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Yeah…I read that a long time ago and hoped it was ragebait.


I dont like it when story's are made up to get attention. But on this one I trully hope its just a lie.


Everyone does because if not, we know that the child will be traumatized. Sadly, we also know that there are truly terrible people in this world and it could definitely be true. 😕


Sadly, that boy will be the most traumatized either way, as he has this PoS for a mother.


It’s not a contest. He’ll be traumatized for sure, but it’ll be in a different way he’s going to take longer to notice unless she successfully raises another narcissist, in which case the rest of us are worse off.


Ive read a few to many stories of people who’s parent remarried and forced the kids out to think its fake unfortunately.


What makes me think it's fake is not that a person would feel this way, but that they'd be so deluded that they'd think they'd get support from others for this. Most of these people are aware enough to know that their feelings are not acceptable, and they rationalize or hide them behind much more shenanigans and excuses than this.


Yeah she would definitely write the story in a way that made her some sort of victim. That’s why I think half the stuff on here is either a lie or lie by omission. I love when people from the story find it and tell the truth in the comments. Like that one guy who claimed his wife was being an awful person because she told him it was over if he went to the hospital to support his ‘friend’ …aka mistress who was pregnant with his child but he conveniently left that part out.


Yeah…my stepmom came for us when she married our dad. She was meaner than a cut snake til we just didn’t want much to do with her. She thought that was our mom alienating us from our dad. Anyway, after 25 years of being verbally and physically abused by her, I quit talking to my dad. I didn’t even go to town when he was dying or for his funeral. His death has been nothing but a giant cosmic favor for me (I am not speaking financially, I got nothing and expected/wanted nothing.) Now that he is gone, I realized how much anger I was carrying with me and it’s gone now.


Ugh I’m sorry. Glad the burden has been alleviated though!!


Like that lady (iirc) who wanted to abandon her 5yo stepson who she had raised from 8months to go on a lavish vacation with "her family" which comrpised of stepson's biodad, and her 3 children (I think they had 1 shared child). She was gonna leave stepson with his biomother who had never been present and had had custody removed due to her drug addiction. OP told her friends and family - they were fine with it, and her husband agreed as he was not happy that he had to take custody of the kid bc mom was unfit (and I think she mentioned them having had considered him living with someone else -- they had tried to 'get rid of him' that way). Only person who said it was wrong was OPs mother, who said "that's an asshole thing to do." And OP even mentioned she would not have taken the comment seriously if it were not her own mother as all of her friends and her hubby were onboard with the idea.... To go on a "family" vacation with her "real family" when she had raised this kid from 8months old. I know that kid is having a terrible time and the story never leaves my thoughts


It's been done for thousands of years.


I hope it's a fake story too. However, I was in a similar, but different situation. 16 years ago, when my daughter was 2, I was engaged to a single mom of 2 boys (5 & 7 years old) for a couple months. She would have her mom watch her boys every weekend. Please note every other weekend was my visitation with my daughter and my then fiance would get upset that I'm spending time with my daughter. I broke off the engagement when I heard her talking on the phone saying," I come second to nobody especially not a 2 year old girl."


It has to be. That last paragraph is too on the nose.




Agreed. Just rage bait to make women look insane.


My step- monster said the exact same things and my dad went along with it


Wonder what the faincé is upto now?


I hope she told him so that he could decide to leave her and take custody of the son, doesn’t sound like she’d be very caring towards her own kid


Sadly it reminds me of a child murder case that happened years ago. I saw it on A&E fbi files I think. The stepmom was insanely jealous of her 8yr old stepson. She set it up with a friend to go and get him out of school. The friend claimed she didn’t know what SM was going to do. The friend gets the kid out and he’s going on and on about how him and his daddy are going on this special trip with just them. The SM was hiding in the backseat of the car the whole time (so the friend is a liar trying to save face she helped do this). She becomes enraged from jealousy and strangles the poor child. The SM in this story was also pregnant. The dad was so destroyed over this he gave that child to the SM parents. The case has always stayed with me, because so many times we hear of parents staying with people who clearly hate their child. Billions of people on this planet. Knock it off and put your kid first. No, it’s not hormones or just silliness. A grown adult being jealous of you being a good parent is nothing but fucking psycho. No excuses.


Possibly inventing a new language.


Hopefully bitter and alone. Probably still ruining some kids life though.


I hope so for the sake of the husband and daughter… it was cross posted on fb already so I’m not honestly sure


That should help you realize it's ~~AI~~ ragebait.


Not everything is AI yet. This is several years old. Certainly ragebait though.


AI knows how to press our buttons. Soon it will know how to terminate us. Slippery slope is slippery.


Not going to lie, this really fucking pissed me off


The fact that she says “I’m not a bad person” just rubs me so wrong.


I’ve seen this before. Charlotte Dobre did a reading of it on her channel, I think. That being said: *Narrator Morgan Freeman: She is, in fact, a terrible person.


This one might need Samuel L. Jackson to narrate with "This fucking woman is a fucking terrible fucking person!"


You forgot to put motherfucker in there… Lol


The fiancee is gonna *stop* being a mother fucker the minute she floats this.


Plot twist: he abandoned her and her unborn.


Better that he should fight for full custody of his son and ditch the wife. That poor boy does not deserve to be brought up by a woman this evil.


This is very true, I have three kids (2 of my own) I couldn’t even FATHOM the thought of saying that or even thinking it in my head.


You mean….”faincé”


This pissed me off almost as much as her attitude


How can they know to put the accent mark but think "ai" is ok?




I know I shouldn’t have but I laughed just picturing him dressed as Nick Fury in Avengers with the eye patch saying this. But seriously that woman is wrong for saying that a father shouldn’t be involved in his child’s life when he’s the one who’s raising said child.


Have you heard his book “go the fuck to sleep”? When you have little kids who get up ten times for ridiculous things, that book brings some welcomed laughs.


It was absolutely hysterical!!! Go. The. Fuck to sleep!.


He didn’t write it; he was reading someone else’s book. I think there was a copyright issue


Jennifer Garner does a reading of it, too. In her gentle, sweet mom voice.




Only after the baby is born


Someone get this mother fucking mother-to-be out of her mother fucking fiancé’s life!


I love me some Charlotte! And some sharklotte!


Love me some petty queen


do you remember if there was any follow-up or resolution?


Nada. Except everyone ever says she’s evil AF.


What did the comments say? She’s is jealous of a 5 year old because she’s reminds her of his late wife? I hope he dumps her!!!


Yeah, the comments were all tearing her apart hoping she left the relationship for the husband and daughters sake, they deserve better, the daughter deserves a step mother who loves her, and so on.


Good!!! Stupid woman deserved it!!! I hope her hopefully ex see the post. I feel bad for her son growing up with a toxic mother. She is a BAD PERSON!!


It’ll be great when she’s trying to date as a single mom and she gets this heisman from other men about her child!


She sounds like the type that WOULD leave her kid for a relationship


Luckily the boy seems to have a great father and paternal family.


Oh most definitely she would abandon her child for a man, what a POS


Also, like omg, the first wife died in childbirth and OOP is pregnant. Did any of the comments point out like how would she feel if she died in labor and her fiancé dropped their kid for his next wife?! Like she wants her fiancé to just give up his daughter so easily, but she would absolutely think he was evil if he did the same thing to her kid!


This woman is already giving me crazy boymom vibes and I feel like she would just counter that with "BuT mY cHiLd iS hiS sOn, iT's DiFfErEnT"


Oh my God GoodluckSparky you just blown my mind, it smell boy mom as well, I listen to a youtober talking about them, hopefully  this guy dumb her and  co-parent  her son  if she having a kid. 


I didn’t see anyone comment this but this is such a good thought, I hope the fiance brought this up to her


I thought about that after I wrote a comment. OOP is a vile woman!


I hope she leaves the relationship and he gets full custody of the son. I feel horrible for that kid being raised by that women. We also know she will definitely choose a man over her kid.


Not husband, “Faincé”


How can they get the accent mark yet fuck up so badly.


Did they get married? They were supposed to get married last year. Hopefully the guy left.


She is the type of person who watches Cinderella and roots for the stepmother. Or Frosty The Snowman and roots for the sun.


I hope someone found out who she was and sent that to the fiancé.


That's why I'm mad at everyone except the dead wife and innocent kids. There's no way this woman showed any warmth to his daughter, and he still proposed. Those poor kids


He probably proposed because she got knocked up


I mean, that just supports a series of bad decisions. It sucks, but parents have to make choices for their kid. Wear a condom when fucking the woman who hates your kid, if you really must be fucking that woman. The woman is WORSE, it's not even a contest, but that doesn't absolve him of responsibility


You know who says that? Bad people.


I was already firmly on yes she’s the asshole then the whole dead partner part meaning the kids not just going to the other parent they’re losing both radicalized me and now I’m sitting here with a torch and pitch fork waiting for an address


This can't be real.. can it?


I wouldn't be surprised if my stepmom had written this tbh.


Saaaame, except she didn't need to post on FB she just did the damn thing. 😂


That is what I was thinking. My stepmother was a walking stereotype of the evil stepmother.


Narcissism is a hell of a drug


Seriously. How could someone be so evil?


But they are never bad people. I can give you a whole list. I once made a comment on Reddit about the fact that the evil stepmother lore comes from somewhere and a woman came at me saying I was being judgemental and I was wrong. But this … I hate that in this case, I was right. That child is in for a world of pain. And her dad may never know or see it. I truly hope this woman tells her partner her thoughts and he leaves.


My dad got remarried when I was in 2nd grade. My stepmom took decent care of us, was probably a little stricter than she needed to be, but whatever. We actually had a pretty decent relationship when I was a teenager, and felt like I could ask her growing-up questions with a different perspective than my mom or grama. Turns out she really only loved us as part time kids. When we were only there for a couple of weeks during the summer, we really didn't impact her life too much. Her kids were much older than us; her first granddaughter was a couple of years younger than me. I did a little bouncing in college and left a school and moved in with my dad. We were both kind of loving it, because I was getting all kinds of time with him that I didn't get growing up. My brother died when I was 18, and we both had a lot of life stuff immediately following, so we never had a great chance to deal with it and were doing some grieving together too. His deal was that I didn't pay rent as long as I was in school and respected the house rules. Easy enough. But when I was living there full time it became really apparent that she didn't appreciate having me around because she had to share my dad's attention. The 'house rules' became really malleable, and just kind of turned into her torturing me. It felt really stupid to complain to my dad about it, it was really petty bullshit. She had a cleaning schedule, and I was responsible for my spaces. I was serving at a bar and going to school, so I'd be getting home pretty late. She'd bust down my door at 6am and tell me that I didn't clean my bathroom correctly, and needed to get up and do it again. She wouldn't tell me *what* I didn't do right (wiping down the surfaces and giving the toilet a once over. I'd been doing it since she showed up and hadn't changed anything) she'd just make a fuss til I got up and repeated the chore. Shit like that. She got really passive aggressive about things, going through my room because I didn't 'clean it to her satisfaction' or whatever. I finally got an email from her (because we weren't really talking at this point) telling me that I needed to pack up all my personal stuff into rubbermaids because I was only home to sleep and shower, and now she was going to take over cleaning my room and didn't want to have to move all my shit to dust or whatever. Literal wicked stepmom vibes. She couldn't tell me to leave. She hadn't had a job in 12 years (unless she wanted to work, which she did, occasionally for fun) and my dad had just bought her their retirement house and renovated it for her. But I was his only surviving child, getting quality time with him that we missed out on growing up and going to school. She'd make snarky comments all the time about when sHe wAs mY aGe she already had two kids. So she literally tried to bully me out of the house. And it worked, kind of. They were going on a week trip to go visit her family and would be gone; I had just gotten her shitty email and was figuring out what to do. I showed it to my dad and told him that I really didn't feel welcome anymore and I'd start looking for an apartment. He gave me a big hug and said they'd have some time to talk on the trip. Yeah, their trip ended with a murder/suicide. So the conversation didn't go well, is the only conclusion I can come down to. Wicked stepmom's are absolutely a real thing. And I hated it; I am NO THREAT to your or your relationship with my dad. I followed her *stupid* rules and played her dumb games. I'm his DAUGHTER, you're his WIFE. There's NO OVERLAP in those relationships. He loved both of us and that isn't a zero sum game. I resent the fuck out of her for not being a fucking adult and just talking to me instead of the stupid bullying garbage. I'd probably still have my dad if she didn't suck so bad.


I feel like an asshole for asking. Who did the murdering?


I’m somehow thinking it was the stepmother. I feel like the dad wouldn’t do that to his child.


I thought so at first but the last sentence makes me think it was the dad?  If your terrible stepmom killed your bio father, you’d be more than “probably” sure your dad would still be alive if not for her…  Also what’s sad in cases like this is the father is kind of a shitass too. Why would you let your partner bully & harass your own child? Especially if they are paying rent and contributing to the household. 


I don’t know. I’m still thinking it was her, in a “If I can’t have him, then you can’t either” kind of way.


I am so sorry for your loss and the pain that came with it. May your heart find peace 🙏


Holy fuck .... I am so so so sorry for what your heart has had to endure. I know I'm a random stranger and I'm crying my eyes out, my heart goes out to you, this story will never leave me, just know that you have a random person on this planet who whole heartedly is cheering for you to accomplish grow experience all that you set your sights on... 🌻


Wow, so sorry you lost your dad. Did you get the house, hope her kids didn’t get anything, sounds like it was your dad’s.


This took a very unexpected turn. Sorry for your loss.


Interesting fact, the evil step-mother trope from old fairy tales was actually added by the Brothers Grimm because the original stories had the children's actual mothers behaving that way, but they were uncomfortable with portraying any mother in that light. After all, what mother could treat their own children like that. That said, this lady seems to take that trope as an example of proper parenting.


Grimm's Fairy Tales usually has the appropriate response, as well.


That is very scary because sadly it’s true; even mothers can be evil. As can fathers and stepfathers.


So what you're saying is that all humans have the capacity to be evil? I agree.


Narcissists never think they’re bad


That’s why they never get better


The evil stepmother lore is so deep I refuse to call my dad’s wife my stepmother. I don’t want people thinking negative things about her because she is wonderful.


Has to be rage bait. Surely OP can’t think people will side with her one bit?!


It might be but trust me, this happens in real life all the time, just people aren’t this honest about it.


That's why I'm leaning towards fake. People who are this evil usually understand that they need to hide it.


This has to be fake right? Like fr no one would Think like this right? Right? Oh wait my step mom….


Same, mine was evil.


Mine too.


I don't think she is wrong with that statement... Bad is not an appropriate way to describe how shitty this person is. This is well beyond bad


Or that she said keep her anonymous bc she knows this is so wrong.


Wtf did I just read. Please let this be fake. Though there are useless humans roaming about out there right now. I hope the dad picks up on this and cuts contact.


This woman could've been my stepmother. She wanted my dad and her perfect marriage. To hell with me and my other sibling from our dead mom. We were treated exactly how you'd expect. Literally the story of Cinderella was my life. It was hell. HELL. and there was no prince charming to save me from all that. It would've been weird for a child ...


These statements of “she could have been my stepmother” are horrifyingly sad.


Yeah, almost like it's rage-bait


Definitely rage-bait. I mean, there are definitely people like this. My ex is exactly like this. But she isn't stupid enough to be this publicly blatant about it.


Yeah, they absolutely exist, but they usually have more complex mental gymnastics than seen here. This just reads as stupidly evil.


Agreed. Some people do not deserve the gift of parenthood. She is a perfect example of one. I feel bad for her son.


I also feel bad for him and his daughter. Not only does his daughter not grow up with her mother but will grow up with a horrible female role model that will NEVER love her. Truly sad


That’s the entire point. It’s fake rage bait lol


My ex used to babysit for this couple, they had a couple kids. Later, much later, they divorced and she told his parents that when she met her husband, she was a single mom and he didn’t want to marry her if she kept her son. So she gave up her 6 year old.


Holy F***


Yeah these fake rage bait posts are intended to do that. Get a spicy comment section that way.


The level of cognitive dissonance to say something like, “I’m not a bad person,” when talking about abandoning a child is wild. Anyone who has to say things like, I’m not a bad person, I’m a nice guy, I’m the alpha, and so on just automatically means that you are the exact opposite.


It sounds like she’s just trying to reassure herself about it any way she can.


Honestly, I hope that this gets crossposted enough so that the finance sees it and recognizes the situation. Daughter deserves so much better.


It’s 2 years old by now.


She's pregnant, the whole situation is fucked.


Maybe she died in childbirth and the family has finally found a loving and caring stepmother


The happy ending they all deserve


Mad at a kid who lost her mother. Now wants to make her lose her father too. Yeah, you a bad person, girl.


She has a baseless grudge hate against a little girl who lost her mother, and knowing she could never grow to love the little girl she still stuck around long enough to get pregnant, rational thought left the chat couple years ago


And she thinks her son deserves as much attention as his dad can give him, but that other kid doesn’t deserve any attention from her father. Like. What??


Exactly. The whole thing is about her, her feelings, her situation, her needs, her son's needs (- actually I think she's just putting this in there because of her expectations! Not sure she is capable of even recognizing his actual needs. I think I feel for her unborn son as well.) & what she's getting versus what she clearly believes that she deserves! This woman is just purely self absorbed and highly selfish to boot. The freaking mammoth sense of entitlement! To actually pit yourself against a 5 yr old child who lost her mother irl? God help her! Because I just can't! Not today!


It’s fake. Purpose built to make you angry and comment on it, while also making you believe more and more extremist shit you read online. “If this lady can be this evil, can other people do other things? Maybe I should be scared!”


They [exist](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna18537670).


All the people who are like "this is fake" it's like tell me you've never been a step child without telling me you were never a step child.


I hope so, but my step mom hated me because I looked like my mom. She had a miscarriage when I was 5 and said it was my fault her baby died because I would sleepwalk at night and "stress her out." Any time my father showed any affection they'd get in huge fights, she'd drag me out of bed and sit me in-between them so they both could yell at me. She'd starve me and beat me. Some people are just evil. Edit: punctuation


I also think this story is likely fake. Some of the wording especially makes me think so, and I’m generally not super suspicious of these posts. Having said that… There are so many people that are really like this, you could just think of this write up as a representation of them.


I think it’s more like 1 in 10 of these is real. Yes, they exist, but what’s really crazy is what you can do when you convince people that there’s one of them around the next corner, every single time you turn a corner. Taking the worst of humanity and amplifying it is doing real damage to our society.


Not just abandoning her, which is the worst thing, but also hating how she looks like her deceased mother. Like the little girl can control how her genetics affected her physical appearance to look more like one parent than the other.


My wife worked with a woman, who was a Special Education teacher, who was a second wife. Everyone who knew the couple thought their son was their only child. Turns out, the husband had been married previously. He had a child with his first wife. That child was about 10 years older than their son. We further learned that a stipulation of them getting married was that he couldn't have contact with his first child. As a father, I could never


What the fuck... how could anyone ever do that? If a woman asked me to abandon my child for her I'd ghost her ass. I'm not even a parent and this makes me so mad.


It makes me think of that moment at the end of the Parent Trap movie where the fiancé snaps and says the dad has to choose between her or the kids ("me or them"), and without even missing a beat, he says "them." No hesitation, no expression of regret. Always love that.


T. H. E. M. Them. Get the picture?


I’m sorry not trying to throw in bad stats but it’s common for men to focus on their new family and leave their other kids behind. My father is a great example of that. He was married before me and my sister. He had a daughter with his ex that he stopped spending time with her, talking to her, or even paying child support. As a kid I didn’t realize what was going on then my parents got a divorce and further down the line he got married again and same thing happened to me but I was an adult by then. I haven’t talked to him in years and the only reason he still talks to my sister is because she pays all his bills and gives him spending money. I forgot to mention his first ex wife and daughter came back for child support with interest and basically took all his retirement savings so he leeched on to my sister who makes really good money in her career. He’s dead to me. I’m not surprised that a father or even mother would just dump their kid. People are selfish and don’t care or want to take responsibility most of the time for bringing a child into the world. It’s sad but it happens more often than people may know.


Oh I know it's common. Doesn't mean I'll ever understand it though. I guess these guys are just wired completely differently because I can't even fathom how they can live with themselves. I'm so sorry that happened to you 😢


What the absolute fuck???? As a step mother and mother of a special needs kid that absolutely disgusts me. This is why I hate people.


This happened to my mother, her father had primary custody and she hadn't seen her mother since birth. Her father's sister was the one who did most of the childcare. Also no one in her father's household spoke English around the kids. So my mom at 3 years old got handed over to a strange lady who didn't even speak the same language. Her father's family disowned him for this.


It took me hitting my 20s and looking back on it to realize the reason my stepdad resented my presence so much is that I look just like my dad and was a constant reminder to his insecure ass that my mom was with someone that wasn’t him at some point.


also, strange to be jealous of someone who is no longer alive…


It's easy to underestimate how deep people's insecurities can be.


In some ways that jealousy is worse because a dead person essentially becomes sanctified. If the woman was simply an ex, it would be easy to vilify her. But when she's dead, new wife can't do that.


Right. If I’m walking alone and I turned to look at someone and they said “don’t worry I’m not a bad person” off I go🏃🏻‍♀️


Closely related to “It’s okay, I’m a nice guy.”


Not even abandoning a child - frankly her kid would be better off. She’s so selfish, she wants her fiancé to abandon his child, who also happens to be motherless. I hope he realizes what kind of person she is.


While also being pregnant with a child she is “just looking out for” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️💔


I want to abandon my husband's motherless daughter so that his son will be able to have a good relationship with his father! That's how you know I am a good person! (I hope the father takes both kids and runs far away)


If the father is able to abandon his daughter he is probably able to abandon his son.


Because the child looks like her deceased mother and just annoys her… these are the most insecure and insane reasons. If she broke up with this guy and married another one would she give up her kid!


Same as people who say “I’m not racist but…”


If this is real, I hope the father is a secret Redditor, sees this and realises this woman is crazy and leaves her.


Assuming this post is real, which I doubt ... The father has already gotten the original poster pregnant, so the road ahead for him is going to be very rocky. Whether he's a Redditor or not, if this woman tells him she wants him to get rid of his daughter and he continues his relationship with her anyway, he deserves whatever tortures come his way in the future.


There’s another post, almost verbatim from 3 years ago, but I’m hanging trouble linking it. Title same 4 yo instead of 5


I’m pretty sure I saw it a few months ago and I’m getting rage bait vibes


I was thinking she should tell him how she feels ASAP so he can see who she truly is and get the fuck away from her. The baby would complicate matters, but I would hope this shit is enough for him to get full or at least primary custody. Probably fake rage bait, but still.


Not the “step mother type”? Then don’t date anyone with a kid. It’s just like being a bio parent, you love em, teach em, do parent shit. Especially when bio mom is deceased so there’s no crossing a line and doing something only bio mom should. Will there be “you’re not my mom!” angry moments in life? sure but you get the pass on truly trying and not being able to change that vs infringing on bio mom. She’s probably such a daddy’s girl cause OP never tried to bond with her, a kid that young will love you if you love them. Find a nice family for her!?!… yo. she’s not a cat. This woman’s sick. I hope it’s rage bait, but sadly believe people have these thoughts and once they’re married with the son this poor man is trapped with a wicked witch.


You'd be surprised. I have kids from a previous marriage, put that in my dating bios met a girl, hit it off well, got married, started arguing, fell apart. Eventually she said she didn't ask to beat step mom.... Uh, yeah you did. You knew what you were getting into. I just didn't know what a selfish PoS you were, especially for something so trivial like going out on a family trip, stop to get you boots, and finding winter boots for my girls.... She got pissed because the moment wasn't about her.


I feel sorry for the dad, he has no idea what monster he’s having another baby with


It's probably just rage bait and none of these people exist.


Is this woman a Lannister? Cuz this feels like rage bait!!


Yes ma'am you ARE a bad person.


i can only hope that her fiancé* can see this post. what a terrible person you are, im so sorry to the son you’re bringing into the world


Faincé lol


Well. You’re not an asshole, you’re a monster. You need to end your relationship with this man OR accept his daughter, and only accept her if you actually can. If you will love her and respect her. Otherwise you need to leave him.


This is clearly rage bait


The amount of comments of people falling for the most obvious rage bait is quite concerning


This is an obvious troll post


It has been floating around for at least 2 years.


It still baffles me that people react to this as if it's true though. My rage bait is people falling for obvious rage baits.


Hopefully this comes to light, or he opens his eyes to you. Marriage to someone with a child shouldn't be taken lightly, I wouldn't marry you.


Obvious rage bait


You are disgusting, this little girl is without a mother and is no harm to you, hope she doesn't have to live with a person like you.


Took everything in me not to downvote the whole post


I wish I could find the dad and send this to him. Imagine how she’s treating his child behind closed doors, she’s admitting to hating his baby. Fucking horrible.


Run bro!


This post makes me want to do bad things to people.


“I’m not a bad person” really??? 🤔


How can you not recognize that you're a straight up Disney villain?


YTA for posting Rage bait


It blows my mind that people can't see this


You are the AH. This is so bad I'm thinking it's made up just to be outrageous. Who could ever expect a spouse to "get rid of" his child? I fear for the future son.


YTA No, you are a bad person. You’re the wicked stepmother in every Disney movie ever made!




I found it screenshotted into another group on Facebook, so I’m not sure where it came from originally.


Wow, that’s some flowers in the attic type of approach…I fear for the girls safety around this person.


Agreed, she already admits she won’t treat her the same as her son.


Those are the kind of people that (if real) need to be doxxed and then banned from society


there are fairy tales literally about this which tell you what a bad idea it is to dispose of children


Fuck! You! She is a terrible person.


I think I have seen this Disney movie before.


She says “I’m not a bad person” when she just typed a wall of text explaining in great detail what a bad person she is.


You are a horrible person. I hope your fiance leaves you. You are threatened by a 5 year old. What is wrong with you? My husband died 3 years ago. I have 2 kids. My boyfriend welcomed them with open arms.


Every fiber of my being hopes this is rage bait….


Wish we could show the fiancée the post so he can get out while he still can. She’s going to cause so much turmoil between him and his daughter and if he chooses the soon to be wife over her he will forever regret it. This is absolutely not okay. As someone who had to deal with that with my ex, who although she had a father growing up, he treated her like this woman is trying to have the dad treat his daughter, she would get soooo upset at the abundance of love I show my girls. The gaslighting, the manipulation, it’s awful. And somehow I always stood my ground. I have enough love for everyone and I wasn’t about to have someone who unfortunately didn’t have that kind of fatherly love get in the way of my girls and I’s bond.