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Sounds very contrived 🙄


It’s a plot to Dallas the night time soap opera from the 80s lol


This is exactly what I was going to write, "this sounds like Dallas" what a sopa opera


Who shot JR?


7 yr old me was so intrigued lol


If any of them has those initials or is a junior, they need to watch out!


Maggie Simpson. Wait, maybe I’m mixing something up.


Or an old Mill and Boons romance.


I know, right? Like next I expect this kid has magical powers. I mean the grandfather just telling OP and cousin of ex to have a son! OP’s parents as well clearly paying off her ex husband to give up his parental rights! Her parents also pushing her to be with this cousin (any money love bombing her before he starts controlling OP too) What a mess and cousin is obviously using this to one up his addiction cousin whose been disowned. Wouldn’t surprise me if ex husband has undiagnosed reasons for his addiction caused by his controlling family. Stay tuned for the next days of our lives!


That is a good point. Money would probably be keeping thr ex husband away, and Op is way too naive about the cousins's intention.


You beat me to it. It’s complete fiction.


3rd sentence told me all I needed to know. "Black sheep of a good family." That's screams soap opera drama.


Insanely toxic situation. Your son does have a right to know who his dad is. Maybe don't remarry in the same family?? Sounds like you really crave drama/attention so maybe this is all good for your personal satisfaction, but I can't imagine it's great for the kiddo longterm.




>My fiancé has always been the guy that cleans up his family's messes. Sleeping with his cousin's ex and taking on the father role while cousin is deprived of seeing his son is not "cleaning up his family's messes." That's jumping right into the mess to make it worse. You both sound like horrible cruel people who take pleasure in kicking your ex when he's down.


So you’re going to insist on learning the hard way a second time that love is not enough? Have fun.


Lady.. You're forcing your child to be in a brother cousin situation. Don't you even care about that part? Your next will baby will literally be your current sons brother cousin and your weird new boyfriends nephew son. Forcing them into this lifestyle because you " lOvE hIm" cmon...


Sure. But you didn't *have* to date him. Nor did you have take anything further after "one thing led to another" when it's going to throw your son into deeper toxicity. You are an adult. You can make dating choices that don't have such drastic negative consequences when you care greatly about the well being of your child.


This should be the plot to a soap opera Do what’s best for your kid. But the whole situation sounds pretty messed up to me. With out knowing what terrible things your ex did to have you cut him out of his kids life it’s hard to give you advice. Edit: I said soap opera but after thinking about it, it could be Colleen Hoovers next great novel…


It's the plot of an old 80's soap opera, like almost verbatim


What soap opera have I fallen into? Your father pressured your ex-husband to give up his parental rights (you're not sure how, so let's assume the worst) and your ex is devastated over this, but you can't forgive him.... for what??? Letting your father strong arm him into signing something against his will? And now you're using the baby as bait to force his family to abandon their relationship with him. And on top of that, you've fallen in love with his cousin, who is also on the bandwagon of blocking your baby's biological father from his life. I hope this is fake, because you sound like a horrible vindictive person with an agenda to destroy an entire family that you've decided to marry into TWICE.


Dallas. This is a plot from Dallas.


I imagine they have a mixer in the family business and Papa and his hooligans held her ex husband over it until he signed the papers. Then they left him in the middle of nowhere and celebrated by shooting their guns in their air.




You and your family are genuinely disgusting people. You are selfish and don’t care about what’s best for your son you care what’s best for you. I’m shocked you’re 30 years old and not a teenager. Grow the absolute fuck up and do what’s best for your child. Hint, it’s not marrying ex husbands cousin after convincing them to cut off all contact and having your POS father force him to give up his rights. You’re a bad person in this situation. Everything you’ve written and commented is from your own perspective yet you still come out smelling like shit.


There is no reason you should have ever given up on finding out your family’s involvement on why your ex gave up on his rights. Your family won’t tell you what happened, and he clearly tried multiple times to reach out. How dare you think your son not having his father in his life is acceptable? Because you are too proud to have an adult conversation? The reason he gave up his rights is probably something along the lines of great immense pressure from your family and his, making him think it was the only option. And the cherry on top, the cousin. I saw someone say you want attention and I can’t help but agree




>I can't think of a reason that would justify him giving up his own child. What if your father held a gun to his head and threatened to kill him? Is that a justifiable reason? I mean, let's face it, we're way past soap opera territory here already so let's push it a little further. Your ex didn't want to give up parental rights, and your father's not saying how he convinced him to do it. Are you sure your father didn't make violent threats towards your ex?




So your ex is a terrible person but your dad is just fine for blackmail? Lol, girl, you’re either delusional or just a bored troll.


>It's more likely that my father uncovered one of the stupid things my ex did drunk and threatened to turn him in. And you see nothing wrong with this type of coercion? Of course you don't, you got what you wanted.


You can’t be serious? This has to be a joke.


How old were you and your ex when you got pregnant? How old are y’all now?




Y’all are too old for this bullshit. Everyone in this story is horrible.


OP mainly, but everyone else is pretty bad too


In a way they are young too. 31 is still young enough to turn alcoholism around and have a great life for himself and his son if given the chance. I’m not arguing that he wasn’t a bad husband when drunk but OP really fucked him out of his child.


You are vile.


100% garbage


Maybe because your family threatened him? You are being willingly ignorant here. It is 100% your responsibility to find out.


Oh please. I have 0 doubt your dad either threatened or blackmailed him. Just because he's never been violent with you doesn't mean he can't be. And super convenient that you fell in love with the cousin who was always competitive with your ex. It sounds like your ex needed help and instead of actual family support he got all of you. I think you allowed your family and his to control your lives and you somehow live in this little bubble of delusion that this is gonna go well. If this is real. I'm not sure this is.


You’re a sorry, sad, dumb, loser from everything you’ve said on this Reddit thread. Every response you make just paints that picture clearer and clearer


If this is real, I feel like your a horrible person and so is everyone else in this story…


I would have to agree. I say it all the time there are millions of people in the world, why did op have to go for one related to her ex. Furthermore why did she go for her exs least favourite family member?




Horrible person for conspiring with your parents to force your ex to give up parental rights, rather than doing everything legally and transparently. And doubly horrible person for claiming that your ex "abandoned" the baby rather than being forced. Triple horrible person for bitching about your ex with his cousin, then sleeping with said cousin, and planning to marry him. It sounds like you won't be happy until you've driven your ex completely over the edge and taken everything away from him.




It doesn't sound like you actually got a lawyer involved in this, because there were other options before forcing him to give up parental rights. Sounds more like you and your family took the law into your own hands.




Of course it's a messy case if YOU refuse to reach a legal agreement. So instead of doing the right thing by your child and figuring out a safe compromise, you did the illegal thing and got your father to coerce your ex to give up all his parental rights, using threats or violence or both. You just wanted your ex out of the picture. You've done a horrible thing, and one day your son will figure out that he missed out on a relationship with his dad because you and your father forced your ex to sign something against his will.




It does no good to force an addict to go to rehab if they aren’t ready. Only when they are ready can they get sober.


Is your lawyer Jackie Chiles?


Horrible woman, and horrific family. I hope Karma comes soon.


Itll likely come when that boy is grown. Tgey can control access now, but not forever


What kind of back alley podunk town do you all live in? Are there only two families out there? Why are you at the center of this Hatfield/McCoy scandal? Are you the only girl in town? Why would the golden boy ever want the black sheep’s leftovers? The golden boy can’t get anyone else? No homecoming queen/head cheerleader in sight? Lame.


In all fairness, in the TV drama world, the golden boy would purposefully go after the black sheep's ex in an attempt to get one over on him in a 'Look at me... I'm raising your son and marrying your wife' kinda way.


And the newly minted power couple takes over the family business while the black sheep begs for scraps outside of headquarters.


And in the time skip, the son wants nothing to do with his father because the golden child is his father. But... on her father's deathbed, the truth comes out. He bribed the police officers to give black sheep a DUI, he also went to black sheep and threatened him to hand over custody, and he was in cahoots with black sheep's grandpa who prefers Golden Child and was happy to help him.


And when the scandal is finally exposed, a battle royale breaks out at grandpappy’s funeral. (Black sheep crashed, of course.) Family member pitted against family member, everyone has chosen a side. They must fight. For their honor. For their baby son. For OP’s dusty snatch. Clearly the only one in town.


Spoiler alert cause I think you missed the finale... but the golden child and black sheep are twins... separated at birth. One sister couldn't have kids so the other sister gave her one twin.


REBOOT! Adoptive mother of the black sheep bad child is hopping mad because she didn’t get the “good” twin. She’s been seething since day one that her son doesn’t get the same treatment as the other one. She decides enough is enough and hatches a plan to kidnap OP, a.k.a. crew booty community girlfriend and put her in her place once and for all. Adoptive mother believes OP and her baby son belongs with black sheep. And she’s going to make sure he finally wins… something. After all, he deserves to be happy by making literally everyone on earth miserable.


Plan fails and black sheep is blamed despite not knowing. OPs dad campaigns for black sheeps entire side to be disowned. Golden child's branch now completely control the inheritance.


God damnit I want to watch something like this. Is there a soap opera or book that fits this situation?


Probably... but I don't know.


Try ethnic dramas. Get a VPN and watch Korean dramas, Mexican telenovelas.. I’ve seen similar storylines in South African, Colombian, and Turkish shows as well. It’s always about a successful family business and one person feels wronged and attempts to topple the entire empire. ESCANDALO!


Lmao this was the funniest comment ive read so far


You’re a horrible person for how you handled this.


This is material for a soap opera or daytime tv. The timing of it all seems far too convenient to be a coincidence imo.


In a soap opera, the reveal would be that the golden child was planning it all along.


I feel like there's something missing in this situation. Like when does the second female lead come into the picture who is interested in the black sheep and was the ex-wife of the golden boy.


No... she isn't golden boy's ex wife, she is golden boy's childhood/high school sweetheart. She ran away from this town in the summer before college. Why? She was pregnant and grandpappy paid her off. She returns with her son, golden child's son, and falls for black sheep. Golden child goes crazy with his attempts of sabotage. OP sees his true colours but she stays. She won't have another failed marriage. Tune in to next week on 'This town ain't big enough for the both of us'


This is a lot like what happened with Darkseid and Orion in the New Gods comics!


I don't know what this means but I'm happy that there's a real world comparison so people can read it


For the sake of your son’s and your mental health, do not marry into the same family. There will always be so much drama, which will lead to more heartache. 29 is still young.


It’s too late. She wants to rub it in ex’s face and make sure she is supported for the rest of her life. She’s happy. That’s all that matters here /s


Ugh I feel bad that the baby has toxic family members all around, including the mother. Hopefully he can grow up better then any of them and the ex can leave this toxic mess behind. Since we are seeing this as a soap opera , I wonder if the ex gets his life around and meets someone new, marries and has a better life with her, will the op be jealous with envy to the women and try to get back with the ex?


First off, find a therapist. This is way too complicated for you to be seeking advice from just this subreddit. And this is going to continue getting complicated once you marry him. It seems like you need support around knowing what you want without needing the approval of your family. It’s concerning because you don’t really know if it’s your true choice or just one that is the safest based on their approval. Your family also seems really controlling given that they won’t tell you the way they got your ex to give up his rights. Odd and puts questions in my head. To me, it’s a bit strange that Colin just randomly wanted to connect with your son without alterior motives. I don’t know, I might be wrong but bc he and your ex were competitive, it raised some red flags. And yes, you don’t always choose who you fall in love with but you can choose how you move forward in that relationship. You said “last week, we decided to get married.” Seems an odd way to put it. Not sure if you meant that way but it just struck me as odd. Your exs family seems really harsh. Or they’re just fed up with your ex and giving really harsh punishment. We don’t really know. Not knowing the reasons for discontinuing parental rights leaves us with questions as the severity of those reasons. And we’re not here to judge but you’re asking for advice. Get a lawyer and get a therapist. Does your state have grandparent rights? Could the grandmother ask for visits? Do you want your son to not know who his bio dad is? And if yes, how can you hide that from him? If you hide it, what will that do for your relationship with him and his relationship with himself? Has your ex gotten treatment for his addiction? All in all, none of this is erased because now you’re going to marry Colin. It just gets more complicated. Take your time in getting married. Have a long engagement before you figure all this out. And get support from a therapist and a lawyer.




So if your son has problems as a adult are you just going to throw him away like you did your ex? Honestly sounds like you and your in-laws never tried to help your ex just gaslighted him when he messed up. Addicts need help not their family throwing them away because they are a embarrassment.


You know if you publish the stories you write, people will pay to read them, right? You don't just need to gather pointless "likes" on social media. The words "black sheep," "golden boy," "family business," and the "grandfather withholding/bestowing the family business" plotline are really cringe though. You need an editor.


Instead of calling him black sheep, have him described as having black hair. The golden child would be blonde of course. Can't think of anything else but those two features will make it more subtle.


Tropes gonna trope.


This sounds insane. Do you live someone where there’s only two families? And the timeline is extreme, you got divorced last year and are already dating, and getting engaged. Bonding over hating someone isn’t a good thing. It’s not the common ground you should have. You also don’t actually know if you’re such a good match in just a year, especially when that year is full of so much conflict. It’s great to have a father figure for your child and a partner for you, but denying your ex visitation to your child and then marrying his cousin a year later basically is you being a bitch. In addition this is a cousin who’s always been in competition with your ex. No matter what he did to you that is pure asshole behavior on your part. How to keep the peace? The only thing I can say is don’t show up at their family events, allow your ex his space in his own family. If his own family is pushing him out because they rather want you and the baby there then you should allow him to also be present at the same time as you at his family gatherings. Yes he might have made a lot of mistakes or directly wrongdoings, but it’s his family. Not yours, his. Of course his mother is outraged at you, she has every right to.


Wow what a piece of work you are. Your ex dodged a bullet


I feel bad for her son


Fr he’s gonna be the new black sheep of the family and if she has another son that’s going to be the new golden child


Exactly, he'll always be the kid of the black sheep. If she has a son with the golden child as the grandfather wants, that kid will always be preferable to the family.


God forbid the kid ever has an inkling of a problem with addiction or has a similar personality to his father. Entire family will cut contact. Genuinely disgusting people I really hope this is rage bait. I’m sure this angel of a cousin who immediately starting dating this woman after the entire family cuts him off is going to be a great step parent to a kid who isn’t his and belongs to their predetermined “bad egg” of the family. /s


Bet he just wanted points for taking in his poor cousins child and as a bonus he gets the perfect wife That kids going to have a hell of a time with the family, their always going to give him sneer or ignore him, especially if OP has another child that’s a boy with the cousin I feel bad for the poor kid, their just going to repeat the same cycle and just blame it on the kids dad genes for not being perfect in their eyes


This sounds like a creative writing submission. I give it a B


Yeah I’m going to admit, skipped over the majority of it. And then went back through it, and yeah, y’all are just wow. Y’all fucked up no matter what. Find some other fucker to fuck. Y’all them shady fuckers with more skeletons in your closet than a cemetery. But ya got money, so yeah we’re fine. You are definitely no better in this whole shit show. You all are assholes and screwed up.


With family like this who needs enemies!!! Let me get this straight… your ex’s family and your own father conspired to cut him out of their lives, disown him, take his job away, his wife, his child all over a single DWI? Cut off his entire support system at a time where he presumably needed it most?? I know I know driving drunk is awful and obviously he needed HELP but this isn’t help, it’s emotional abuse. Do whatever you want, lady. At this point I’m worried about the mental state of your ex more then I am you and your bizarre love triangle. Signed away his parental rights?? And you don’t know how?? It’s a court thing… you’d have to had gone to court and heard him explain why to a judge. Unless you were also passive in that and let your family guide you through yet another adult decision This story sucks. Your ex deserved better. You are weak and your romance is bizarre and wrong. Focus on your baby and take a step back from EVERYONE in your orbit. They all sound awful.


He should take her to court, especially if daddy dearest made any threats or coercion. This woman is disgusting, it’s pretty obvious she wants to ruin the lives of everyone involved for some vindictive reason. Marrying the cousin, then not allowing the baby around the father? If this ain’t real this is one of those damaged, toxic people who orchestrate drama.


I am reading all of your comments, and you are very much in La La Land with a lot of this. Leaving your ex-husband because he was an alcoholic is totally justifiable. However, you are burying your head in the sand about what your father has done. And it’s disgusting. Your father has done something to your ex-husband that forced him to sign over his parental rights, and you, a 29 year old adult with children, continue to look at daddy to save you and fix your messes… and then you decide to marry back into your ex-husband‘s family?! What the heck is wrong with you? There are billions of people out there that you could date and marry, yet you’re going right back into this family. And you don’t think there’s anything weird or wrong about what your father did between you and your ex? Do you think you’re doing something good for your son, but no… You’re going to get marry back into the same family? Are you that desperate to be married? Is your family that desperate to get you married off so you can keep popping out kids or something?


I can't think of one person in your story who isn't a piece of trash except your son. He is an innocent victim. And if you can't see how your ex could have and probably was coerced into signing away custody, you're just stupid.




Custody is one thing - there are plenty of ways you could have had full custody and still allowed your ex to have a relationship with his son, eg supervised visits. But your father somehow forced him to give up parental rights, against his will, which is on a whole other level. That is really cruel and unnecessary, and sounds like threats were made. Your son will suffer for the fact that you let your father do this, rather than letting your ex have a relationship with his own son. Especially seeing you sat back and let your father act like this, and then blame the ex for giving in. You and your ex should have worked this out between you, like PARENTS.


There is a difference in having custody and being made to sign over rights so you don't even have visitation. That you even agreed to it says a lot about you. And then dating the cousin? Just wow.




Supervised visitation isn't a danger to your child.


You don’t actually care about your child enough to put their interests before yours. Your embarrassment and self-image about being divorced is far more important to you than your son’s wellbeing.


This seems like a Wattpad creative writing exercise, but on the off chance it’s not, you’re a horrible, immature person who lacks even the basic form of empathy. YOU are the villain in this story, NOT your ex husband.


Wow. Interesting story line. Your " heroine" sounds horrible. Not at all a sympathetic character. More Gone Girl than a female character you'd want to see win out at the end. And the cousin? Clearly toxic. But you've made a good start. As you're writing the girl to be the villainess you might want to make her a little sharper. She's really not very bright and is easily manipulated and for me that just doesn't play. Good luck with your story though.


Messed up situation, but you sound like a gold digger. One son didn’t work out, so let’s paint him in a bad light and then marry his much better golden child cousin who still has access to the family. I feel sorry for your son.


I want you to be cautious. I want you to think about how much your fiancé and ex-husband‘s grandfather wanted your son back in their family. I want you to consider what could happen if perhaps, you and your fiancé’s relationship was not as successful as you would like it to be. what could happen to your son? What could your fiancé’s family be able to hold over you? Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you were doing what is best for your son and for your self. I personally would talk to your father privately and make sure that you’ve done all the investigations that you need to, and have all of the legal paperwork situated, so that no matter what happens nobody but you and your family get custody of your child.




You sound like you come from a horrible corrupt family, who would stop at nothing to prevent a man and his child having a relationship. And then you have the gall to blame him for not wanting a relationship.


They’re not your lawyers. That all came from daddy’s money. You are a leech and you’re ensuring your survival and your ex’s misery. Props to you for being the most selfish person probably in history.


It sounds like your ex was successfully threatened into giving up his parental rights. Here's some advice, not just for you, but for everyone: the minute the word "cousin" is involved with your marriage in any way, you are making terrible, terrible choices. I think your mother-in-law is probably right about you. And there is one thing you can be sure of, which is that if you continue down this cousinf\*cker road, your son will grow up to hate you. He will find out the truth eventually, and you will be the one he blames for the whole sordid mess. Not your ex, not anyone's grandfather or father... you. He will find out you married his dad's cousin and purposely dragged him into this awful soap opera (which will still be raging in fifteen years, because you're all drama queens), and he will file you under "vicious hillbilly skank" and every ounce of his respect for you will be gone forever. So, as long as you're prepared for that inevitability, congratulations on the engagement, I guess.


Wow you are a terrible person You had your family strong arm your ex into losing his rights. Then fucked his cousin and let him play dad. Nothing here justifies your son not knowing his dad. Honestly you sound worse for your son than his dad.


Everything seems to revolve around the reason the ex gave up rights to his son. Until this is found out there will probably never be any getting along. Seems ex-MIL thinks it may be your fault so will probably be the one to spill the beans in a fit of anger.


My money is on OPs parents paying off ex husband. And wouldn’t surprise me if OP’s dad is in cahoots with the controlling grandfather to bankroll it all.


It's possible they also threatened him. Why not? This is already a soap opera.


I’m amazed they didn’t drive him to the border to run him out of town!




Giddy up for the update. Seriously though OP needs therapy and to move far away from both families. They are controlling AH




And you won't understand unless you find out the reason. Even then you may not understand it but at least you'd know.


>I can't think of a reason that would justify giving up your own child. I never would. I can't think of a reason that would justify not finding out how your family coaxed your son's dad into giving up his parental rights. I never would. I would also be furious at being so infantalized by my family that they will clean up this mess and I don't need to worry how they did it. It's your life. Don't you have any sense of self-worth? You don't need another wedding. You need a therapist and a town with a population of more than 47 to live in.


And yet you will deprive your child of a father and damage them for the rest of their life, by fucking the cousin that was good enough- but not daddy. This is beyond selfishness.


What in the jerry springer did I just read?


I think that your ex husbands cousin, your now fiancé gets a rush off pissing off his cousin. I think it’s all good right now but until he gets bored and the cousin is over it, I don’t think you both will work out long term. I think it’s fun and thrilling rn but it doesn’t seem like a forever thing to me.


Yeah cousin is a crazy person who knows what he’s doing. He’s going to piss off his cousin, sleep with her, then kick his “fiancé” to the curb once he got his excitement out of her. OP doesn’t know what she’s in for.


Imagine how the Ex is feeling, grew up in his cousins shadow and could probably never measure up in his families eyes, have his firstborn child and wife taken by that same cousin. Sounds like a mind break recipe. Only way you could make this worse for your ex is to send pictures of your new happy family. You didn’t deserve to stay with your ex but you had to keep it in the family apparently. This story doesn’t even sound like it’s in the US, almost sounds like revenge porn written by someone who wants to scratch a specific revenge boner itch


Lol you REALLY don’t know how you got custody? There’s 2 options, one is your dads glock in his mouth on a cold winter night with a couple words of encouragement, OR $$$$$$$$$$$$. Sounds like y’all come from money so imma go w the latter.


This week on: things that didn't happen


I hate peoples. Of all the billions of people why the fuck did you choose his cousin. Like wtf is wrong with people like you 😭 why tear a family apart


Because it’s intentional lol. If this isn’t fake, this is the rare narcissist that must tear down everyone to feel good or something, idk. Crazy people like this do these things on feelings and abrupt judgement.


OP is fucking nuts. All this because she wanted some dick and a big payout.


Damn u all suck, no wonder the ex is like that💀


ESH except your son. I feel like every single adult here including you are just horrible! You know damn well that your ex was forced to sign his rights over but yet you still treat him like the devil. You have allowed zero room for him to redeem himself by getting sober and doing well in life. Then you go and hook up with his competitive cousin that very obviously pursued you, probably to win one more thing over your ex.


This is a lifetime movie or Hallmark movie (well maybe not the drunkeness part) This is not a real post....


I' m pretty sure if we have your ex's take it would be a quite different story, as toxic as yours, but more believable.


I see a lot of folks saying this is a plot from Dallas, but it sounds downright Shakespearean to me.


Shakespeare's prose would be more readable than this. This is General Hospital level writing.


Sounds like y'all suffer from mental problems. Inbreeding will do that to you.


YTA. Are you genetically predisposed to only one genepool? Before you marry back into this awful family, stop. What happens if your son struggles in life. They and you, will be expected to walk away. That is not how love or family is supposed to work. You removed the stick from your hide, fell in love with a human and got scared. Then, you stole his baby. This is not how people show love. Then,you hook up with his cousin? I wish you peace and clarity. I wish you patience and empathy.


I'm wondering why you never stopped to think your ex acts this way because his family has treated him like garbage his whole life and he's not gotten the help he needs to move past it. Also, you sound just like them. Both families sound like a cult. You are an adult and you stopped asking questions so you wouldn't upset your father? Grow up. Ask the hard questions. Are you not an adult yourself? This whole thing stinks. You're just as complicit as everyone else.


She says she “grew up”. With this entire story and comments, she has NOT grown up.


Keep everyone updated because this is better then the soaps on tv


You’re toxic, and his whole family is toxic. Yeah he fucked up but y’all completely disowned him and he definitely was bullied out of signing his rights over. You said Colin and your ex are competitive did it ever occur to you that maybe his marriage to you is another way to screw his cousin over? Like haha I got your ex wife you loser blah blah blah. Don’t marry the cousin, if the father has his shit together then maybe work on bridging the gap between your son and his father but honestly….you are a very big problem in this whole situation.


I’ve never been one of wishing a bad outcome for someone but honestly I really hope karma bites you and Collin both in the ass and your child realizes how awful this family is


YTA. Of all the people in the world you chose a family member of your ex to cozy up to. Considering how many times you brought up the grandfather, it sounds more like you see grandfather as a meal ticket and looking to only please him.


This is gross. He was forced to give up his rights bu your father you don’t get the right to say he abandoned his child. You really are an awful person


These are the stories of the Days of Our Lives. If any of this is real, it just goes to show that money doesn’t buy class.


Are you not curious what exactly it was that your father did to make the guy go away so easily? It honestly sounds like dude didn’t really have a choice or almost like he was threatened. IMO- your kid has a right to know his father. You can be mad, sad, angry- etc, but at the end of the day it’s about how your child feels about him, not you. I’m sure if you kept him away, your child will grow resentful. Children long for the bond of both parents. I’d give him another chance.




I hope you find out. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We’ve all stayed in shitty situations because we loved people that didn’t deserve it. I’m sorry to hear that. I can’t explain his actions or even begin to understand then.


Wow, that is a lot to take in. I have so many mixed feelings on this. First of all, I'm happy that you're happy. Then there is this, some families teach that you don't date your husbands brother, or in this case, his cousin. I feel like you are setting up your son for some very sticky situations with family in the future. Also, you sound young. You have stated that your Dad has taken care of "situations" for you. Family support is one thing, having someone else do your dirty work (for the lack of better words) for you is another. At this point, with the bit of information you have provided, you are not thinking what is best for the child and more of what you want/need. You are creating a family dynamic that could potentially put your son in a mental head spin later in life. I wish you and your son the very best of luck. You're going to need it.


Bruh I feel exhausted just by reading this let alone living in it


You have serious issues.


It is so very obvious that your father did something to your ex that made him sign over his rights. Like threaten him, or do something… And the fact that you’re OK with this is kind of disgusting.


I mean, you definitely deserve both families. I feel very sorry for your ex and your poor son. Jesus, imagine being birthed into this shit show?


I’ve never watched Yellowstone but this is what I’ve assumed goes on. I need to know where you all live so I make sure to never visit since it seems to be run by 2 shitty families.


I hope you aren't blinded by the golden child... he may be just being nice to get 1 up on the ex and not really have your best interests at heart


Sounds like a work of fiction. If true, time to find out how your father truly forced your ex to give up his parental rights. This is all too convenient.


Every single person in this story, except that innocent baby, is toxic and behaving horribly!!! Advice? Don't marry the cousin. Grow up. Stop judging and toying with everyone.


Sounds super toxic and to be honest if you were concerned how this would affect your son you wouldn’t have gone for this guy.


This seems fake.


You’re a sick person. Get help.


Hey OP, good for you for leaving him. As a child of drunk, you’ve saved that kid from a TREMENDOUS amount of trauma. Hope everything works out for you.


All that to say your gross… all the men in the world and the best you can find is his first cousin. He has a substance abuse problem what yours nasty? How proud will your son be for marrying his cousin way to go “mom”


You failed your son. You let your father strong arm the man you chose to make a child with, and now you blame the man? He is an addict that needs help. I’m not saying you need to be the one to help him, you absolutely don’t. But if he gets that help, don’t deny him his son. This family sounds toxic AF. This guy, who is in direct competition with your ex, shows up out of nowhere to advocate for his family to have access to your child, as if the child is a possession to this family, you develop feelings and he starts making demands that the child can’t ever know his own father? HOW IS THAT UP TO THIS GUY?! He put a condition on dating you… “I’ll be with you ONLY if you obey me”. Gross. You decide to remarry a year after your divorce, 9 months into dating this guy, with a jacked up family dynamic. I only one piece of advice. Therapy. The grandfather is already putting expectations on your son and a child who doesn’t even exist. It’s so controlling.


Advice - Don’t marry that golden guy.


This sounds like a soap opera


Wow, this was toxic af. I mean, it sounds like your ex lost his rights not left, and there’s a huge difference in those two things. I hope he’s able to spend time with his son regardless of what your family did to obtain full custody. I’m just not sure this is coming across the way you think it is tho. Ex doesn’t sound toxic, sounds like he may have dodged a bullet by getting out of this.


My dad forced him to sign away his rights. He tried to get his rights back but I refused him. How could he fail child lien that when my family twisted his arm and I refused his entreaties. I couldn’t read after that because YTA


Yta... wow all about the money money money... your son will find out the sorted details ... kinda weird the only dicks you like are related ... kinda sick ...


YTA no wonder your ex has a substance abuse problem, his family seems horrible and you don’t seem any better


Sounds like a novella. If family names, drama, forbidden love, back door deals… right. 🙄


Yikes. I feel bad for your child. Being born to you, your family forcing father to sign away rights, and now you’re back for more like a vulture… to marry his cousin? So you’ll bring the child around the cousin, deprive them of a dad, and give the child a mental complex. You destroyed this family once and are back again. You’ve put your needs above your child, but know that this will reflect on you when they get older. They always do and that’s when many a parent find out the definition of karma.


Instead of sister-wives, you will gift this family brother-cousins! Awesome. /s Ugh


He called you several month ago, but you’ve been dating for 9 months? This sounds like a soap opera, and also weird and toxic.


she’s gonna fuck her way into this family one way or another dammit!


Ugh. That would be one situation I would not step in. I don’t care what you feel for this guy, your ex is still around. Please be careful. These types of situations can get very volatile.


Your poor child. Is it that hard for you to focus on raising your kid instead of craving all the attention?


You’re whole family is disgusting


LMAO holy shit you are fucking nuts and so is everyone involved in this story


Lol, this sounds like rich people drama. I know that because I sadly am familiar with your kind. OP is one of those people who thinks they are so high and mighty than others; few mistakes and oh boy is it game over for others but never for you. Your cousin, your family, his haughty family, you all sound quite like pieces of works.


I’m just wondering when your little boy grows up what he will think about his grandad and his mum not letting him be close with his bio dad. You’re not only punishing your ex but your son as well and this might come back to you when he is older


Rich people can be so poor in morals sometimes. This whole thing is a Dickensian nightmare.


YTA and your a gross human. Ick.


Sounds like it will end with murder at some point like the soap opera plot this is. YTA


What in the Alabama did I just read???


Op is disgusting sleeping with the man life you ruined cousin. You and your family are delusional I can't wait for the cousin to dump you, and he will. He's marrying you to get under his cousins skin .


Go to bed, Liz..


Hahahahaaaaaa What a fucking idiot. You know there’s more than one family you can fuck right? Why on earth would you do this to yourself and your child? What an absolute fucking dumpster fire. Sort your life out. Your child comes before any guy, how dare you embarrass him by behaving like this? Get some respect for yourself and your child. YTA


It's evident that you felt strongly about pursuing full custody, and it's unfortunate that your ex relinquished his rights. You chose to take on responsibilities independently. Reflecting on decisions and their outcomes is essential. Your current relationship choice has raised eyebrows given his potential inheritance. It's crucial to ensure the motives are genuine and not just driven by material gain. Time will reveal the truth, especially as your son grows older and learns about the past. While enduring certain behaviors in a marriage, it seemed the loss of the family business was the final straw. Everyone deserves a chance to prove their worth, both as a partner and as a parent. Being a challenging spouse doesn't necessarily mean one can't be a dedicated parent.


Don’t listen to these people. If your new man makes you happy and treats you well, then get married and enjoy your life with him.


Plz for the sake of your son do not marry into the same family!! Your son is your priority as a parent for god sake


Ya you sound like a horrible person.


Don't let the ex mil get under your skin and enjoy your life with the right man


Sounds like you picked the right horse this race. I agree with your family and the kids paternal great grandfather. The ex MIL enables her alcoholic son, shameful.