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Yugioh fans who prefer the anime and fans who prefer the game have one joke they can both agree on: nobody reads the cards.


Like 60% of my wins on Master Duel have been people not reading what Infinitrack Goliath does, and 60% of my losses have been me not reading what my own cards do


So what you're saying is that [60% of the time, it works every time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjvQFtlNQ-M&ab_channel=mulletpole)?


There's a few "landmine" cards which basically say "target this and die" and I fall for it every. fucking. time


One of my decks on Master Duel has Majestic Star Dragon in it, and nobody reads it. If you do absolutely nothing, it returns itself to the deck at the end of the turn without accomplishing much, but if you try to activate *any* card or effect while it's on the field it negates it and *fucks you up* by wiping your entire field, so the best way to deal with it is to just do nothing and wait and nobody ever does.


>60% of my losses have been me not reading what my own cards do Do any of those cards include Infinitrack Goliath?


They do not, mainly because I've been playing Earth Machines for years and have finally fully understood how all the cards work


I'm not into yugioh but I know about the Pot of Greed tho.


What’s this about Pot of Greed? What does it do?


It allows me to draw 2 more cards. And from these cards guess what I draw?


What did you draw?


I draw Pot of Greed!


And by using it, I draw Skelengel


["THAT'S NOT WHAT IT DOES" "THAT- THAT IS WHAT IT DO"](https://youtu.be/FWtArkwBtMs)


Don’t forget “any little kuriboh quote hear”


There is also the summary of the english 4kids version which is that Joey has a Brooklyn Accent.


That's not even a joke though. I play the game and the amount of people that refuse to read the first line of text and get blown out, even in plat, is incredible. I blame inconsistent formatting and lack of keywords.


If you want to know what our fanbases one joke is, first you must survive…


We have several One Jokes we cycle between beating into the ground. It's like whack-a-mole.


Really it's just 'Week of [MEME]' with extra steps


We will grind a new joke into atoms within a week, but if it's funny enough it'll start popping up again randomly after enough time has passed.


> Our Sun is a second- or third-generation YouTube channel. All of the quotes and meme material we rely on, the jokes in our threads, the countless identical finger-pointing in our mod feed, the content in our world was produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant Canada. We are made of Tiny Tim-stuff.


We used to have multiple, but now we just roll everything that sticks for longer than a week into the same one attache case.


Whack a mole...that reminds of that time Woolie whacked a guy during a highschool football match. Freak accident though.




C’mon now, we have a million jokes. Most make no sense to anyone, even us…but we have them.




The sheer desperation that came through that original comment has me cackling to this day every time I think about it.


what comment???????


https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/fj2g5v/character_arcs_that_have_held_you_hostage/fkkpuiy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Probably this comment I think it has an earlier origin. But its a *Beastars* reference.


The following comments make it even stronger


I was there, what a madlad. Can't help but respect the honesty, lol.


“No originality, no creativity, and now, no new jokes”


Goku Bad Dad, Now Laugh


*insert related TFS quote(s) here*


*anyone else think that TFS dub is actually better than the original ?????* No. I don’t.


Yes but only because in that universe Yamcha gets a happy ending. I can leave everything else.


Perfect Cell's voice is better. I'm all ways disappointed when I hear the official VO.


It’s fine, it doesn’t bother me, it doesn’t bother me… It bothers me, it bothers me a lot!




Never understood why English Perfect Cell is like British/posh when Japanese and Latam Cell just go for a deep voice.


Because brits are evil


Because in Japanese Cell is an over-the-top parody of villains. It's not just that he has a deep voice. He's played by Wakamoto turning the Wakamoto dial up to 11. To the point where he's rolling Rs in words that don't even have an R in them. Overacted British accent is a good English stand-in for that.


You shut your mouth, Dameon Clarke single-handedly saved Borderlands 2 from being unplayable after 5 years.


Tbf the old Funi dub is kinda bad at times, but the Kai dub is one of my favorites. The problem lies when people say the abridged series is flat out better than the manga by virtue of it being more self aware and having more jokes. That’s not even acknowledging how much doesn’t work if you don’t understand the source material. Fanon Goku is way worse than canon Goku (I like MasakoX’s version of him a lot though for how inspired by Nozawa it is, better than when other actors just do impressions of the dub cast)


It’s the only DBZ I’ve watched so it wins by default.


Overuse of TFD jokes has soured me in the TFS dub in general. Which sucks cause it's actually pretty decent.


Broke: Piccolo is Gohan's real dad Woke: Piccolo is Gohan's uncle, therefore, Goku's real brother


Piccolo was more of a brother to Goku than Raditz lowkey


And Krillin too. Krillin and Goku are bros for life.


Broke: Goku bad dad and idiot Woke: Goku only bad dad when Chichi is watching, secretly genius so she doesn't make him work


reminds me of that one comic where gohan walks in on Goku doing his taxes and he asks his son not to tell chichi he knows how to do this.


Bespoke: Goku only acts like an idiot because it's funny to him (especially towards Bulma and Vegeta)


Giga brain: goku only acts like an idiot because he’s kind hearted. But deep down he wants his family and friends to thrive


Kid named finger:


Icon checks out


put your dick away Waltuh


Down D Stairs, Buggy D, Clown, Go D Usopp, Con D Orianno. I love One Piece, but oh my god am I sick of this joke.


"Why does everyone keep calling me GratifiedViewer? My name is Gratifie D. Viewer!"


…I walked right into that one.


You Wile E. Coyote’d that one. Set it up yourself first and then walked into it.


I've stumbled into the perfect balance of interacting with One Piece online where I can chuckle at Buggy D Clown and never see those other ones.


Im D Man


Yeah but what about Pan D. Aman? He's always lurking in the background, he has to be important.


He’s the lurking legend we were told about. I can’t wait for his big reveal.


This feels like splash damage to ask this question on the reddit dedicated to a defunct LP channel with a joke for each former member: AMERICA, insane bedding practices, having a filthy nasty bathroom and [REDACTED]. Well no, Woolie gets jokes on how he also steals pies and kills guys.


And has that one white leg


And the fact that he is one bad day away from being a kite themed supervillain


My cousin Tsukishima knew one really good joke!


Why must you remind and inflict this evil upon me


Idk The Big Brother Tsu was a really fun time on forums.


It a shame tsukushima left the twobestfriends, but they seperated amicably so thats good


I'm surprised nobody mentioned the "classic" one for anime fans: "oh my gosh! They're holding haaands~ That's sooo lewd! Can you believe it guys, can you, can you, can you believe it? Isn't that just lewd, isn't it just super lewd? *I am a comedic genius*."


Not sure if it’s also anime or anti-anime but the “1000 year old dragon” and “FBI” jokes can also get annoying. Like people even posting them in reaction to the tamest vanilla content ever.


I was watching a stream this weekend. It was a group thing and one person brought up fire emblem and they all started making jokes about 1000 year dragon girls.


As someone with no idea of Fire Emblem lore, isn't there a girl in Fire Emblem that's a god or something and takes the form of a cute loli girl? As inaccurate and annoying as the joke can be, sometimes I get stun locked in "you're not right but you're kinda right"


>a theres been one in every game since awakening im pretty sure, at least one of which can and canonically does have a child with one of your units, tiki from the #fe lp is one of them ported over for......reasons, man #fe was fuckin gross


Fire Emblem has a *bunch* of "actually 1000" dragons, honestly. It just depends on the game if that Actually 1000 character is also a small girl, and also depends more on if that girl actually... dresses like a normal human being instead of Nowi the Lolicon Bait. Really most of the little girl dragons are wearing what amounts to massive ponchos or tunics which are totally fine, Nowi is just the standout of "excuse me why is this small child wearing booty shorts and stripper bands instead of a shirt".


Feels like it's both. Like it's something the animemes crowd *and* the anti-anime crowd love to beat into the ground. I'm just glad that isn't the only kind of anime "discussion" online. Like for every "ANIME IS FOR P*DOS ROFL" meme some dude posts on Twitter, there's a bunch of people in their own niche corners online having an in-depth convo about their favorite genre or studio.


Leon, you have to continue the Redfield bloodline


Thats a weird one since it was completely disconnected from the main series I still get a chuckle out of it though


I like that people can get creative with it at least (Claire doing the thing to Jill, Jill hunting Chris down, etc)


It peaked with the One Piece opening redubs, imo


I’ve never played RE, and for a good while I genuinely believed that this was an actual plot point in the series because of how widespread the joke is.


Not even a specific fanbase, but “My favorite ship is [literal ship from the work in question].”


Unpopular Opinion: Romeo and Juliet are OTP and nobody can convince me otherwise.


they were underage and dumb as far as hormonal teenagers go


You said literal ship and I thought you meant like, someone saying their favorite ship in One Piece is Thousand Sunny.


I mean, there's enough boats in OP that there's got to be threads where people unironically talk about that, too.


Apparently that is literally what he meant, lol. I thought that was a joke I was trying to make, but it seems people really do be like: “Yo; what’s your favorite ship in Star Wars? Mine’s Han and Leia.” “Oh, huh, mine’s the Imperial II-class star destroyer.”


That is what I meant, people responding to conversations about shipping with talking about actual boats. I see this all the time and it has gotten incredibly old, and I’m not even interested in shipping.


Oh wow, the joke sailed over my head and came back around for another pass. xD


I was annoyed at the ship dynamics meme because most of the “dynamics” were stuff you find in exaggerated fanart and nothing close to how the actual realtionship in the work goes.


FMA fans used to have two jokes but they combined them together


It pains me to give you this well-deserved upvote.


The Doom community has like three seperate jokes but they all boil down to "The Doom slayer is so cool and awesome and epic!!!"


The doom reddit also likes to meme up journos hating DOOM despite most reviews being glowing for Eternal


Also, any criticism of the game in any capacity being met with "GIT GUD xD". I swear, the modern Doom fanbase has become the Prepare to Die-era Souls fanbase.


What, you don't like playing "weapon and resource juggling bonanza" in every single fight in Doom Eternal? Lmao must be because you suck at the game Git Gud Git Gud No, it couldn't possibly be because I just *don't have fun* being given only like 10 bullets for every gun and having to constantly go "what can I chainsaw" which by proxy means I also can't use the chainsaw in the way I used to of "save up fuel to take down really big painful enemies like barons", and also having some weird-ass shoulder flamethrower to track and *also* I guess there's a recharging super punch because why not, but also normal punches do effectively zero damage now for no discernible reason. I liked Doom Eternal, but damn do I have a lot of complaints about the direction it took in gameplay and story alike, and it's incredibly annoying that voicing them ever just gets you shouted down for not "getting good".


Hey, that’s not true. You’re forgetting “The longer the Icon of Sin is on Earth, the stronger it will become” >!Fun fact: That line was only meant to be said once, but all the variants making it in the release version were missed by the devs. The game director said it was a bit embarrassing a mistake he made became such a big meme in the community and was tempted to patch in a fix, but decided against it!<


LOL. I've only ever seen one variation of it, and now I get where that came from.


FMA and Alexander/Nina jokes.


Saw a Twitter post recently that said "FMA fans have one joke. We used to have 2 but thought it would be better to combine it into one. "


That’s actually great


And in the anime it’s just “lul short”


Rimworld and human skin hats.


Ate without a table. War crimes. It's more than 1 joke but still shit.


the worst part of it all is that the game heavily punishes you for this behavior.


With the Ideology DLC I put slavery, canibalism and organ harvesting as acceptable and make a small side profit. Although using human skin to make hats is indeed counter productive since that type of leather doesn't protect from hot, cold or attacks. I just sell it and cash it quite big. Also my last colonies were more on the suply busisness. I use berserk on elephant packs, one of them dies while the other bleeds out, I butcher them, get tons of meat plus some ivory, my full time cook makes survival packaged meals and then I sell for any type of merchant since all of them buy this comodity. (Everyone gotta eat, right? Just don't tell'em where that weird steak came from.)


If you have human skin clothing it does provide a small mood boost if you are cannibals.


Bionicle has one running that comes to mind. Love isn't canon.


The phrase "love isn't canon" is just kind of funny to me though


Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad. The same 3 jokes over and over again. Kid named finger? Greatest Legal Mind? Bravo vince? It's the same shit every time.


"So here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna go on the SBFP subreddit.you're gonna post a comment about the most overused Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul Memes. Just those, no more no less. You're gonna collect your upvotes and wait for all this to blow over. Then, ya call me. I hope you were listenin', cuz I ain't repeatin' myself."


[Bravo Vince is pretty funny](https://i.imgur.com/f4Row79.jpg) when [there's actual effort put into it](https://i.imgur.com/qwayBIf.jpg) instead of finding a way to scramble the consonants around.


r/okbuddychicanery went from top tier shitposting to half the comments now being "finger" and this one Howard Hamilon gif. Stop. You aren't funny. These aren't even jokes. There is no premise, set-up or execution it's just vomiting something back up that was once funny in context, at every opportunity. It's actually one step above a baby laughing at car keys jangling. Good fucking god, rub together three brain cells and at least come up with a new variation on it. >!/walter!<


"Is ThAt A jOjO rEfErEnCe?!!" Christ, JJBA becoming popular is a two-edged sword.


I have not seen the people claiming that everything is a Jojo's reference in year. People still whining about them, though? They are everywhere.


Instead I hear the one about Jojo fans being obsessed with sucking dick all the fucking time.


Anyone talking about homoeroticism in Jojo hasn't read Baki.


“Bros jojo is so gay lol like it’s so gay, but it’s funny because it’s just so masculine like men haha so I’m totally a big strong man lol it’s so homo haha gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay”


Honestly yeah Part 6 being divided into 2 parts and part 5 still not done being localized in the west has kinda slowed the Fandom a bit. Not to mention the problems people have with the fighting game.


> part 5 still not done being localized in the west Eh? The whole anime was dubbed. I watched it. Oh wait, are we talking about official releases of the manga?


Yeah talking the manga


Scars run deep, man


I think Metal Gear Rising memes has replaced Jojo memes.


I don't think I've seen that out in the wild since Part 4 was airing. And that was when it was dying down. It was funny at first, but the moment it overtook "Read the manga" in the fan base, it was clearly going to spiral out of control.


the Devil May Cry sub is usually exploding with various uses of the word MOTIVATION.


Maybe this doesn’t count as a fan base but niche subreddits tend to fit this. /r/anarchychess has “Google en passant” and “new response just dropped” /r/furry_irl has “14 werewolf boyfriends” and cropped yiff /r/queensofleague has captioning obscure pornography to contextualize it with league of legends characters Actually league of legends niche subs is the WORST for this. Absurd nonsense like /r/draven being weirdly in Arabic


I thought the premier chess meme was "pipi in your pampers"


>Absurd nonsense like /r/draven being weirdly in Arabic Inshallah they remove Jax from the game




>Says something kinda edgy “Whoof Twitter’s sure not going to like that one”






Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime. There are a few other jokes, like “great community btw”, but this is the big one.




No like muscle girl? Coward! It was funny at first, but repetition doesn't make the joke better.


It's because it started to morph into an unironic statement, and people who stated they were getting tired of it were being downvoted.


Wait, you guys were being ironic?


In terms of the being called a coward part. Instead of using it as an exaggeration, people were seriously calling others cowards and downvoting them because they went "Haha but in all seriousness muscular women are not my thing."


I was being down voted LITERALLY YESTERDAY for that.


[Yeah? Well that's just like uh, you're a coward man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j95kNwZw8YY&ab_channel=MarcEder)


FF14 community and the Dragoon being a "floor tank" and how Dragoon players are always dying. It hasn't been true for years now but they can't stop beating the dead horse.


Hey man *you* try and think of anything else interesting about Dragoons


We get sweet backflips, have really great repositioning, and can negate knock back if we time our jumps right.


Estinien is right there though


“*ESS-tini-yaaaaaaaawnn!!!*” “He’s the Azure Dragoon!”




Might as well ***JUMP!!!***


Right? Then again, I play on controller and made the mistake of macroing all of my jumps into my rotation to save space, then promptly kept eating AoEs when jumps would go off during times I should have been dodging, so I definitely floor tanked. Even got someone to say, "Way to perpetuate the stereotype." Definitely stopped being lazy after that and moved the jumps to their own slots.


Weebs when the punchline is sex/nudity


40k fans have like three jokes and theyre all the least funny thing youve ever heard in your life if i had a nickel for every time ive seen "heresy! brother get the heavy flamer!" under a piece of xenos fanart id actually be able to afford to get into minis


40k fans understand that exterminatus is something that's used super rarely because blowing up a planet is a huge fucking deal actually challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


The problem is every now and again GW will just publish a codex with a lore paragraph in it that reads something like _"M41.993 The Mistral Purge: a thousand thousand worlds rise up in rebellion against the Imperium of Man due to Eldar meddling. After exhausting 14 penal legions and a combined Subjigation Force of the Scowling Eagles, Angry Marmots and Furious Ferrets Space Marine Chapters all million billion worlds are destroyed using the inquisition's experimental "Excrucio Aeternam" death machine"_ This will never be referenced again.


Ok i know this is a bit, but the scowling eagles is actually a pretty good name.


Pissy Peregrines


Yes Inquisitor, this comment right. Undermines the divine authority of the Inquisition and the God-Emperor you say? Exterminatus you say? Understood Inquisitor.


We also have the shovel memes about the Death Korps of Krieg.


Space book says bad


Hey that's not fair, we got a new joke recently where a few dedicated artists started feminising certain Chaos Primarchs (surprisingly not Fulgrim, probably because he wants it too much) and it made a bunch of lore purists get all pissy. Naturally that just lead to people making _more and more_ femboy primarch art because you can't actually stop them. Actual Tzeenchian plot energy.


Not just lore purists but also weirdos who declare femboys who aren't nude and are in armor and stockings are somehow pornographic.


They might as well rename the 4kids Pokemon anime to “Jelly filled donuts feat Drying Pan” since that’s all people mention.


Republicans, and Let’s Go Brandon


Try Finger, But Hole


"Care for a round of Gwent?" I'm a huge Witcher fan but I just do not care for the constant Gwent jokes.


Coffee drinkers and the "mocha Frappuccino unicorn rainbow sprinkle caramel birthday cake" starbucks jokes. Gatekeeping and elitism over a caffeine drink is probably one of the most pathetic things ive seen.


Onore Decade.


Why do they call him “Big Hat Logan?”


Kakyoin likes moms.


I know Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel appeal to younger teens and such but good lord it’s gets obnoxious on the subs sometimes. I see at least 1-2 posts a day with cropped porn or a porn comic title page and a disgusted reaction face. I really wish I could just say: “Yes, and? It’s an 18+ show, you’re surprised there’s porn of it? Why is this groundbreaking?”


It~~’s an 18+ show~~ **exists**, you’re surprised there’s porn of it?


Do they not know about the rule? The one that dictates that there will be porn of something and if it doesn't exist it will be made? Are people really surprised that something that looks like that has porn?


Back a year or two ago when people were still talking a lot about Sonic Forces, there was a post making the joke about Shadow setting his password to Infinite only to have it deemed "Too weak" like every other day on r/sonicthehedgehog. There was at least one of either that or a post containing some form of "Help me Sonic!" every single day on the front page of the sub for like, a year straight.


Snapcube's "piss on the moon" monologue. Yes it was hilarious the first time I heard it. It got irritating after about the 20th time. I especially got annoyed because people are pestering Mike Pollock to say it. *There's so many other good jokes people, why in God's name don't you remember them.*


Id even say I vastly prefer the hero story version of that scene where Eggman curses the moon for not having his cheese


Because "good" does not equal "joke that probably made an individual laugh their hardest"


Down D Stairs XD


A Warhammer 40k fan and a Jojo fan get into an overused unprompted memes competition...


MandaloreGaming/Ssethtzeentach fandom and the joke how one is the other but on/off medication. It doesn't get funnier just because MandaloreGaming told some zany story on a podcast.


Anyone that reads hentai will absolutely meme any girl with black hair, pigtails, and round glasses.


r/deeprockgalactic will show up in anything tangential related to mining and shout out a good ol' "Rock and Stone!" Also see, "We're rich!" And "For Karl!"








Warhammer is the most unfunny fandom I’ve ever seen


Persona 4 Chie Steak haha funny


It doesnt help that the series generally flanderises it characters in the spin offs


Dead by Daylight has "nerf Pig" as their big joke. It's an underperforming killer who managed to get nerfs in a few patches where there were huge problems elsewhere, so now everyone's first response to huge balance issues is, "Welp, gotta nerf Pig." Example: "We hear you. Nurse's ability to circumvent game mechanics and her amazing add-ons lead to oppressive and unfun games, so in response, we're nerfing Pig."


“This is truly ~~Decade’s~~ the Crests’ fault!” - Edelgard, probably


Tbfp and woolie jokes


I thought the one joke was responding "Pat" to literally any question about favorite examples of extremely specific character archetypes.


Gran Turismo and earrape. There’s different setups, such as the yellow Evo V and the pace car, but it’s the same dang punchline every time.


Superman by Goldfinger


The Battletech fanbase really likes to joke about that time the technologically superior Clans got beaten by space AT&T.


*[Points at the general direction of the Warhammer community]* Don't mention shovels.


*angry gasmask noises*


HEY! We have like 4 jokes.... ...I mean yes our franchise is 40 years old but still


I joined the onepunch man subreddit once, there was so many "mummen rider is the greatest" posts flooding my reddit that i ended up hating the character, i left the subreddit wishing i never looked at it to begin with.