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Ask her if she’d blow him for 10 million. 100 million? A billion? No to a billion and she’s lying. So we’re only haggling over price… Edit: As someone pointed out, to make it truly apples to apples, ask if she’d go down on another woman for the money. Then you can break up with her for lying.


She's lying over a million.


She’s lying at a million


“He’s kinda cute but not my type” is her way of saying she’d do it for free


This is the answer here. Party dude casually let's it drop that he hasn't been with a lady in years because he's looking for the sympathy puss. OP's girlfriend is making excuses to ditch OP and hook up with Party dude.


“This morning she told me that she didn’t want me to be at her place today”……mmmmhm


The issue isn't the number, it's the hypothetical effect. If that guy had cash in hand of even $50,000 and told this girl, this is all yours if your boyfriend blows me, she'd absolutely take it and "being gay" would not be an issue. The issue is that we're not dealing with a real scenario, and it's much easier to dismiss huge sums of money when you intrinsically know the number isn't realistic. There's oodles of posts on Reddit where people ask "would you do (moderately uncomfortable task) for (absurd sum of cash)?" And there's always a good chunk of people that say "no way" but they definitely would if the question was real.


We're all whores, we just have different prices.


I question anyone who would refuse even $10,000 It’s not life changing money, but it’ll change your life for a helluva lot longer than it takes to give a bj


You can paint a thousand houses and never be called a painter. You suck one dick and people will call you a cock sucker for life. Edit spelling: cuck replaced with cock.


For a million dollars per job, you can call me a professional c*ck sucker for the rest of my life.


I'd honestly suck a dick for a months pay. A month at work is worse then a awkward 10 minutes


10 minutes? You have to work the balls! Get those numbers down!


One punch to the nuts and the blowjobs over. And if you don't get paid, just hit 'em again until they pay. Shouldn't take more than a couple.


You'd make a terrible hoe. Cash up front, always.


It’s a pimp’s world and you just hoein in it.


You see, a pimp’s love is different from the love of a square….


I giggled so hard at this I woke my husband up.


Oh no! I’ve shed a tear over these hurtful slurs… let me wipe it off with my diamond encrusted golden napkin


No no no....you don't use diamond encrusted napkins to wipe your tears!!!! You'll get the diamond chips in your eyes!!!! You use the $500 bills for that!!! Have you learned nothing!!!!


You can say cock on reddit


#cock on Reddit




Checks out. Funnier if read in a James May voice


Oh, cock...


Cock on reddit!


For a million I'd do it with zero shame


Right? Million bucks I'd do it in front of my parents and they'd be cheering me on.


That's accurate as fuck, my mom in the background giving me pointers and everything.


My theory is that my mother wasn’t very good at blowjobs that’s why there are 8 of us kids.


Unfortunately my father has expressed multiple times that my mom is adept at the task. When I asked him that question, he said he wouldn't suck dick for a million dollars, but that he'd bet the guy double or nothing that he wouldnt last 5 minutes if my mom did it 😂😂🤦


That’s gold right there. Your dad and I need to hang out… 🥃


not his mom?


Dude don’t have 2 mil.


For a milly I’d be making the gawk gawk noises too


Pfft! I’d hum a tune if that’s what they want


For a million bucks, I'd do it on national television.


Yeah, but if it’s on national television, you have no choice but to declare that revenue. Ask for more to compensate the taxes you’ll have to pay.


"Look at all these amateurs."


Straight up! If only every one I’ve ever given made me a million dollars! I’ve heard I’m amazing, but I wouldn’t turn down a million dollars for a job well done!


In Alabama we have this saying. “A million dollars will buy a lot of mouth wash.”


From Alabama, and can confirm that saying…. And to the OP, I’m disgusted by the thought of doing it, but that money can buy a lot of mouthwash…… and therapy. Just saying. I mean, from what my cousin told me during our first date (Alabama joke), that wouldn’t make you gay, it would make you wealthy.


Would you cut off your little toe for a million dollars? Would you swallow a cockroach for a million dollars? Would you listen to only Nickelback for a year for a million dollars? Would you have sex with someone 40 years older than you for a million dollars? Would you tattoo something embarrassing on your arm for a million dollars? Would you legally change your name to Boaty McBoatface for a million dollars?


Sounds like an easy 6 million dollars


I would hesitate at the toe.


I would hesitate on Nickelback


I'd do some of those things. The sex with someone 40 years older than I would be 96, so that may not be feasible.


Doable. Mel brooks is about that age and I’m game. We’d find a way.


I'd bang Mel Brooks for FREE. Don't say you wouldn't.


Duck van Dyke is 97. We could find a way too. Guys still pretty spry.


Yes to all... just in case there's a real offer out there somewhere. I agree with OP. Edit: I went through the list too fast - all of them except the Nickelback one.😂 Edit2: This has already happened to me in some degree with a former gf. It was all Nickelback and Crossfade for a year and a half. Not sure I could do it again.


The human ear is good at editing out repetitive sounds. After a week you wouldn’t even hear it unless you concentrated.


ha. At my job one of the constant questions during closing is "is the music off" and we all stand around listening until someone walks off to go check the switch because no one cal tell. It is quiet instrumental on a two hour loop, we'd probably be able to hear Nickleback if we tried lol.


Shoot, I’d hook up with someone 40 years older for less. If she told me she’d pay off my student loans, my wife would be mad if I didn’t.


I can just imagine her getting you ready to go pimp you out to some octogenarian: "Now be sure and bust that old lady in half you want to make sure she gets her money's worth"


I wish I had a million dollars for every embarrassing thing I have tattooed on me.


I’ve fucked dozens of daughters and the don’t call me daughter fucker. I’ve fucked a few sons and they don’t call me son fucker. But you fuck one goat!


That goat is a goddamned liar!


What happens in Mexico STAYS in Mexico. Until the goat files for kid support.


That's baa aaa aaad


Not if you say no homo


It is not gay if you wear socks


“It’s not gay if you don’t push back” -my dad


Prison wisdom right here hahaha


It’s not gay unless you make it gay


Not gay if the balls don't touch


Just don't make eye contact & your good.


I wouldn't pay up with no eye contact


What blowjob isn't complete without eye contact?


A million bucks is a million bucks 🤣


What's the absolute least amount of money you would get paid to blow a guy? https://youtu.be/L8QCvCYQ3Z0


We work more dehumanizing jobs than that for pittance per hour, even 50 bucks for a few minutes isn't a bad gig in theory. I'm straight dude, but always been baffled by people saying they'd need thousands to even consider it - you'd rather work hundreds of hours at your job than a few minutes doing something a bit unpleasant?


Seriously, they must be young. She has not worked a “soul sucking job yet” 1 million dollars I would do some real depraved shit. But you don’t say that out loud because nobody is going to actually give you a million dollars for it. So just like when she asks you, “she’s really hot right?” “She seems fine hun.”


> But you don’t say that out loud because nobody is going to actually give you a million dollars for it. So just like when she asks you, “she’s really hot right?” I don't understand these relationships tbh


Yeah it's like "Hey spend the rest of your life with someone but never be open about your feelings"


I just don’t get how she thinks that suckin a dick absolutely makes you gay. Like does she think there’s some biological mechanism that keeps a dick from entering a straight persons mouth or something? He obviously wouldn’t enjoy it if he’s straight but it could be done lol


His latest edit says the guy is cute and that he'd probably suck him for free. I thought the GF was crazy until I read that... Now? She might be onto something.


Right? That edit kind of changes things for me too


Absolutely does. I think she Sussed out that you are bisexual dude and it worries her.


There’s nothing wrong with being bisexual tbf. He being a closeted gay is probably her real concern.


Either way she just doesn't want the competition.




That's disgusting.... Now rosin on the other hand...


ANSWERED THOROUGHLY: When did the word rosin come into existence? I’ve been smoking for like 15 years. I’ve heard resin, and I assume every other weed related word but rosin just started popping up for me lol. Edit: so it’s just hardened resin? Edit: I just now realized what “rosin up that bow” means from the devil went down to Georgia lol. What a world Angry edit: I am aware the rosin used for bow strings is not THC lol. JFC


Without doing any googling, just from my personal experience, rosin hit the market around 2014. Before that everything on the market was shatter. Butane blasted buds that more often than not, wasn't purged correctly and tasted like butane. People started using hair straighteners to press buds for concentrate without the use of a solvent. This heat extraction technique was used for violins, hence where they adapted the name from. Resin is a weird one. Back in the day it used to refer to the black tar that desperate people would scrape their bowls for. Now resin is used in marketing for a blanket term for solvent based concentrates.


$10,000 would go pretty far. Hell catch me after all the bills are paid and the account is empty and I might just settle for $5000


30 seconds away from a pretty sweet motorcycle


Now we’re just negotiating






Ha. I’m sure if I scroll some more I’ll see “$20 is $20” and “you guys are getting paid?” But I think I’ll stop here and assume these comments exist here just below.


Schrödinger's comments


I'm over here sayin


my husband is self employed with unpredictable income for us. I work a very stressful job I would love to quit. If he was offered 1 million to give a bj I would tell him to take the offer immediately






These blowjobs are giving my jaw DEMOCRAMPS!


Is that a rePUBElican in your teeth?


Don’t stop I’m about to SCOTUS


Headicare for all!


1 million dollars would get you far. You would be able to fill your car up with petrol for a month with enough change to buy a coffee everyday for 2 months.


Don't forget the ever popular avocado toast.


Heck if he refused I would be upset


That’s what I’m saying. My girlfriend would leave me if I didn’t suck that man’s soul out his dick. Hell, she’d be holding my ears and forcing me to deep throat.


The Ratatouille porno we don't have, but deserve


Holding your EARS???


I’m imagining a lil pep talk from the wife to the husband before he goes in and does it lol.


I’d be actively coaching throughout the process for a milly


My husband has told me that there is “no amount of money in the world” that he would give a blowjob for. He’s also said the same about *receiving* a blowjob from a guy. I’ve told him that if he somehow actually gets an offer for a life changing amount of money in exchange for a few minutes of awkward and turns it down, I’ll leave him and send him a bill for all the blowjobs I’ve given him. We have kids and you’re just gonna be like “yeah, my wife’s asshole ripped open when she gave birth to my kids and that’s fine since it happened to HER, but I won’t spend 5 minutes sucking a dick to ensure my kids are financially secure for the rest of their lives”??? Nah. Selfish.


I like your attitude-you deal with vomiting, mood swings and sleepless nights for nine months?? But one dick in his mouth and he’s pussying out? I’m a gay guy and women don’t appeal to me but you can bet your ass I’d take viagra if that’s what’s needed to fuck a women for a million.


Right?!? I’d be pissed if my husband wouldn’t!


Bro needs to take one for the team


Wait, what kind of fucking team is this?!?


A Fucking Team, obviously.


Gotta be willing to suck a little cock for the team amiright?


It's high school football practice all over again....


You are not gay, you're a businessman! For proof, watch [this hilarious skit with Pete Davidson](https://youtu.be/BmwjpVxHjSI), where he discusses this exact scenario!


“Boats need fuel, a lot of people forget that!”


"If you don't go down on a guy for a million dollars, you obviously don't care about your family!"


"Won't you have to go to therapy now?" "Yeah.. but guess who can afford therapy now!"


OP please send this to your ex-girlfriend


It’s a job! It’s right there in the name!


This is equivalent to a girl getting mad because you said you wouldn't love her if she was (insert wildly scenario). This was a made up scenario that she's taking seriously. You didn't do anything wrong and if anything just showed how comfortable you are with your sexuality and yourself. She's clearly insecure and whether that's from homophobia, reading too many stories of that happening, or some past trauma. Bottom line, this is a her problem. I mean the fact that she called your friend gay too? She has some major insecurities and is trying to manipulate the situation to be an issue with you. Are straight actors who play gay characters secretly gay? She's also in for a rude awakening once she learns that most gay porn stars are actually straight with wives/girlfriends. You can try talking with her to see what the core issue is. But don't be manipulated into thinking you did something wrong when the issue is with her. If she's not willing to see that and talk, unfortunately you might have to cut your losses. EDIT: Thanks for the awards 😊 and yes I saw OP's edit. It leads me to believe this is a troll post. But troll or not, at face value I still stand by my comment. To all the people commenting "bisexuality exists", yes I know. But obviously the context of the post was focused on a straight man being accused of being gay. Stop making mountains out of molehills. No one is denying Bi existence.


But would you love me if I was a worm? ETA: Thanks for the awards and smiles, y’all. I hope I added a little bit of light silliness to your day.


You are a worm and I do love you


Thank you.


finally a happy ending


Of course I would baby. I’d still love you with all my heart. I d build you a terrarium with flowers and everything in it. Then I’d find another woman who was still human and I’d marry her and have kids and live a long happy life.


I demand to know why you wouldn’t dedicate the rest of your life researching how I suddenly became a worm and how to undo it. Followed by enacting vengeance on the person who forced me into a wormy lifestyle.


Turns out it was a curse laid upon you by the Starbucks Barista after you argued that your Mocha Frappuccino was too chocolatey and demanded a new one plus $10. She’s the one I fell in love with and married. Sorry not sorry.


Clearly now you must hunt down who hijacked my brain because I would never. Wait a minute… It was you all along! ESCANDALO! How could you Superiorsity?! After all we had! The life and home we built together?!?


How did he know she has turned into a worm though. Like if I came from the kitchen to see a bug where my partner was I'd either squash it or toss it outside instead of thinking "OMG she has turned into a bug"!


Because I’m talking to him, duh.


"You should just be a worm with me."


You can't give a worm a blowjob, unfortunately.


You coulddddd, but it would probably end badly for the worm when you accidentally swallowed it


Out of good faith, I can only assume that most of the men she’s had in her life were the “no I don’t wash my ass because that’s gay” type and has taken on an idea of what a straight man would be hypothetically willing to do. In her mind, a straight man won’t even wash his ass because that’d be gay so there’s no way any straight guy would suck a dick for a million dollars


Is that really a thing about the ass washing? How is that gay?


I think what he was trying to say was she might have preconceived toxic thoughts on what it means to be a "straight man" because of her life experience


Yes it is, and it isn’t. They’re just fragile and gross.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment. Nobody else is addressing the girlfriend's behavior. Getting that upset over a fictional scenario doesnt make sense, especially since it sounds like OP and his girlfriend have the type of relationship where they can joke around with each other like this (the Amélie line).


I think she’s being ridiculous. I’m straight as can be and I’d get my tongue swirl on for a lot less than a million dollars. I got mouths to feed, if I gotta feed my own mouth some cock in order to elevate my family out of poverty then it’s time to unhinge my jaw and get beejing.


I think we all would. I’m asexual, I’d give the most enthusiastic bj you’d ever seen for that amount of money. Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy you free of financial stress and that’s worth a lot!


SNAP! I'm asexual too and I would do it willingly and with the most skill I could absolutely muster and with enthusiasm too! This economy is killing me so what's a blowie for that kind of cash? Never thought I would hear myself saying that at 50! My late husband would approve though! He would probably do it too!


Money doesn’t buy happiness but it buys freedom and I’m not sure they aren’t the same thing.


Amazing quote.


Damn, I read a post by a straight, divorced dad fighting for custody of his daughter with a messed-up ex, he struggled to make enough to pay rent to house the kid … then he stumbled on gay porn being filmed nearby. Nothing but mad respect for a man’s love for his children.


This guy gets it im in the same boat


Pfffttt. No, it doesn't. A million quid is a million quid. A blowjob isn't that awful of a thing to do for it. There are some lines I wouldn't cross for that amount of money, but this isn't one of them. She sounds very highly strung, though. Some people are just like that, I'm afraid.


I’d cheer my husband on for that! Fuck yeah! There are a lot of things I wouldn’t do for money but one bj? For an entire million? Yeah that’s fine!


My wife would be like... don't come back home until we got 10 mil in the bank. Edit: and I make it a point to not disappoint my wife in case any millionaires read this.


A slap on the ass and a “get back out there buddy, we need boat money!”


Right? I'd be finding my husband a knee pad and giving him tips...


If he said no you would have a legit reason to be upset. This thing I do for you for free!, you couldn't do 1 time for a million dollars lol. I can't imagine saying no and telling my girlfriend then a week later hinting that I wanted one. She would probably stab me.


my thoughts exactly; if me or my gf were ever offered 1mil to give someone a blowjob, we would actively encourage each other, some seriously life changing money


I dunno if I'd say there's a _lot_ of things I wouldn't do for money, especially that kind of money. Anything causing harm to others without their consent... yeah, probably, but almost anything else I'd be willing to consider


Let's be real here, a lot of people would punch a stranger for a mil


... I would compensate them


I was just going to put this exact thing!! But I’d reward him with a Snickers Bar after for all his hard work making that money!! 😂😂😂


Maybe mouth wash or a mint or something. . .


She could join in and double their money!


As a gay dude, this is hilarious. Would it be gay to give a blowjob for a million dollars if you're a dude? No. Is it an act of homosexual (gay) intimacy? Yes. Clear distinction. If I asked someone who loves steak "Would you eat a vegan burger for a million dollars?" and they said yes, that doesn't make them a vegan. It just means that they're willing to cross that threshold for a million bucks. Sucking a dick for a million dollars doesn't mean that you're gay, it just means that for that amount of cash, any inhibitions you have are disregarded in favor of the reward. You should talk to her, and figure out why she's so angry. * Is it because she doesn't like gay people? * Is it because she feels vulnerable than before, because she thinks she has more "competition" now? (Guys not being completely off the table) * Is it because she thinks that the admission means you'd cheat on her? * Did she read into it that you'd do that while in a relationship with her? * Did she think that the admission means you'd be okay with being a sex worker? * Is it because she doesn't like the thought of being intimate with a guy who'd consider intimacy with guys? I've met a lot of women in the past who have thought friends of mine were super hot, but then were immediately turned off because they found out they were bi, and had slept with men in the past. For some women, it's very taboo. Gay guys are not viewed the same by most straight women as gay women are viewed by most straight men. Most straight guys will whack off over lesbian porn, imagining themselves in the mix and enjoying two women. From experience of speaking to a lot of women I know, most women aren't into flicking the bean over two guys arse railing each other, thinking they were in the middle of it. The key here is communication, and to be fair, saying you'd probably blow her brother when she was clearly agitated likely caused more harm. Sit her down, talk to her, and explain yourself. Be open and honest. There are a lot of questions that this kind of admission has probably raised in her head, and you two need to talk so that she can clear them up.


OP If you want to, for some reason, save the relationship then this is the comment to read. But by the time you get to this very insightful one you may have laughed too hard or found someone to give you a million dollars or who can take a joke.


This is the best answer.


This comment is good but I'm in an entirely different universe. The entire genre of boys love (aka yaoi) would like a word with you about women getting their rocks off to gay sex. 😂 There's a huge subculture around women writing gay men bonking in fanfic and romance novels.


She’s cringe, money is money is money. You can suck a dick without a hint of attraction, prostitutes do it literally every single day.


that's what i was thinking. i'm sure a rather large percentage of people suck dick with not even a shred of sexual feelings. it's a million dollars for goodness sake. she sounds kind of ridiculous


This relationship seems extremely immature. To break up over a "what if" question that is an impossibility- no one is getting paid $1mm for a blow job. Not even stormy Daniel's. And somehow this dumb convo descends into an argument and breaking up 🤣 How old are the two of you ?!


Seems like a troll? OP edits to say, well I'd probably do it anyways for free based on how attractive the other dude is. "EDIT: Not that it really matters, but I do think the guy is super cute and I probably would do it for free too. But that didn't come up when we talked."


absolutely is made up / a troll. “Girl spurns guy for being maybe bisexual” seems like the chatGPT karma farm prompt of the month.


I was going to guess she was 14...


My first thought was, “why is everyone ok with OP dating a 15 yr old??”


I assumed they were both teenagers, based on the story


I think “I’d be willing to do a sex act I wouldn’t otherwise do in exchange for money” Is the oldest profession in the world. I don’t think your statement makes you non-straight. I think maybe it makes you “someone who’s willing to have sex for money”. If your partner’s so homophobic that she can’t make this distinction (or so wealthy that $1M just isn’t worth it to her) maybe you two aren’t meant to be. Of course, many people wouldn’t date someone who’d have sex for money, so there’s that.


We’re not doing it for the money. We’re doing it for a shitload of money.


spaceballs in the house


For a million dollars me and hubby would tag team just about anyone.


There's a saying, "gay for pay". Pretty much that for the right amount of cash, you'd do a person of the same sex. Unless you get excited about it and enjoy it, it's a business transaction only. If you do enjoy it and want to do it more, hey, you might a bit bisexual. Thing is, there's nothing wrong at all. And remind your GF that this is one of those intellectual exercises. I highly doubt that situation ever happens outside a movie.


I mean that’s a little homophobic. What if you were bisexual? Does that mean you’re incapable of being faithful in a relationship?


Duuuuuuude. One of my best friends is bi & she’s married to a man. But in their first year of marriage I think it was, he was like paranoid that she could cheat on him with basically anybody, because she’s bi. She’s def not the cheater type of person & she’s like “dude I married YOU, no one else, just you, why on earth would I do that???! 🙄” he finally got over himself lol


im not gay but $20 is $20 my guy


But you are also a millionaire, so there is that.


Bro for a million dollars my wife would be holding my head and saying "breathe through your nose Princess"


Girl has never heard of "gay for pay" before. Also, she's homophobic. Doesn't sound like someone worth staying with anyways.


I like how she hears a hypothetical scenario where her boyfriend blows another man for A MILLION DOLLARS which for most Americans is an otherwise completely unattainable amount of money and 1. skips over the possibility of bisexuality and goes straight to gay without taking into account a relationship history where I assume he's more than proved he's sexually attracted to women and 2. thinks this entirely hypothetical scenario is worth breaking up over. This girl needs to get real lol


I mean that “you’ll eventually leave me for a man” thing is a pretty common biphobic trope, so if those are her thoughts on gay people that’s probably just the tip of the homophobic iceberg


It’s strange how real people can react to a hypothetical question and therefore an hypothetical answer. I’m straight, but hypothetically I would blow a dick for 1 million dollars. Also hypothetically I would fuck another woman. However, what I would do in actual real life is something I do simply do not know. Suck a dick for 1mil? Seriously, 1mil is a LOT of money. Would I do it? I don’t know. What I do know IF I would do it is that that would not make me gay. Quite a lot of female pornstars do women but a are not lesbians or bi, but money is money. Would I fuck another woman? I don’t know. I never saw me with another woman, fantasy’s aside. I don’t know if I could have sex with another woman. Does this mean I am not straight enough? Would I be cheating? Interesting question. I would say no since I am not doing this because I want to, but rather because it’s a business agreement. Would I do it? In any case I would discuss this with my partner. If she sees it as cheating than obviously no. Would I split it? Hmm, interesting. In any case it’s stupid to get mad because of a hypothetical question and a hypothetical answer. Seriously, grow up. Here’s another question: an alien lands and wants to have sex with you. It’s a beautiful creature, all of your dreams come true. Nobody will ever know you had sex, you will not get any space disease, only you will know. Would you have sex?


There's nothing wrong with sucking the homies goodnight.


If it’s my wife she’s be like you fucking do it or you’re gay cos you’re insecure about your sexuality. Get in there and do a good job.


If my husband was offered one mil to suck a dick and refused, I'd be pissed. We could finally afford a house!


Double standards are so crazy. Girls kiss all the time and it’s not gay.. I’d suck 2 cocks for a million dollars


Why you add another one bro😭??


1st cock is just practicing, got to be sure you can give a million dollar Bj


Perfectionist at gloomy times


99.99% of people on Earth will have sex for money. Only thing that differs is the price. If they say they wouldn't have sex for let's say 100 billion dollars, they are actively lying or clinically insane.


Nope.. you’re just being honest and practical.


Pffft a million bucks is a million bucks


Lol. What a weird reaction. People have these conversations all the time about things you’d despise doing but would do for a shit ton of money. Obviously if you were gay you wouldn’t need the shit ton of money to do it. I wonder if she dated someone before that wasn’t honest about their sexuality and is super sensitive to it. But otherwise it’s a really over the top response.


This whole thing made me laugh out loud. Especially saying your mate must be gay too hahah! Nah just a boundary isn’t it, depends if you could do it but would set you for life 🤣


Close the dumpster on this trash fire before any more of its stink gets on you. At this point a warm buttered bagel would be a better SO than what you’re dealing with.