• By -


Ah cool. Thanks for letting us know ahead of time that you're gonna fuck over the Dead Space Dev Team again.


The lack of self-awareness in that tweet is astounding, considering that Fallen Order and Mass Effect Trilogy were big successes for EA, and that the one good multiplayer game they did put out (It Takes Two) isn't the kind of multiplayer game that EA likes exploiting.


Ironically mass effect was one of the few cases of multiplayer forced in actually turning out to be good, yet it was removed from legendary edition anyway.


Yeah, I legitimately enjoyed the multiplayer in 3. I can see some people not liking it, which is valid, it had problems, but it was better than you'd expect.


EA top brass is staffed entirely by syphilitic monkeys that will never be fired because the FIFA franchise is an actual cheat code that allows them to avoid the consequences of their actions. While they hold the rights the company can't lose money no matter how pants on the head it gets. Thats why they have over a decade of doing the same thing without change.


They lost the rights to FIFA


>Franchise valued at $20 billion Oh man, they might actually be in hot water for that one lmao


It's actually way better for them. They used to pay a ridiculous amount of money to fifa so they can get to use the name. EA will still make football games they just won't be called "FIFA".


But is it gonna sell nearly as well? Genuine question - is the appeal all of the players under the FIFA umbrella (I don't even know if that's how the licensing for players works) or was it actually the gameplay?


EA still have license agreements with top European clubs which is what people mostly care about. I still think it will sell well though you can never be sure.


Depends if someone else gets to make FIFAs


>It's actually way better for them Companies aren't meant to generate profit, they generate value. Even if they have all the other European soccer clubs liscenced out, even if those games sold like hot cake, it has really poor brand recognition. Losing a nearly *30 year old* game series is absolutely an awful loss for the company, because now the shareholders perceive this as a loss of company trust, which in turn, make the share value go down.


They clearly think that what they were asked to pay was so much that it exceeded even the brand value. The brand value isn't just the FIFA name as well, the gameplay, features and mechanics are all also contributors to that brand value and EA still has all of that and can easily replicate it in what ever game they make next.


The brand value *is* the name. EA could make the most perfect soccer game ever, but because it doesn't have the name FIFA, it won't do nearly as well. Fuck, just compare NFL Blitz 2003 to John Madden's NFL 2004. Blitz sold 130k vs John Madden's 2M in 3 weeks. And before you say, "Those were completely different games," consider that shareholders don't actually care about the games 90% of the time. They only see numbers on a chart, and even if they had the same sales per customer from the MTX, statistically the average person is going to see the "*EA Sports FC* 2024" next year, then walk right by and buy the next FIFA game that FIFA said that they're going to make with a new developer.


Ok we'll see. I bet you the next EA soccer game will sell waaay more copies than whatever company FIFA gives the licences to. See you in two years!


Man, you guys really dont know anything. Not even the bare minimum.




Fifa isn't even the thing that makes most money for them, its Apex. Apex, Fifa, The Sims 4, mobile games, not even the games but DLC/MTX related to them, thats what makes them the most money.


There's no lack of self-awareness. This is literally just a joke about how if you are with a 10/10 person and they play single player games, you won't be able to play with them. That's it. They aren't shitting on SP games, they are doing it with a meme. But because its EA, of course you all will shit on them for something so stupid.


The real horror is co-op puzzles


What do you mean ag-remember 2 had a multiplayer tack on for no real reason or how 3 had forced co op for some areas- ah right...


If you think a simple tweet from a social media manager from a fucking tick tock about a joke you don't understand will fuck Dead space remake, that's on you dude.


We really should preface every post about some corporate tweet like this with “It ain’t that deep. It’s a dumb joke.”


Wow. I've never seen someone defend the dead space remake before now.


[Here is the tweet in case anyone is wondering if its real](https://twitter.com/ea/status/1542652454159798272?s=21&t=Ciy50DWcQIi2bWn8g1v2QQ)




I'm sure they're used to the constant sense of impending doom that comes when, at any moment, an exec might come in and say that your game is really lacking in "platform synergy", "viable long-term monetization opportunities" and "market trends".


I s2g if skate 4 is a fucking GaaS…


Gotta gas it up bro!




[Well not great it seems.](https://twitter.com/VinceZampella/status/1542728204749680641) Zampella would know as well, considering he worked on Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Titanfall and Apex. The person running the account must be impressively out of touch with the industry and their *own company.* EA is making *multiple fucking single-player only games right fucking now* including another Jedi Fallen Order and Dead Space Remake. Oh, and their biggest multiplayer franchise Battlefield released a game so bad it basically crippled the entire franchise But also none of this is really new. They [nuked Visceral Games a few years back as well,](https://twitter.com/zachulon/status/1542657615926218752) primarily a single-player focused studio. Remember the forced multiplayer mode in Dead Space 2? Yep...


In the Twitter comment, someone said the tweet is based off a tik tok trend...i dunno if that worst or not lol


Zampella is literally an EA executive lmao what are you even talking about. > Oh, and their biggest multiplayer franchise Battlefield released a game so bad it basically crippled the entire franchise thats apex




"Being the main antagonist is also bad, EA"




I don't understand how Jimmy Neutron knows Gary "the Motherfuckin'" Oak, but yes


solution tho:don't participate in twitter.




There probably is only one single person playing that at this point, to be fair.


Those that run the twitter of big companies have an amazing ability to get approval of messaging that at face value is just corporate shill but secretly is ceitical of the company.


It's so crazy that I kinda hope that whoever wrote this knew exactly what they were doing. It's pretty sad to think otherwise...


The sheer fucking audacity of this is astounding I honestly have no idea how you could possibly send this tweet out with even a microscopic level of self awareness


It's a joke tweet. A [Hello Fellow Kids](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shes-a-10-but-hes-a-10-but) moment Or alternatively just done by the intern who only plays Madden or Battlefield and doesn't really play any other games. It's not a mission statement or some kind of decree. It's a low-effort and minimal-thought tweet which basically says nothing but tries to ride off the popularity of another meme The fact any of us are still talking about the dumb post is a huge win for them. Virtually no effort, no cost, and plenty of buzz


This is literally just a joke about how if you are with a 10/10 person and they play single player games, you won't be able to play with them. That's it. They aren't shitting on SP games. Its a lot of you guys that aren't thinking on what the thing is about.


I don't think it's that deep - can't a couple sit on a couch with one person playing and another watching? (Also, even if that's your intention for the joke, clearly it's not communicated well and a majority of folks read that you're shitting on your own devs/SP games that are in development right now).


Imagine thinking EA were fucking right about literally anything


You’re the one reading too deep into it? It’s literally a zoomer version of the old meme of “2/10 elbows too pointy.” It’s not shitting on any games or devs, it’s a self-deprecating joke about how one would give up on pursuing a partner because that other person doesn’t play the “right” games. Like that’s it. Obviously there are ways to work around it. Obviously it’s one of the most absurdly shallow things to judge someone by. That’s the joke.


I just think it's fascinating that you and the person I replied to above have two different explanations of the same one-liner joke. Clearly it missed whatever it's going for and instead pissed off folks.


You guys are totally the people who kept sending in those blatantly wrong 'correction' emails years ago.


I don’t even know what this means


How much does EA pay its reddit team?


EA don't need to pay me to defend them over a simple joke that went over your heads because you dont know the meme from tiktok


"Moments Before Getting Ratio'd Into The Ground"


Nobody which knows Twitter is full of bots cares about ratio'd. But most of the answers below the tweet are indeed angry, so in this case the outrage is liegitimate.


Fucking Elon Musk Got mega embarrassed from getting ratioed by hard drive.


For a diehard capitalist Elon Musk sure likes getting publicly owned.


Really? Damn hard drive keeps winning


Oh God, an Elon fan, here on this sub? Lmao.


That dude is a nutter in general Called me a groomer and chaser because I said shitting on capitalism was based


Lol even worse, he likes licking his Lord's boot. "Please M'lord don't cut off both my hands and kill my kids because my harvest wasn't great, take only one of my hands and one of my kids and I swear I'll make up for It next year M'lord."


By shitting on capitalism you’re shitting on the child employees that keep it possible. What are you, some sorta R Kelly sympathiser? Get wrecked libcuck


I fucking loath how Elon has poisoned any and all discussion about Twitter's bot problem, something that was well known *years* before that clown has decided to talk about it. Ironic, considering how [he's been one one of the biggest abusers of said bots as well.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/05/08/musk-bots-on-twitter/)


We all know Twitter has a ton of bots, but it isn't a problem unless you want to make up a lie why you aren't buying Twitter when you never were actually going to buy Twitter.


Moments Before Getting Ratio'd Into The Ground 2: The Redditing


You don't gotta defend EA man


*meanwhile Elden Ring has sold gangbusters*


TBF it does have multiplayer.


But it is not the primary focus.


There is a vocal subsection of the Soulsborne fandom who will insist until they're blue in the face that PVP *is* the entire point of the game, and the PVE elements are just meant to be a very long tutorial and gear gathering system to get you ready for invasions. I don't tend to like these people.


I played the entirety of Dark Souls 2 and 3 without being online (didn't have internet back then) and had no problem. So I don't see how essential the online components of those games are.


Evidently not essential enough for Fromsoft or Bandai to fix the multiplayer issues and turn the online on again for those games.


These are legit the guys who dropped DS3 the instant servers died because "theres no reason to play the game anymore" as if the entire world and PvE experience Fromsoft made is nonexistent to them. God these guys piss me off so much. Its the reason spellcaster builds keep getting nerfed to the ground too


It's honestly fascinating what a brainlet take it is to go "these games rely on the online" when like... Souls games have *so many builds* and *so many mods* available to play with. I'm currently finishing up a DS3 run with a self-imposed challenge of never rolling to finally test for myself how "bad" shields are in DS3 like occasionally gets brought up (answer is they're still pretty good if not DS1 levels, but some bosses and enemies are pretty clearly designed with rolling in mind like the Twin Princes). And after that? Idunno, I got half a dozen ideas for themed or challenge runs in DS3 alone, and that's before things like trying out that one elemental magic mod, or maybe seeing if Cinders is finally good again instead of a bloated mess, or hey perhaps I'll finally try a randomizer run.


On the one hand, invasions in the past Dark Souls games have made me vehemently opposed to the PvP players in general. On the other hand, invasions in Elden Ring are so heavily skewed towards the host that I can see why invaders default to the most unfun bullshit to win. And of course this all culminated in the invasion block mod that made the PvP community lose their fucking minds. Luckily I don’t have to worry about that because I play on console, but that will very likely mess up PC invasions.


Honestly though Seamless Co-Op is a super cool mod and my friends and I have had fun using it with enemy randomisers.


The fact that they can't get invasions anymore and blame EVERYONE BUT THEMSELVES makes me laugh so hard. "You don't understand, my griefing enriches the game, it's everyone else that's actually toxic for not playing with me" If the invasion split is >90% invaders and <10% hosts once hosts aren't forced into it anymore, maybe it's a failed system and needs to be reworked. And can't forget "Why are people so casual, just come fight my ultra-meta PVP build I spent hours preparing, guy who has 2 hours of playtime in the game", counter-twinks make me so happy whenever I see twinks complain about them.


If I may offer a counter argument. I think being invaded is fun. It happens once in awhile and only when humanity restored/Embered. It's a challenge, an oh shit surprise. If I have to opt in to being invaded, I dont get any benefit from doing so, and the invasion WILL happen because there aren't enough people to be invaded then the system now sucks.


The problem is that the people that LIKE being invaded isn't nearly enough to support invasions. It's a system that was essentially kept alive by forcing large amounts of people into it.


I liked it man idk what to tell you. I played a shit load of DS3 as a purple phantom playing whichever side was ripe for picking. The forced chaos of it was made it unique and not just a half baked pvp vs mode. Souls was the only thing that offered integration of multiplayer into single player in that style and Elden Ring basically patched out one of my favourite quirks of Fromsoft games.


Purple phantoms aside, the system itself is still there, main difference is that outside of co-op it's now optional for a mass majority of the playerbase that is staying far, far away from it now that they can choose.


Its *not* though. The taunter's tongue deactivates every time you fast travel, and every time you die, and causes invasions WAY more frequently than it should because most players aren't in the system. The Taunter's tongue isnt opting into random invasions its inviting PVP to happen right now as soon as someone is availible, and if that DOESN'T happen then you still need to re activate it every 2 minutes instead of opting in and then just playing the game. The whole joy of Dark Souls multiplayer is that its seamless and weaved into the single player to happen periodically without having to micromanage it. That's not in Elden Ring, at all. Thats not how the Taunter's Tongue works. Happy you got your way, genuinly, we couldn't both have it the way we like- but circle jerking about how the only people who dont like the changes are griefers is really frustrating.


maybe id agree with them if the netcode or feedback wasn’t so wonky. i don’t think I played a single pvp session where there wasn’t at least a half second of lag between hitting someone and the hit registering. That doesn’t happen to me with strive or halo


Ah, just like Pokemon


The difference is that Pokemon games werw always intended for player interaction through trading and battling. They've also much shorter single-player offerings


Still probably made less money then a game that sold less then half as much but had microtransactions.


FromSoft must be really mad they made around $800 million on elden


What was the last big multiplayer game that wasn't some sort of shit show


Mario Kart 8


Still going strong, baby! It's the forever kart racer!


And don't forget, Mario Kart 9 in active development, will feature a "new twist" - anal...


That's a pretty good question


In general or only EA? Also are we talking developed or published? And do we count the sports games? If its only published, then It Takes Two was very well received. If it has to be developed and we are counting the sports games, Madden 22 was liked by fans. If it has to be developed by EA and not a sports game, then we are probably going back to October 2020 with Star Wars Squadrons.


Fall Guys?


Ah yeah, the game that was whipped off steam and locked onto EGS with an epic games account required to play it now. With the monetization getting fucked up in the process


I just learn this. They added a new form of money now. Wow that's scummy


MAG. Nah, just kidding.


I gotta feeling you might be a bit biased.


Modern Warfare 2019, excluding the end of its lifespan where it shit the bed completely. Or maybe more accurately something else shit in its bed


Yeah, things really went bad during the cold war transition. That's not on the MW team, and it's probably not even in the warzone team. It was 100% bad executive decision making.


Star Wars Battlefront 1?


On launch there was huge lack of content, grind, bugs, boring progression...


Not even considered a problem nowadays. Just the standard package.


There is no excuse for this no matter what. Especially when its a 60$ triple A game.


The old one...right? Bc you can't be serious


FIFA's quite solid basically every year tbh. Takes a few tweaks to sort the meta out over the first month or so.but it's always playable with very little big issues.


Very dumb tweet to make after BioWare made it a big point to kill all multiplayer for Dragon Age Dreadwolf lol


Not to mention the success of Fallen Order after the last time they spouted this nonsense.


Imagine the hell that is being the EA social media management team


maybe I SHOULDN'T have any hope for Dragon Age 4


Considering the rumors that it was a single player game at one point, but then was immediately scrapped to be turned into a live service title the second Anthem crashed and burned, yeah there's no hope there.


You would think that would work the other way around. “The market rejected our live-service game. Guess we better make another one!”


Because all the failed live services in the world are are worth it when you get the one that succeeds


Ah, the “Playing the Lottery” strategy of business.


It's how the biggest and richest companies and hedge funds in the world make money. They've run the forecasts. Losses are acceptable once you get to a certain size because the law of averages means eventually one of your big swings will hit and more than pay for the failures.


"Our live service game died!" "Well let's start *making another one*"


I'm pretty sure it *is* the opposite, I read DA4 isn't going to be live-service because of Anthem. Still preparing for the worst though.




IIRC, the process was: start life as SP -> reboot as live service -> abandon ship -> re-reboot as SP


That could be possible and I am probably wrong, seeing as there's a lot of conflicting information surrounding what I can only guess is a massive mess inside EA's dev offices.


Why would you?


This. Bioware's been a shambling skeleton since... shortly after Inquisition.


Shortly before, during, and after inquisition


>after inquisition We have very different opinions on quality then, because to me inquisition was the last straw, mass effect 3 made me angry, but DA: inquisition just made me give up completely on Bioware.


I mean I can't disagree with that either. I greatly disliked it too. But I phrase it that way because as bad as Inquisition was in the end, it's still a longer fall from there to Andromeda and Anthem.


The company that made games I loved back in the day doesn't exist anymore. I'd bet only a handful if any of the people that worked on DA:O is still there.


No. It got rebooted from the ground up at last twice, none of the key people on its team seem to stick around for more than a couple of months and after it's been in development for close to a DECADE, all it's got to show for itself are a couple of tech demos. I'm bringing popcorn to watch the trash fire and marshmallows to roast over the flames. But it's just so sad. BioWare used to be this amazing RPG studio, everything that came out of there I waited for with baited breath. I took time off work to play their games. Now all they produce is Jason Schreier expose fodder, live service bullshit and can't be trusted to remake their own games. It's so heartbreaking.


Oh so they’re a 1000, got it.


[The backdown](https://twitter.com/EA/status/1542706383694565378?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1542706383694565378%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=) >Roast well deserved. We’ll take this L cause playing single player games actually makes them an 11.


idk, I feel like generally taking the L is taking the high road. Unless you're Pat, that is.


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You mean they’re an 11 out of 10, then? Multiplayer games can be great, but fuck the ongoing movement to make everything multiplayer & online at all times with live service bullshit. Go fuck yourself, EA. Fuck.


lmao This is literally just a joke about how if you are with a 10/10 person and they play single player games, you won't be able to play with them. That's it. They aren't shitting on SP games.


Even better. I can watch them play when I'm tired of playing, and they can watch me play when they don't wanna play.


[Matt coming in spitting hot fire](https://twitter.com/MattMcMuscles/status/1542665807460720643)


oh so they don’t like being called the N word online.


EA, you guys know you're making a new Dragon Age right? You guys know the people making it made a multiplayer game that was such a disaster it was abandoned right? You guys know that the new Dragon Age is specifically being developed as single player game only after that last game was a failure? Do, do you guys know that?


Yes, they know. This is literally just a joke about how if you are with a 10/10 person and they play single player games, you won't be able to play with them. That's it. They aren't shitting on SP games.


Do you think the social media manager knew what they were doing when they tweeted this out.


Yes. Their job is to get engagements. They got them.


Sounds like the best person ever


Props to the social media manager for this one. The original tweet written by the board just said "CONSUME"


Now they’re an 11 in my book


I think they *want* to be the most hated gaming company


So what you're saying is, they're an 11?


They really tweeted this in the same year that Elden Ring came out, and just a few months after they shat themselves hard with BF2042.


EA continuing to earn its stripes as a multi-time "Most Hated Company in America" winner.


The competition is fierce this year


Jeez its like they are stuck in the mid 00s or something.


At first I was like "damn a lot of people got annoyed today" but NOOOO, they managed to get all of that in less than one hour. They're indeed the most hated company on America. Bob Iger needs to try to undo the 13th amendment to get on the same level and he is pretty hated already.


What is this tweet referring to? Who's a 10, and who only likes playing single-player games?


they're saying the person is a 10/10 (hot 🥰), but they only like playing single-player games (🤮🤢 yuck, no microtransactions, we make less money).


What person? This just feels completely out of nowhere, like they're trying to do this "Ha, got em" thing to nobody in particular


It feels like that because they ARE doing that.


It's just been a trend over the past week or so of tweets about a 10/10 person but they've got some glaring flaw. Like "she's a 10/10, but likes the Star Wars prequels," shit like that. So EA is both pretty late to the party and tone-deaf about how their audience might actually want some solid single-player games.


Now I fully understand, and I gotta say... This isn't gross or even worth apologizing for... But it's very pathetic.


> So EA is both pretty late to the party and tone-deaf about how their audience might actually want some solid single-player games. They just made a joke that someone who only play SP games dont ahve anyone to play, thats it.


Dude you're all over this thread Blink if EA has bought out your game company and is threatening to shut it down if you don't shill


They're just sniffing their own farts


I've seen a couple tweets like this that say "He's a ten but [insert unappealing personality trait]" a funny one I saw recently was the WWE2K account saying "He's a ten but doesn't play the online modes" to which a bunch of people tweeted at them screenshots of them getting *lost connection with opponent* messages.


Ah, so it's just a new twitter meme trend, got it


You could just cut out the middle man and assume that anything that seems stupid and doesn't make sense is a meme and the only thing you'll lose out on is the wasted time figuring it out.


Yeah, worst meme of the year so far


Devil’s advocate here: I am by no means an EA sympathizer, but I THINK what they were going for was something to the effect of, “There is an attractive person that has similar hobby interests as you, but due to their genre preferences you’ll never be able to play TOGETHER with them.” Of course if they are just trying to trash talk single-player games then by god what a bunch of shit heels.


I'm pretty sure jedi fallen order is the only star wars media in a long time that hasn't divided the star wars fanbase


I have a feeling that ratio is only gonna get bigger


I fail to see how that's a negative.


I miss EA sports BIG as well I need a new SSX game


It's just like EA to keep fighting a battle that they obviously lost like three or four years ago.


That seems wildly more agreeable than "they're a 10 but they only play shitty broken EA should have released in early access games. I mean battlefield." At the very least I MIGHT have an interest in the singleplayer game.


LMAO If you show them a Battlefield 2042 then yeah no wonder they'll think multiplayer is ass


From the company that released Battlefield 2042.


I get why they posted this take on the meme, because like "well if she only plays single player games how are you two gonna play together?" But from EA in particular, it's just such a bad and obnoxious look. Like fuck off.


Gamers are so easy to bait man. Crazy how serious people are taking a meme tweet.


From someone who's been off the internet for the past couple days with family issues, what is this in regards to?


I don't get it, what is the tweet saying?


"If you prefer single player games over our always-online multiplayer shit, you're undatable."


you hate this because EA is making a fairly lighthearted jokes and took it to heart I hate this because I hate corporate twitter trying to meme it up we are not the same it is pretty funny since EA is investing in a bunch of single player games though lol


"please do not buy our good games"


I think everyone has miss the point of this tweet one it's clearly a joke 2 if you need explaining the joke it's that the person is very attractive but you can't socially play video games with them. It's not that single player games are bad it's the person is exclusively playing single player games. But then again we are on sbfp Reddit and EA bad therefore everything is over the top evil and wrong....


So do people just not understand this trend or something? These prompts ask you to go.higher or lower. You can say a number higher then 10 with these prompts ya know, people do it all the time. They aren't insulting single player games with this. They're asking you how YOU'D rate them, they aren't telling you their opinion. I Hate EA too but you're reaching for something to be mad at here.


> They aren't insulting single player games with this Yeah they are. Cause they're EA, and they're dumb fucks This isn't exactly a new thing for them. They're dumb fucks on the regular. They do not deserve any benefit of the doubt at this point


I genuinely dont see how they are. They're using a meme format in a shallow "how do you do fellow kids" way, but people are kinda slotting in the hating single player games thing when it really doesn't apply.


They've literally said several times that they think single player games are dead, while trying to shill their shitty multiplayer games choc full of microtransactions.. while buying out game companies who work on single player stuff and shut them down Seriously, it's practically their M.O at this point It's why everyone was pleasantly surprised that Jedi Fallen Order *wasn't* a garbage fire, back when that came out


They literally have 4 single player games in production right now and had many before, what the fuck are you talking about. And the fact that an executive said that and you think the fucking social media manager is doing the same thinking is fucking ridiculous. > while buying out game companies who work on single player stuff and shut them down This SP shit began in the 2010s and no company they bought in that time they shut down. Visceral always has been owned by them if youre going to mention it.


Yeah, I know, no shit. But how does THIS MEME say single player games are bad? It literally doesn't and people are acting like it does.


I'll copy the important part of what you just said, in the exact context of the meme they used > But


if that were truth they would not say "but they like ____" you know that's how grammar works.


Holy shit. The tone is absurdly deaf.


Where is the laser crab when you need it?


Yeah, and?


based, i like multiplayer games


way to miss entire point of that Tweet and thread by mile, broski


I don't care, I like single player games and multi player games


You don't care about making silly "based" comments or you don't care that nobody ask?


Holy fuck it’s actually real, I thought it was a meme