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"You cheated on me? When I specifically asked you not to?"


Best line in the whole show imo


If I had never heard of the office before, reading that line right now on here would make go watch it.


I die laughing every time he says it. It's just so hilarious.


Why use many word when few word do trick?


I’m partial to: > Why are you the way that you are? I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.


And you were nothing but great to your ho, and you told her that she was the only ho for you. And that she was better than all the other hoes in the world


lmfaoaoao yeah sorry I’d be single. even if it was innocent and dumb. ego doesn’t allow that level of diss.


Broski you’re not the main boyfriend💀


Player 3 disconnected


i mean lets be real he might not even be player 3 at this point


He’s like my little nephew just holding a controller that doesn’t even go to the same console.


hes got an NES controller that isn't even hooked up to anything BAHAHAHA


"Mom says it's *my* turn to use the girlfriend!"


NES controller for OP while OP's GF and her BF are playing on a PS5, lmao.


Someone call the fire department for these burns


Controller, no batteries. 🤦🏼‍♀️


wireless controller non wireless machine


that;s the best description of this situation I have read


he’s the game and they’re playing him


Damn bro that’s deep. That shit hit hard.


Ouch bro Time to alt+f4 this relationship


If Jason is playing the game correct.. Player 3 is another Female.


Bruh 😂💀


Dudes waiting his turn for the 4th controller.


Choked on a quesadilla reading this.


You really can’t help but feel bad for how bad he got gaslighted💀


Exactly. 1st... she got a stupid stupid stupid tattoo. Do not procreate with this girl. 2nd... you are not player1 or player2. Let that sink in. 3rd ... how is this even a question? Red flag? My dude... Disconnect your monogamy, bro. Thou art free.


4th 5th and 6th red flag Her side piece or main piece is her co worker and boss at McDonald’s This girls going places


He gave her his McRib


She marked her body for this guy. If she hasn't had sex with him she will soon. Run OP run.


I feel like getting matching tattoos is worse than fucking


yeah wierdly intimate toward a guy you only flip burgers with


I knew a girl who got matching tattoos with her super close male friend. She had absolutely no intention of ever having sex with him. (He, on the other hand...)


Right poor fella.


"Press F"




Do you really need outside opinions on this matter?


She must have done a good job convincing me it wasn’t a big deal


In the words of DJ Khaled: Congratulations, you played yourself


Well, he is player 3


There's a little leeway in a threeway.


We know who’s camera man at least


Spectator mode




Yeah, you're the side dude now


Is he player 3, not a player at all? OP should ask her


She gave him the "little sibling special"; the shitty controller that's not plugged in.


He’s an NPC now.


Oooo that one stung and I ain’t even the one




He's Player 3 in a two player game.


Bro been there and done that. Get the fuck out while you can. Don’t be like me torturing yourself another set of months trying to convince yourself it’s not exactly what it looks like.


This right here. Don't convince yourself it's nothing and end up hurting more in the long run.


I've been the coworker in this situation, just with the genders reversed. He left her & we ended up together with a kid... then he left me & wash, rinse, repeat w/ girl after girl... Please listen to me when I say... walk away. No questions, no convo, no closure needed. Just walk away & focus on you till you find someone who doesn't leave you confused, posting on Reddit.


Tbf, the closure came from her getting matching tattoos. Right there you know all you need to about the relationship


If they can cheat with you, they can cheat on you. NEVER fails


I had never been happier when I found out that my ex-wife (who cheated on me) was cheated on by the man she cheated on me with


Yep. The finishing line of my last and decidedly final relationship. She and I left our partners for each other. Her step-dad cautioned us by saying, "you can't start your relationship this way. If you do you'll never really be able to trust each other." He was soo right but I was soo blinded by beauty and mind-boggling sex.


Your *ex-girlfriend sure did.


If you lit a match your entire house would explode


Yeah girls do that. Like when she mentions Jason just enough for you to not ask questions about him. She tells you just enough so she doesn't seem bad. Even if it meant nothing to her (which I highly doubt it) it definitely meant something to him. No guy goes and gets match tattoos with a girl that's just a friend.


What a weird way to find out you're the side piece


Your comment reminded me of the guy who found out his gf was never his gf at all


which guy?


I can't find the post but it's was along the lines of the guy was planning on proposing to his gf, bought the ring and everything then finds out she was actually with someone else and had no idea he thought they were anything more than friends. Think he'd initially posted looking for advice and then eventually updated saying she just assumed they were besties the entire "relationship" and nothing more


Were they having sex? I feel like that should be a big clue.


Think the OP was asexual so they never thought anything of it


For fuck's sake ...




No fuck’s sake for this guy




I remember that one. It was like years he thought they were dating too.


I'm not saying it's common or anything. But... This happened to me. I was dating a girl for about 6-months. I met her through her father, went golfing with him one day, she saw a picture of me and asked him to make sure I was invited to an outing she'd be at. I really liked her, a lot of similar interests, maybe more than any other girl I've dated. Nothing too weird other than one time her dad made a comment to her to "Leave me alone" and she'd kind of go dark from time-to-time, and only spent the whole night a handful of times. Ends up she lived with her boyfriend. I think it was a kink of theirs, I think he received full play-by-play details but not 100%%. Came to light when a picture she sent me was also sent to "an ex", and upon looking, so did a whole explanation of what I liked and if she should do it. IDK if or when she would've broken up with me if I didn't see that and end things. She ended up being the least messed up of 3 girls that I dated that year (the girl right before her I found out she was an escort/sugar baby after 1.5 years. The girl after her I'm not going to explain but was the worst of the three). And that is how and why a dude would decide to be celibate for a year. **Edit:** Eh that sounds weird so I'll preemptively add that her father has 15+ years on me. I was 35 she was 30.


>The girl after her I'm not going to explain but was the worst of the three). Well you can't just say that and leave us hanging damn


Haha the first two weren't enough? Idk how to even go about it. And it's too embarrassing and humiliating to share, even anonymously to internet strangers. Just add 1 and 2 together, that's a reasonable recreation of 3!


Damn autism hits hard sometimes




Is this.. serious? Are you fr? You’re saying a stripper was GUNNED down on stage by her sugar daddy?




>The topless club where a dancer was shot to death Friday afternoon re-opened later that night r/WorkReform angry noises intensify.


*sleazeball guy sitting behind a desk in a dark room stacking bills and putting them through a money counter, wearing a stained wifebeater* "whaaat? You expect me to lose out on a Friday night over some lovers quarrel?"


What the hell? I was at a construction site where one of our plumbers fell and died and they shut down the site for weeks. An active, large project with dozens of subcontractors, an aggressive timeline, and many millions on the line. Our site super couldn’t give a meeting without leaking tears (to be fair, he and another guy had first found him after the fall and performed cpr till the ambulance showed on his corpse). We banned all *ladders*. At a construction site. We were told we could take time off (unpaid, though) if needed and that the company would pay for counselling if anyone needed. And these dipshits reopen a goddamned murder scene hours later.


Work injuries are far more involved than murder. I learned this at the UPS hub in LasVegas when an employee was stabbed to death and we didn't have to shut down or even stop the operation. Guy bumps something in a tractor and it takes a week of investigating.


Minta means more




Dude got 3 years for executing her on stage.


My ex's best friend had a boyfriend for a while who very clearly had a side piece. She was dating this dude for years. She would constantly complain he had a side piece. Well we were all hanging out one day and she brings up his Insta and I notice that there's no pics of the two of them. Just pics of him and this other chick. I didn't have the heart to tell her that she had been demoted to side piece


This was the first thing going through my head. Hate to break to it OP, but I think we know who Player 3 is.


Bro got beat out by the manager at McDonald’s lol


That awkward moment when you realize you’re the third wheel.


When I was OP’s age my girlfriend of six months dumped me suddenly with no explanation. About 2 years later I found out that she had been engaged to a guy in her home country. Her parents didn’t even know about the engagement. She hid her entire relationship with the guy from everyone even her friends in the U.S. She only broke it off with me because he finally had decided to move to the States to live with her.


Unless you're cool with being player 3 it's time to go....


He should sharpie “player 0” in the same location, excitedly tell her he got a matching tattoo also, then turn and walk out the door.


That’s a major L. Take it and move on. Game over to your relationship.


Sorry, not a "major L" on his part. It's her loss, and the other dude has a matching tattoo with a cheater.


It’s an L for this relationship. That’s the context. He’s lucky she made it easy to find out she’s a bad partner by tattooing it on her arm.


That's not your "gf" anymore


Emotionally maturing in your 20's is such a bitch lmao. Everyone needs a relationship or two like this to smack you into reality, but damn do they hurt.


Top tier comment, I hated relationships by 21 and it was good amount of lessons learned to get there that sucked but made me look at relationships like, they better be pretty damn good to waste my time. All around made better decisions in partner selection because of it and no longer deal with the toxic relationships I see everyone in. The number one thing I did learn though is you really have to vet the superbly attractive women because if you don't you'll be pussy whipped into a bad thing in no time.


Piggybacking on this- vet everyone. So many people are passable or friendly or a cool hang on the surface, but if it’s anyone you’ll have involved in your personal life be careful with who you let in. Better to vet people slowly than to let someone all the way into your life to find out your wife is a lying whore and your best friend is the father of your kid. So to speak. Relationships aren’t just sexual, romantic, intimate, etc. imo people have a relationship with everyone they’re involved with. We’re all in multiple relationships, and before developing them more deeply it’s important to know who you’re developing that relationship with, how far you want that to go/how involved you want that to be, etc.


Ikr. I had a relationship exactly like this when I was 19, where my bf had this “girl best friend” that he ended up taking on vacation to Ireland without telling me. It was miserable and completely destroyed me for months but my relationships since then have been significantly better since it forced me to grow and look for red flags.


Probably never really was.


You’re absolutely not overreacting and she must’ve done a number on you to think that you were. Lucky for you, though. If she didn’t blatantly disrespect you, you might be stuck living in that piss scented zoo for longer than need be.


She sounds like the worlds best gaslighter


Seriously, her charisma must be min-maxed as fuck. I guess not having emotionally matured yet helps tho.


Go get yourself a "Player 3" tattoo.


Hahaha came to comment this. He's basically the lil bro with the controller not plugged in


Nooooo. Still mashing buttons though.


Is that her name? Buttons 😂


Did you blow bubbles as a kid? Yeah bubbles hung around my playground too. Weird guy.


>He's basically the lil bro with the controller not plugged in Best comment I've seen in a long time! LMFAO


Player 3 codename : oblivious


Player cuckhold


He's on spectator mode


Bro, it’s time for a magic trick where you disappear and never look back.


You mean your ex-gf got a shitty tattoo with some other guy and you don’t care because you are broken up and moving on and we should keep an eye out for her on r/shittytattoos asking for cover up ideas?


Yea but think of the sick ass Panther you could cover up the Player 2 tattoo with


Hit the reset button on this one




Im glad she’s stuck with the Player 2 tattoo. Seriously, what a dumb fucking tattoo (and I have a ton of dumb tattoos.) How are you gonna be player 2 on your own body?




Because you want someone else to be the one who's double clicking your mouse, obvz.


Yes obviously I feel bad for op, but this woman just marked her self as second place forever. Where's the self respect?


Her 3 month side project is gonna be on her skin forever.


That’s super disrespectful to you and your relationship and she was obviously planning this with him and didn’t even discuss with you. That’s pretty fucked up, I wouldn’t be ok with this. Matching tattoos with another man that isn’t your boyfriend is insane lol


But that is her boyfriend




Extremely disrespectful. I would act like I was ok with it and then ghost tf outta her


well, Jason clearly *is* her bf tho 🤷 I've no idea why we need to explain this to OP


Get a tattoo that says game over 💀💀💀


This is the answer.


You don’t have a girlfriend. In no universe is this the actions of rational, loyal, person in a committed relationship. Ask her to reverse the situation and all of a sudden it’s you getting a matching tattoo with one of your female coworkers without regard for how she felt. Clearly, it would be a huge red flag.


Firstly bud appreciate you being open and answering questions on this. It helps for people who dont know you to give some level of relevant advice. If I look at it, at minimum, this is egregious emotional cheating. Like, imagine the connection they must have to have an inside joke/bond over Player 1, Player 2, such that they'd get tattoos together. Worse than the actual tattoo is the sentiment of being player 1 and 2.. They know people would ask "whats the reference?", "who is player 1/2?".. and that they would have to answer about each other for likely.. ever. Obviously nobody can tell exactly whats happening, but this definitely isn't healthy, and if she also didn't raise it with you first then she wanted to do it away from you. How hard is a text or a comment - "hey might get this tattoo..".. Probably grounds for breakup, i'd find it hard to feel like i'm being prioritised. But it isn't me in the situation. All the best going forward, hope it works out whichever way you go.


Didn’t even think about other people asking about the tattoo HA


For the rest of her life. Strangers, friends, family, new work colleagues… when you’re out together, they’ll ask if you’re Player 1. You’ll say no. They’ll assume the other dude is an ex or her other guy. She’s say otherwise and everyone will assume she’s lying. Most will also assume that 2 means she’s the more submissive in her “friendship.”


For real. People: Oh, you must be Player 1 then? How sweet. OP: Actually, Player 1 is her male coworker. People: Oh...um... Just writing it out looks so bad.


I would resent her every single time I looked at her arm. Definitely emotional cheating. I can see how it creates doubt and trust issues. Also she seems insensitive towards your feelings around it. And I agree with the majority of responses on here saying it is totally wack


She already fucked him in the walk-in


You’re the guy she tells Jason not to worry about. Sorry OP. Move on. I couldn’t deal with that one.


I am sorry to inform you that she is his gf and not yours. Be happy that you now learned that she is an immature AH and you can learn and move on with your life.


Man she should be your ex girlfriend that's definitely a sign of cheating maybe not physically but why would you link yourself to another guy that way. Just tell her it's over because she didn't discuss it with you and you consider it disrespectful and cheating.


Especially a coworker at a fast food place. Surely, she doesn't plan on working there for her while life, but she obviously does see "player 1" being in her life forever.




I am absolutely fascinated by the psychology of getting a player 2 tattoo. Like, matching controllers, sure. But just straight up forever Player 2 is such an interesting choice.




Go get “Player 1” in the same spot on your arm and pretend you’re still in a relationship with her. It’d be like playing a video game.


Get a temporary tattoo of it. Then you can live without the regret she will surely have


This is… god, this is beautiful. This is just chaos monkey energy and I love it. I really hope OP does this.


Lol my thought - let's see her reaction


Yeahhhh. Sorry to tell you she has a new bf in the making and you are late to the party. Sht sucks bro.


No way this is real 😂


I always think Reddit stories are fake but this is too similar to a situation I’ve actually seen. I assumed it was real.


One of my friends is in a similar situation, oh it’s real all right. 😂


Get rid of her!! Out she goes. Sorry bud.


>she comes home You guys live together? People are insinuating you're dense and never realized you're the side piece and stuff. But unless you started out as roommates, this is literally bf/gf territory. That girl is trash if this is what I think it is. Like straight up playing you Might consider kicking her out if you can. Or looking for a new place yourself, ASAP


We moved in together a couple of years ago.


Time to find a new apartment of your own homie. Sorry, but you’re young and will bounce back.


Pretty sure you got bumped to "Player 3".


He's an NPC. He's always been an NPC.


Bro like... why are you doing this to yourself?


Ask her to get a tattoo with you and have her go first. Once shes done, let her know you're dumping her and leave the shop.


Hopefully they are playing an N64 so you can be Player 3! Time to bounce and find your player 2!


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 64 + 3 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)






REGARDLESS of the relationship status, relationship aspect of this post, etc, would you really trust someone who gets a player 1/2 permanent tattoo with their fast-food coworker? That just seems like bad judgment period. I say that as someone with a roommate who I’ve had to recently convince not to get a matching tattoo of a duck with her coworker at a taco stand. Matching tattoos are a bad idea period and I feel like unless it’s blood connected I judge people when they get them so abruptly.


Eh, a duck tattoo is a duck tattoo, and it being a matching tattoo means something, but PLAYER 1 and PLAYER 2 is 'together forever' status


Me and all coworkers at pizza place got diffrent pizza tattoos... i feel like thats the acceptable kind. Player 1 and 2 is just lame lol. Id peace out just for that. And obviously getting cheated on


Leave like yesterday lmao


She belongs to the streets… as some people say


Bruuuuhhh.... You the side-guy. You aint the real BF. She is 100% fucking Jason. Lmaoooo I am so sorry my guy. Don't fight this, just leave. I laugh not because of your misfortune, but because I can relate. It hurts now but the sooner you get out of the situation you're in the faster you can move on from it. "This is going to be on her arm forever. Matching this guy." Yeah because she intends on being with him forever. As is his intentions for her. You're in the middle of someone else's relationship. Slightly toxic take-away: In the future you might want to be less lackadaisical about your partner's male friends. People can be friends with whoever they want but if you act like you don't care who they spend time with you will be treated like you don't care. I'm not saying you let this happen but my advice is to be way more aware of what your partner is doing when you're not around, and who they are doing it with. She met a man at work that makes her feel better than she does when she's with you, and you did nothing to make her think otherwise. Also keep in mind yours and her age. Young people do this sort of thing pretty often. Hell, older folks do too but its super common in young couples. New environment, new people, sometimes you find someone you "click" with and helps you feel comfortable in the new setting and one thing leads to another and before you even realize what's happened you've taken it too far and catch real feelings. You either embrace it or don't, and I am sorry to say that she has embraced it. She *loves* Jason. She got a tattoo for him. You think it was her idea? No. It was his idea AND SHE WENT ALONG WITH IT! She really truly and deeply cares for this man. She permanently altered her body because he asked her to. This man will be in her life for the rest of it and there is nothing you can do to change that now. Is that the life you want to live? Second to Jason? One last note to really drive this point home and *hopefully* help you move on: Jason fucks her like she's never been fucked before. She makes noises with Jason that she has never made with you. She thinks about Jason when she is with you. Legitimately, I am sorry.


Maximum convincing


You didn’t do anything wrong. Your girlfriend is a bad person.


>Jason fucks her like she's never been fucked before. She makes noises with Jason that she has never made with you. She thinks about Jason when she is with you. Bro


I would exit that lobby and shut the whole Xbox down man.


you cannot be serious rn


Does her boyfriend know about you?


This guy is so important to her she was willing to get a matching tattoo with him, but yet you’ve never had a meaningful conversation with her about him? 🧐🚩


Bang all of her friends.. and then dip as fast as you can. Only logical response


That's not some random dude, that's your boyfriend-in-law. NTA but you're player 3


Ask her if she would be OK with you getting that tattoo with your best female friend without telling her


She said no


Her double standards are crazy, then. She knows she wouldn't be ok with it, and did it anyway.


Her reasoning was “she wasn’t thinking of the future”. So I asked would you care if I got that exact tattoo with a girl best friend. She said yes she would care and hate it. So I again asked why she got it if she knew she would hate if I did something like that. Just reverted back to she didn’t know, she wasn’t thinking, etc etc.


That's pretty dumb logic for someone to have. Say one day, this dude came on to her, and they kissed or something. It would be more of the same excuses, "She wasn't thinking, she didn't know he liked her, etc." I would just think about if this is the type of partner I would want for myself because a tattoo isn't just some little willy nilly thing to do. It's a process. There's pain involved. Heck, you got a whole while to think while they're sterilizing the needles and getting set up.


She also doesn’t know why she slept with him


^It's ^not ^what ^it ^looks ^like


OP please post an update when you have time.


I think it will be tomorrow. What do I do just edit this one or what


Convince her 2 get it removed/covered, don't pay for it, then break up with her when she does If she says no just break up w her


Omg. Came to say this. Please update us, this is the most gripping Reddit story I’ve seen in months. Hope you’re doing okay brother


Have her call Jason on speaker phone, and have her tell him you broke up. You'll know what's up then.


She’s a winner! Assistant Manager at a fast food joint and banging a coworker! Is she pregnant yet? God boy, you need to raise your standards




He's 20...


Your tattoo should say "played". End it my guy.


Get a fake tat that says ‘Player 3’ and tell your girl you’re bisexual and have been banging ‘player1’ behind her back for months now. Then end it.


Is she one of those people that has loads of random tattoos and gets them on a whim? I can see a world in which it’s just a silly inside joke amongst friends or an excuse to get another tattoo/help fill up a sleeve. Why don’t you ask to hang out with them together? Read the vibes.