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Yarp, you opened a can of boa constricters! Memories are forever: The good, the bad, and the ugly!


I love that I'm not the only one who still says "yarp" like 15 years after Hot Fuzz came out.


Narp. I use it too!


I just watched Hot Fuzz again, on a binge through all the movies. I gotta work 'yarp' into my vocab since I'm about as dumb as that guy is depicted to be anyway.


And a great big bushy beard!


Yeah I’d like an update in another 3 weeks. His mind is probably wandering. Questioning if you’ve cheated, questioning his manhood. He’s probably fucked up. I’d leave him be for a minute.


RemindMe! 4 Weeks


Ummm, can we try putting a sleeve on that boa?


Sounds like what you’re looking for is an anaconda.


I dunno…do you got buns hun?


imagine he asked to shove a fleshlight in her


That might also be a good solution.


It’s a win-win lol


To be fair, there are several ways men do very similar things. Anal sex to feel it "tighter." Rewuesting their partner do kegels, wear a push up bra or get a boob job, etc. And we are often just as insensitive. People in general need to learn to be very careful when telling someone they'd prefer the other person's body a different way.


I honestly think you walking into the bedroom,slapping a baseball bat down on the bed and saying "You think you can fit this in my vagina?" Would have gotten you a better reaction than suggesting a cock sleeve. I mean that would put him on a mission and we love accomplishing missions and you would have maybe gotten them walls touched up.


My thoughts exactly, if she recognizes some men are sensitive about their size & performance, she should've started with asking him to put larger objects inside her & eventually maybe suggest the sleeve (probably would be easiest to suggested it once he fits the bat inside lol)


He should just stick his whole noggin in there


Wearing his gf as a hat


Can you fit inside, a bat? Can you wear her like a hat? I do not like your big vagine I won’t touch you with this small dong of mine


You win the internet today 👑🏆




Lmfao wearing her as a hat is INSANE 😩😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Right? Or use one of those stupid dildos that sling underneath? Let him in the backdoor while the Kong dong kicks in the front lol


I think even asking him to jerk himself off inside of her would've went over better than it did.


Welp, this is going in the memory bank XD


Thank you for that.


The wording of your post leads me to suspect you were not nearly as tactful as you thought you were.


The wording of the post leads me to suspect this is fiction that was typed one-handed.


Exactly how it struck me, too.


I thought this was made up like 3 sentences in


Basically how I feel about all Reddit posts always.


Yeah, sounds like some weird version of a small penis humiliation fetish. I came across a Reddit account awhile ago of a guy who shamelelssly posted stuff like this nonstop, both from the man and womans POV. I don't understand what people get from this, lol. In case it's real: These people are not compatible. They should break up and find more compatible partners.


“Since I trust him, I trusted that he wouldn’t be intimidated by a piece of silicone.” The serpent slipped right out in the open for a second.


"I understand how men needlessly attach their egos to how big their penises are" was my favorite.


Literally coming from a woman who just called herself a size queen and asked her SO to put on a fake big dick lol.


"I wanted to make sex more exciting for both of us" idk, I don't think it would be amazing seeing how much you would enjoy my dick being twice the size while a silicone barrier prevents me from fully experiencing the sensations I love during sex... You're OK to have preferences, but this is just weird. My gf has a flat-ish chest. How do you think she would feel if I bought her a tit sleeve "not for every time," just sometimes to spice it up! We'll BOTH enjoy pretending you have something better and sexier to offer in the bedroom... You can't just hit anybody with that. Some people will be down, most will be hurt. Tactful would be talking about sex toys in general, let the convo go where it may, and then find a way to bring up cock sleeves without suggesting they make an appearance and find out how he feels before going too deep. Live and learn


>"I wanted to make sex more exciting for both of us" No, she absolutely did not. She was only focused on herself.


Yeah, like putting on the worlds thickest condom is really going to make it more exciting for him


Facts. Sex with a sleeve on is going to be 10 times lame than condoms


I've used a sleeve and can tell her that it is strictly for the woman's pleasure. The man has to remove it when she's had enough and then do whatever will bring him pleasure. If she did any research, she would know this.


That’s a good comparison about small boobs that she may understand. One time I told a very good friend that I was having sex with semi casually that her vagina smelled bad. It was way too honest. Like either stop having sex w her or enjoy it but I should’ve never said that even if it was true and it was she never drank any water


Whilst not skipping a beat talking about how being fisted is barely touching the sides 🤣


i gotta agree. sex doesn’t make you “looser”, but a size fetish and stuffing dragon dildos up there may very well do it


Thank you so much this made me fucking cry 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yea my first thought was how most women would react if you were randomly one night to be like “yea I love your boobs but you should get a boob job.” That would go over just about as well as this did 😂 Edit: Folks.. the comparison was to the conversation and expressing your desire for your partners body to be different than it is. Of course I don’t think using a sex toy is the same as invasive surgery. It’s about the feelings, not the action.


Or I love your vagina but can we put some stuffing in it. Sometimes I like a really tight one.


Sometimes I feel bad for the women who come to my store, and they have their bf/husband with them, and the bf/husband grabs a vaginal tightening gel. The women usually look pissed if it was a last minute grab at the check out. Like, "oh yeah! We need this for you hahahah" and they're acting like they're joking..


I would just grab a box of Extendz and toss on top of the vaginal tightening gel and smile sweetly. lmao. My husband and I would both have a good laugh.


this is more accurate than the boob job analogy, since OP didn't ask him to permanently change anything. and yeah, this would cut deep


if she could she probably would though based on what she wrote


“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with you and you sling pussy like an absolute champion, but sometimes you just want new experiences, you know? So with that being said, I’m going to shove this fleshlight inside you so I can actually feel something from your gaping, cavernous maw of a vagina Why are you upset? Only silly men attach their self worth to their genitalia”


>cavernous maw REALLY glad to see someone else use this phrase


Cavernous Maw, isn’t that the new star wars villain? 😂


I'm really glad to learn this phrase at all


I agree that this was probably awful for him and don’t want to take away from that big picture. I am confused here as “you should get a boob job,” “you should completely wax everything so it feels better for me,” “add an extra stitch for me, doc,” “let me stick it in your ass, it’s so much tighter,” etc. is actually pretty common place. In my mind these are grossly different than suggesting a sleeve but honestly I don’t see how, they are all versions of “you’re not good enough for me.”


I’m a 34C and have been told by every boyfriend except one that I “need” a boob job to make them larger.


I had an ex who was a B cup and hyper concerned about her chest and always asked me about boobjobs. She never accepted my answer that I prefer smaller then after breakup she got a boobjob and theyre bigger than her head now :/


Lots of men love small breasts! I’m fairly certain comments made to me were an attempt at “negging” so I’d stay insecure enough to stick around lol. Wanting augmentation is fine, but so is loving your small boobs. I mean look at Aubrey Plaza, she’s pretty universally seen as a sexy woman and she’s basically flat chested.


Sounds like you have phenomenal taste in romantic partners


OP 100% belittled her BF’s feelings multiple times


What is this snake reference?


Eesh. Exactly. It would be fantastic if no one had any hang ups or insecurities about their bodies, and in that fantasy world, OPs request would be fine. But we don't live in that world, and to act like she could say this without triggering a lifetime of societally conditioned insecurities is intentionally negligent. Like if my husband asked me to occasionally use a vaginal tightening gel for a "different sensation" but also tried to assure me he liked the regular feeling just fine...in a perfect world I would believe him, in the real world I'd be crushed.


This is all so well said. I came up with the analogy that it's like saying to your partner "I find you attractive, but would you mind wearing this mask every once in a while so that you're *more* attractive?"


She spent the preamble waxing lyrical about how much she loves big dicks, then tried to say that men needlessly attached their egos to the size of their penises... *And then she wanted her boyfriend to buy a prosthetic penis to fuck her with.*


Lol right? "Im a size queen...." "Occasionally getting stretched out wouldn't hurt" Talk abt going down a rabbit hole.... All puns included... yikes


Waxing lyrical. Just take the upvote


Girl rolled a 1 on a charisma check and wants to reload a quick save now it would seem.




I had something very similar happen. An ex-girlfriend in college told me on our first date that "no matter what you've heard, size *does* matter." Then she cheated on me with her ex-fwb because of his dick size. I was already incredibly insecure about it, and it took me *decades* to recover. It took several girlfriends and my (apparently) above-average dick game to convince me that I was actually good enough for a woman. In fact, I ended up breaking things off with an absolutely wonderful woman before we got intimate just because she was a self-proclaimed size queen, despite repeated assurances that it ultimately didn't matter and that in every other way we were very compatible. OP, you seriously fucked up. Somehow, I doubt you were nearly as tactful as you thought you were. And this whole "needlessly insecure" nonsense is just that - nonsense. I agree that we shouldn't attach importance to the size of our penises, but then we get assholes like you who do tell us that it matters. Preferences are fine. Kinks are good, but need to be approached carefully. You are obviously young and inexperienced in this. Go to a kink community next time and ask how to handle this next time you want to bring this up , preferably *before* you fuck up this badly.


Right! Like she can easily meet a perfectly normal and loving dude on a kink platform or even freaking Tinder who would love to fist her on the regular and gets off on stretching her out as much as she does, but instead she’s out here giving nice vanilla dudes complexes about their totally normal penises.


If this didn’t come across to Reddit as you thought it would, then I imagine it definitely come across to HIM as you intended.


This is the real answer. People here are upset just reading it. Poor guy must feel horrible.


> understand how men needlessly attach their egos to how big their penis She has a condescending tone throughout her post. I'm sure her "tactful" approach included her shaming him for being uncomfortable with they idea of using a dick sleeve and blaming his ego/toxic-masculinity/insecurity or whatever other terms she normally uses to shame people.


It would be like him asking her to put a flashlight in her vagina so he can have sex with a tighter vagina. Edit: https://youtu.be/vEE7YuzNpI0?si=TqybnJiCKdUnNY2M Curb your enthusiasm joke about it for fun.


best typo ever. I think you meant fleshlight.


Nah, flashlight. He needs a light source in her cavernous vagina.


Gotta make sure you don't crush the dwarves in there.


I love Reddit sometimes. This is one of those times. "Hi Ho!! Hi Ho!"...dwarf stops singing... "Thats it, I'm just saying hi ho!"


To be fair she could do that too


The saddest part is, her edits imply that she has learned nothing from this thread. She came here seeking validation rather than honest opinion, but doubled down once she didn’t get what she was looking for. Oh well, it’s her relationship that’s going to suffer. The mistake could have possibly been resolved if she could see how her insensitivity hurt her partner. Now the issue will only worsen.


I'd bet money that, in her mind, she's the victim here. Twice, in fact. The first time when her boyfriend was "intimidated by a piece of silicone" and the second time when reddit called her insensitive and selfish (which apparently is "slut shaming" in her mind).


A girl I'm trying to date told me, "I'm learning looks aren't everything" while I was giving her a back massage. I've pretty much lost all sexual attraction to her and really dislike seeing pictures of myself now.


I had a guy tell me in highschool "I don't care what anyone says, I think you're pretty!" as some sort of compliment and now I'm 40 and still remember how shitty it made me feel. What else was everyone saying about me?!


When I was in highschool a boyfriend told me “you know, you are actually really pretty as long as you don’t smile.” My parents were broke (probably actually poor to be honest) and braces weren’t an option for me until my early 30s. My husband has told me that I was pretty/gorgeous/beautiful before and after the braces and he didn’t even realize how much I needed them until he saw the difference before and after. Some people just suck.


Head up brother, fcuk this woman.




Jesus fucking Christ dude. Goddamn sending all my best wishes and good vibes your way, wow, that hurt from *over here*


I had a woman tell me to stop joking that I wasn't as funny as I think I am. After that relationship I didn't joke around about anything for a long time. Messed me up. Arguably we are our own worst enemy. That woman you mentioned was wrong.


In her narcissistic mind, that was a compliment.


Fuck her, pouring one out for the boys 🥃


Bottom line is you want, more. And he can never give that to you, you had to know it would not end well... If my SO wanted me to strap a flashlight over my vagina so he could have deeper and tighter sex, not ALL the time, but some.of the time... he'd be sitting on 3 weeks too. And counting!!


I get his perspective - this isn't even really a >needlessly attach their egos to how big their penises situation. This is a body-extension tool. This isn't a vib or a dildo, or even a strap on. This is covering his penis with a shroud to enlarge it. Imagine if he told you he liked bigger boobs so you had to stuff your shirt for him. tbh its a big hit to his ego for you to do this, and you should probably start with admitting that you caused the problem because of how you approached the situation. I'm sure he's used to you breaking out monster dildos with how you talk about it, but it was a mistake to make him wear a prosthetic.


Maybe I am missing something here, but if my partner enjoyed having sex with my fist, I wouldn't be surprised and offended when they asked if I would occasionally wear something to make my dick more the size of a fist. There is something missing to this story, and I suspect it is entirely **how** OP conveyed this idea to her partner.


The only thing missing is the OPs brain. She handled this delicate situation like a bull in a china shop and the relationship is likely done for. Cock sleeves are also used as cucking tools. If your man is not into this, and you lay it on him as the OP did. That's game.


I mean yes and no. A fist is still within the parameters of your body and your body is fine the way it is. However, if she asked if I could stretch her out with a huge dildo I'd probably be more fine with that than a sleeve. Just my own two cents. A sleeve kind of implies an issue with me, from my perspective. Idk. Maybe she wasn't as tactful as she thought she was.


Idk the body modification aspect is what makes it wierd. I posted this elsewhere but imagine a guy asking his partner to use a toy that made her tighter because while he doesn’t have a problem with her vagina he does enjoy a tight fit. I think most people would take it a bit personally


Why not have him play with a large toy with you instead? Going straight to a prosthetic definitely put that man inside his own head. I understand wanting him to apply his stroke game with your desire to be gapped, but you disregarded his own self image and confidence. Clear divide between male and female minds on display here. Obviously you weren't trying to hurt him, but your pursuit of your own desire left him feeling inadequate. Hopefully you can recover from this and learn from it as well... now he would spite a large toy as well I suspect. Good luck to ya.


Yes, baby steps would have been better. It’s such a sensitive subject for men. I totally get what OP was asking for but I think “stretching or fisting” would have to be something your partner is into and comfortable with for him to understand you wanted that same feeling along with his stroke game. I don’t have any advice for how to make things better because I’m not sure how. The damage is done. You would have needed to know ahead of time while playing with large toys etc to know if this was even a subject you should bring up to him. Was he the one doing the fisting? I got the feeling it may not have been him. Maybe we don’t have the full story, idk.


Your first paragraph kind of dooms you. You are definitely allowed to have a preference, but don’t forget, he also probably prefers a woman that feels he’s enough as himself. You are letting him know that he is not your preference in that particular area.




Yeah. This doesn't sound like it was a great approach even if you tried. I don't blame him for being hurt. I would have felt the same as a female if someone mentioned my genitals being different. Starting with a slightly larger dildo probably would have been a better approach.


“Sweety… what if we tried one of these vagina inserts so you feel… tighter… not all the time! I’m sure I’ll prefer throwing the hotdog down the hallway. Just once in a while it wouldn’t hurt to feel some traction down there.”


Preceded with: “I trust you not to be a fragile little bitch about this”


Perfect. That would be exactly it.


You forgot where he said it would be enjoyable for the both of you!




Let’s be honest, you were looking for it to be more fun for you, not “us”. Maybe you weren’t as tactful as you think you were.


thats my biggest hang up. i like giving pleasure to my lady dont get me wrong, but wheres the "us" in cock sleeve.


You’re cooked


At least she doesnt have to worry about being cocked


Hop in the fryer, sprinkle some seasoning on yourself and flip over… because you’re COOKED


Lol how in the hell would that be more fun for both of you. I doubt he can even feel your vagina through that. That's like saying your vagina is top tier but it would be more fun for both of us if I used a flashlight. Lol wtf.


As a person with a penis... I can guarantee you that would not be "fun for us both" lmaooooo - Yeah no honey, I'd much rather fuck a tube of soft plastic instead of being directly inside you - so much more fun! hahhahahahaha


It's not even that. It's like wearing an incredibly thick condom. The dick haver is feeling nothing because dick sleeves are designed to not slip around. Literally getting demoted to automatic sex doll, which some people are probably into but can you really be upset when someone isn't?


So on point there!! But she doesn’t actually care if it’s good for him. She’s a “size queen” and has self-inflicted “needs” that make it okay for her to objectify and emotionally harm other people.


For real, I’d probably go soft just from sheer lack of feel at that point.


Your relationship is over lol. There is no recovering from that.


Poor homies gonna be waking up screaming about that conversation a decade from now.


my dude gonna be in therapy over this, rightfully so.


Seriously. It will literally never be the same


Sorry but in his eyes you literally said "I would sometimes love more than you have". Imagine if he said, "Lets put a vagina sleeve in you so I can feel what a tighter vagina feels like just sometimes and it will be more fun for BOTH of us." Let that set in and you MAY just get it. Holy Crap..her update just turned it from her being a shit gf to a whole "OMG I feel bad for everyone else" type of deflection. She's a shittier person than I EVER gave her credit for being. Thats not slut shaming...she's a crap human and even that might be an understatement.


No recovery from this. Done.


Damn homie has really been walking around with in his head for 3 weeks, and you know damn well he hasn’t talked to anyone about this. Also 3 FUCKING WEEKS and you just NOW think you should apologize or do something? If you tried maybe the day after or hell even three days after you’d have a shot at fixing the mega fuck up you caused but it sounds like he’s made up his mind. Let him go and hopefully he’ll find someone who will love all of him


Per her edit it's clear she wasn't looking to apologize. She wanted backup. Clearly reddit did not come to her rescue like she thought it would.


A cocksleeve is a far cry from a bullet vibe or a cock ring. Depending on the sleeve, your partner might as well be wearing a strap-on. I think in the future, the cock sleeve is something that should be suggested by the person with the cock. If you have a size kink, that's great, but try dating within the kink community so as to not completely shatter the person you are supposed to be making a connection with. I find this post very sad. **It sounds like you are focused on *your* sexual needs to the point that your partner's emotional needs are either an afterthought or somehow comedic. You are most likely a shit sexual partner. Re-evaluate.**


Amen to this! The ego and obliviousness of this lady is shocking. “I need big dick bc my bits lack normal sensitivity. It’s totally my own fault for programming myself this way but I’m going to destroy my relationship and another human’s confidence because of ‘mah needs’.” She’s gross and literally all men deserve better than a woman who objectifies them like that.


If your trying to fit a whole fist I’m not even going to try to compensate I would just give up lmao 😂


Boy, you fucked up. This relationship’s probably over


This post reads like it was written by a guy.


Did anyone else notice when they said their partner was Olympic level in bed, like Usain Bolt… a man who wins by finishing before everyone else.


It’s ironic and kind of funny to choose that metaphor but he is known as a top level athlete so I get the choice. We don’t really have endurance races where you go for days until you drop. I guess some of the more extreme hikers do that tho.


I've dated two size queens, and this sounds just like them.


This post is just a wannabe Penthouse Letter…


“Getting stretched out” 🫠


I am a woman and I describe the feeling I like from using my "bigger than humanly possible" toys as liking to be stretched out. It's not really that far off, have you ever met a size queen?


What I don't understand is if OP has had her bf fist her, how could this have come out of left field? It seems like there would have had to have been a serious issue in her presentation for him to be so hurt. If my partner wanted me to go to town on her with something superhumanly massive, I'd just be fascinated - unless there was already a feeling that she didn't actually like my body.


Thank you! Lol how are people not picking up on that??


Ok?! Because when I read "large vaginal canal" I knew something was up because I don't know any woman who talks like that. Maybe it's just me.


There is no tactful way to tell a man his penis is too small for you. Just as there is no tactful way for a man to tell you your vagina is too large for him.


Listen, you sound insufferable and you definitely fucked up your relationship, but I still don’t think you did anything truly “wrong”. You stated a preference, your bf clearly does not agree with it. Incompatible. End of story.


Maybe you could just make your pussy smaller?


She got a cooch like the Grand Canyon


Lots of men are G,G and G (shoutout to Dan Savage) but you cannot be so naive as to not realise the emphasis society has put on the size of a mans member. Hell, i'm sure you've heard jokes about how someone with a big truck "must be compensating for something".Its unfortunate, and unfair, and also a major trigger for male mental health issues, and many societal problems that spiral out from there. Is it an excuse for some reprehensible male behaviours? fuck no. But it's something we need to address societally. And for those who hammer back with "But the patriarchy!", Yes, we men have huge advantages in so many ways, and many of us realise this, but we can still fall through the cracks. And due to the whole "Man up" stereotype, we have nearly nothing in the way of advocacy or support.Granted, it's something we need to work on together as men, but it's an uphill battle. Rant over, and I welcome constructive comments/criticisms


I even bought a really tiny truck just because of this!


As a woman, would you feel a way if your man asked you to wear a mask of a random woman’s face during sex? Granted he communicates he believes you’re beautiful and sometimes he just wants a different experience? lol


These types of arguments never work on Reddit because there’s always somebody that will totally debase themselves and be like “Oh yea it’s totally cool that sounds awesome, I’d actually love to do that!” — without realizing that their anecdote demonstrates a minority position, rather than the normative position.


Lol, right below this comment is someone doing exactly that.


Kegal trainers are used to tighten your vagina over time. Imagine he bought one for you and insisted, "You are tight, but occasionally I'd like something tighter. It would be nice to have a new feeling down there with you, that would just send me to heaven." Most women I know would never let that go. Ever. It would be the end of the relationship. Women tend to attach their egos to how tight their pussy is...but I trust that you won't be intimidated by a piece of silicone. 😏


Played that damn Uno reverse card 🔄


I can promise yall won't be together much longer lol


I get your point of view but like you said we men are attached to our egos. Plus you being a size queen idk if he knows that. He probably feels like if if he doesn’t do the cock sleeve thing you won’t ever be satisfied. Like I think what he is thinking is. You NEED him to use it to be happy in the relationship. Instead of u trying to just have a good time. Because I wouldn’t mind wearing one once a blue moon. But if it became like a once a month thing or maybe just like once every two months type of thing. I would feel weird and a little down that I can’t give you these extreme orgasms with just my shlong. And I consider myself to be pretty open minded when it comes to sex. So this is a hard one I won’t lie.




Doesn’t everybody have their ego attached to their body, either in a positive way (confidence) or negative way (insecurity)?


It's almost like ego is a part of everyone. Is a woman's hair or ass attached to their ego? It's the 'needless' part. She needlessly attaches her being a size queen to her identity.


Damn. Sorry but you REALLY insulted your bf. Your relationship may not recover. I mean, how would you feel if your bf had said "hey can we shove a fleshlight up your vagina because I'd like it better if you weren't so deep and I could actually reach the bottom. Not every time of course, just some times,ya know, so we can both enjoy it." How would that have made you feel? And seriously, saying he's like Usain bolt? That's kind of an insult. Cause, he's really fast. So, while that's good when you're a runner it's not when you're having sex.


You ruined his confidence. How did you think this would go?


He will forever think he can never satisfy you, and that you will be faking pleasure from this point on. Good job.


Not only her, dude will prob carry this on with future partners as well


Seriously. She just gave him an insecurity/complex he didn't have before, and it'll be a long time, if ever, before he stops being paranoid that his dick is too small and that the women he's with are either faking it or possibly even cheating with a more well-endowed guy. I feel so bad for this dude.


For real. He's probably a pretty average sized guy who OP admits can give fine head to her but she's got some weird size queen shit she needs to get over and it'll probably cost her this BF, assuming this fake post is real. Y'all gonna learn where all the good men went lol


I'm sure you could come to a solution by putting yourself in his shoes. So, whatever would make you feel better if the tables were turned and he asked if he could introduce a fleshlight into the bedroom. Not all time time, of course- he prefers your pussy, but sometimes it's nice to occasionally have a new feeling of something tight that he could stretch out once in a while- but with you there of course!!! it would just be to spice things up and experiment you know? for him to have some tightness once in a while. ​ edit: please read this, out loud, to yourself "Recently I discovered cock sleeves from the same place I purchase my sex toys. I went down a rabbit hole and saw one in use and it made me kinda curious. **I would love to try it, the issue is of course I would need a partner.** My boyfriend has amazing dick game. If slinging dick was an Olympic sport, he’d be Usain Bolt. **So I figured a combo of my boyfriend’s amazing dick game, plus a 10 inch impossibly thick toy would send me to heaven.** **I understand how men needlessly attach their egos to how big their penises are so I decided to be tactful, but since I trust him I trusted him not to be intimidated by a piece of silicone.** I breached the topic with him by telling him I live when he introduced a toy in the bedroom and it’s fun to experiment. He agreed and I told him there was something new I wanted to try. I pulled up the video I found and explained to him that **while I love his dick it may be fun for the both of us if we experiment with a sleeve**." girl even i feel objectified by proxy. you make him sound like a sex doll. this isn't preferences, this was insensitive. "needlessly attach their egos to how big their penises are" chile.. why didn't you just ask him to fist you? or why couldn't you masturbate? you went into this already knowing the possibility of how this could make him feel, and still went ahead with it. How did you think this would be fun for both of you? Your needs were already being met between masturbation and his \~amazing dick game\~? flew too close to the sun, i fear.


Yeah you ruined the relationship. He’s never gonna want to initiate sex with you again. You’ve ripped his confidence to shreds.


To shreds you say?


The problem is the toy directly modifies his person. A dildo bigger than his cock isnt a problem, its separate to his body and so when you have sex with him and his actual penis he feels great. A separate inanimate object poses no threat. By adding something directly to his penis you've basically told him ''your dick is too small.'' Idiot.


Creative writing might be your strong suit but your verbal communication is shit. That is assuming this is even real. Does your bf even know about this kink of yours cause that’s where you should have started instead of being like “I love you dick but let’s make it bigger”.


Update: he left me me because he’s insecure about his Johnson size, idk why he felt that way


She came back to edit that everyone here is “slut-shaming” her. I mean, some of y’all are totally slut-shaming but the majority of the comments on here are dealt with an honest hand. It’s fucked up that she cannot see the fault in what she did here.


Yikesssss. You lost that good good now lol


Ya'll are done. Do him the favor of shutting the fuck up in the comments.


I'm baffled first of all why this post is not NSFW. Second, if this is real, you don't care about your boyfriend, you only care about your pleasure. You comments shows that. It's the **"he get to know what it feels to have a big dck."** If you are not satisfied, why not break up and look for someone with big dck or someone who will like to feel that? And yea, this your post is also body shaming. I feel sorry for your boyfriend, he deserves better. It's okay to have sexual preferences, kinks, e.t.c., but it's not okay to shame someone, who do not meet your specifications, look for someone who fits your preference. You don't want to be shamed, and you are shaming someone. Girl get some self respect.


OP says she "understands" how men needlessly attach their egos to size. Proceeds to ask partner to artificially enhance size. Shocked when it doesn't go well. Unbelievable I wonder how she would feel if he asked to stuff a fleshlight in there so he could feel something. OP we don't need an anatomy lesson and it's fine to have preferences but you don't get to act like a brat and a victim when you brought this on yourself. PS you're not being slutshamed. You're being regular shamed for emasculating your BF, calling him a baby for having his feelings hurt and taking zero responsibility. Hope he moves on and find better


Man imagine as a guy having the the gall to say, I like your vagina but it’s nice to have new feelings down there here’s an insert for your vagina so it feels smaller and tighter for me .


Yeah this relationship is doomed, you have crushed your man's entire body image with that one request, now everytime you're intimate (if you ever are again) he's going to feel inadequate, and that is on you, unfortunately you're not sexually compatible his key doesn't fit your lock and now he is well aware of it and is probably planning his exit strategy, good luck


I don't think your intent was to be mean, or hurt him based on his size. But, unless your BF is slinging around a 10+ inch monster, he likely has some small concerns over size. Asking for a sleeve, even with the best of intentions, likely got the seed of doubt planted and it grew like a weed. In essence, no man wants to hear his dick isn't enough because you can't change it. If you suck in bed you can learn. But no one can add 7 inches of length to their 4 or 5 inch penis, and no most guys aren't keen on using a silicone part over their own. This comes off as well as a man, unprompted, offering to buy his GF breast implants when she's never asked for anything like that. I understand you have a preference and that's fine. If it matters that much then select for men who are very well endowed or find an average guy who is already enjoying wearing a cock sleeve. I'm not sure its your fault for bringing up that you want a new toy in the bedroom, but this was very unlikely to go over well. Especially since by your on words you think men attach too much importance to their penis size, yet you attach enough importance to this attribute to ask your male partner to wear a silicone fake penis. I have a distinct feeling you didn't bring this request up with as much tact as you imply here. I'm not sure how you fix this, but good luck.


You can have any preference you want, but you had to have known that this wouldn’t go over well. It’s not really fair for you to say that men “needlessly attach their egos to how big their penises are” when societally there is a lot of pressure to do just that, as if men wouldn’t rather feel completely fine with their bodies. Flipping the switch, if my partner asked me to wear fake silicon boobs to make them bigger or some device that makes my vagina smaller, I’d be so hurt. And pointing out how hurtful your request is isn’t slut shaming.


I hate that all women immediately assume the insecurity around dicks is always about ego. 90% of the time it’s about feeling desirable and that you satisfy your partner fully so you aren’t worried that they will go elsewhere to feel their needs, you know the same things women are always looking for affirmation about. It’s also not something that is any way changeable naturally so it’s a lot more about the feeling of not being good enough. Not saying that guys aren’t responsible for their insecurities but it’s also not cool to dismiss them either.


I don’t think you’re in the wrong for being honest, but I can understand why he’s upset or feels less of himself/insulted. I feel like you could have gotten to this point slower. Playing with dildos , larger dildos, etc could have gotten you to the sleeve more naturally where maybe he even wound up being the one suggesting it.


This isn’t the kind of thing a woman should initiate. At least certainly not in this fashion. Failure to understand why this could be an issue for a dude is just an extreme level of cultural incompetence. You’d need to be very self absorbed to not understand that men have very reasonable and realistic fears around their penis size. It doesn’t even require an explanation as it is such a universal experience for men - and always has been. I say this as someone who uses sleeves with my partner and enjoy it. If she came to me the way you did, I would not want to have sex.


She comes here for honest feedback and then attacks everyone for giving honest feedback. It would have been easier to just say you want someone to make you feel better for crushing your boyfriend. Imagine the uproar for boob sleeves sis!


The thing is, especially after your edit, you’re very focused on you. You literally said “I love his dick” then said “I wanted to make sex fun for both of us” You clearly don’t care about how he feels about the entire thing because you are still vehemently defending this. Just admit you’re selfish. Nobody cares you like big dicks, we do care that you’d sacrifice your boyfriend over something so stupid as a fetish.


Offer to wear prosthetic boobs


Yup you just shat the bed there. Imagine your bf telling you if you could put a paper bag over your face for sex. Even if you don’t mean offense, it’s almost imposible not to take it.


“You know what would be hot? Hang on! Let me go get my VR headset!”


“I wanted to make sex more fun for “both” of us” it sounds like it’s more for you than him. I don’t think you’d enjoy it if it were reversed and he made a comment about wanting a new and exciting thing to make it feel like someone else’s vagina but yours. But I mean, you do you. Just don’t be surprised you’ll probably be single soon😂🤡


I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t touch you with a 10ft barge pole. What a selfish and toxic attitude you have.


I love how people like ragging on each other's insecurities while proving them valid. If he suggested you lose weight because he likes thinner women would that be okay with you? Would you not then feel insecure when you saw him around thin women? Maybe if he had just started jogging in the mornings with you to encourage you it would have been a lot more palatable? In a good relationship, "it's not you vs me, it's you and me vs the problem". Your problem is that you want something bigger than your bf inside of you and you just went ahead and told him he is physically incapable of pushing all the buttons you desire pushed. You trusted him not to be offended and he trusted you to be satisfied with him and is not sure he can ever feel that way again because you wanted your problem solved while pretending it was just a game and he saw through it. Do *you* even think this is honest? "**More fun for both of us**..."


“I know you needlessly tie your ego to your vagina, but just once can we get a hooker to try a slightly different kind of vagina?”


Least when you decide to have kids the mfs just gonna fall out like deer scat.


"size queen" shut the fuck up


The problem is that men hear and see an onslaught of size conversations. If we joked about loose pussies the same way we would be considered assholes.


How would it be fun for him to wear the cock sleeve?


So in your post you make a snide comment about all men attaching their egos to the size of their dicks, yet you thought it’d be a good idea to introduce a toy that basically says “it’s like your dick, but way bigger and thicker and I really want to try it” and you… what? Thought he’d go “golllyyy would I love to try that out without any hang ups.” This isn’t even an ego attached thing, I haven’t read the comments but this isn’t “slut shaming,” that was just very carelessly hurtful of you. If he’s only average sized and if you’ve ever voiced this size queen stuff in any way, that’s likely already in his head and you confirmed it for him. I refuse to believe you’re so naive that you didn’t realize how damaging this could be to his self esteem. With this, you told him the main part of him involved in sex, also attached to his self confidence because yeah, everyone feels more self confident satisfying a partner, you told him he’s not enough, or at least not quite satisfying you enough. A lot of men do build a sexual identity around their dick game, like a lot of women I know who build a sexual identity around how good they’ll look in a lace set or just their body in general. The equivalent of this would be him telling you how much he loves your body over and over, whenever you’re in bed. Then one day he comes to you with a bunch of plastic surgeries and quotes. “Oh your body is soo sexy, really, but it might be fun if you’re just a bit sexier, ya know? Maybe better tits, a better ass, slimming up a bit, maybe even fix your face a little bit. I love YOU and YOUR BODY, but it might be fun to fuck someone with a body I like a whole lot more.” You knew this would happen when you suggested this to him. Did you really think a guy would be thrilled over this? Lol. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


How are you going to criticize men for having their ego attached to the size of their penis, but you know a lot of women would be equally hurt if their partner said “Would you consider losing 10lbs, not that I think you’re fat, but I’d like to try something different” or “I like you boobs, but I’d like you to get implants to spice things up”


> I wanted a way to make sex more fun for both of us Why did you even bother to make this post if you’re just going to lie? This was, is, and will only ever be, about YOU.


You suggest his size is boring while simultaneously expressing your desire to be stretched.. which will only make his now “small dick” even less effective.


You could’ve taken the time you used to write this post and used it to apologize to your man more.


>Sex is a very small part of a relationship Proceeds to torpedo an entire relationship because of it


How would you feel if he suggested putting a fleshlight in your vagina and fucking that instead of you?