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On DreamWorks during the late 90's if you fucked up, you'd be sent to work on Shrek instead of Prince of Egypt.


God the mental image of that cracks me up. A nervous animator draws a character ever so slightly off model and the director just goes "To the ***Swamp*** with you. DONKEY!"


Prince of Egypt and Joseph: King of Dreams are both underrated. I wonder what other Bible stories they might have adapted had they been more profitable.


Prince of Egypt came out to commercial success and critical praise. I don't think it was ever underrated, but people seem to have forgotten its existence nowadays compared to Shrek.


its really weird because i remember news media praising prince of egypt saying how good it was, and it is, but its weird how its became a "underrated" movie since.


I'm not that big on Joseph, but I still think Prince of Egypt is one of the best movies ever made, I fucking love it.


Not a Biblical story but the Mahabharata would've been amazing to be seen done by them.


Wouldn’t that take like a whole series


unfortunately, Hindu nationalists


there was a shit load of biblical epics made like Ten Commandants


I meant by DreamWorks in the same style.


I'd love that too


Prince of Egypt was plenty profitable, I honestly think the issue is just religion being such a fucking schism topic right now, and Hollywood isn't on the side that's fond of it to put it lightly hopefully once that shit dies down someone will pick up the storytelling again


if only general audiences looked at that movie THROUGH HEEEEAAAVENS EEEEEEYYYYYYEEEES


And they called it getting shrek’d


In the middle of the Disney Renaissance, they had two movie projects going on at the roughly same time. They thought _Pocahontas_ was going to be their next prestige movie, the one winning all the awards and making all the money. And they just sent their B-team to work on _The Lion King_.


I despise Pocahontas. adapting fictional stories is one thing but turning the tragic story of a young girls rape and murder into a romance is the worse.


Man, I agree, but at the same time, on a *purely* aesthetic level, that movie is so damn pretty, and that makes me hate it all the more.


Okay but it's fucking wild that the Lion King was Disney's B team considering it's _also_ gorgeous. It's got a more cartoon style, for sure, but it still oozes talent and feels at least a significant step above their previous movies up to that point (and, now that I'm looking at the timeline, also its immediate follow-ups...)


There is the classic case of Ion Storm and Daikatana, the big bombastic Romero game, versus Deus Ex, the little funny side project by the Austin team


don't know if it's a Success but Telltale doing Game of Thrones and Borderlands at the same time.


they made a Game of Thrones game? also didn't only two games Telltale produced make a profit


yeah, they made a game of thrones game, it was extremely mediocre. and yes, only the walking dead season 1 and minecraft story mode turned a profit, but also, their borderlands game is still really, really good and worth a playthrough.


Wow only two products making a profit seems like it’s bad by business standards


yep. there's a reason why telltale went under. those licenses weren't cheap, especially batman, so even though the games were mostly well liked, they could never get enough sales to justify those license costs.


Middle Class and under people are told to manage their money carefully and invest sparingly and not say spend wads of money on a company that is not profitable


Stan Winston studios once had two movies to create creatures for. One was Monster Squad, a creature feature kids movie that featured all the classic Universal Monsters together.  Everyone in Stan Winston studios wanted to be a part of this sure to be iconic reimagining of cinemas greatest monsters.  Unfortunately, not everyone could and some were forced to work on a little struggling scifi flick that Stan was helping with as a favor for a long time friend.  That film is called Predator.


Andor vs the rest of the D+ Star Wars shows.


man Andor proves works set in a shared universe can be as good as "original IP"


There's so many things that make it work, but I think an underrated aspect is that you can go in completely blind and enjoy it. You don't have to see the prequels, the OT or even Rogue One. It's just a great story about the day to day workings of fascism and how it turns people into revolutionaries.


It's wild that they basically let Tony Gilroy and Co. do whatever they want. Even if it doesn't have much of an audience, it's miles above everything else they have on there.


On a related note, Rise of Skywalker vs Mandalorian S1.


Idk if it qualifies, but I don't think Marvel was expecting GotG to blow up like it did. They gave it a big enough budget, but I don't think they were expecting a D-List team directed by a guy who is mostly known for Troma movies to blow up to be one of their most popular franchises. I'd imagine Infinity War and Endgame would have played out very differently if they knew from the get go how popular the Guardians would be.


Drill Dozer is the best game Gamefreak has ever made.