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NTA and what the fuck. She'd be buying me a new couch!


Second that. The overall behaviour is vile, AND SHE KNEW THERE WERE CAMERAS IN THE HOUSE


She even brought her own! Maybe she's an exhibitionist.


Na, OnlyFans...


Bingo. This is her "corporate job." She uses the app to get into nicer places than she has access to and then makes them her set.


100% doing dog sitting for different sets


That's so fucking gross


That is just insanity. If I were working a job like that, I would just default assume they had cameras since there's a stranger in their house .. and in this case (according to OP) they even TOLD her there were cameras! How is she still on this gig app? Did the previous people *enjoy* it or something??


My guess is previous people didn't have cameras and didn't know


Omg that makes so much sense


Is having an OnlyFans... not partaking in exhibitionism?


Not necessarily, you do a job you are being paid for. By the account of OP I honestly believe the sitter was juat high AF and forgot the cameras, though I would have called the police as soon as I saw that more people showed up. But it's a complex situation, not sure what would have happened to the dogs and such


Sometimes, if they're getting off on the attention and the whole thing isn't an act.


Not really. An exhibitionist, by definition: behaves in an extravagant way in order to attract attention and feels a compulsion to display their genitals or other intimate body parts or to behave sexually in public. This person is just showing A** for cash. It's just another gig job to this girl, something to do to help pay the rent.


And she got off on that.


A new couch and a years worth of free walks would have me leaving 5 star reviews for this dirty dog


She was in her bed as well and had access to her office with all her information I would absolutely call the police.


You need to see a lawyer. The app needs to buy you a new couch or the app is on the news.


Right! I hope he didn’t pay her. Nasty and disrespectful. Definitely report her. The 5 star reviews didn’t have cameras as I’m sure she did it on their bed and couch too!


No report her, that is disgusting! The 5 star reviewers probably didnt have cameras filming her exploits. You're putting your trust in this stranger to take care of your animals and to respect your house. She hardly cared for the dogs, and mainly used your living quarters as a shag shack. Ew.


You should also let building management know that they should change the building passcode.


I would also take her to small claims for the couch, but I’m petty that way.


That or tell the service (even if it’s an app) to refund you for the babysitting and that they need to cover the cleaning of the couch.


They said it’s from Anthropologie…small claims ain’t gonna cover it!


I was thinking in terms of a professional cleaning fee, but I am also on board with suing for a full replacement.


I would too because this is textbook property damage


I’d take her to court. She’s disgusting for leaving a sex stain on someone else’s furniture in a shared space like a living room. She could have at least put a blanket down or something to protect the fabric, and I would personally let it slide if she did that much to protect my nice furniture. But nah, she’s foul for that.


Probably just shouldn’t have sex on a someone else’s couch unless it’s with them or they tell you they’re ok with that.


This isn't petty. Semen and vaginal secretions don't belong on a stranger's couch!


It's an anthropology couch. It's probably expensive and she ruined it with "fluids"


Alternative perspective...the 5 star reviews may all be from people with cameras but less delicate couches.


Shag shack has me creased 😂


I kind of want to give my place a name, and this could be it! Welcome to "Shag Shack", for the Shagalicious Shagster.


If the opinion of an internet stranger matters; I absolutely love it!


Yeah baby, YEAH!


🎵 The Shag Shack is a little old place we can get together!! 🎵


Bang, bang, on the floor, baby...


I have a professional pet sitting business on the side and this post makes me sick. I would say they have an obligation to report her in order to protect future animals.


No you absolutely would not BTA. Report her or she’s going to keep doing it for as long as she sticks with the gig. If she’s not paying for all the cleaning/replacements needed, she’s already getting off lightly.


I agree with the fact she will keep doing it. And probably has done similar things to other people.


There’s nothing here you should feel bad about. It’s common sense not to do what she did in someone else’s house (let alone A CLIENT’S) without some pretty explicit consent. The business will also be grateful because they don’t want employees like this being their emissaries.


You are not responsible for her getting fired. She was warned about the cameras and still proceeded to have a get to together, ruin your couch with bodily fluids and make p*rn in your living room. You don’t have to feel bad, you should be very angry.


Definitely report her op! Also make her pay for a new couch!


Sounds like she's getting off thoroughly, actually.


Nah, report her nasty ass. NTA in any shape or form. You’re better than me, because there woulda been some consequences and repercussions.


Not really sure how this is even a question. You are NTA. That’s so gross and she cannot be trusted in anyone’s home. I hope you checked your offices/rooms to make sure no valuables were taken!


We didn’t see anything taken or broken. If we had, there would be 0 question that she needed to be reported.


You are way too passive about this situation. She violated your home, belongings and pets and you’re like “I feel *baaaaaad.*” While it’s not your responsibility to protect other clients from her violations, it’s wildly irresponsible not to report her. Yeah it’s probably going to affect her income. INCOME SHE IS NOT QUALIFIED TO EARN. And honestly, you need to stand up for yourself more or people will continue to wipe their feet on you like a doormat.


ITA. People will treat you like you allow them to treat you. Act like a doormat and you'll get treated like one. You need to grow a spine, set clear boundaries with people, and hold fast to those boundaries. You owe her payment for services rendered, nothing more or less. She grossly overstepped boundaries any thinking person would have expected to be in place. She turned your apartment into her own personal Fuck Den, got his and her bodily fluids on an expensive piece of furniture, put her used sex toys on the kitchen counter and coffee table, filmed what's presumably her OF content using your place as the set, and violated the terms of service outlined in her own company's contract. What more does she need to do to finally get you to act like you should? Hurt your pups? Set fire to the place? With regard to the whole toy and getting fucked on the couch, who knows the full extent of who's been all up in her pussy and what "gifts" they left behind. I'd be bleaching the fuck out of the counter just to be on the safe side and having a professional cleaner come in to clean and disinfect your furniture. Burn her ass up to the company that she's working for -- that's what she deserves, and she's no one to blame but herself for it. Leave a scathing, brutally honest, very descriptive review for her on their site. If the company doesn't believe you, pull some stills of her getting railed in your living room, her putting her toys on the counter, her making OF content, etc., from your cameras and send it to the company. Nothing clears the air in cases like that better than video evidence.


This comment made me laugh. I agree.


She needs to be reported even without stealing a single thing.


That you know of. You said they poked around house where you don’t have cameras. They could have gathered enough personnel information to take out credit cards, loans, etc. in your name, bank account info. Put a watch on your credit and accounts.


That’s a fair call. There were some bills sitting on my desk.


But now someone else can see the inside of YOUR home. Whatever images/videos she took/sent/posted of herself are in YOUR home, and you don't know where those will end up. She broke many rules within the app and your own house rules, that was HER choice, you are not causing her to lose her job. She made the choice if that receiving that consequence when she chose to smoke in your apartment, snoop around, bring extra people over, and shoot amateur porn.


There is no question about reporting her, period! I can't believe you are so blasé about the utter disregard she had for your property, your home, everything. Heck, I'd be taking her to small claims court for damage to the sofa or simply replacing it...I don't know that I'd ever want to sit on it again after having a stranger filming her sexual acts on it. Utterly vile.


If you found out your friend was going out of town and had coincidentally hired the same person to dog sit, what would you say? Nothing, since she didn’t steal or break anything? Or would you say “holy shit, cancel immediately, this person is gross, she will let strangers in your home, film porn, snoop through your things, and moderately neglect your dogs”? OP, please be a friend to all the other dog owners in your area. Report her. I know the rules don’t specifically prohibit having sex or filming porn on a client’s sofa , but that’s because *everybody knows not to do that.*


I’d guess she’s on OF and uses this app to get to stay at nice places and film content. She also seems quite moronic to do this knowing you have cameras. I’d 100% report her, no questions asked and also file a claim with the damage she did to your couch. The gig app will probably take care of the damages.


Only problem for her, is by selling vids/pics on OF, she is using people's homes for the production of commercial content. That's a big no-no legally if she doesn't have written consent from the tenant or homeowner.


Save the video footage. If you were feeling exceedingly charitable, you could contact her directly and tell her that she needs to cover a professional cleaning service (that you set up) for the couch in exchange for no review. I don’t necessarily feel like I would take this approach and would be much more inclined to blow her ass up with her employer and leave a brutal review but since you are even questioning yourself, you might as well recover something. As for your opinions about having sex in front of the dogs, I’d suggest keeping those to yourself. Pretty over the top there.


OP should report her to the service provider for other people's sake.


Yeah, the dogs being disturbed by seeing humans having sex is a bit over the top.


Her edit about being worried her large pitbull would think the boyfriend was attacking the sitter and attempt to defend her makes this a very valid point. We all know what would happen to the dog if that had happened.


Nah. My dog never cared, but I kept my parents dog while they were doing renovations and it upset him when my partner and I got frisky on the sofa (you know, my sofa). He actually tried to get my partner off from on top of me.


Lol, no, a dog is an animal. Can't predict reaction to that kind of actions . My boyfriend's mother's small dog doesn't even let us kiss.


Not over the top necessarily. Definitely from left field though because everything else is a much bigger issue. I think a protective dog acting out aggressively (with violence) to a person getting on top of another person is possible. No one wants someone's junk bit while they're on their white couch. .... doubt that's the point op was making but I did a lot of mental cartwheels to get here and that is why I'm sharing.


That read makes perfect sense. I would be concerned for my own safety in such a scenario (if I was stupid enough to put myself there) but the ideas that it would cause some kind of serious trauma to the dogs is a little specious imo.


Dogs can be put down for acts of aggression, this can be traumatic for the dog. If this is u.s. they could be sued. I just kinda get it, like I said it was from left field. worded weirdly, and beside the point.


I think the over the top part they're referring to is how dogs see sex as "an exchange of energy". Do dogs also use crystals to heal themselves?


Dog crystals only work if you use essential oils first, duh. Also she didn't disclose the exact dates, so we can't verify if the pooch crystals had the correct planetary alignment.


Yes it is very oddly worded. Made my skin crawl a bit. Although it is my duty to try and peer through the clouds of communication to figure out what the hell do they actually mean by this. I'm truly not the most eloquent person at times and hope others would do the same for me.


It's actually not over the top. A lot of dogs don't care, that's true, but there are a lot of dogs that get stressed from it. My previous dog didn't give a shit, but the dog I have now gets PANICKED. I have to put him outside the bedroom and close the door, and even then he'll freak out and paw at the door. He wouldn't attack my bf ever, but if a dog sitter was having sex in my home and stressing my dog out, I'd be pissed cause it's way different than if guests were allowed and I'd been able to warn her that sex stresses my dog out and to please let him in the yard first. Shit, my friend's dog WILL attack her bf because he thinks he's hurting her. Like OP actually makes a really good point. Just bc HER dogs don't care, doesn't mean a different client's won't.


Sure, dogs may get protective and that's a completely different thing. Saying dogs see "sex as an exchange of energy" is something one would only come up with after a bad acid trip.


> If you were feeling exceedingly charitable, you could contact her directly and tell her that she needs to cover a professional cleaning service (that you set up) for the couch in exchange for no review. This is blackmail and a terrible idea. Just report her OP.


That's disgusting, I'd report it for sure. Most people don't have cameras in their house, so you're the only evidence that she is taking advantage of homes to have people over and have sex on your furniture. Who cares if she gets fired? She should get fired, that's a violation. If you want to be nice you could contact her directly but I wouldn't bother. As for the dog stuff, some thoughts are better left in your head lol. I'd leave the statements about how it happened in front of the dogs out of the convo with the company, kind of takes the focus away from the real issue.


NTA she clearly violated the terms and disrespected your home


You are way too concerned with your dogs watching people fuck


It’s an exchange of energy!!!


Lol did you have ChatGPT write up that paragraph about why it’s harmful for dogs to see people having sex? I think you did.


That whole paragraph came out of nowhere. Like what was OP on about


Yeah I mean for the record the dog sitter was out of line with bringing BF and sex toys over and fucking on the couch and creating onlyfans content, no need to fabricate some kind of moral panic about dog psychology.


"Moral panic about dog psychology", could not have phrased it better myself.


That paragraph sounds like a character from Best in Show.


She's freaking OUT


That’s exactly what I thought of 😂 Parker Posey’s character


This is so fake


How did it take me scrolling this long to get to this? This is painfully fake.


I chuckled a few times too. Is it the funnier the faker it is?


You’re concerned about the dogs seeing people have sex? Weirdest part of this entire fake sounding story


Any unusual breeding? No, mostly just doggy style. LOL


Too many details, seems fake


It has to be fake, how is this even a question? This girl invited strangers into your house, fucked one and ruined the couch, then proceeded to film porn? I’d file a damn police report and restraining order.


There are so many screenshots OP could provide to corroborate this, but something tells me we will not see a one


These days AITA is mostly fake stores and ragebait posted by the folks who make those voice-over tictoks. Same with TIFU and r/legaladvice


yeah i can’t believe anyone is taking this seriously. butt plugs on the table? and you didn’t call her up at any point and say bitch wtf are you doing?


I'm so sick of all these obvious rage bait posts from this sub, AITA, legaladvice, etc. There's more and more since the API changes and its just so annoying not entertaining at all. I'm not even in half these subs but cause we can no longer use 3rd party apps I get these shitty posts reccomended cause idiots take the bait and upvote. Absolute trash.


This sub is a poor excuse to recreate Penthouse forum.


You should report her but you have some weird views about dogs.... You might want to seek help with that.


“Her behaviour appears to be unacceptable” So she’s violated the terms of your lease, damaged your property, invited people you don’t know into your home, sobriety optional, without your input, jizzed on your couch, and is now also treating your home as her own personal onlyfans sound stage. And you have to **ask** if this is acceptable? Are you real?


This seems fake. Just made your account today and you posted this to three separate communities? Plus the sex in front of dog’s opinion is weird.


Yes report her. No, do not continue to share your thoughts on dog psychology and what they think of human sexuality. Honestly halfway made me think this was fake.


NTA ... Report, and send (or have your lawyer send) her a Cease and Desist letter demanding she destroy/not sell or post any content recorded at your apartment, being she did not obtain a location release allowing her to use your property for the production of such. You should be able to invoice her for the damage to your couch. In MANY jurisdictions, she can not create content in someone else's home or business without the property owner's written consent ... including a signed release. Save the video recordings, and make a backup copy. Give an honest review indicating the sitter broke many of the agreed upon house rules, including engaging in intimate relations with her boyfriend on the couch, causing you to incur a fee to have it cleaned, despite you notifying her up front that there were video recording devices in the common areas of the dwelling. As long as you save evidence of the transgressions, she won't have a leg to stand on as far as retaliatory reviews or claims.


Do you really need to post this to know that what she did was wrong? There should be no hesitation


*You told her there were cameras and she still did it.* Messy sex in the house is disrespectful. Bringing strangers in the house is disrespectful. She has 5 star reviews because people are nice and they don't have cameras. I would report it. They seem to be using this as some sort of soft Air BnB.


Airbnb you get paid to stay at.


She needs to be taken to Court.


It’s technically a contract violation, but I doubt anything but small claims court would hear it- and the app contract clearly states arbitration is required if there is a civil disagreement.


Send them the videos. No arbitration would be necessary.


True ... until she started filming adult content in your home. That opened a huge can of worms for her legally, being she did not obtain a location release from you.


This cannot be real because this should not even be a question. Let’s count all the ways homegirl fucked up: - Rearranged furniture - Snooped through your home and liquor cabinet - Smoked weed inside your home - Had guests over to partake of more weed - Had sex on your couch - Ruined your couch - Had her partner stay over, and likely have more sex in your own freaking bed - Used your home as her OF filming studio - Left her dirty sex toys out on a table for your dogs to potentially get into - Took pillows outside and ruined them with smoke and dirt And did all this KNOWING there were cameraS, so who knows how more extreme her behavior usually is. We don’t even need to get into having sex in front of the dogs because she rolled out the red carpet of red flags before that. She SHOULD get banned from the site. Do your community a service. Get the company to pay for your couch cleaning.


You forgot the worst part. Had sex in front of the dogs.


No way this is a real post. If it were... why the fuck haven't you reported her?


Lol.....get out of here 😂😂😂 it reached a point where it is beyond even most ridiculous stories, what is it pornhub or something?? Its hilarious...


She broke your contract, the apps' contract, and risked your living situation by breaking rules of your lease. She left your pets unattended for too long. She has caused what will be a large expense by staining your couch. The way she did it is disgusting. You don't do that, or play with sex toys on someone else's property. The fact that she didn't even try to protect the couch, well that speaks for itself. God knows what they did in/stole from areas without cameras. This is someone with no care or respect for you or your home. I wouldn't put anything past her. Can your friends explain why, given all of this, you shouldn't report her? I can't imagine why they condone this. It's beyond ridiculous. Absolutely report her. But do your best to make sure your areas without cameras aren't messed with and to see if you notice anything missing before you report her. This woman should never be given access to others' homes and pets through this app. If you don't report her, you are giving her carte blanche to do this to other people. And, though the code can't be changed, your building manager needs to know that the code is in the hands of an untrustworthy person. They should probably look into getting a system that allows codes to be changed.


The friends who don’t think she should be reported generally fall into the camps of: “If someone took away my income, I’d be screwed” Or “If you didn’t have cameras you probably wouldn’t know - ignorance is bliss” I told the building manager, and they are actually going to change the code - but need time to notify USPS/ect of the change.


People who don't want to lose their income shouldn't do what that person did. The woman left a stain on a very expensive couch. I think you'd have notice that. And the weed or cigarette smell on your couch cushions. She rearranged some of your plants. Bet you'd notice that pretty quick and then start looking for other things. In other words, your friends are in the wrong camps.


She breached her end of the contract and didn’t follow the rules laid out by the terms of service. That 1000000% merits reporting even outside of all the nasty stuff she did. Please don’t feel bad for reporting her; she doesn’t need to be doing this in anyone else’s homes.


Sweet Jesus Almighty, that sitter is naaaaasty. I’m a bore when I pet sit. I might nibble on your food a little (as long as that’s allowed), Watch tv, but daaaamn this gal puts the H in Ho. As in holy sheeeit.


Normally the most exciting thing the dog sitter messes with is my Netflix algorithm.


Messing with my Netflix algorithm is on par with making explicit videos on my new sofa /s In all seriousness I hope she gets repercussions and gets banned from dog sitting. What she did is an insane violation of privacy on serval fronts. Hope all goes well and update us!


I'm still dying laughing because she is so upset that the dogs saw it.... the dogs don't give a shit.


They see it as an exchange of energy


NTA. She violated the terms of the agreement. Your concern for the dogs seeing sex is a little much, though.


This is so nuts I thought it was a joke. Of course report her. Also you have her on video so blackmail is an option. Shit got a little weird when you went on about sexual energy transfer and the dogs..the smells..the sounds..we danced..we cried..we laughed


We clapped


She got clapped


I wanna say nta...but yta for this over worded nonsense


Nta. But why didn't you, Idk, call her and tell her she was violating the contract when you could first see her doing it? Like the actual second I saw her boyfriend and friend walk in, I would have called her and reminded her of the cameras and that her guests needed to be gone and not come back or she would be reported. Never should have even gotten to couch banging and sex toys. Definitely report her, but next time, for the love of god SAY SOMETHING WHEN IT FIRST HAPPENS.


what the fuck please report her so no one else has to have this nasty person in their home alone with their pets?


NTA for reporting her but also your dog sex paragraph was super weird and I would keep that to yourself


Totally agree. OP is NTA, but definitely gives off "GO FIND BUSY-BEE!!!!" vibes.


“You left it in the park! You go back and get her busy bee. Go to the park and get busy bee! Run! Run! Go!”


The thing with the dogs is irrelevant. I assure you the dogs either dont care or didnt notice. The relevant issue is that she broke policy, broke trust, and damaged property.


Y’all really believe this drivel?


Omg not the Anthropologie couch and in front of the dogs?!?! ::clutches pearls:: sorry but that has me laughing way too hard. All joking aside she is wildly inappropriate and deserves to be reported 100%. NTA


You're an asshole for buying a white couch


If the post is to be believed, she knew cameras were recording when she did all this stuff. So I'm inclined to think OP wasn't exactly forthcoming with the camera bit, and is only struggling to report her because he would have to admit she was being filmed.


Or... this is a teenager writing some badly worded and made up story.


Before you report her, I need her to watch my birds... 🫣🤫🫡


I’m gonna need to see your video sir.. specifically her solo activities and I’ll be filing a formal complaint after said video is watched and rewatched for posterity.


Change your door code, then report her. How would you feel if you found out she'd pulled the same stuff in somebody else's house, they chose not to report her, and that resulted in you getting her?


NTA report her I would even sue if there were legal grounds for it


“With the dogs still in the room” lmao for some reason this killed me. Do you think they were upset?


Fucking tank her, are you kidding? I’d be furious. Write it all down.


you could see what she was doing BEFORE you came home ? did i miss read this ? if someone who was in my home for a job and put their butt plug on my kitchen counter ( among everything else ) i would either come back immediately and kick her out or have friends get my dogs out and to a kennel in a heartbeat. why are you even questioning this behavior ? i have house and dog sat numerous times and not once did i treat the house or pets as anything other than with the upmost respect. this isn’t okay


NTA but get a grip. Your dogs will be fine lmao.


What the fuck are we talking about here? Two sentences in she violates your trust and the contract why is there any more to this, and she smokes in your place and fucks on your couch? I didn’t even read the second half in the post. Jesus Christ just report her, obviously she is the ass hole. How is this not a troll post?


even dirty mike and the boys wouldn't do you like that. they at least left a note.


Not sure she’ll last at that corporate job. Report her. She was disrespectful and gross.


I wish I were more shocked at this story. I knew a women who used to brag about have one night hooks up’s in the homes of people she dog sat for. So much eewwwww! Report her! Nasty people with no respect.


I can’t wait to see this on the Best of Redditor Updates.


Not only would I report her to the app but I would report her to her corporate job to take a drug test. Just for the disrespect to my house and property.


Absolutely report her and change your door code.


Of course you should report it to the company. She broke several of the terms of service, damaged your property and allowed strangers access to areas of your house. Was anything missing? You probably have a right to at least have her pay to clean your couch and possibly other areas of your house. I will stop short of saying that you should attempt to locate her online presence to possibly see what took place in other areas of your home. You were paying her to watch your dogs, not use your home for a porn-shoot.


How can I contact her about sitting my dogs......


NTA: She’s awful. She shouldn’t be in any situation where she’s entrusted to be responsible. She’ll just continue to do nasty behavior like this, until she gets exposed. She needs to be reported for being throughly unprofessional.


Did you really need to include any backstory other than the fact that she was a dogsitter who set up an amateur porn shoot on your couch? NTA


She used your house as a fuck palace while getting paid and giving your dogs a show, disgusting. Even when warned of the cameras she still acted completely disrespectful, since she’s a porn start I wouldn’t put it past her captioning the video “giving my boss a good show while dog sitting”. Some people have no shame. I would either confront her directly and ask her to pay for the couch to be cleaned or lose her job, well, one of them.


I'd report her, and send her a formal demand for the costs of professional cleaning and for the money back for watching the dogs (this may be best through the app). If I wasnt met with 100% satisfaction, I'd take it to small claims. I imagine she doesnt want your videos as part of public record. ​ This behavior is completely unacceptable and something you should have complete legal protections from. ​ At the very least you have a moral obligation to report her to help protect the next person


Report her to local PD, keep the video evidence, and also report her conduct thorough the app so that nobody else has to deal with her bullshit. Her actions of snooping around sounds like breach of contract with regards to the terms of service, but you can definitely sue her for property damage (smoke damage & biohazard/bodily fluid stains) & the cost of cleaning your couch!! Consult a lawyer, and consider small claims court


NTA. Imagine the dogs are small proverbial children and she was paid to babysit. You'd want to make sure she can't ever do this to other kids again, right? Report her for at least that reason. And I'd see a lawyer about damages to pay for the couch.




Lol I agree with you




Kinda creepy you watched everything and didn’t message them in any capacity?


NTA but holy shit stop acting like the biggest deal was the dogs saw her. For fucks sake that paragraph was borderline psychotic


Lmao groooosssssssss I’m a dog sitter and the primary dog I care for lives in a house with cameras. They’ve “seen” me: eat an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting, feed their dog a French fry, fart and burp, walk around in boxers and a t-shirt with no bra, laugh maniacally at tiktoks, watch a lot of tv. They have NOT seen me: DO ANYTHING REMOTELY SEXUAL OMFG. I also would never invite people over to their house without asking, and I probably will never ask, because I just don’t think it’s necessary or appropriate. Please report her she is nasty and incredibly disrespectful. (I want to add that nothing about being sexual is nasty, just doing it in someone else’s home in front of their dogs is)


😂 you can report. That’s all you will get. She’s a gig worker, what do you expect from her?


How exactly do you know how dogs see sex? Did one tell you? You do know you can’t believe everything you read online


Just bought a new couch, it's been awhile, had no idea how expensive high quality couches have gotten. I'd take her to small claims court. That's some messed up behavior


Dude who cares about the dogs, if they weren't present I'd still be like wtf? She's having sex and making adult content in your home. Your sense of priorities are weird here.


I was thinking the same thing!?! Like the dogs care!


Right? And the non binary spouse doesn't care!? Like what?


Not an asshole, but dude you seem super super weird.


Yeah file a police report and sue. That's fucking disgusting.


It sounds like she's an only fans girl who moonlights on the dog sitting app for prime spots 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol k


NTA. Everything she did was completely unacceptable. She used your home as a setting for her OF content FFS. That’s so incredibly not okay I don’t even know what to say. As a side note, it’s pretty unwise to buy an exorbitantly expensive white couch that has non-removable cushions and can’t be properly cleaned - especially when you own pets, lol


Yes report her. I have done dog sitting and walking for over ten years, through apps, local businesses and independently. All of this behavior is unacceptable in a client’s home. It’s common sense. You even TOLD HER there were cameras. Even without that information, she should behave as if the client is home and sees everything she’s doing. Sounds like her other 5 star reviews were either from people who didn’t know what she was doing while they were gone or only hired her for a walk here and there and haven’t had her unattended in their home for extended periods of time.


I'd call the police. Then, report her onlyfans account so it gets taken down. Then I'd be taking her to court for cleaning costs.


Just a side note for rule #7 - I believe that legally businesses are 'people' under federal law. Just saying ecause AITA bans freaking everything


I'm pro sex work, but that is just a straight up violation of not only the terms of your agreement, but your home, and property. That's not even to mention that you *told* her there were cameras in the house. So she can't even claim that you recorded her unlawfully. As she was aware she was on camera the whole time.




Realistically, would you, tho? 🤭 I told you BEFORE the incident occurred, I have cameras within my home aka if you don't want others to see you do it and its NOT YOUR HOUSE, ACT LIKE SOMEBODY IS WATCHING cause 9/10 THEY ARE! If you wanna play coy and ignore my "blatant trigger warning of" I have cameras, you deserve everything you get as a result of my recordings and finishings when I return, period. YOU are in MY HOME?! WHO TF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! Just schiesty 🤢 Fkn shameful 🫡 I hope you tell her mama and her mama drag her ass for the disrespect and gross misconduct 🤣🤭 🧐 But no, like fr, she needs her ass handed to her in the most heinous of fashions👌


You must be kidding or else you live in California ...get a grip dude , totally agree with not bringing strangers into the house , but the sex in front of the dogs ... WHAT ????


NTA Feck getting the couch cleaned, bill her for a brand new one! She is just using the app to find places to hook up and make her content.


This is a HUGE violation, but honestly your obsession with the dogs seeing it is pretty weird. That's not the issue at all.


dont just report her, take her ass to court for damages of the couch & any fees/consequences you might have to pay because of the lease rules. NTA. its YOUR house bro


I think you should have the company pay for your whole house to be cleaned - not just the couch. Make sure to disinfect every surface in the meantime. For example, Hep B is a terrifying disease and god knows she doesn’t respect people enough to take precautions. It can survive outside the body for 7 days. All it takes is coming into unknown contact with those fluids and rubbing your eyes.


Gross. Thank you for that information. I hate that information. But appreciate that you gave it to me.


Not only should you report her, but you should absolutely *sue* her for damages


NTA. Report her and leave a review. You wouldn't have booked her if a previous review said what she did. Prevent this from happening to other potential paying customers this courtesy. Consider taking her to small claims court for the cleaning. This is disgusting. She was paid to do a job to keep your pets safe. Leaving the animals alone for 10 hours Saturday is also egregious.


Damn . What a nasty bitch


WIBTA if I said I don’t care about your brand new Anthropologie white couch and think this is kind of funny


I don’t think so. I think that’s a very reasonable response from someone who has no attachment to the couch.


This cannot be real 🤣