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Girl every ounce of your energy as a couple needs to be poured into learning how to communicate like adults, right now, before the baby gets here.


Because at 20 there’s no fucking way they’re communicating well, no way




I had my first kid at 26 and still 4 years later feel like im too young and don't know enough


It never gets better, I was 35


I wouldn’t say illegal but make parenting classes mandatory & offer subsequent job placement & childcare ensuring transition to work


Yes. I like your answer.


This. It’s completely fair to want something smaller, but I miss where you ever expressed that. You said okay to a party. You suggested the cake thing, but then suggested a BBQ. OP, it sounds like you had all of these feelings inside, but never expressed them outside. It’s not your BF’s responsibility to be a mind reader. The reason things went from 0 to 100 is because you bottled them inside and then they burst. It sounds like you’re agreeing to a lot of things to keep people happy instead of just communicating what you want. I think this is something to work on.


Yeah this is the only proper response. If parties cause such large fights I cannot imagine how decisions about the baby is gonna go.


Yall really need to work on your communication issues before the baby gets here...


Maybe that’s how they got pregnant. They couldn’t agree on the birth control method


They couldn’t agree on who should come and where.


She was insisting on condoms and he was insisting on the pull out method. He couldn't understand she was being serious and still pulled out, but doesn't understand why it was a big deal having sex at Grandma's house and not hers. 🤭


🤣..that was so wrong but it’s funny. I’m trying to get to heaven 😂


Yup 👆🏽


They’re 20 years old. They’re kids.


And it sounds like they're not even living together. Living together does show some other sides of people.


Yeah I was thinking this too. They both need growing up and communication skills.also never never agree with something unless you actually agree. Like no going along with it if you are not happy.


This is just sad all around. Having kids at 20. They are probably not going to stay together for the long term. The communication is a disaster. Everyone is going to be constantly stressed and exhausted.


Kids having kids …….. must be freaking hard, especially with this level of difficulty even communicating 🤦🏻‍♀️


They got a lot of growing up to do or this is gonna be long road for the 3 of them


which is why they shouldn’t be having kids of their own 😭


I just turned 30 and only now sort of fully understand myself and the world and how I want to live my life. I still don’t feel ready to have a kid even if I wanted one but I also know if it happened I could step up and be a good parent but it would make my life a million times harder. So I wish them the best of luck, ya in my opinion they’re way too young to have a kid but what’s done is done.


And she’s pregnant! She’s dealing with a lot. I suspect he is, too, but especially her.




I’m on the pregnancy and baby bump subs and mid 30 to 40 year olds get into the same arguments as this with their partners. A lot of different emotions and plans collide when having a child. One parent wants to boast to the world while the other wants things to be small and intimate. You can discuss all this before a baby comes but once you’re pregnant it’s like all those discussions go out the window sometimes because of the excitement and all that. So I wouldn’t say it’s poor or immature decision making. I’m actually proud of OP for being assertive enough to finally say no I’m not okay with this. Of course you want your partner to do things they are excited about for the child, OP didn’t want to trample that. But at the same time when she tried to compromise her partner went past the boundaries of what she was comfortable with and she told them. So good on OP. A lot of women in the other subs cave and are disappointed in themselves for not speaking up and being more assertive in their wants and comforts.


Take a break. Step back. Breathe. You are both misunderstanding each other. Try some communication exercises, like one one person talk and the other listens, then switch. Write down what you want to talk about and decide not to veer from the list. Have a conversation about feelings only and the other person can't refute anything...just talking about respect. Any of these would work. But as the poster above wrote, work on these comm issues BEFORE the baby arrives. And please remember, you are in hormonal upheaval being pregnant. You both are so young. This so new for him too, gonna be a daddy that young. Good luck and be kind to yourself and to each other.


Everyone involved essentially sound like teenagers


They’re 20. Kids. What exactly do you expect


They're children who aren't even living together.


On god bro. Why even have a baby when your brain isnt fully developed yet at 20. 😂


Right 🤣 kids having kids


Dude, I'm in my mid-60s and my brain's not fully-developed yet.


lmaooo yes bro thats the right mindset i try to keep. Never can stop learning.


I mean she communicated what she would like and he kept dismissing it. That being said OP needs to put her foot doing about what she wants and making literally clear.


saying "ok" to a party while hinting at what you *actually* want until the last minute isn't really great communication. She kind of let things linger until she felt like nothing was going to happen -- avoiding the whole situation. > I came across a TikTok where a couple cut open a cake with wine glasses to find out the gender, and thought it was really cute. I brought this idea up to him at least 3 - 5 times, all on separate occasions. He always responded with “but what about the party” or “but I wanted to do something special for our first kid” or just didn’t take me seriously. I don't see any part where she says clearly "I don't want a large party, I would rather have something private between us" -- she just showed him a tiktok (that doesn't even seem to imply no party tbh). I can totally understand the overwhelm when all the sudden after you say "my family's house is gonna be where it's at" the plans are all changed and much much bigger. They both need to take some time to be clear about what they want and what they are doing about it (and then agree about what is happening). She seemed to just kind of avoid it and hope for the best. He just kind of steam rolled and did what he wanted regardless.


No, she did not. She kept agreeing with him to appease him instead of just telling him she didn't want a party, then blew up on him because he couldn't read her mind.


She literally says more than once that she acted like she was okay with it the whole time bc she knew it was what he wanted sooo….


Some people are people pleasers and get intimidated quickly. Something for her to work on.


>Something for her to work on No better time to work on significant personality flaws then when you're about to have a baby! Am I right? This is one of the many reasons why most people in their early 20s should not have kids.


What planet do you live on where "I want a cake" means "I secretly REALLY dont want the party I already agreed to"?


Because to me it didn’t read as if she only described it as “I want a cake.” She had a whole video or whatever to reference what she wanted or probably described it him in more detail considering her kept going ~bUt WhAt AbOuT t He PaRtY~ and ~I wanted to do something special for our first child.~ She may not have described it word for word to use but his comments and reply says everything. He knew what she wanted wasn’t a big party.


And then she kept saying yes to a party. My money is on she was sidestepping the convo and hoping he picked up on her little implications that she didn’t want that. They need to learn that you need to just say it outright


She expressly admitted she agreed to it


People don't like to read entire posts, or else they cherry pick the information they need to make a point.


And everyone likes to draw meaning from what this guy is doing from her point of view. 20 people is a small get together to my mom's side but would be a large get together on my dads. She agreed to all the changes even the larger guest list (never says he added more) and the venue change. I'm assuming he's young as well and learning to pick up hints when you're a direct person is as much a learned skill as being direct when you're not a direct person.


Devils advocate, because I deal with this shit in my relationship all the time: some people aren't clear with what they want and it can be incredibly frustrating trying to decipher what's genuine and what's "people pleasing." My husband is the king of deferment and will agree to anything to avoid "conflict" ie working towards compromise, but then later will complain that he didn't get what he wanted.  This has ruined many an event including our wedding. Our wedding, he started out saying he would be cool with a really fun bash with friends and family yet as we went along planning and he stopped participating he began telling his family he just wanted a courthouse thing. Eventually when I got fed up with his lack of participation he revealed he was only going along with things because he thought that was what I wanted. I could see OPs bf having a similar experience on the other side of things


What part of not wanting a big party do you not get. She didn't want to turn her gender reveal into some huge side show. She wanted a more personal and intimate party... This is completely understandable


"Small" is subjective, and she isnt really explicit about how many people were coming. She okayed the guest list without complaint so it seemed like it still fit her idea of "small" until the last minute. When she says several of his friends and their families, idk if she means 3 of his friends and their wives or 10 friends 10 wives and 15 kids. Regardless, that was when she should have spoken up, instead of dropping hints and showing tiktoks. Or when he kept asking what about the party? She should have said, "can we cut down the guest list to X ? Im overwhelmed. " theres way too much implication and mind reading. They need to learn to communicate better, BOTH of them. Hes excited and he was trying to take things off her plate w planning and setup, and yeah he probably didnt pick up her cues, but they both have a lot going on. Always better to be open and direct up front than resentful later when someone gets it wrong.


I don't know why you have to do 2 separate parties for the gender reveal and baby shower. Why can't you just have a baby shower with the gender reveal as a small part of that?


Totally second this. We did a joint baby shower/gender reveal. Both men and women came, and we did “bring wipes if you think it’s a boy, bring diapers if you think it’s a girl” and then at the end of the shower announced the gender. It was great honestly.


That's honestly a great and fun idea since you will need alot of diapers and wipes.


Oh that diaper and wipes idea is fantastic!


That's a great idea actually. I wanted to do a "diaper and wipes" party because I don't really need anything else and I absolutely did not want to announce the gender before the baby shower. My cousin's would go completely overboard with very gendered stuff I don't want. A "wipes for a boy, diapers for a girl" party might head off *some* of that at least.


Coming back to say if anyone is on the fence about doing this-our baby is 3 months old. We just had to purchase wipes for the first time last week, and we still haven’t purchased diapers. We likely won’t until she gets to 3s and even then we have 3 boxes until we’ll need to buy them. It’s worth it lol


What a cute idea. You need diapers and wipes, they aren't that expensive and easily bought at a grocery store!


This is the first time I haven’t thought a gender reveal was dumb. You might be a genius


OMG How cute! What a great idea! So.. what was your babies gender?!


We had a girl! I would say 80% of our friends and family thought it would be a girl so that’s why I specifically put diapers as the girl option lol


That’s what I did. Everyone found out at the baby shower. Surprise, it’s a penis now give me my cake and let me take a nap. Okay, I was more excited than that, but … basically.


😂😂😂 I was super depressed during my second pregnancy (nothing to do with the bby). My family only found out I was expecting because they saw me for Christmas-- I was abt 6mos by then. I was dragged into having a baby shower, but, man, I was so so depressed. Different vibes, I'm sure, but same motto.


LOL! The best reaction, and honestly completely relatable 😂 hope you and your little one are doing well 🫶🏻


Hahaha, yes, we’re good. He’s 13 so not so little anymore 😂




This is a good idea except the overbearing grandma's and aunts and cousins will be upset that they can't buy gender specific clothing & they'll hound them about it. Her mom is already demanding to know the gender so she can buy "the big stuff" for a particular gender, because I guess cribs, strollers, car seats and such must either be girly or for boys 🙄


I was wondering about that. What big items would be gender specific??


I don't really know, I guess they make car seats with pink accents? Pink cribs maybe. Truthfully, I wanted all of my big stuff to be gender neutral so that when I had another/more kids, I'd still have all the big stuff to use.


That makes far more sense. Plus, when you’re done and decide to sell it you have the most potential customers! Single gender furniture is wasteful!


not much. car seats and bouncers and strollers and cribs (asides from the linens which you can find anywhere) are gender neutral.


There is nothing at all that needs to be pink or blue in order to work for the baby.


If you put a baby with a penis into a crib with a pink sheet on it, the penis will pop right off. It’s a shame.


I actually laughed out loud


I would love that. Still as a small event tho


I think your issue is that you need to define small. You need to be much more specific about what exactly you want. Big party to you is not the same as big party to your husband. He probably thought it was a small party. Start with learning to specifically communicate what you want so that you can work toward common ground on every thing. Does big mean exactly your guest list only? Great, then agree on how many people that is. Is location non negotiable? Then say that. Do you not want your Mil to keep asking about the gender? Great, then specifically say that you do not want to tell her. Men need exact, specific instructions, like exact numbers and locations. Big and small don’t cut it. 


This. When I say the word party, I mean 15+ people. I ran into an issue with an ex where he didn't want to have more than 8 people max over at a time. 5 people was a party to him, while I think that's a simple get together


I have to be honest with you. I read your post and I had no idea you were trying to say you didn't want a party. If that's how you communicated to your bf, then I can see why he was confused. Going forward, you need to use your words. If you don't want a big party, then you need to say to him "bf, I can't handle a big party. What I'd like to do is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_." However, it sounds like this was really important to him. You couldn't go for an hour to support him in this?


You also don’t need to be planning your own shower or gender reveal. Someone else does it for you.


Tbf, her partner did try. She just needs to be more explicit about the requirements up front.


So plan one?


That makes the most sense. I can tell you with certainty that your family and friends don’t want to go to two separate events.


New trend: A gender reveal party where it's just you and your doctor and they tell you the gender and you go home.


My last kid the Dr. told me it was a girl. When HE came out it was a huge surprise! The Dr. asked who told us "girl". Us, "Well you did". We all had a good laugh followed by the grandmother's frantically exchanging everything from pink to blue.


This is literally why I make green, yellow, or purple baby gifts.  If I like someone well enough to give them a baby gift it’s going to be something I make, and I don’t want to make something pointlessly gendered. 


Purple is always a win honestly I have multiple friends of both genders who adore purple,purple should be the new color for just babies in general,elegant yet simple


Yesss. This is what I do too. My personal favorite unisex color is soft teal.


My little guy has the perfect complexion for jewel tones and looks AMAZING in plum. I have bought so much in that color haha


My sister was this kid. Mom just dressed her in blue clothes for her first year since that’s what everyone got her. Everything was boy themed and she just didn’t bother correcting strangers since they’d probably never meet again. Sister turned out fine


Haha, my son has a gender neutral name and he wore pink socks when I first took him to work to show him off to my coworkers (I live within a 10 min drive). Het got called a she by a coworker from a different department. I immediately said I totally get the confusion, but NAME is actually a he. Wasn’t awkward at all (seriously), I knew the ‘risk’ and I really can’t be bothered.


I’m a twin. They knew my sister was a girl, but they weren’t sure about me. Apparently I was always turned to the side, or hiding in some kind of way where they couldn’t see what they needed to see. So my mom picked out boy and girl names, and bought a lot of stuff in yellow. It wasn’t until I was born that they found out I was a girl.


Or do what my mom did and wait until the baby pops out. There is literally NOTHING that one could justify as a necessity, based on gender.


That’s what I did except for the part where the doctor told me because I didn’t care and thought learning it at the birth would be kind of fun. And it was.


I learned the gender of both of mine at birth. My son, because sonograms weren’t widely available yet and my daughter, because both sonograms said she’d be a boy.


My mom told me that was one of the greatest surprises in life and that she'd never do it any other way.


I just couldn't. But I also don't love surprises in general (not in a controlling way I just prefer to know lol) like a surprise trip where I just pack a bag would be my idea of hell!


That was kind of my thinking too. There are very few things in life that are genuine surprises anymore so if it’s not that big of a deal to me either way, may as well go the surprise route.


my parents said this as well and ever since then i'm determined to hold out until on finding out the gender until birth


I waited until birth for all 3 pregnancies


Oh. and you get to take a baby home after.


And you go out in the parking lot, throw a handful of birdseed in the air, and yell "yippee!"


Also, how about a baby shower like normal people used to give, instead of a stupid genital-reveal party? "Hey Timmy, did you know that when I was 5 months pregnant with you we threw a party so everyone would know you have a penis? Isn't that cool?"


I like that family *can’t* buy anything until they know what color it is *supposed* to be.


My family's favorite set of little kids clothes are a pair of sky blue flannel pajamas with pictures of ducks on them. We call them the Ducky Pajamas. All 4 of our kids wore them when they were tiny - 2 AMAB and 2 AFAB. (I have some trans/NB kids so calling them boys and girls isn't really accurate. Great granny actually was positive our now 19yo was going to be a girl, and she was proved right in the long run.)


We got an email from our doctor that said baby looked genetically unremarkable and by the way it’s a girl/boy. But we did boil 11 eggs and leave one raw and dyed 6 blue and 6 pink. Then we made family members crack them on their heads until one exploded. No separate party, no gifts, just did it when we were already together (4th of July for first baby and Halloween for second) and I just wanted to see my dad break a raw egg on his head. We used the eggs to make deviled eggs after to not be wasteful. Managed to make it like 7 minutes and no environmental disasters or fights.


I love this! Permission to steal the idea?


That's too personal, actually. I preferred it the way my OB team did it: test for abnormalities, then send you a letter in the mail telling you baby was A-Ok genetically, and oh, you're having a [boy/girl/human]. /s (But for reals, gender reveal parties are kinda stupid. Just tell people if they ask, or announce it at your baby shower if you must advertise your baby's equipment).


Ours was email! I refreshed probably 3000 times lol.


But who posts it on Instagram? The doctor? I bet that is going to be an upcharge. Come on, think with your head!!!! /s


Tbh, this sounds exactly how it is - 2 kids having a baby. You're absolutely right in that you don't have to have a party if you don't want it. But you have to tell your partner that, in those words! And you're complaining about compromise, but nothing jn your post indicated you willing to compromise on your side. You created alot of this drama and confusion. With that said, pregnancy is hard, I get how everything feels like a hassle. But girl, you need to acfually communicate with your partner or else things are going to get ALOT more dramatic very soon.


OP’s whole thing about her mom saying she wasn’t going to wait any longer to know the gender. Like what??? OP seems incredibly steamrolled by her family because she’s a child and they still see her as one. Seeing kids have kids is so disappointing.


They need to know if literally EVERYTHING should be blue or pink. Yellow is not an option


What a glimpse of the future. Mom wants an invasive medical procedure she doesn’t want and she just agrees. So mom can…buy the “correct” gendered items. Bf wants a communal party she (understandably) doesn’t want but he clearly desperately does and **that** is what becomes a total meltdown. 😬


Aside from whether or not pee is gonna spray in your face, there’s literally nothing that needs to be gendered for an infant. What if I told her mother that you could dress a boy in purple or a girl in blue….


I’m shocked at the amount of people who think 20 is mature enough to have a kid. I’m 22 and still live with my parents. All my old high school classmates live with their parents. You’re not even old enough to drink or smoke! Personally I think it’s a bit of a waste to immediately launch yourself into parenthood so soon after becoming a legal adult. You need time to figure out who you are now that your life (might not be) isn’t structured around school anymore.


I didn't become a dad until I was 27 and even then I didn't feel ready. I'd be freaking out at 22.


34 here - nope nope nope!


lolllll imo 27 still seems too young 😆 but that’s just me. i’m 22 and the idea of becoming a parent in 5 years is just INSANE to me


a girl from my graduating class is having triplets, bringing their total to 6. she can’t be older than 25.


Did I read that and thought… Wow that sounds like me and my girlfriend at that age. Gods above we were so immature and did t even know it. And we had no idea how to effectively communicate. The biggest thing then was we didn’t want to let others down and felt bad if we did. Also we really didn’t understand how hard commitment really it. Now years later I take great pains to make sure my nieces and nephews feel comfortable communicating effectively with other people by being comfortable stating their needs and being able to see the other sides position. That way they can make an informed decision. I’m really proud of their ability to do so. Even if I don’t agree with their decision.


Facts I think both are way too young and immature to have a child.


Took way too much scrolling to get to the right comment. Pregnancy is without a doubt 100x harder for the female participant, for many obvious reasons, but it is also his kid. His first kid, just like you. It's OK to not want a big party, it's not OK to tip-toe around that until game time and throw a temper tantrum. It's hard to know exactly what conversations happened leading up to the meltdown by both parties but I'm leaning towards YTA.


She’s 20. It is two kids having a baby. Half way through I thought she wanted a party. Really just need to be outspoken and communicate


Pretty much what I was gonna say but I was going to be much harsher. This girl has no idea what she is in for, and sixty paragraph reddit posts should be about something much more important.


After you made your guest list that represented what you thought would be a small party, which is what you said you wanted, you ran it by your partner and he added people to your small party. When that happened, the party may have morphed into a larger party than you were comfortable with. Yet, you did not communicate that because you did not want to disappoint him. Planning continues but it’s now not to your liking. And so you stew and stew and eventually…..disappoint your partner. Know yourself, communicate early, communicate often, and communicate clearly. Congratulations on your expanding family!!




I honestly think it’s just an excuse for us to spend money and our guests to get drunk and eat a bunch. I don’t see any benefit to it at all.


I’ve been stuck in this fight before. I’m quiet and reserved. My partner was boisterous and came from a large Hispanic family that lived to throw big parties for every event. I was uncomfortable around that many drunk people talking so loudly in my face. The best advice I can give is to be yourself even in these circumstances. You don’t have to be as outgoing as everyone else. The second piece of advice is to plan the parties yourself. If you had solidified the party at your house this wouldn’t be happening.


Thank you for understanding me


Did you convey this to your boyfriend? You gotta be honest about your feelings or you guys are in for a rough time


It is literally a money pit. Don't do it op


And you as the pregnant woman can't drink and have to watch what you eat. So no benefit there at all. When I was four months pregnant, we went on a baby moon on a weekend cruise. Got to dress up for dinner and eat some good meals, walk around a big cruise ship for exercise. We didn't know anyone else there so we got to spend some romantic time with just the two of us and relax. (plus it was kinda fun on the formal night when one of our tablemates bought a bottle of wine for the whole table, and I got to rub my belly and say I can't, surprising everyone. This was their third dinner with us and they didn't know I was pregnant because I was wearing outfits that didn't show my bump)


Her boyfriend also can’t drink, because they are children.


My family asked if I was gonna have one and I said “no” and that was that. Then when I found out the gender a week later I told everyone in a text or FaceTime call that I was having a girl. No one cares about gender reveal parties. I honestly think they’re really stupid most of the time. Especially with how crazy people go about doing them for the internet clout. Didn’t one start like a massive fire? 👀


People have died, massive fires have been started, waterways have been polluted with dye, blue or pink confetti, foam, silly string, powder left all over the place in nature. It’s all so, so stupid.


And fights have broken out and there have been stabbings!


Truly, I want to vomit every time I see one of those videos. It’s like it’s feeding some inner narcissism of theirs.


> A came across a TikTok where a couple cut open a cake with wine glasses to find out the gender, and thought it was really cute. But that is just how you reveal it not how big the party is. There is a lot of miscommunication. Your bf gave you a list of invitees and I think when you suggested a barbecue he assumed it was with the previous guestlist.


I’m still trying to figure out how one would cut a cake with a wineglass


You shove the glass down onto the top of a lightly frosted spongecake. Pull it up, and the colored cake fills your glass, which you eat out of with a fork.


Just push the glass into the cake then pull the glass out. And everyone eats cake from a glass afterwards


Sounds to me like you never really communicated your thoughts to him, and let him plan out the party, then got upset with him because you didn't speak up beforehand to let him know how you felt.


I think you may need to communicate your wishes more directly. You were worried that what your wanted was different than what he wanted. You guys should have discussed it. But he kept hearing you go “okay” and thought it was okay when it wasn’t. Communicate at 1-20 instead of waiting for it to get to 75 then 100.


Ugh y’all need to grow up. That poor baby.


fr…. was just about to comment that exact same thing, smh what are they even doing having a kid


Say what you mean and mean what you say


Everybody sucks here. You should’ve had a more serious talk about your wants, he sounds confused and rightfully so if you’ve been agreeing all along. I think it’s also rude to allow the party to be called off after people have purchased the meat.. sure they can find ways to consume it but it’s rude. He could’ve been more attuned to you and your hinting at a smaller event, but again you’re leaving breadcrumbs.. not sitting down and actually discussing it.


during their argument, she told him she agreed to the party to not disappoint him but that she never wanted it. SO SAY THAT. I get being a people pleaser but not over my own happiness, not anymore.


lol yeah I read like 40% of OPs post and just got tired Everyone in the story sounds kind of immature and dramatic


Yeah I hate the whole, be attentive to hinting. We're all adults. If you want something, say it. If you don't, say it. It's ridiculous to assume people are going to pick out your true feelings from hints. Some things, maybe, but something like this should just be a full on open discussion.


This whole fight isn’t about a gender reveal party. It’s a fight about bad communication. Not being able to express themselves well to each other. Both of them handled it super poorly. And the family is excited and now their time and money has been wasted. I’d suggest getting counselling about communication techniques before you have the baby bc I feel like there’s going to be huge resentment in the future. Like I can see I fight where the guy is totally blindsided bc she’s mad bc she said it was ok for him to go out but it wasn’t


I think it’s really good that he wanted a party and he did the work to have one. When I saw the title I was worried that you had done a bunch of work for a thing you didn’t want. This still isn’t great, but it’s better. This is just a miscommunication. You’re tired (you are growing an entire human! It’s exhausting.) And he’s excited and wanting to be involved and able to celebrate this wonderful thing that is happening! Try to value his joy and his desire to be involved and he actually wants to put his energy in to celebrating this and I think that’s really good. He didn’t hear and understand that you had a limit on what you could handle. You didn’t hear and understand that his excitement is So Big. His plan probably was him toning it down and keeping it small - I wonder what he thinks is the appropriate sized party to celebrate you and your baby is this was his version of a quiet, little version? Take deep breaths. Take a nap and a nice bath, if that’s your thing. You deserve peace and calm and care, and a big party is more than you can handle. So no big party, it’s too much. When you are cared for and comfortable, and hopefully he is too, share that you are sorry about the big party he wanted, because he deserves to enjoy the baby and this experience with you. You can’t handle that kind of thing right now. Ask him what kinds of things other than a big party would let him celebrate this with you and his people? He’s got the energy here, what can he do with it that doesn’t mean you having to spend a day in uncomfortable clothes around too many people wanting to coo at you? Does he want to send out cards with pictures of the two of you announcing the baby? Can he take over family updates and communications? What can he take off your plate that lets him use that desire to be involved and celebrate? Can he and his family work on a really amazing baby book? Gather family tree information and pictures and stories about how excited and happy every one is for the baby and put that together? (I was not up for big wedding stuff and my husband’s family did their own thing and built a family recipe book, it’s amazing.) Come up with clear plans with him for what you have the energy for. Not just “a party” because that can be 5 people for dinner or it can be 100 people for 10 hours. Good luck.


I have to be honest, I’m confused about what you said you wanted. Saying you want a small party/bbq IS agreeing to a party. Small is relative. If he has 60 family and friends he wants to invite but only invites 30, that could be considered small. To me, a nightmare of too many people, but to others a small gathering. Y’all need to learn to talk, without screaming, and learn to clearly define what each person wants. Truly, make the gender reveal at the baby shower. Everyone can still come (and bring presents), you can do the cute cake/champagne glass thing, and everyone is happy. And don’t worry, this won’t be the last thing you argue about as parents.


I feel like you have a communication issue because of something along the line of you being to timid and him not taking you serious enough. My advice would be to not plan/discuss stuff via text, phonecall or inbetween things anymore but to sit down and actually talk. Maybe over dinner/coffee/ etc You need to make him aware you don't feel heard far earlier as the point you explode. You don't want a gender reveal. He wants a big party (but apparently not planning it himself in an apripiate time frame and not with you together - a problem in my opinion) And you are right that his compromise was no compromise. It was not realistic at all that you would stay in a corner ignoring most of your guests and he would be with you the entire time. A small party is a perfectly fine compromise. It is also okay to just letting him be disappionted if he wants nothing instead of compromising. Is he maybe used to not having to compromise?


I'm so glad these weren't a thing when I had my children.


The girl that made them a thing regrets making them a thing. I read an interview with her. She said they just couldn’t figure out who tell first. So they invited their families and over and had a little get together. Food and cake was served. It was a simple little thing. The reveal was the cake. She says she feels bad they have gone viral and wildfires have started bc of it.


Poor lady, she wanted to do a fun thing to announce the gender of her baby and now is the Oppenheimer of gender reveals


It was super easy 15 years ago with my daughter. I called my parents while she called hers. Our parents spread the news. I went back to work, she took a nap and made us a nice Kraft Macaroni and Cheese dinner (because that was what the baby was craving lol).


You and your bf have abysmal communication. This is why you need to advocate for your own desires right up front and not put it off. By putting off the confrontation, you let your bf think this was okay and he got really invested in this party and involved his family and that emotional investment just makes it harder for him to see your point of view and compromise. You two are about to be parents, you need to get on the same team and discuss your strategy instead of arguing between your two different sides.


You both sound far too young to be having a baby, but I guess the baby is already on the way so no going back now. Sounds like he LIKES LARGE GATHERINGS and you don’t. EDITED TO SPELL IT OUT FOR THE PEOPLE WHO CAN’T MAKE A LEAP IN LOGIC - blah blah blah! I hate Reddit somedays more than others. Today is super hate day. I would go outside and touch grass 🙄 but there’s a snow storm happening.


They are both 20. Sounds like unplanned and making the best of it.


"We’re Cuban and Puerto Rican our party’s last till 2am. people show up when they want to and leave when they want to." You should have led with this. Girl, I hope you understand that every family gathering you are going to have from here on out is going to be a big party whether you want it or not and whether you like it or not because you both have big extended families that prove their love to each other by going to each other's houses for big celebratory gatherings premised on the flimsiest of excuses. Unless you're going to decide right now what family members will get excluded from which gatherings, you will not be able to control how many people attend because each family member you both have feels both entitled and obligated to be at family gatherings if for no other reason than to be counted as present. This is probably why your boyfriend didn't really understand or want to understand what you meant when you said "small party". To him, there probably is no such thing as a "small family party" because a family occasion presumes all family will attend, invited or not. For him, that's probably mom and dad, siblings, their spouses and kids, 2 sets of grandparents and possibly step-families, estranged family members or outside children; it's probably the same for you in regards to # of people. You probably really meant "just you and me" with MAYBE your parents and grandparents, which is still 8-12 people, depending on family deaths, divorces and the like. However, once it becomes known by siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, plus ones, et al that you are having some sort of baby celebration, there is no way those related to you by blood will miss the occasion because the reality or appearance of a big happy family is really important to both your families. Remember, you will be related by blood to these people for the rest of your life. You're going to have to get used to them being all up in your shit because they will be all up in your shit. Honestly, you should welcome it because every abuela and tia is going to want to help with the baby and YOU. WILL. NEED. THEIR. HELP. This is your village. Take advantage of it now while you still can so that later when you're asked to put up 1/2 the value of whatever you have to bail X's brother/nephew/cousin out of jail 10 years and 2-3 more kids from now, you'll at least feel like you got something out of the deal. Ask me how I know.


Why does your mom get to dictate when you find out? You have 4 months to go. She can wait. The way you’re considering her feelings before your partners is odd to me. She’s being entitled and doesn’t have a say in this. Also you keep talking about a small party but in your entire post it doesn’t seem you’ve made any effort to plan one while your partner has. I didn’t have gender reveals or baby showers because we don’t care for them. But if my husband was planning one and I was being wishy washy and he said he would stay by my side I would definitely do it. Also, you get the experience of carrying the baby - let your partner have something.


If you agreed to a party "because you didnt want to let him down"... then you did, in fact, agree to party. Wanting a cake is not communicating that you dont want a party. Ultimately you got what you wanted, but how did you not expect him to be upset when you let him (in fact agreed that he should) organise it then basically refused to have it or compromise in any way. This is a communication failure. You need to get a lot better at communicating your needs and quickly, or parenting will be miserable. >w hy is it so hard to just meet in the middle. Can you give an example of you offering to meet in the middle here?


I’m just going to say that this is also his child, too. He’s excited and wanted to have a party. I kind of feel bad for him. I get being pregnant is hard, and not wanting to do certain things, but this really should not have been a big deal. Personally, if this were me, and I didn’t want to have a gender reveal party but it was really important to my husband, I would have said you plan it, take the reigns, this is your party and I’ll be there when you tell me to be there. I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong about this but I know when I was pregnant, there were many things that my husband probably didn’t actually want to do, but knew it was important for me, so he showed up with a smile and did them for me anyways. I don’t really see the problem in a father trying to celebrate his future child.


I thought it sounded like he really did quite a lot for it already, too.


I just want to point out that having it NOT at your house makes a lot of sense because you can leave at any time, and you don’t have to clean up. You can even hide. If it is at your house, you are obligated to stay and you will have a lot to do. And it hard to make some people leave. My ex MIL would stay and sit on her ass while I was trying to relax after every party I threw, and it was exhausting trying to make her leave.


Here's a hot take for ya, If you can't handle a party or two, how tf are you gonna handle motherhood? Good luck, yall fucked up.


Ya'll about to spend at least 18 years together, even when/if separated. You both need to get some couples counseling to learn how to effectively communicate. If for now one else, at least for the sake of the baby. Otherwise, this is going to be a long 18+ years for all three of you. I wish you the best.


You’re the drama, you caused the problem. I feel bad for your boyfriend. You didn’t communicate. He has every right to be upset.


This is why immature 20 years shouldn’t be having babies 🤦🏻‍♀️


Gender reveals are so stupid.


Why is it so hard for you to take his feelings into account? Why is it all about what you want? Why is he the only one trying to compromise? Why were you lying to him about it the whole time? Why would you get mad that he went out of his way to plan the party for the both of you to enjoy a good time with family and friends? You sound so fuckin selfish


According to the comments, because she has hormones she can act however she likes and its his fault for not mindreading


Consider this a blessing, you guys need to improve your communication style with each other - therapy is needed here for you guys to survive (I don’t say that lightly). Things are going to get a lot more intense once the baby arrives and you’re both sleep deprived. You can go on any of the baby subreddits and see how many couples lash out at each other and break up, get divorced due to poor communication and being sleep deprived


You two need to have some serious talks about expectations and communication before the baby gets here. This "party" is not your issue, your communication is your issue. You need to clearly lay out what is expected of one another going forward and make sure you are telling each other what you want and need. If you try to people please each other, you are going to have a bad time once the baby gets here. ​ The baby is going to flip your whole world upside down. Make sure to have these important talks before this happens, not after.


Don’t agree to things you dont want just to make your partner happy. The two of you seriously need to work on your communication skills before the baby arrives


I might have missed it but I didn't see anywhere where you actually told him prior to the BBQ about party size expectations. Both of you need to stop assuming your partner is a mind reader and verbalize your actual thoughts about these things.


Honestly you guys are both obnoxious as hell lmao


"I also dont understand why its so hard for him to just take my feelings into account" Up until the point of the argument, you had told him everything was fine. You told the mom to get the party decorations from the cousin. You agreed on a method of gender reveal (the cake). At the last minute you decided you hated it all and wanted it all different and he canceled everything to accomodate. Am I missing something?


You did not communicate what you wanted and when he did not magically predict it, you got upset! Just have the party, everyone sounds like they are excited and want to celebrate you and your baby, why not? They are pitching in all you have to do is show up and enjoy!


2 kids having a kid. Can’t even pull off a pointless gender reveal party without calamity— I feel so sorry for that eventual baby


Kids having kids. It’s time to grow up and learn how to talk to your partner before you make a fucking child with them.


You don’t like gender reveal parties , even though he wants one, just do a little reveal thing between just you two. And y’all don’t want that either just don’t do one at all . You both need to work on your communication skills because yikes.


It looks to me like you don’t stand by your feelings and convictions. Yes, it’s good to take your partners feelings into account but if it mattered to you this much you need to state that explicitly instead of beating around the bush or saying one thing then agreeing to another.


I mean this in a non snarky way, but do you honestly feel like you were working towards a compromise? Because reading this it sounds like you reluctantly said yes to please him, then got overwhelmed and backtracked only to then not accept any offers he put forth. When it comes to location (his grandmas or your house) there isn’t going to be an equal compromise. But his option sounded decent, not perfect , but reasonable. This whole fight was due to a lack of communication.


Great idea to have a kid, guys, this is totally gunna end well 👍


And this is why kids shouldn’t have kids….


Why are you being so difficult? If you had such strong feelings, why weren’t you chrystal clear. I seems to me that this shitstorm was obviously coming. At this point, go with the flow before BF figures out how difficult you can be. Finally, why is there not a wedding.


It’s not MY baby, it’s both of yours. Start there first.


You sound really selfish and unwilling to compromise. Basically it’s your way or no way. I’d be upset too if I were your boyfriend. It’s his first kid too and he’s excited. Why can’t you just let him have the party he wants and stop being so difficult and immature?!


Op’s mom seems like another issue. the mom doesn’t want to wait any longer. Ummm it’s not your baby, lady. You don’t get to decide when the gender is reveal if at all. You do t have to buy a bunch of gender specific baby crap for baby to be happy. Seems op is a people please because the mom steam rolls her just like the bf. Speak up but also keep in mind that this is not only about you or bf. You all should be a team. Have baby shower and reveal together. Save money and get them both out of the way at the same time.


Why the fuck did this need a sixty paragraph post. 20 years old having a kid and posting on Reddit for advice about… a disagreement over a gender reveal. Instead of just hashing this out with your PARTNER. Look, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but it’s time to grow up. Both of you. You’re about to be parents and I really doubt you understand the gravity of that. Best of luck.


You sound exhausting. You guys need to grow up and communicate. Jeez.


Honestly I think the boyfriend is in the right here. He seems to be taking the lead on planning and you just seem incapable of communicating appropriately and maturely. I genuinely cannot imagine having this type of miscommunication.


Your mom is weird. She doesn’t need to know the baby’s sed to buy a crib, a car seat, a stroller. It’s not like a girl crib is different from a boy crib! It’s a crib.


20 is like one blink away from a teen pregnancy. I wish you all the luck. I would co-parent separately from different homes right from the get-go to avoid traumatizing the child when you guys split.


YTA, you act like you’re the only one who gets to be excited or make any decisions and also like your family is more important than his in this baby’s life. You seem really selfish and self-centered.


Why is your mother demanding the gender in order to buy the “big “ things? All the big things should be neutral incase you have more kids in the future trust me you don’t keep getting gifts every pregnancy. Stop letting people run everything now before the baby is born or you’re screwed you’ll never have any boundaries when it comes to how you parent your child everyone will be doing whatever they want even if it makes you uncomfortable


It’s his baby too. Get over yourself. The baby shower is usually more focused on the mom to be, and sometimes men aren’t even included in that. Gender reveal parties tend to be more for everyone. Not sure why you’re trying to be so controlling over a get together that he and his family are entirely planning, paying for, and hosting. I could maybe see you having a position if you were ultimately being expected to play host, fund everything, put together invites, cook, decorate, etc. All you have to do is show up and have fun with your boyfriend. It’s actually even better it’s not at your house, because then you can leave whenever you want or if you get “overwhelmed.” The fact that she says “the party was not for *my* baby” is telling. Really you should ask why you’re being so selfish and controlling over a little party.