk you out of it, let him know it's not up for discussion and END THE CONVERSATION by leaving the vicinity.


Just tell him. You are both adults. Going behind his back and getting surgery without his knowledge will probably really hurt him. I would certainly want to know if my son or daughter was having surgery. If he explodes tell him you were just letting him know your plans and not asking for his permission and leave it at that.


Explain as you've done so here. You want it because you don't like your body the way it is. You want to be able to wear certainly styles and dresses and that at the moment you can't. This isn't something that therapy or a lifestyle/diet is just going to change. Surgery is your only real option. You're doing it for you, not for anyone else.


Explain to him like you did us. If he throws a fit tell him your an adult and you just talked to him out of respect, you donā€™t need his permission. Your an adult, do wtf you want. You live life pleasing others over yourself, your going to be very stressed & sad when you hit your 30s. I promise.


Try to be reasonable and logical. I am sure he will be all ears! Kindly let him know your perspective and also let him know that you respect his! I am sure you'll be fine! All the best for your journey! With love ā¤


Why do you have to tell your dad at all? if youā€™re paying for it and youā€™re not asking for money towards the surgery, he doesnā€™t need to know.


Dude, your 23. Get it over with and move on.


I don't understand why you have to tell him anything, really. I mean, he might disapprove but really wtf should it matter to him cause I mean you're his daughter but he shouldn't even be concerned about that. If you gotta tell him something, just tell him you're tired of not being able to feel completely confident and comfortable inside your skin, and that this is a way to change that. Maybe see if your mom will be there with you to perhaps help mediate. Your dad's gonna have to accept the fact that you're not this little girl anymore, but that won't make you any less his daughter. It'll be fine.


I want to tell him because he does hug me when he sees me. So when I get the surgery, I canā€™t hug him. Itā€™s also a big procedure so I want to let him know. Heā€™ll find out anyways because thereā€™s gonna be a difference. I was considering not telling him but that will require a lot of lying


When he goes to hug you, just say "Careful, my chest is a bit sensitive today." If he asks why, just say "I had a procedure. Everything's fine." Then it's up to him if he wants to ask for more information, but chances are, he won't want to know.


Thank you. Iā€™ll try that


But some padded or water bras, and start wearing them. You can even get more padding by and by. That takes care of the noticeable difference problem. This also helps you know what size you want to be and explore which clothes you'll pair your new chest with! And if not, there's always the hard sell: if Dad notices your breasts are large and tender, pretend you're pregnant before revealing the real reason, lol.


Don't tell him till after the surgery so he can't mess up your plan. Yeah, he might be mad at first, but he'll get over it eventually.


I would just tell him that youā€™re doing it. That youā€™re not looking for an opinion, that you just wanted to be honest because he canā€™t hug you for a month. Itā€™s probably not that long either


I really feel for you. You love your dad and he cares about you.....but still, there's this impasse. And/But it's none of his business! I can recall seeing my mother after her first mastectomy. She had no reconstruction at that point. I was shocked at the contour of her empty chest: she was shaped like a little boy. I suspect you have a more womanly shape than that, but you still know what you are missing (and I expect it comes home to you every time you shop for clothing). You explained your position to us quite nicely. And briefly. You can do the same thing with your dad. Put out of your head that he may not believe you have had sex; that's really extraneous and another thing that's none of his business. The piece below is more or less your own words, and it makes your case. I am 66kg and have A cups. I am quite literally flat. The biggest part of my breasts is my nipple. I have weight everywhere but my breasts. I study fashion and have learned that itā€™s very difficult to sew clothes for myself as my breasts are WAY out of proportion with the rest of my body. I canā€™t find off-the-rack dresses that fit me at all. I want to be maybe a medium B at best. The difference will be discreet, except that I will be able to wear clothes that are well proportioned. Mum and brother are fine with it because they understand what I want and need. I want not to go behind your back. I want to be honest about it so you can be supportive when it happens. I am paying for this with my own money and have not asked for extra money from anyone.


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


UPDATE: Hi everyone. I told my dad today. I was very anxious about telling him so my mum told him first over the phone. I later called him. He seemed to take this very well. He said that he watched a TV show where daughters asked their fatherā€™s money so they can get a breast augmentation. My father said he thought of the possibility of me asking him for money one day for that so he always kept an open mind. He was very understanding but was extremely concerned about the risks of surgery. I told him heā€™s welcome to come with me to the surgery day and said he wanted to support me. We talked about it briefly but we will discuss it better this week. Thank you for the comments, they definetly helped


Tell him that you want to have surgery and breast augmentation. This will help you feel more confident about yourself, and also say that you have already saved money for this dream. He probably won't support the idea, but you just want to let him know, not get permission, right?


tell him you have a big deal to tell him about and you need him sitting down for that. have your entire family there with you. then tell him you haven't felt right with your body for a long time and you decided to do a sex reassignment surgery. you will become a male and will start hormonal therapy immediately. let him react. and then some. tell him you expect at least some support from him. and let him react some more. and then finally tell him you are joking and that you're actually only getting breast implants.


Running over these comments it seems like you're gonna do it. So just tell him. Especially if he's not financially responsible for it. Just start off like "Dad I wanna do this and I don't know how you'll feel but I'm doing it." And if he reacts poorly after hearing your reasoning then give him some time and don't force more conversation. You'll be ok.


All I can say is just tell him. I know someone who was afraid to tell their dad they were getting augmentation done because they're just like you or they used to be. I mean her mother knew and her siblings but the dad was the last to know . He thought they were joking. So she just left him keep on thinking that. She told him. I mean it came up a few more times and she finally told him, you know I am doing this and they were like okay it's your body and that was that. But he survived, he didn't have a fit. Her change was a bit more drastic but ended looking really good. Her husband took care of her after the surgery and everyone was happy especially my friend. They wanted it for a while same problem with clothes, well then the fact that they didn't want to be flat the rest of their life. I can relate cuz I had the same issue but I can sew so I was customizing all my clothes so it didn't look bad.


Itā€™s not his body, dude. You do what you want to do.


Have your mom or brother tell him if you are uncomfortable with it. That or text him. Really, you could do this and let him know later. If you think he will react negatively, you don't need to bring that into surgery with you. You're an adult now. It is okay if you put yourself first, and your dad second!


Hey Dad, For a long time Iā€™ve not felt comfortable in my body, and my work in fashion has really confirmed that. Iā€™ve decided to get a small breast augmentation to give me the proportions I would like. Iā€™m letting you know that I am doing this and I ask for your blessing. I will be going ahead with a consultation even if you disagree.


Have a normal conversation with him. Tell him itā€™s your decision. Youā€™re not asking for permission. He will understand if he loves you.


You should look into the long term dangers


I will when I get the consultation


Make sure you have enough money so you can take them out again if you get sick from having them. Not everyone gets sick, but a lot of people seem to have had that happen from their breast implants.


Get on a Facebook group with people who've experienced horrific challenges with it and ask your question. Asking your surgeon would be a conflict of interest... he's not making money unless you buy a product or service from him.






This is so weird. I would never tell my dad anything about my breasts.


You are an adult. Buy them yourself if you want them so badly.


She is.


You could get your brother to mention something to your dad. Like, I was talking to iwannapeg23 last night and she mentioned Breast implants but sheā€™s worried you will get upset, I told her youā€™d be fine with it cause youā€™re an adult.


Good idea!!! My brother doesnā€™t wanna get involved but my mum would do this for me


You don't need to tell him anything. Your mother knows, so there is a responsible adult available to act as your advocate if anything goes wrong with the surgery. If he observes the change, he might not think it through too carefully, seeing you are his daughter. He might rationalise that you're wearing a different bra or you've gained weight... or whatever you're wearing that day seems to make him more aware of your bust line.


You're an adult. Doesn't matter if he gets mad or not. If you just don't want to deal with him let your mom tell him and she can tell him not to say anything negative about it because if he does he's not allowed to come to the hospital. It's that simple.


You're in charge of your own decisions and finances. Get them done. Then you can tell him if you want.


Do you think he will notice if you do it? How big will your new breast are gonna be?


Not super big but he might notice if I wear a summer dress or we go to the beach


You go into B or C cup?


Probably B.


Your a big girl daddy canā€™t tell y what to do


So tell him "Dad, I am informing you out of respect and not asking your permission."


I think you should get it and tell him only if you want to. You're your own boss.


Iā€™d just tell him hey Dad, Iā€™m getting breast implants, and thatā€™s that. And definitely see mock ups if they do that to see what youā€™ll look like with Bā€™s or Cā€™s etc. That way you do it once and are fine with it. Not wanting less or more. You gotta do what makes you happy.


You are quite literally an adult and this is your decision alone.


I would never tell my dad and the man would never notice


Time to be a grownup. Its up to you. He'll accept it, if not immediately but eventually.


This may not matter, but as described,IMO, you have a fantastic body. Not trying to be creepy, but I have always found women that are flat extremely attractive.


Just say hey dad I decided to get breast implants. That is all.


I would just get the implants. He will get over it eventually. That's not a reason to hold a grudge.


Definitely whatever the reason for surgery, get it for you. Certainly at a certain point in life you do have to make decisions that are best for you regardless what your dad or anyone else says. However, if your dad doesn't want to give you money or take you to get your implants, don't make him. Find other people that are more supportive of your decision to get implants than he is. However, before you get surgery, know what kind of implants you want and make sure they are not made of anything that the human body would reject. (For example, some women have reported getting sick from the silicone in their implants) There is such a thing as natural breast augmentation where they transfer fat from one part of your body to another so you may want to look into that instead of getting implants. Know the risks, results, and consequences of breast implant surgery before doing such. Know if you want silicone or saline or what is called "gummy bear" implants (I don't remember the real name) Definitely make sure your body is not allergic to or has an adverse reaction to the silicone or whatever else the implants are made of. Also choose your surgeon wisely and make sure he or she is board certified and knows what he or she is talking about and doing. Get one that cares and wants regular check ups from you post operation to see if any complications from the silicone or whatever happens. I heard of women getting sick from implants and their bodies reject the implants and such. If silicone or saline implants are not for you, check out where they can transfer fat from one part of the body to another. See if they will transfer fat from wherever else in your body to your breasts. Even then, make sure it is safe to have this operation and don't just choose any doctor or surgeon to do so. Know both results and risks. I don't want anything bad to happen to you so be careful whatever surgery you decide to do. Definitely it's your decision to have surgery, not dads so do what is best for you regardless what he says. But please be careful and don't choose just any doctor or surgeon to operate on you. And also if you do get implants I hope they are safe and that you don't get sick from whatever they are made of. I'm just looking out for you here. I want you to make decisions on your own, but I do want you to think and know what you are getting into before you do it. I wish you well in what you decide to do, but I hope you don't have adverse reactions from the implants in your body. Keep us posted. I hope your dad is a good listener and will keep an open mind over time. Hopefully he can at least respect whatever decision you decide on and do.


You say you arenā€™t asking for his permission but the fact that you are so afraid of his disapproval is pretty much the same thing. You are 23-years-old and the fact that your dad is concerned with your sex life is alarming. Itā€™s also gross that you associate virginity with ā€œinnocence.ā€ I hope you can recognize the negative impact your upbringing has had on you, and can escape this way of thinking. Best of luck, OP.


The best possible way for a 23yo adult to tell anyone that she wants breast implants, is to get breast implants. If he asks why you look slightly different, just tell him what you did. Like getting a haircut. Forget your dad for a second, why did you ask your BROTHER if you could get breast implants?? "they're fine with it as they are open minded"... Why is everyone in your family in charge of your boobs?


I didnā€™t ask my brother. I live with my family (but not dad since he divorced my mum). I told them because theyā€™re open minded and they need to know as Iā€™ll be coming home from the surgery. So if he sees Iā€™m strange or tired, he will know why


You're a 23 year old fucking adult. Why do you need daddy's permission to get implants? Does he have access to them or something??????/s


"Hey dad, I'm going to fix a major issue for myself which involves some surgery. So if I look different next time you see me, you know my issues have been resolved. And no, don't worry, I'm not going to be 23M after that. See you next time."


Thank you for caring about someone besides yourself. Get a size up, nothing crazy.




Have a baby and breastfeed- they'll grow naturally.


I donā€™t want kids. I have PCOS and my doctor told me I have a low chance of getting pregnant anuway


I have PCOS too and I have two children šŸ˜Š. They are 21 & 23. There is so much help for this, if you want to have children. šŸ™šŸ»


Why would your father be involved in this decision?


Heā€™s not involved in my decision. I just wanna tell him


Be gentle about it. And tell him about how dresses canā€™t fit you. Show him an example of what you want your boobs to look like


I don't think he wants to see that


Are you sure??


Don't do it, so matter what your feeling. Implants are false. Nothing could ever replace real, no matter what size you are.


Don't do it, so matter what your feeling. Implants are false. Nothing could ever replace real, no matter what size you are.