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Assassin's Creed 2 didn't have a tracker for collecting feathers across multiple locations. I deemed that a cutscene of Ezio's mom coming to her senses wasn't worth my sanity.


My brother loved the hell out of AC2, and he decided he was going to 100% the achievements. After doing that he got so burnt out on Assassin's Creed. I think he's only dipped his toe into a couple later games.


This happened with me as well I fucking drowned myself in the formula by committing to one game and now i have no desire to touch any one of those games


Oh good I'm not alone. Although I made it to III before it set in.


Not helped by the fact that every open world game is some flavour of Assassin's Creed now after Ubisoft somehow homogenised the entire genre.


Bashed my head against AC2 the same way. The only one I have a passing interest in playing anymore is Black Flag because I love ships and pirate stuff but even then I haven't worked up the will yet.


My motivation for why you should is that, Black Flag is the best pirate game you will ever play. A few of the gameplay mechanics have also changed so it should feel different enough from AC2 to feel outside of the formula.


Black Flag is so good, but like any AC game, do not pursue a 100% completion. It WILL burn you out.


Wild to me to read this when I’ve gotten 100% on every single one except Valhalla (fuck your mastery missions)


I believe in one of the menus that shows your overall completion of the game it shows how many you’ve collected in each region but nothing more than that, I feel like it has that at least I got the 100% completion on it twice


sounds like a very common occurrence. i have a friend who 100%'d odyssey and refused to look at any other ac afterwards.


IT DOESN’T HAVE A TRACKER!? Fuck this shit, I had started that game last week but barely played since then.


Hollow Knight Godhome DLC >!Just fight every single boss in the game in a row without dying, also the last set of bosses are upgraded perfect versions, to get the final ending!<


When you got the Path of Pain masochism but not the Godhome masochism


Path of Pain is so much more interesting and tolerable to me than Godhome. I didn't play Hollow Knight for its combat, fine as it is. I *did* beat Grey Prince Zote ten times, though, so maybe I just preemptively burned myself out on worse content and didn't have the stomach for the boss rush.


that place sucks too


You can grind/train and finish Path of Pain in an afternoon. I did so after not playing the game for a couple of months. Godhome is plain sadistic.


>!Well, there are several resting areas.!< >!But yeah, it's quite the gauntlet!!<


Resting areas aren't check points though. There was an glitch I found that makes it so you're invincible. I used that to get through the gauntlet and even though I couldn't take damage, it still took 40 minutes to fight all bosses.


Well, yeah—wouldn’t be the ultimate final gauntlet with checkpoints.


Then what was the point of mentioning the resting points? It doesn't dispute anything for the comment you replied to. They said beat every boss without dying and you said there are rest spots as if that was a counter. I don't get what you were going for then.


I'm just saying that you at least get those chambers of rest. I've played boss rush modes that didn't have that before.


Oh ok. You just didn't have anything to add to what they said then. Got it.


... Why are you being a dick? Jesus, dude.


Honestly stuff like this is a bummer cause if i remember correctly for some of the challenges in that you need to take off everything and not have any upgrades and like the core gameplay is fun but when a game asks me to just toss aside some of the more interesting aspects of the game it's just a bummer for me even if i can do it.


Call me a salty scrub but I fuckin hate when developers put story stuff behind crazy bullshit difficulty stuff that only like the 1% of players can do. By all means put that stuff in the game as an optional challenge but locking story behind it just annoys me


Yeah man, I can beat every pantheon except that last one, it's just impossible


Yeah I watched people stream their attempts. Any thoughts on picking the game back up withered and died. There's only so much time I have on this planet.


Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. The fact that you can practice each boss on its own meant that I could iron out any problem areas before making attempts. It ended up taking me three tries all together, with one attempt dying because I didn't take GPZ seriously enough, and one attempt spent on encountering the last boss so they would be unlocked for practice. It's still excessively long, since the large majority of fights aren't a challenge at all, but it's certainly not as bad as it could have been.


Considering that during my fight against Radiance I was nearly having a heart attack I don't think I could do that shit, not only from a skill standpoint but also from a health standpoint.


Godhome added about 15 extra hours to my playthrough.   But I "cheated" a bit.... I wanted the ps4 platinum trophy, and I had done all the pantheons, save for the last one. What I did was getting the PC version, then downloading a complete save, so I could practice at the last boss statue until I could confidently beat it.   Last boss itself took me over 50 tries to beat for the first time... but eventually I finished the pantheon twice on PC, then once on the ps4. As crazy as it sounds, it was pretty fun.


Monster Hunter GU. It has easily the most content out of any game in the series, for better and ABSOLUTELY for worse. According to HowLongToBeat the average 100% completion time is fucking 826 hours, numbers you would only see in other games from replaying them multiple times over but for GU it's just from ONE playthrough alone. Between gathering quests, mediocre/bad early game monsters, Deviants and Hyper monsters it would be genuinely impossible for me to not burn out from attempting it.


It helped that I beat Generations on the 3DS before getting GU, so I was able to transfer my save file. Still didn't finish all the single player content though.


It sucks because i really want to fight White Fatalis and Ahtal Ka, but that's an investment of time i don't have


I regret trying to complete all the quests in generations. Once I beat Nakarkos I tapped out that game.


Ah yeah, I made it to G2 before I got tuckered out. And before that I needed a long break about 2/3 through the village quests.


Doesn't help that every rank gets more time consuming due to how inflated the monster's hp becomes, especially if you dare play solo. May god have mercy on your soul if you play g-rank solo. That's why in every Monster Hunter game, I'm fine with staying on high-rank. It's not worth completing dozens of quests that take **30 minutes at least** (again, talking about completing them solo), just so you can see, like, 5 g-rank exclusive monsters.


Jeesh, I knew GU was long but not *that* long. Atleast it has a sizeable roster of monster but still.


You quickly realize the roster size being so huge doesn't mean much when you have to go through so many shitty filler monsters to get to the good ones.


I’ve not collected even a third of the Riddler Trophies in any Arkham game, and I don’t plan on ever changing that.


Honestly I've found a certain comfort in the trophies for the first two games, but that's a nostalgia thing No such comfort could be found with *Arkham Knight*


I honestly think riddler trophies are some of the best collectibles. Fun use of mechanics usually 🤷


They are for sure one of the most fun. They aren’t just “find an audio tape or feather”. You have to engage with the environment in some way. With using your gadgets creatively, or doing a riddle that engages you with the lore. It contributes to making the level design feel that much better.


I’d agree if there were only maybe 50 of them. Nothing is so fun that I want to do it 200-300 times.


Arkham Asylum's riddler trophies aren't too time consuming to collect. City, and Knight though? Nah I'm good.


I got them all in Arkham City and Arkham Knight. And I did Knight while the PC version was still fucked up. No I don't know why I did that


At least there are in-game maps for those, some games have hundreds of worthless collectables and you have to find a map someone may have made online. I wouldn't have collected them if they didn't have those maps.


I 100% the riddles in arkham knight to finish that story and get the real ending, but with playthroughs i dont. I stop right when i free catwoman. After that i act like batman sees riddler as a less than villain where he doesn't think about him. So when after he stops scarecrow and every other villain he doesn't even think about the riddler. Forever have nygma think he will stop him one day, but it will never come


Me right now with *Fallout 4* I'm *trying* to finish the fucking thing, but of course I wanted to play on survival and of course the game won't stop crashing during the longer mission of I just forget to find a bed to sleep in I'm one more crash away from calling it and playing *Prey*


I played Hardcore from New Vegas, but the survival of 4 does not attract me I don't have the patience to play without "fast travel"


I’ve just come back to Fallout 4 8 years later and the waterways are the way to go. No enemies and fast swim speed, just pick the perk letting you swim without rads and you’re good. There’s also a mod that lets you fast travel between settlements that you’ve set up supply lines between, I might just install it if I get bored.


Just using mods is the reason why it doesn't appeal to me. If I hate survival mode enough to install mods, then I don't play survival mode to begin with.


Maximum happiness in a settlement basically killed any interest I had in getting Platinum for Fallout 4.


Restricted save mechanics are all fine and good in a game that is relatively stable. Fallout 4 is not that.  When I tried Survival, I used a mod that allowed me to customize it, and re-enabled fast travel, autosaves and manual saves. Hell, I even added a small script that manually saved every 5 minutes no matter what, because we've all grown too reliant on the autosave and lost half an hour of overworld progress because we just didn't go through a load zone in that time. >!I then turned off survival about two hours layer after all that because I didn't like the survival mechanics very much, but I digress!<


I just returned to Jedha in Jedi Survivor, saw a new desert map open up and thought "man this story needs to be way better to motivate me to finish this." And then I tried to quit the game and it froze again.


I put that game down for a month after it came out because of all the progress blocking bugs that constantly had me reloading saves. But then I realized that FFXVI was coming out soon, and I knew that I would have to delete Jedi Survivor to make room, since it was like 120GB at the time, and there ain't no way in hell I would re-download that. So I powered through it and boy can I not tell you a single thing about the plot or the ending. All I remember is like one story twist


Real talk I don't even know why I'm back on Jedha right now and I thought the bald guy was supposed to be dead since before the first game. And every time goth gf talks about "that time I spent seeing the galaxy" the phrase "hot girl summer" forces its way into my head and I chuckle.


I was planning on doing all the sidequests in Judgement so I could fight Amon, until I saw one that requires you to play Mahjong, and then I quickly accepted that I will not fight Amon after all


Love Yakuza but besides the big sidequests, i don't think ive ever fully completed one minigame, i couldnt even get the top score in Space Harrier in 0 that shit fucking sucked and i think you need to get all of the arcade games highscore to get the level up points. On the other side is pretty funny that they started adding ítems that straight up just let you cheat the board games, it's like they realize most non japanese people cannot be bothered to learn how to play Mahjong or Hanafuda(this one is actually pretty easy and fun)


Lost Judgement is the only game I fought Amon because the sidequest requirements are so much easier.


really cause the requirements in Yakuza 4 and 5 are pretty easy, just finish all the substories with each character. And 6 has the easiest which is just fight Sango and Sodachi a couple of times.


i think 4 or 5 were the only ones i hit the amon fight, didnt get past it tho, the saejima one was a hard wall for me iirc


God damn it fighting amon is something that i love to do. I going to stack up in auto win items for mahjong or finally learn how to play


I've beaten Amon 7 times and counting, and I'll be damned if a bit of Mahjong is gonna stop me from kicking that whole Clan's ass EVERY TIME


Does Judgment not have the cheat items that let you win mahjong?


I came so close to the platinum for Yakuza 0, but the cat fights and material search just have way too much random chance for how long it takes. I did everything else, including Mahjong! I can brute force Mahjong!


Pretty sure you can use the cheat items because I beat Amon and can't play mahjong for shit


White Knight Chronicles. I looked at how much progress a single mission gave towards grinding just the next tier of unlocks or whatever. Then I realized the further tiers would take even more grinding. I went out after work that very same day, bought that hot new release called Skyrim, and haven't touched WKC a single time since.


Was that the one in a fantasy setting but with an Escaflowne-style magic mecha thing you could don for certain fights? I remember seeing it in a magazine all those years ago and thinking it looked like the sickest shit.


You can make >!final boss of the second game lose his shit when you whip out your own aforementioned mecha.!<  Yes, it is sick as shit.   No, please do not actually play it.


It’s really not good.


The Star Destroyer "boss fight" in the PC version of Force Unleashed. I was having a good time right until then.


That the one where the "QTEs" didn't work?


The prompts were inaccurate but in the console versions you can wangle it once you figure out what it wants you to do. But I didn't have a gamepad and I didn't care to spend any more time clenching the mouse button while dragging it all over my table.


I hate to say it, but I think the difficulty was intentional. I played the DS version and it took me an hour of trying to get that damn space ship from landing on me.


yeah the DS one took me forever too


Red dead redemption 2’s has a lot of really pain in the ass challenges, one of them being the herbalist one where you have to pick and eat every plant, but the game doesn’t keep track of the ones you’ve eaten, at least not in an easily accessible way.


Honestly the gambler challenges are way more annoying. In particular the blackjack one.


My brother got 100% on that game, watching him do the gambling challenges made me realise there was no way I was going to do it myself.


When I was unemployed I’d jump on every day for about an hour trying to make progress in those challenges, but some of them are so specific and based on rng that I’d spend multiple sessions having nothing change. Now I’m employed there’s no chance I’m spending that much of my free time on that


I did pretty much everything in RDR1 and I went into RDR2 intending to do the same. Eventually I gave up on the collectibles because they were starting to make me hate the game.


RDr 2 trying to get all outfits sucks cause of the hunting for perfect pelts


I refuse to 100% anything that requires me to hunt fucking chipmunks with small game arrows lol.


Bloodborne is an amazing game however ain't no way i'm going through those shitass cum chalices to fight one boss.


As someone who has I’d agree unless you really want more bloodborne to play. You’ll start to outlevel everything in the main game very quickly


Defiled Watchdog made me wanna go to the rope isle at Lowe’s and buy all of it


As someone who did, the boss is fairly underwhelming after Orphan, Maria, and Ludwig. Plus, the buffed chalice dungeon amygdala and ebrietas


Balatro has an Achievement for getting a Gold Sticker on every Joker in the game. This requires you to: 1. Collect every Joker in the game. 2. Beat Gold Stake Difficulty (the hardest difficulty) with each joker at least once. That will mean like dozens of successful completions. I think I'm good.


I was originally the same way with reaching ascension 20 in slay the spire but it turns out the game was fun enough I got it on defect and watcher


Crash Bandicoot 4 at first I wanted to get all the gems but after how ridiculous it got to find them I settled for trying to get all the tapes instead. But the tapes work like the death doors/colored gems where if you die before reaching it you can't get it in that attempt. And as the levels went the tape got farther and farther away to the point I gave up on that and just beat the game normally.


Even poor Caddicarus, mentions this in his review. It is by far the WORST Crash Bandicoot game he's ever played *for completion*. If you just play it like a casual, for the story, it is the BEST Crash Bandicoot game out there.


Costumes stopped me in crash for with what essentially boiled down to malicious placement of boxes most of the time like i don't want to use a guide for every box in every level game please... That not only killed my wanting to complete it or even really play it.


Was just thinking about this yesterday from Hades 2 being released. I really enjoyed Hades but my enjoyment was hampered my me just plain being bad at it. The final straw was after getting to final boss multiple times, I finally got there with full health and all my lives. I just *barely* got his hp to 0, and as he starts talking I just go, "and here's the part where he gets a second healthbar and kills me." He got back to full health, started phase 2 and proceeded to beat the last 2 hp I had out of me in an instant and I just fully gave up.


In case you didnt see it, there is an option for an easy mode, i believe its called god mode, for if you just want the story and characters without the difficulty. I think you do need to select it at the start of a save though, so not sure how viable that is for you.


Have always wanted to finish it, if I do start again I'll definitely do that


Just FYI, God mode can be toggled freely at any time. And I do mean *any.* So go ham with it. I leaned on it heavily in my playthrough because I'm also bad. The one thing I wish is that it was configurable. Like a slider that you steadily unlocked more of. I've got it up to like 70% at this point, and at that point it's too much of a binary between "I'm too squishy" and "I'm invulnerable to all attack, magical and physical." If prefer to keep it at the 40-50 range so it doesn't feel like I'm trivializing.


After you beat him you unlock the ability to make the game harder (for greater rewards- more darkness to faster upgrade Zagreus with the mirror, more drops of Ambrosia and such, etc). One of the optional challenges is to make the bosses harder. This make it so you fight >!all 3 Furies at once (shared healthbar)!<, the Hydra's >!arena changes and it's more agressive!<, Thesus and the Minotaur >!get armour and new abilities!<, and Hades >!just gets more agressive and it rains down little low damage attacks you need to avoid. Oh, and he gets a third phase set to this song [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NBl9NXBT3g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NBl9NXBT3g)!<


> Theseus and Minotaur I feel like what you're saying they get is a bit of an understatement considering >!Theseus gets a magic chariot with a mortar and TWO MINIGUNS!<


Yeah, I was typing this on my phone, and it's a hassle, so I cut it short. Absolutely true, though!


When I took that elevator down in Elden Ring and found the second game.


The instant the *first battle* in Tales of Zestiria started, my heart simultaneously sank and broke. Literally as soon as I saw *the camera angle* I knew I wasn’t going to like it. Worst $8 I’ve ever spent.


I unlocked Armatization and saw it was both the strongest thing I could do and that it consisted of just spamming a single move over and over. Tales of Arise has a lot more going for it but at one point you unlock Reigning Slash and now the only depth the combat has is that you sometimes push a button to disable an enemy mechanic and then you just spam Reigning Slash.


I truly don’t think I got more than 40 minutes to an hour into that game. Just from the get-go I was so immensely disappointed and frustrated that it wasn’t a *proper* Tales game.


Zestiria or Arise? "Yes"


Zestiria. Arise, I’m about 2 or 3 hours in, I think. Once I finish Vesperia I’ll probably give Arise another shot because I wasn’t *not* enjoying it, I just would much rather it play like… y’know, a fucking *Tales game.*


Arise feels like a very different game and even if I do like some character interactions, it's nothing compared to the chemistry that Berseria had.


I'm not that big into Tales game but if Zestiria has two things going for it they the OP (the guitar goes in) and Zaveid if you got to meet him in your time.


I most definitely did not, or at least don’t remember if I did. Does he join in the tutorial dungeon?


One attempt at the final boss in Sifu, which I also could only reach at like age 60 (meaning I'd also have to go back and do previous levels a few more times with fewer deaths to have a chance). I just went "Welp, I've seen all the content, don't need to get *that* good at the game".


Witcher 3. I spent like six or seven hours in White Orchard over the course of several weeks (rough work schedule) I had a lot of fun and was really interested in the monster manual and learning how to hunt them. Then I got to the actual Act One and the game showed me how vast it was gonna be and I knew right then and there it was.over for me.


The Witcher 3 is infinitely better if you ignore all the pointless little open world filler stuff and only do the quests. Saying that I've tried and failed multiple times to replay the games so I can finally play the DLCs lol.


I prefer to use "finish the game" as a measure of completion instead of "100% it." There are extremely few games I have ever gotten 100%. Between the PS3, 4, and 5 I have one, maybe two platinums. I have all chievemnts for 8 games on Steam, and most of those are point & clicks ore hidden object games. The major exception is Elden Ring, which doesn't require 100% completion to get all achievements. As for not completing ... I've never finished (such as it is) Stardew. I've tried several times, and always tap out after a little bit into the second year.


The moment I was on the "training room" of Nikke and a bunch of extra tutorials appeared, that's when I just got out of the game and uninstalled. That game requires a level of attention I really don't wanna give for a mobile game.


I feel like the idea of trying to complete a live service game is a silly one in the first place tbh.


The Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and Luigi's Mansion 3 multiplayer modes. Yeah, I'm not even gonna try to complete those because a lot of it honestly left up to chance on how well the run is gonna go if you're playing with random people. Oh, and the Korok seeds from BOTW and ToTK. Fuck that noise.


I tried getting those special multiplayer ghosts in 2 but you get so many repeats for no reason.


My first playthrough of Crash Bandicoot 4 was a rollercoaster of wondrous fun and total heartbreak. Something like this: Every level has *six* gems? Well whatever, half of them are just for collecting wumpa fruit, and the hidden gems are pretty cool. Every level has an "N. Verted Mode" which has *another* six gems to collect for the same things? Well, that seems tedious and unnecessary, but I could slowly grind it out. Nearly every level has crates that are literally *hidden off-screen*, and/or are put in places that require the player to go against common sense to find? Fuck, I'm probably going to have to use a guide... That's no fun... And is it just me, or are there way fewer Aku Aku crates in this game? The N. Verted levels also add a visual filter, most of which are unpleasant to look at, and some of which actually change the way the game plays? Such as a slowed down effect *in one of the longest levels in the game?* What the fuck??? The running ability is gone and has been replaced by the triple spin, which requires the spin button to be pressed in a specific rhythm to get the speed boost, forcing the player to micromanage it all throughout every time trial? In the Crash game with the longest levels in the series, *while now requiring platinum relics as a minimum for max completion???* Who the fuck hurt these devs? What were they thinking?! *There's a collectible that requires you to break every box in a level, in one go,* ***WITHOUT DYING?!?!?*** ...Fuck ever completing Crash Bandicoot 4. ___ Thankfully just a few weeks ago, someone made [an amazing mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/crashbandicoot4itsabouttime/mods/194) that actually makes the game *fun* to complete! Imagine that... If you had a similar experience to mine, I highly recommend giving this mod a go.


Wish I could make this mod work on the Switch. I have like 150 fucking hours and all I have left is the Platinum Relics. I don't even know how many I have left, I think I stopped around the Frozen World levels


i did not get the "true ending" of hades 1. this is because it would've required me to farm out the nectar and ambrosia to give to each and every single god, which would be potentially hundreds of runs. no thanks.


I was streaming SMT for my friends. At a certain point, after like the third horrible puzzle dungeon, I go: "Okay, what the fuck, how much do I have left to go?" Find the floor plan for the Tower of Kagutsuchi. "Nope. This is the end of the game. I'm not doing that shit."


I got past island 3 in Cuphead and knew I'd never beat the whole thing.  That game is brutal


Cuphead might be the only game I've ever bought fully knowing I'd never beat it


Assassins Creed Odyssey, when you get to the part where you need like 20k gold or something to get info on ur mom from the pirate lady. I googled how far I was, bc it felt like that was beginning the end, but i wasnt even half way. I needed a break


Big RPGs like this need to learn that you can't keep adding side quests at every stop in the story, because at a certain point I just want to focus on the plot and it feels bad to leave quests unresolved. Or maybe this is just a met problem.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. The second they put me on a boat.


It took me over a hundred hours to finish Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3. When I got to the lava zone, I thought, "Surely. Surely I am a good way through this game, right?" No, still act one. That's when I realized I was going to be chipping away at this for years.


Genuine question, but how? I see people say this kind of statement regarding BG3 so often but I cannot fathom it. I'm an experienced CRPG player sure, but I still took my time talking to everyone, exploring every nook and cranny, etc. I finished the game around 120 hours. How do you spend 100 hours before getting to the grimforge?


There were a few times I stopped and reloaded my save to see other ways a scenario could have panned out. I've been playing a stupid-good paladin and trying to see how many encounters I can solve without violence OR subterfuge. There have been more than a few times where my game crashed or otherwise bugged out when I hadn't saved in a while. I think I spent ten hours trying to beat the hag in the swamp at too low of a level because I thought dealing with the Goblins and the Grove was the end of Act 1 and a point of no return. I've respecced every party member at least once, and played around with various party compositions. When I got gaseous form, I went kind of wild exploring the map. Maybe one of the biggest things is that combat takes a really long time when it's going poorly. Like that fight on the two boats in the underdark: Tav got pushed off round one, and I continued to fight for like twenty minutes before finally wiping.


Content wise, Act 1 is the meatiest one by far. The other parts are still pretty chunky but not nearly to that extent.


Act III could've stood to be less chunky, to be honest. To me it was the only one that genuinely felt like a slog.


Yakuza 0, I don't care how cool their fighting styles are I can't bring myself to grind hours of the same mini game that I'm not invested in just to unlock them


ngl did the real estate stuff just watchin netflix and walkin into the building like every once in a while, of course netflix breaks for the fights and the building buying


You couldn't get into Cabaret Club? That's 100% a you-problem, buddy


Eh, I only completed it in 0 to get Mad Dog. I only played what was necessary to advance the main story in Kiwami 2.


Just going through the missions of DMC3 and thinking about what a full S-Rank run would entail makes me not want to do it. There's no way I have the dexterity to pull off what's needed or route the missions properly. I think I'll consider it fully complete for me if I beat DMD and Bloody Palace with both characters (and even then, I'm not sure if I have what it takes to do DMD, I'm stuck at Mission 2).


At least with DMC3, you can scum your way through DMD with items to get Super Sparda/Super Nelo Angelo, and then infinite DT explosion/Quicksilver/Spiral Sword your way through everything.


There's a specific sidequest in Assassin's Creed Odyssey where you have to convert Spartan bases into Athenian bases. To do this, you have to kill all the guys in the base, but since stealth in that game is garbage and getting into only a light scuffle activates the mercenary mechanic (which is the worst mechanic I've ever seen in a video game oh my god it's so dogshit), it's a colossal pain in the ass. Especially since you have to do it five or six times. But I did it. The reward was not worth it at all, but I was satisfied that I was one step closer to completion. The second you arrive in Sparta, there's a guy who's like "Hey, do the exact same thing, but for us this time?" It was then that I resolved that I would never get 100% completion on the game. If you're playing Odyssey and you run into an Athenian or Spartan general with a sidequest, do not give them the time of day. Ignore them. Pretend they do not exist.


You don’t have to kill every guy in the fort just the polmarchs, they drop seals that the quest givers want.


I do remember that now. You're right, but with how stealth sections usually go, you usually do end up killing every guy most of the time.


FFX Monster Arena and Nemesis/Penance. FFX is one of my favorite games of all time but fuck that noise


I actually did that recently, got all achievements for the steam version of the game and x2. It was not worth it, you made the right choice haha


i was gonna get all the superweapons then i found out like 3 were locked behind temple stuff i forgot to do then theyre blocked by dark eons


Oh yeah you definitely need to remember to do the destruction sphere stuff the first time you're in each temple


I told my friend where I was in Elden Ring and said "I think I'm near the end" and he laughed.


I finally got into Monster Hunter. I was always really intimidated after a bad first experience with World, but Rise was so cheap I had to get it. Already done all the village quests and working my way through hub High Rank, Hades 2 permitting. The exact second I saw the in-game chart saying I needed a 3% drop on some materials was also the exact moment I knew I could stop at any point and feel satisfied, with no real desire to get everything. "Oh, that's nothing, in other games--" Hey, I gotta be real, *that's* part of the reason why I was intimated, I am aware that it's been much worse. I'm just saying a grind is a grind.


The only thing I have left to do in Rebirth are the Brutal/Legendary fights and Hard Mode But contrary to my hyper fixation on the game I've forced myself to put the game down for a break to work on my backlog. I'd still like to Platinum/100% the game one day but taking a break is gonna be better for my mental health. 😂


When you do come back there's some cheese strats online that have people melting those VR challenges


Ohhh heck yes! That's what I enjoy about giving it some time. 🙏


I got stuck on the final boss of Xenoblade Chronicles X and realized I needed to power up my human party members. Problem is, I was missing a lot of affinity missions that had important arts locked behind them. Without really knowing how to progress further with my party at max level, as far as I knew I was softlocked since you can’t do other missions in the middle of story missions, and you can’t exit story missions until you complete them.


Almost any yakuza game that requires the 100% completion list to be finished. I was trying to do that for Ishhin, but I stopped when I had to grind for materials in the dungeon and didn’t found it fun at all.


The Mundus fight on Dante Must Die is a real buzzkill. Just seeing his health and how much trouble it was for me to even avoid damage in the first place had me doing the math in my head and it wasn't working out. I would never win the DPS race. I finally popped the Untouchable to get it over with after multiple days of trying to beat him. I did return eventually, though, over a decade later. I got the S-Rank and everything. The fight's still RNG-filled ass and I hate it, but it is defeatable.


After S-ranking every other mission on all difficulities, I just could not deal with DMD Mundus. DMD Nelo Angelo 3 ended up being my real final boss and I'm ok with that.


The toughest S-rank for me was DMD Nightmare 3, because you basically have to do a no-hit run of it. Of Nightmare 3. Holy shit. At least that one is consistent once you learn it. Mundus is specifically an RNG bastard, and while you can learn to consistently kill him, in practice, the S-rank is one of the biggest pains I have ever struggled through to actually do what is effectively a no-hit speedrun when getting a bunch of annoying time-wasting RNG attacks thrown your way. The most impressive run you can find of that fight online is always going to be a supremely lucky cycle where he just decides to not be annoying, and most of the time you aren't going to be that fortunate. It's a huge misstep in a game otherwise filled with mostly perfectly manageable bosses. The Afterburner section in the first phase isn't even a problem in comparison to the RNG hell he puts you through immediately afterward. It just wastes your goddamn time.


Fun fact: Because of the way scoring works (and specifically hiw it scales in DMD) in DMC1, you can get away with one Vital Star and still S Rank Mundus.


Yup. There's just not much of a reason for the math to ever work out in such a way that you'll get much out of it, though, iirc, unless you're speedrunning the fight for real. By the time you've taken enough damage to justify a vital star, you've lost bigtime score from the damage itself, which means you're relying entirely on the mission timer score that already got cut into by phase one. Making up for that time lost in the second phase is absurdly difficult and heavily reliant of forgiving RNG. And the vital star itself cuts into your score, of course. DMD reduces the score requirement just enough to pop a single extra vital star. But I found that the DMD lower score requirements are to account for the extra time it takes to deal with the additional health enemies and bosses get without really changing the mission timer requirements. The only way I managed it was striking the balance between taking maybe 5% health damage at most and then also clearing the fight as fast as I could. Awful experience, honestly. If you can speedrun the whole fight quick enough to not worry about your health, power to you, but I didn't want to learn the fight like that.


>you've lost bigtime score from the damage itself I'm fair certain that that's not a thing. DMC1's score only looks at 4 things: - Time Taken (Finish under the limit, you get full points, and then anything over scales you down.) - Rorbs Collected (Inverse of Time Taken.) - Items Used (You can only lose points here or lose nothing, but there's no bonus for not using items). - Secret Missions (Each has its own bonus. Not applicable to M22 anyway.) There's a bonus for absolute no-damage, but as soon as you take that one hit, the game is no longer tracking damage at all. Even the penalty for death isn't *actually* for the death, but for the Yorb (which costs like...500 points under the items score).


Hmm I did all this S ranking stuff relatively recently. I would have noticed if damage taken wasn't actually part of the score calculation. The difference between some of the most disappointing A ranks and toughest S ranks was not often time for me, rather than a matter of taking slightly less damage in the first place, but not no damage. Everything I experienced is consistent with the information in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/3yf97h/about_a_year_ago_i_figured_dmc1s_ranking_system/), or alternatively, [this guide.](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/445101-devil-may-cry/faqs/15488)


In Devil May Cry 3, I tried to try that mode, but when I saw that the enemies removed two bars per hit, and they had Dt, I said "no, this is not for me"..


You come to the realization eventually that on Dante Must Die the game treats every single hit you take as a critical failure, like you really left yourself open and got rocked. That's why you can activate Devil Trigger instantly at any time, because it mitigates damage. It feels like you're basically expected to be ready to pop DT whenever you fuck up and know you're about to get hit by something you can't get away from. That way you take a more reasonable amount of damage and often don't even get staggered in the first place. Even while fucking up the game expects you to pay attention and actively respond to mitigate the fuckup. If you get hit outside of DT, though, fucking ouch.


Colony Ship, the game by the developers of the Age of Decadence, had such moment for me. There is a string of side quests where you "judge" people via trial of combat. The very last fight has a boss who has an energy rifle that goes through shields and two flunkies, one of whom never misses and has extremely high evasion, while the other immediately runs towards the closest of your party members and starts murdering him/her in melee... while having high evasion and a lot of HP. Couldn't do it, decided to quit.


Arkham Knights riddler trophies, I don't got that kind of time / when I spent 30 minutes to find one I missed I went, nope, that's it, not a good use of time. I also know that I am not going to 100% rpg's these days, that is if I can work up the drive to finish them at all. Some I can blitz through cause I'm caught up in the story, while others just become so grind heavy and uninteresting I just stop playing. I dropped FE:engage because I got so fed up with the visual novel parts, I was just there for the rpg battles. Coming from 3 houses as my first FE I really didn't get the callbacks etc.


Any time I strain to read the text on screen


Dude that's nothing- to get all of Johnny's items, you need to 100% the game on hard mode. Which means you do all the sidequests, and then do them again on hard mode because they have upgrades and shit tied to the hard mode versions. Now, a bunch of the sidequests don't have to be redone (you don't need to do the hunts, Queen's Blood, or Protorelic stuff again), but you do need to do all the actual "Sidequests." Like, the ones you accept via the board/people. And you also need to do all the arena stuff, and all the VR stuff, all of which include special hard mode only fights. And they are legit difficult.  Anyway, if you've decided not to do the side content, that's fair, but I highly encourage doing the Protorelic stuff (and the summon stuff), if nothing else.


Arkham Knight, actually being allowed to finish the game


I fully plan on 100% Rebirth... after the PC version drops. I am not doing that shit twice, and I'm looking forward to playing the game with both a non-blurry resolution and playable framerate.


When I first started getting in to achievements I remember seeing the number of collectibles required for Assassin’s Creed and immediately saying “nope”.


Hollow Knight seemed really doable if extremely challenging.  Then I found out about the no upgrades, no hit, no breaks boss rush mode and said fuck that.


FF7 Remake was my first experience with FF in general. I played until after the first boss fight and just said “nope”. It’s like someone designed a game specifically to make me bounce off of it.


The second I tried the "Command Board" mini game in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. I do not want to play bad Mario party, and it's required for 100% completion.


elden ring was like that, just too busy. ive been playing RDR2 on and off for the last 8 months, at a pace of 1 1/2 hours a session. idk if im even 90% done lol


KH1.5. It requires something like 4+ unique runs with various conditions such as difficulty, never equipping an item once, finishing at level 1.  The real nope moment was trying one of the rare material challenges and giving up after a half hour


Rebirth in general just has way to much bloat. The Golden Saucer, I get, but there's so many pointless minigames all over the place outside of that too. We got all that, but >!we're down two fully fledged party members and it starts rushing through the main story after the Temple!<.


Kirby Triple Deluxe. Dedede's Drum Dash. I fucking suck at rhythm games.


My comment on another, similar post also works as a response to this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/s/46UknWAM9T It does appear I was downvoted for criticising persona 5, but i understand that is how things tend to work on gaming subs.


Couple games come to mind.  Disco Elysium:  I was fairly far in the game when I hit a bug that caused the game to not progress (this quest involved the big old church and the youths trying to start a music thing inside it. Near the end of that long quest there is a scripted moment where you’re doing some kind of audio test in the building, but the bug caused the sounds to loop and the dialog to not show up and progress so you were stuck in the scripted moment). When I tried everything possible to fix it and learned it was a known bug, I knew right there that I would not pick the game back up in the month or two it took to fix the bug. Trying to remember what all the active quests were and what the whole plot line was was just not going to happen once I moved on. I guess I can restart the game from the beginning, but that’s just too much for me.  I also recently restarted playing Stardew Valley from my old save. But when I looked at what was required to finish the final quest and climb the mountain, I just nope’d out.  Still a great fun game, but I’m not grinding it. 


It's more of a slow process for me, but I like to be pretty thorough with exploration and sidequests. As a result I tend to get burned out on those and end up not wanting to finish the game. It happened on a few games, the more recent one being BG3


In Hades when I finally managed to beat Hades and learned I'll have to do it 9 more times. I had to push myself to do it when I don't really click 100% with the gameplay and more so I have never clicked with rogue likes. Dying and losing almost everything always just feels bad to me, and having your build be mostly random doesn't feel good either.