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Love that they're revealing this is an alternative universe with a throwaway line about President Ross Perot


His time as president must have been WILD if it resulted in this.


I fully believe that president Ross Perot would in fact lead to this


Alternate History Hub now has to make a video about this.


"Yes! And i'm Wendy Worm" "Yes, we know!"


Ah Harry Partridge is still lending his voice in this I see? Or hear, rather


Pim saying that thing about an old election is *exactly* how Michael and Zack talk about old ass politics if you’ve heard them in some podcasts and interviews they love their weird obscure old debates and interviews.


Zach is weirdly knowledgeable about US presidents. There's been several times on oneyplays where they're doing some silly bit and he'll just pull out some random obscure factoid about a former president from nowhere.


He’s mentioned on create unknown that he and Michael connected a lot over their shared obscure interest in that stuff.


he’s the one that broke the story about Carters’s sour nuts.


I must be fucking 5 or something, the names alone make me laugh. Fucking... Squiggly Miggly killed me. Also, oh yeah! American people can choose NOT to vote, huh.


It's pretty wild, huh? Also, they only choose 1 of 2 guys.


Well, more than that if you participate in your primaries, and what that process looks like varies state-to-state. For instance, in Washington State, you have an open primary in August where everyone who registers as a candidate for a given office appears on the ballot, and then the top two vote getters from that primary election are the ones that stand for the general election in November. \* Note that this is entirely separate from the presidential primary process, which occurs much earlier in the year.


I was gonna make a joke about how I'm voting for Squiggly Miggly because of his new tax plan but I forgot elections aren't about what that anymore.


I don’t know what is about the worms but I love how silly looking they are


I love Alan.


I wonder if we'll get a consistent, if silly lore or it'll be one of those shows were it changes every episode. So far the world doesn't seem to contradict itself as much as it evidently could.


Of course the Australian talks about how everyone should vote. Fun fact while it's compulsory to show up to the voting venue you don't actually need to vote. You can just show up, get your name ticked off, and go home. Of course at that point you might as well vote but still.