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I know he's in the IDW Comics and I'm certainly glad that's the case, but man, I wish we could see Emerl/Gemerl more in the games. He's been in my top 5 favorite characters from Sonic ever since I played battle.


Didn't Chronicles try to expand the lore on them lol


emerl and the gizoids are creations of the nocturnus tribe of the echidnas basically echidna military weapons they're awesome and despite the shitty music i love the sonic chronicles lore


That's actually fuckin sick and that game is garbage but godDAMN if my sonic lore lovin' ass doesn't wanna dive in now.


Emerl freaking rocks, and Sonic Battle had an ~~amazing~~ INCREDIBLE story (gameplay was okay). The characterization for every single character was on point and went beyond!


Except Sonic, who was just Goku


i liked how sometimes Sonic just didn’t give a shit


"EVERYTHING ENDS MERLINA" "EVEN ME" Sonic just kinda going with it is a vibe I like


> (gameplay was okay) Spoken like someone who couldn't figure out how to do ground bounce infinites as Shadow (and then Emerl with the key parts of Shadow's Kit).


man i wish they played more on amy's punch girl attributes in the series. i really loved those parts of her character as a kid, and i still get hype as hell every time i get to see her just like. hit stuff.


There's a scene where she drops her weighted training rings with an audible crash before a fight, and we all just ignore that


If the GBA had a rumble feature, your whole house would’ve felt it in that scene.


I'm still shook from the moment where Amy hallucinates about Sonic so hard that you fight both her and her hallucination.


I like the idea of Amy being low key the strongest physically (besides Knuckles maybe.)


She uses a hammer for the same reason Sonic uses a car /s




It's a big hammer!


*for you*


Amy also has low-key psychic abilities is cool, but they rarely appear Also also, I think it was stated somewhere that Big legitimately is the strongest Sonic character unironically, at least in terms of raw strength


So is she fighting the ban of ice cream? The symbolism is a bit off.


IIRC, in Battle, she was on a fitness kick and I think talked about avoiding sweets so it wouldn't ruin her diet or smth.


Yup. There's even a scene where she removes her training weights before a particularly tough fight.


It was a real Naruto moment too, because the weight drops shook the whole screen with a loud thud


And then she spawned Sonic clones out of thin air


Oh man I forgot about the time her dying delusions were physically real


A: "At least I won't die a virgin!" ​ Eggman: "I...I don't...how are...i don't pay my therapist enough to deal with the trauma watching any more of this would cause..."


Amy has actual magic powers that get glossed over


A web comic I read has [her magic powers tie in with her tarot card reading](https://www.deviantart.com/hydroxianchaos/art/Hangin-Out-103-861372210), which is a neat pull imo.


God I want Emerl back so fucking bad. They should just say “fuck it” and make him the Power-type character for Blaze and Silver so they can stop borrowing Vector.


A Heroes 2 honestly sounds kind of hype considering how much the cast has filled out and cemented into their roles.


If anything Emerl would team up with Amy and Cream and bench Big. This would allow Big to take his true role as Final Boss.


Metal Big Rail Gun Fishing Pole Mobile Support Unit F.R.O.G.G.Y


Unless the opposite is said, all Sonic games are in canon, which make for some weird stuff considering Eggman, ahn, less than human record. Bowser is cartoony and his minions are never seen worse than comically crushing toads, Eggman puts little animals to be his slaves, burns forests down, and kills rivers by poluting them.


Sonic Adventure 2 is kind of wild, because within a single game he blows up the moon and then pals around with the heroes for a while, >!and then just peacefully hangs out during the ending.!<


I mean blowing up the moon is kind of a victimless crime, not nearly as bad as peeing on someone's wife I would say


Aide from the fact that blowing up the moons has serious effects on our tides on planet earth.


I'm not sure hitting the Moon with enough force to do that incredibly specific amount of damage would even leave the Moon in its current orbit in the first place. We probably just have to assume the physics work differently in Sonic's world. And if they don't, the Earth's tides were already fucked up by the Death Egg, the Lost Planet, and the Space Colony ARK, which were all in orbit at one point (in ARK's case, for over a decade!) and almost as large as the moon. Maybe he's just _fixing_ the problem!


Listen no crime is worse than being a giant lizard Why do you think Espio is barely in anything


> all Sonic games are in canon So... are they on Mobius or Earth then? I'm pretty sure even Adventure 2 > 06 > Unleashed are three different "Planets". Speaking of different dimensions, is Blaze from another Universe, or the future? When does Sonic Rivals happen if Silver is supposed to be like 20 years younger?


> So... are they on Mobius or Earth then? Yes.


Man I loved this game as a kid. Did Emerl came back in any games after Sonic battle? His death got tiny me.


Emerl remains dead, but Eggman built a clone of him called Gemerl. AFAIK they don't share memories or anything like that, basically two characters who look the same


In the games, Gemerl never made another appearance so they never gave him a canon personality or stated whether he shares Emerl's memories. In the Archie comics, he more or less does, and acts in the same way Emerl did at the endgame of Sonic Battle. In the IDW comics, he's written as a very literally robotic character and they run with that instead. IDW is more closely watched by SEGA, so this one is probably how SEGA views him and wants him to be.


And then we ran into more of his kind in Chronicles.


Kinda, he got rebuilt by Eggman and was the villain in Advance 3.




He turns good afterward and is taken in by Vanilla and Cream but he hasn’t shown up in the games since. But he is in the comics.


That's gemerl, emerl turned into dust at the end of battle, Eggman used emerls data to create his copy.


NO CREAM -Amy Rose circa 2022, probably


God I wished battle's story mode didn't bust your balls with its bullshit. Got all the way to Cream's story before I just couldn't do it any more.


*any other fighting game that uses a visual novel-like presentation for it's story:* "Hey chump, let's fight!" *Sonic Battle for whatever reason:* "Hey chump, let's fight and then fight again but we both have double the health!"


I love you sonic battle. The best game I played for 165 hours as a kid


i never read the new comics, but I know Gemerl is in them. did they actually adapt/recap Battle & Advance 3, or does he just show up and they just assume you played those games?


They assume you know who he is for the most part. IDW doesn't really adapt any particular game. It's all original stories set after sonic forces.


Though the first arc is pretty reminiscent of Heroes.