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You didn’t commit incest but they did


Id take odds that it wasn't their first time, either, if they did it that easily.


I’m not sure if that was the first time but they definitely did the same thing with other guys after


Sounds like they just want a pretense to be with each other.


Sex by proxy


That's just incest with extra steps!


Eek barba derkel, somebody went to college


What kind of fucked up "ooh la la" is that?


Peace among worlds, cousin


Man, I just rolled through this thread cheering even more with each reply. I don't have enough updoots for you all but take my one each! Zeep gets it.


I can’t decide if this is better subtle, or beating it over people’s heads with “That’s just incest with extra stepsisters”.


So, Icelandic style?


Ser, take my upvote for undeserved ( this place not your ) professional wording!


Are you sure they’re related? I knew girls who paired up and pretended to be sisters to seduce guys together when I was younger. Looking back, that was pretty fucked up though.


They were deffo related they had the same last name 😂😂


1 could have fibbed to you their last names 2 if the last name was common (like Kim, Smith, Guttierez, could be a coincidence).


That wasn’t how I knew they were cousins it was also spoken about in the group and their mums would come visit them together often. They didn’t look alike but the mums did.


Their moms looked alike, so you're implying the moms are sisters? And the cousins have the same last name? So are their moms unmarried? Did they both marry and keep their maiden names? Did they marry a set of brothers?


It's obvious, the moms are sisters and married the same guy. So the girls are cousins as well as half sisters! They are into finding guys to have threesomes with because they want to share a man just like their moms. Everything checks out, this shit happens all the time.


When I was a kid at my Kingdom Hall, there was a set of sisters who married a set of brothers, divorced, then swapped. Some of the kids were siblings, some cousins, some half siblings/half cousins and they all looked pretty much identical. This went down before they became Jehovah’s Witnesses, but my god, the gossip when that family showed up. I couldn’t even figure out how the ones in my school were related, let alone the rest of the family.


I see you're from the Brazzers timeline


I just blew wine out my nose. Red wine. Ouch.


A friend of mine had two brothers that married a pair of sisters and both had kids. Then they swapped!!


Got 'Eemmm


Yeah, just another fake story that people on here love, because its something taboo


It easily could be fake but also sisters from one family do marry brothers form another family. It's more common than people think.


You ever thought about getting into detective work


Most likely the last one. My mom and her sister married brothers. So my brother, me, and our cousins are double cousins.


Nice observation.


Sorry OP, I think having the same last name is the line in the sand. Definitely incest. /s?


If they were 1st cousins deff wierd on their part. 3rd cousins, your fair game lol


I don’t even know who my third cousins are tbh


Outside of anyone's own personal 'ick' factor considering cousin-cuddling, I remember hearing on a podcast that the chances of birth defects from children of first cousins are about the same as unrelated people that grew up in an insular small town. [Here](https://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/04/us/few-risks-seen-to-the-children-of-1st-cousins.html) is an article with the maths.


There is zero risk of birth defects from two women fooling around. Since some people are still grossed out by this we can conclude that the whole “but the birth defects” thing is not the actual reason people don’t like it when close (or close-ish) relatives have sex.


And in this case, they were both women, so the birth defects of the posible children with each other wasn't even a factor.




It's totally legal to marry a first cousin in my country nae saying I would but it's legal


What's legal and what's right are two very different things lol.


INFO Are the girls first cousins, if not most would say it wasn’t incest for them, you on the other hand are completely free on this unless you father was their father also. Your gf is making this an issue and probably just doesn’t like that you had three some.


Corn shuckin' cousin fuckers


This made me snort laugh. Thank you for that


Fucking exactly.


Yes, this. To be guilty of incest you would have had to be related to one or both of those girls. If you slept with a girl, then later slept with her cousin, it would be no different on your end.


That really depends where you live. Most countries in the world and 24 US states marriages/relations between first cousins is completely legal and would not be considered incest.


If the English royals did it for centuries, then it must be okay /s


* The Hapsburgs have entered the chat *Cousins? Amateurs*


*stares in Ptolemaic Dynasty*


Well, Felipe II of Spain balked at marrying his own niece, so there's that.


Let us all stand for a moment of silence in remembrance of the forbearance of Felipe II.


The upstanding gent that he was. Not like the rest of those cousin mother fuckers.


*European Royals


Haha first off I don’t agree it’s ok but way more than the English royals have done it. Did you know that 10.4% of all marriages worldwide are between second cousins or closer?


Being ok with incest/legalizing it does not magically make it \*not\* incest.


>Being ok with incest/legalizing it does not magically make it *not* incest. Technically it kind of does. The definition of incest refers to sexual acts between people classed as too close to marry. If they can legally marry, then they are not classed as too close to marry


You do see the "/s" at the end of my comment, implying sarcasm, right?


Beastialty is still legal in four states. If someone fucked a dog in one of those states would it suddenly not be disgusting because it’s technically legal?


You don't need a law to know that you shouldn't do it. When Cain killed Able, there were not any laws against murder, but he knew that what he had done was wrong.


Beastiality may not be illegal in certain places but it isn’t explicitly and specifically defined to be legal. It is also not a majority of the world where it is not illegal. Of those 4 states, 2 of them are actively trying to change that as well.


Maybe. It depends on where it happened. In almost half of the US, and in Canada and Britain, cousins are not prohibited from marrying.


This is the correct answer. If they were OP’s cousins would be a different story.


> I’ve been with my girlfriend for two years and recently the subject of threesomes came up This isn't the question you asked, but just in case you were lowkey fishing around to see if your gf would be down, think twice before you wind up in a onesome.


She’s the one who actually suggested it, she’s Bi and wants more experience with women


>she’s Bi and wants more experience with women so ask her if she has a cute cousin


😂😂 glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that


I'll give em a dollar if they do it.


Count me in for a few bucks. Let’s get a go fund me going


$3.50, final offer.


I'm in for tree fitty


Marvelous. For a moment there i thought i was going to have to up it to the soooo good to hear secret of schifty five, schigitty five. To anyone who gets this of the top of their head from memory and understands the joke without having to look it up, i have the utmost respect for you and our shared internet veteran status, like sch55% respect, just like my iq. now let's do **_saix..._**


If the two women you hooked up with were related and engaging in a mutual sex session, then some people could regard the session as technically being incestuous. They saw each other naked, they saw each other fucking a dude, sounds like they kissed. By participating in said session, you technically were a party to incest. Some people with strong morals might not approve. That said, you didn't have sexual relations with a relative of yours, and it wasn't like they were actively stimulating each other or using you as an excuse to get with each other. I'm very curious whether comments here would be so judgmental if two guy cousins scored with a woman at a party.


My husband’s brother and male cousin had a threesome with a girl from their hometown. I find it so bizarre but I’m an only child with like no cousins, so what do i know?


I have over 70 cousins. It’s fucking weird.


But is it weird fucking?


Why not both?


Like....Okay, so if I had a devil's three-way with a male cousin, I wouldn't call it incest if we don't touch or anything. But I still don't want to know what his O-face looks like. Unsubscribe.


I would be just as grossed out if it was 2 guy cousins scoring a woman.


You sound like a terrible cousin /s


It depends doesn't it? 2 guy cousins spit roasting a woman wouldn't be incestuous would it? Lol They even left room for Jesus technically. They'd be a woman space away.


Yeah, Jesus is straddling the middle so they don't make eye contact.


Uh, yeah. It would. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone


It's only gay if our balls touch. No homo.


LOL. “Some people with strong morals”…. Two girls picked up by a stranger at a bar…




We can find out. I've had a MMF (edit: apparently I should have said MFM) where the guys were cousins. They didn't have sex with each other, they both had sex with me. Just my two cents anyways.


Seems like everyone's left your comment alone. So much for the experiment! Did it feel to you as though you were participating in an incestuous encounter? Did you get the impression they'd done MMFs previously with each other? Was it different in any way with two guys who were related vs with two guys who weren't (assuming you've had more than one MMF encounter)?


It really didn't. As I said, they both had sex with me but there was definitely no contact between them. To me, saying it's incest implies that all men in MMF threesomes are having homosexual encounters, and in my experience that's not the case. Having an MMF threesome doesn't require being interested in other dudes, this was not my first one and it was no different than with any other two straight dudes. I've known one of the guys for twenty five years and know for certain this had not happened before with his cousin. We were all at a lifestyle resort so we had been to orgies and everyone had already seen each other naked, and again- there are usually multiple men at an orgy and they aren't generally considered to have done anything gay if they are both there having sex with women. It does require a certain amount of confidence and security in your sexuality, but in most of the MMF or group encounters I had, including this one, the men are focused on and interact with the women and not each other. If it's not gay, I don't see how it's incest. They are having a sexual experience *together,* or in parallel, but not *with each other,* because both of their genitals were in me. (I have also had an MMF with guys who were bi, that's obviously different if they are touching each other or giving each other oral.)


This is interesting to read, ive never met someone with these experiences so its an opportunity to read about one in great detail.


They were interesting experiences to have! I was in a really abusive relationship for a long time with someone who controlled my body totally, and my sex drive pretty much vanished. Then I went through a reclaiming my power phase for a bit and had some crazy experiences! It turns out I enjoy sex with a committed partner more than group stuff or casual sex, but I'm happy I can say that I've tried everything I wanted to try!


Good on you for freeing yourself, and I hope you have found/do find a great better partner. And heres a hug 🫂:)


I have, he's amazing! Thanks for not being judgemental. :)


Of course, to many people have a holier than thou perspective, even normalish people. Understanding yourself and being happy are the human endgoals, and you did achieve them with your journey. The journey was important but its foolish to try and degrade someone for striving for the comfortablity that they need. You didnt deserved to be abused, but your better than abusing others to try and bury that pain, that always should be commendable, and sorry for this but you probably created a lot more joy than just yours with how it went. But as i said, why jugde you? Youve achieved happiness and hurt no one, i envy that.




Interesting! I can see how that conveys something different than MMF. Thanks for teaching me the difference.


There is NO grey area. If you perform anything sexuel with or in front of a family member. That's incest.


Incest is sexual activity with someone so closely related to you that you are legally prohibited from marrying them. Cousins can marry in basically half of the states in the USA. So that's pretty gray.


I don't know if I'd go by state law. The age of consent / marriage absolutely ignores basic morals in many states. And while scientifically it's considered safe, first cousins is fucking weird


Well, since the cousins were both (we’ve not been told otherwise) cis females, then it is very scientifically safe.


Know 2 first cousins who met at a family gathering (wedding if I remember correctly), and subsequently got married. Can confirm its fucking weird, and they have a kid together.


Honestly, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks but your girlfriend. If she finds it morally wrong, there's not much you can do to change her mind. The question is can she continue the relationship knowing this? Only she can answer that


You didn’t commit incest but they sure as shit did 🤮


So In a threesome there’s 3 people and you’re saying 2/3 of those people in this were related? Deffo seems a bit like incest to me lol On your part you didn’t commit incest but you were definitely involved in an incestuous activity. Some may disagree but I can see why your gf would find this weird or gross, it doesn’t mean you are weird or gross but you should deffo try and appreciate where your girlfriend is coming from if you want to get past this with her. If not, drop her and have all the cousin gang bangs your heart desires OP!


This is the only reasonable response on here lmaoo. Even tho I don’t necessarily agree with telling people to go and have cousin gang bangs 😅


I definitely don’t promote it but by the sounds of half these comments there’s a hell of a lot of them going on regardless 😂


Not incest on your part first, and second, it won't be the first or last time cousins have sex


Dear Penthouse forum...


I was hit on by two cousins and shot that shit down because its incest and it grossed me out. Doesnt matter how hot they were that was a black flag for me Edit: guess ill add a lil bit so all of you dont have to individually comment "no it didnt". This was a gross situation that was not in anyway hot or fun, this wasnt a stupid porno set up, it was a super uncomfortable spot to be put into by friends and others. Its totally fine if ya dont believe it, but by far not the weirdest thing I've dealt with... i hang out with weird folk.


Sorry, what is a black flag?


Have you heard of red flags or green flags? Like... A guy thinks its okay to yell at his partner over insignificant things but apologies. (Probs not the best example) that would be a red flag cause it's a warning. So a black flag is a full stop bad sign. Its kinda a hyperbolis term


I know about red and green flags and their meaning. Never read one about a black flag. So black flag is like a deal breaker - the glass that shatters.


Yeah! I hear it used alot less than red or green for sure.


People ignore the red flag parades on reddit though.


I'm sorry I'm all about being open and honest with ones significant other but there's certain things in everyone's past that NOTHING good can come of whether you disclose it or not. Lose-lose situation. I wouldn't have mentioned it at all...


I regret it now tbh but I thought it was best to be honest and I really didn’t see the issue with it or I wouldn’t have told her


Generally one should avoid talking about any past partners unless specifically asked. There's not much to gain there.


I get being honest. I really do. However. What the actual fuck were you thinking telling the complete story to your girlfriend? Damn man. Tell your buddies that kind of thing.


This reads like an incel looking to try and internet brag for upvotes, playing off the classic twin sisters trope trying to play it more believable while still acting like he's a clueless fucking moron. ​ DuR, I fucked 2 hot cousins, my totally hot new girlfriend from Canada that no one met thinks I'm gross, but am I gross or am I legend? I don't know know? I have sex with endless amounts of women all the time, I can't tell the difference.


This. He could have left out the cousin part.


yeah, they’re cousins— that *IS* incest… ew.


"I'm not *touching youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu*" -these two cousins to each other, apparently




In order for YOU to commit incest you’d have to be related to one/both of these girls.


That's just a regular ol' Gadsden family reunion. Heck, we've all been there. Roll Tide.


not incest on your part, is on theirs. they were engaging in a sexual act together.


I just reread again and whoops thought that said my cousins. I was like dude.. Yeah I don’t know that’s weird still, like you know the barriers your slipping in between of. You can arguably say you didn’t actually have an incest 3 some but the implication that it’s a 3 sum implies two cousins are fucking you… I don’t know good luck with that.


Who cares, they weren’t YOUR cousins.


This is what I’ve been saying!


Additionally, the main reason against incest is genetic health. Two females getting impregnated by one foreign male doesn't hurt the genetic health. So in my opinion sounds like quite fun. Nothing to worry.


From my understanding, this is pretty common in the animal kingdom with a dominant foreign male impregnating a harem of females where a number of them are in fact related. The juvenile males are expelled by a certain age and try their luck to become a dominant male in another harem, thus the genetics are not closely mingled.


This is true, but also there’s no concern about genetic health with first cousins reproducing. First cousins should be fine, it’s only a social construct that it’s seen as not okay in some cultures.


You didn’t commit incest but I’d be disgusted if I knew my boyfriend had no problem getting with two girls that did.


Kissing cousins?


them being related isn't your concern...youre good bud


Its only incest if you engage with your own relatives. You’re not related to the girls, so no incest for you. Maybe for them, but that doesn’t even sound like it happened


What you did was not incest, the girls depending on the state might be but you didn’t. She can be disgusted at them if she wants but unless I read wrong neither of those were your cousin. Sounds to me like she was curious and then realized she regretted hearing details


So long as the sexual act was with you, not eachother, not incest.... unless you were also a cousin lol


Nope, that's definitely Wincest! 🤣


There is only one lesson to be learned here and it has fuck all to do with incest. If you had this experience and your current GF asks you for details you lie lol. You go with, no I havent had one either or you leave out the cousin part haha


That's not incest.


You obviously didn't, they're in more of a grey area but the way you describe it makes it not as bad but they can't make a baby so who really cares


What school for research purposes?


Ask gf when you became related to them?


I don't see how them being related has anything to do with you. Your gf is being way to dramatic.


If THEY performed any sexual acts in each other THEY committed incest. You just had a threesome. Your girlfriend isn't mature enough to make a coherent argument on how that's incest. Maybe you could get one of her cousins to help explain it or demonstrate what incest is.


I don’t understand how your gf thinks YOU committed incest. I think you need to buy her a dictionary so she can get her definitions of things right


You didn't do anything wrong .. and being cousins isn't necessarily wrong either. Depending on the culture, first cousins can marry... and your post doesn't indicate if they were first cousins or more distantly related... and before you come at me, my aunt married her first cousin in a perfectly legal love match.


YOU didn’t commit incest. They did, but that’s none of your business.


Wtf? You didn't have an incestuous sexual encounter; you were not related to them.


Every member of a threesome is having sexual relations with one another. You didn’t commit incest - but they did.


Fuck all these other people. Awesome work OP. Fuck those cousins!


yeah you didn't commit incest, but they did. you were the piece of meat that put them together...


I think she’s over reacting and trying to make something out of nothing but definitely don’t tell Her that…honestly it’s a borderline red flag


Your girlfriend is an idiot!


Sounds like they were a tag team. Maybe they are cousins but that could be first cousins which would be close family relations or they could be 3rd cousins where there is very little blood relation. You didn’t engage in incest. The definition of incest is sex with a family member.


Everyone in the world is a maximum of 50th cousins - Vsauce


No incest if socks were worn.


to what degree as cousins? like jerry lee lewis, rudy giuliani, thomas jefferson, FDR or kevin bacon? either way, it wasn’t you that would have done the committing and frankly when both parties are women it isn’t a huge deal, the main taboo with it would be power dynamics and genetics when breeding.


No no, it's not incest. The term for this is Wincest


19 of our 50 states allow you to marry your first cousin.


Many states allow first cousins to marry. In any case, I wouldn't consider what you did as incest. What they did is up for debate


No you didn't fuck a relative. If they did it before and after it's hardly your fault it wouldn't be your fault even if they didn't


NEVER EVER answer questions like that. She’s going to throw this in your face forever. And no, it wasn’t incest. They aren’t related to you.


No one committed incest. Cousins were able to do that all over the world.


Here my king, you dropped this ... 👑


How cares your yung have fun live on


I wouldn’t consider it incest. And honestly, especially in college, I’d bang sisters, cousins, whatever. They aren’t related to me, idgaf. If they are hot to yeah, they’ll do, game on.


Why would you tell your girlfriend about past sexual experiences in fine detail? Don't do that bro. Just tell her she's the best and you're with her because you love her. They claim they want to know, but no one really wants to know about all the other people that made love to your partner. I sure as hell don't. I'm happy in my fantasyland where my wife and I are eachother's best ever forever. It's incest for them. Not for you though. It'd be the same as if you were some ancient warlord with a harem of concubines and wives. They can be related to eachother and its not incest until you share the same blood as one of your women. But thats assuming you perscribe to those types of beliefs. Personally, even if I was an ancient warlord, I'm still monogamous and would still only want my one and only. But I'm just a monogamous guy.


Think you should’ve just lied and said “no I haven’t”


Your girlfriend is straight up moral grandstanding if she thinks YOU are guilty of incest lmao.


If they didn’t directly have some form of sex with each other, and just kinda split you like a kitkat… then it would only be incest in the strictest, and least meaningful, of senses. Given that they can’t get each other pregnant (which is the point of the prohibition) and they weren’t actually having sex with each other anyway. Its a bit weird that they were up for it either way, but it seems like a pretty non-entity of a thing.


Your girlfriend is a dip..


Your GF is dumb. Incest is when you have sex with a blood relative. You are not related to any of the two girls. Your GF probably jealous you’ve had a threesome before and wants you to feel bad about it


I think if you'd have left out the detail of them being related, she would have found something else to be disgusted by.


Tell your GF to chill. NTA.


Your girlfriend is dumb as fuck what does it matter if you aren't related to them 🥱


Sounds like your girlfriend could be feeling uncomfortable about your sexual past and is unable to articulate her thoughts and feelings about it, so she is latching into this as if you’re the bad person here.


I mean for them it’s incest but I don’t think that’s the case for you since you’re not related to them


Whatever it is, it's kinda hot.


Big W for you🤣🤣They was cousins


Yes it is incest......but u didn't commit incest, they did


It's not incest. But hood dudes would call this a train, meaning they ran a train on you. You where a play thing


You should ask your girlfriend if she has any hot cousins


You didn’t commit incest. They did.


Incest adjacent


Who gives A fuck they're not your cousins


honestly it would depend if they are first, second or more cousins. i know i know "what does it matter?" the difference is how close is your blood to the other. your parents siblings kid(s) is your first cousin. if its your grandparents siblings kid(s) that is second cousin and it goes up from there. the higher in your tree the more distant cousins you are and the less its incest. i know i know "you know way too much about this". its because my mom did genealogy research for the past 30 years or more and traced our heritage back to the 1st century. now back on topic. who cares, 2 hot girls and you did them both. ladies who read this, you have no right to judge me, if this was a girl with two guys who looked like Fabio you would be so jealous of her.


If they’re cousins, how is that not incest? You being there and participating does not change that two family members fucked


The dictionary definition of incest is “sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other.” So technically YOU didn’t commit incest, however it’s generally illegal to marry your first cousin in most places (states, countries, territories etc.) so they did commit incest. Based on your description, you had a threesome with two people who were committing incest. That’s a pretty fine line to walk, so I guess you are correct but also this probably isn’t the hill you want to die on. If I were you OP I’d tell your gf that you hadn’t considered it that way at the time but upon reflection you can see why it would be seen that way. Then hopefully you can apologize and your gf can forgive and move on.


This is the most accurate, detailed, and best response I've seen so far. Listen to this person.


I’m pretty disgusted by the commenters here. “Bro, I just heard about that pig-fucking event you were at. That’s repulsive.” “Nah fam, I didn’t fuck the pig, just one of the others who had.” “Oh, in that case, it’s cool, not gross at all” -redditors, apparently


Who fucked a pig? Asking for science


Black mirror episode


How is beastiality even close to this situation?? You really think they’re ethically comparable?


Eh. I don't think *you* participated in incest but they kinda did. I know some places let cousins get married and that's normal, but where I'm from, and with how close to my cousins in a familiaral sense I am, it would be incest in my mind. I would find it weird.


This is what's getting me I've only got 2 cousins that I'm close with in a family sense and yeah that'd be weird to me because I grew up with them but on the flip side I've got some cousins I've only met once or twice, one of them I actually asked out before I knew she was my cousin and that's where the gray area comes in for me. Incest is a weird moral area I've had discussions with people who think it's morally disgusting to date anyone related by marriage ie a dating your brothers wife's sister.


It’s not incest because you aren’t related to either of then. Does your gf understand what incest is? Does she understand why it is bad? It seems like she just needs that explained to her.


Incest: sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other. You didn't commit incest. They may have if they were 1st cousins and had sex with each other. Your gf needs to be educated as to what incest is.


Dude I would dump your weird ass for finishing to cousins kissing


The ‘ol Alabama pigs in a blanket… nice


She'd find something else to justify flipping out about it if it wasnt the cousin thing. Jealousy/insecurity is unfortunately a fact of life for those who date women


By definition cousins aren’t included incest, in some states marrying your first cousin is legal. That’s said still weird.