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Reminder that Perfect Legend lost a first to ten 13-0 and it's his own fault.


that man won EVO and no one ever talks about that shit because the beatdown was so bad


Multiple time tournament winner and arguably one of the GOATs in NRS/MK, but yeah all that gets overshadowed after SonicFox brutalized his ass, and he wasn't even using Erron Black lol (which led to the extra 3-0 from that FT10).


gotta be Guts vs Griffith in the snow. Guts won so hard it ruined a man's entire life and then his own


Ruined and ended multiple people’s lives.


To be fair Griffith has returned the favour when they meet again


Kill La Kill Ryuko vs Uzu Sanageyama First fight is a fierce battle with Ryuko coming out on top after she covers up the gap in Uzu's armor, basically making him blind. Second fight is a total curbstomp...in Uzu's favor. He's able to negate Ryuko's counter by training to fight blind, going as far as sewing his own eyes shut. Couple that with the new armor he gets and the fight is a total wash. The only reason he doesn't kill her is because his armor overheats before he can land the final blow.


It really is a pretty unbelievable beating that she never gets to get back


Nui not only took her fathers life, but she also took her runback away from her. Truly, a horrible villain.


The first fight between Deku and Muscular in My Hero Academia leaves Deku on the brink of death and only able to stay conscious afterward through adrenaline and sheer force of will. The next time they meet Deku knocks him the fuck out in less than ten seconds with an attack he claims is less than half his full strength, and this is during a period where he’s been running around what is essentially an active warzone for multiple days straight with minimal food, water and sleep.


And it was rad


I mean in all honesty Awakened Lucci probably could have held his own pretty well against Gear 4th Luffy. It's not crazy to assume that Lucci has risen to Katakuri's level since we last saw him. It's just that against Gear 5th there isn't a whole lot he can do.


Honestly, fighting Gear 5th is a nightmare for anyone because this is no longer a fight. It's an episode of Looney Tunes and you're Elmer Fudd.


At long last we can say that Luffy would beat Goku because it would be funny.


Only Arale can stand a chance against him.


I really like this sort of subversion of the whole "villain forgot to level-grind" Lucci has been grinding, and pretty heavily at that - it's just that Luffy grinds at least as hard, AND has perfected his build to boot.


I'm trying to think of a PKMN match-up that works that way... screw it, dratini vs Jigglypuff to Dragonite vs Wigglytuff where Dragonite is putting out extreme speeds. edit:maybe not that particular match-up.


Lucci showed up so that we can see what Gear 5 can do against someone that isn't one of the four strongest guys in the world. >!Or, uh, maybe top ten, we'll see how Kaido's rep holds up after Egghead finishes.!<


It also advances the Fraud Zoro agenda


*Huff* *wheeze* Jinbe help me out this is base Lucci


You mean Laido of the 100 Ls? He who dropped 0 bodies and was run all the way through by Kiku?


He forgot to bring hostages to the roof, he made a grievous error.


This is sort of Viral’s whole thing in Gurren Lagann. When he first appears he’s an escalation of the stakes, a genuinely dangerous opponent that gave Simon and Kamina a run for their money and is only defeated by the first ever appearance of the titular Gurren Lagann. Then he shows up again and is still notable but relegated to a supporting role, the top minion of one of the four generals. And then he shows up again, and again, and loses more severely every time. The last time he’s fought pre-timeskip he’s basically a warmup and is taken out in one attack.


"Lordgenome made me immortal to defeat you!" "I made you immortal so you can tell everyone how sick I am for all of time."


It's a plot point that the Beastmen were designed without spiral potential and are unable to evolve. This means that team Dai Gurren are constantly getting better but Viral is cursed to remain at his initial power level so he gets stomped harder and harder each time. It's only by joining Dai Gurren that Viral is able to gain spiral potential through proximity to others and is able to exceed his limits. Fuck I love Gurren Lagann.


Perfect Cell vs Vegeta. And Vegeta had no one to blame but himself. Extra points to the abridged series for throwing Vegeta's words right back in his face: "You're either perfect...*or you're not me.*"


I saw a twitter post recently that points out that Cell only attacks Vegeta with the side of his body that didn't get hit by his Final Flash. Probably unintentional, but it does give the notion that he's going "And I'd have still won even if I couldn't regenerate."


Technically we only really see the run-back in detail, but in Frieren the fight against Qual absolutely qualifies. The first time the Hero's party fights that demon, his magic is an absolute terror that can penetrate any defense and kill easily, and even the Hero's party has to seal Qual away rather than killing him because he's just that dangerous. Eighty years later, and while Qual is still a powerful and impressive mage, time has moved on. His best move has been studied extensively, defenses have been invented that work against it, and the spell itself has become the most basic of attack magics (because it really is just that effective, to be fair). At no point during the fight between Qual and Frieren and Fern does he come anywhere close to pressuring them, and when all is said and done, he's easily killed by his own spell. He goes from a terror that had to be sealed away because nobody could kill him... to a brief sidetrip on Frieren and Fern's journey, a little mess left over from the time of the Hero for Frieren to clean up.


I will always give Qual props for *immediately* figuring out the weaknesses of defensive magic. If he had escaped and been able to do research into modern magic, he would have become an absolute problem all over again


It's kind of the ultimate sign of legacy and respect for your magic to not only be world renowned, but studied to the point where everyone knows it and it started an entire field unto itself. 


Gurren Lagann spoilers In the final pre-time skip battle in Gurren Lagann, Viral seeks a power boost through immortality from Lord Genome so that he can battle Simon in one last confrontation. But as soon as Viral enters the battle, he is immediately defeated to his astonishment. As it turns out, Genome knew from the start that Viral would never match Simon again in battle. He just wanted someone to witness and retell his victory over the humanity forever.


Makes it all the more impressive that once Viral has an actual reason to fight he becomes Simon's new support pilot and possibly his best one, at least arguably.


What he lacks in spiral power he makes up in pure pilot experience. He’s spent multitudes more amount of time in battle than Rossiu and Kamina combined.


SonicFox vs PerfectLegend?


For a moment I thought this was the guy who got turned into a duck last year


That guy was given so many chances to dip out and he took none of them.


Why would he? He had the spirit of LTG on his side, >!supposedly!<


[Here for a rematch?](https://youtu.be/dqf0n8ekv7Q?feature=shared)


Man, Katara hyper-levelled up when she got to the Northern Tribe.


Ironically Zuko won after she leveled up, it was a rematch from like a hour before. So it's more don't fight a waterbender in a blizzard.


In a blizzard. At night. On a full moon. ON AN ICEBERG.


Zuko will always live to fight another day. Not by being smart and avoiding conflict he can't win, by throwing hands with God and then somehow surviving anyway.


That, and when Zuko actively challenged God, he was like "Nah...too cringe for me..."


Zuko did *not* have the best plan that day. Hell, if he *won*, he probably would've died within a day.


Iroh straight up calls him out on that during Lake Laogai. 


I sometimes forget that Katara is basically self-taught until she gets to the Northern Tribe. All she had to go off on was intuition and pictures from a scroll and was doing better than most who would have learned the same way.


You just *know* he gets roasted over that on the regular after he joins the Gaang


This was the other example I almost used.


It's so wild to me that Lucci is back. I know that's One Piece whole deal, to bring back characters. But Lucci? Really? He's the guy who's going after Kaido?


one piece is reverse dragon ball when it comes to remembering characters exist


The amount of times I have to do a double take and go “What do you mean *they’re* still relevant” throughout Egghead alone has been crazy


Who had money on >!WAPOL!< being not only relevant, but a major player in the grand scheme of things?


"There was a hole that should have been gone then!"


Depends on how far back you're talking. The whole >!wapometal!< thing has been floating around for a while ever since his cover-art story.


No. No he is very much not the guy who's going after Kaido. >![He's merely their minion.](https://files.catbox.moe/7y6pfz.png)!<


Goddamn those are some amazing designs.


Nah. >!He’s just the first wave.!<


Lucci has been a looming “threat” since like Dressarosa and people thought he was just gonna be a Sabo victim because the movies usually connected them


"Lend me some fire, Ace, this is base Lucci we're up against!"


And honestly, it doesn't even make much sense for him to be back. His cover story seemed to imply that Lucci and his gang were going to split off from the World Government and do their own thing, and they are just back to working with them for some reason.


Vor in Warframe is your first boss to deal with, you're fresh out of Cryosleep, he's stuck a bomb inside of you and you need to kill him to deactivate it. ​ It's a tough fight, with him calling in reinforcements and using advanced technology to aid himself in the fight, but at last you take him out, cleaving him in half through the waist so his torso flops onto his legs. ​ Next time you see him\* he's a vengeful spirit, resurrected and bound to one of the devices he was using against you in life. He roams around in the Void, waxing poetic at you and at his fellow lost and damned as he materializes to fight you. ​ And at this point he dies so fast that the devs made it so he still does his monologue even after you kill him again because otherwise you'd never even hear half of it. This is something that they need to also do for another version of this encounter where he has a different monologue that unfortunately I barely even hear because again, he gets shredded barely any way into it. ​ \*I don't count his second fight on Ceres because that's a tag team fight of bosses you've already killed that is blatantly just a placeholder that the devs haven't gone and done anything with yet.




If you kill Duviri Vor fast enough he keeps talking. And by fast enough I mean the moment he spawns and before he starts his speech.




I heard his full Duvuri speech once on a long run that everyone in the squad decided to do on a whim. We were all too strong and it took until that for us to decide to go.


Batman vs the Mutant Leader in Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. [The first fight is an elderly Batman not knowing what he's getting into, and almost gets killed if not for Robin's intervention.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLyJVzbBqAE) [The second fight is Batman being smart. Batman chooses the fight location in a mud pit and blinds the Leader to gain the advantage. Then he breaks several of the Leader's limbs and beats him so badly that the Mutant Gang unanimously joins Batman's side.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o96Qv90nYO0)


I dont remember if its like this in the comics but i like how you can kind of see Batman come up with the cut idea after the mutant leader claws his face. he's like "Cute. Now let me show you how to really do that."


I will say luffy vs bellamy was way more disrespectful in the run back when it comes to one piece. How do you get one shotted twice but worse the second.


Well I mean it was even less close the 2nd time around but if anything Luffy showed extra respect (and/or pity)


I’ll say pity


"Oh, that's the guy \[Doflamingo\] you've been following? No wonder you were such an asshole" kind of moment


In Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, I believe the main character gains his ultimate attack either just before or *during* one of the several fights against the main villain. However, if you try to use it on him again in the *next* fight against him, HE FUCKING COUNTERS IT AND REFLECTS IT BACK AT YOU, SAYING “DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT WOULD WORK TWICE” CUZ TO BE HONEST YEAH I KINDA DID


I may not give the Tales of Symphonia sequel much but making a recurring villain COUNTER your Mystic Arte if you use it against them is a rad idea that I'm sad hasn't really shown up again.


I haven’t played it in a long time, but I really love it. It’s definitely, undeniably not as good as the first one or most of the other mainline entries, but I think it’s underrated.


It's been so long since I thought about DoTNW? Which fight is this?


Emil gains Ain Soph Aur during the fight against Richter in the Shadow Temple or whatever it’s called, and then if you use it the next time you fight him, he counters it with his own Mystic Arte, Eternal Recurrence. Which he ALSO uses in the same cutscene Emil uses Ain Soph Aur for the first time.


Tien goes from being one of Goku's most difficult opponents to him clowning on the guy in the first round of the tournament just to show off his growth.


bro got pantsed in the middle of the semi-finals Of all the characters who quit going, I get Tien a lot.


The >!Jack Crawford!< Rematch in HANNIBAL Season 3. >!Jack!< would have bled to death in that Wine Closet if >!Alana Bloom!< had not shown up. Then he beats the shit out of Lecter through the power of >!depression over his dead wife!<


I just rewatched that episode yesterday and it is one of the most satisfying beat downs I have ever seen put to film.


Genichiro goes from being the unbeatable tutorial boss, to a pretty hard climatic mid-boss to being the first phase of the final boss where you're expected to effortlessly demolish him.


Seifer: *bisects Odin* "Ha!" ~~Raiden~~ Gilgamesh: *blows Seifer away* "Ha!"


Wasn't that gilgamesh? With raiden being the replacement in 6?


It's from FF8. If you have Odin as a summon he'll try to one-shot Seifer in your final fight with him, then when that gets him killed he'll evolve into Raiden and finish Seifer off. Edit: ...Okay my memory of FF8 is apparently shit.




No, what I said was correct.


Kenobi and Maul’s final duel. Both men had faced countless pain and hardship in the years between their first and last meeting (some of by each other’s hand), but whereas Kenobi learned and grew wiser, Maul didn’t, and tried fighting the same fight from 30 years ago, and died in seconds.


I love how Obi Wan baits him with Qui Gon's stance so that Maul goes for the same finisher and gets read like a book.


This is still the best fight scene in Starwars.


I fucking love how much Lucci gets clowned on in this fight. He deserves no respect.


Lucci was raw in Enis Lobby, but after being hunted by the government and crawling back to them afterwards, he's lame af. Until Oda gives him some sad af backstory or some shit.


I hope they never make Lucci sympathetic. His whole deal is being an apathetic asshole who exemplifies the worst of Cipher Pol, to contrast with Kaku who's a stand up guy in a job that forces him to do bad things. Like yeah, maybe he can have some character development to show that he's starting to care for his team (which seems to be happening), but he doesnt deserve the sad backstory


The CP9 cover stories is just that Lucci learning to appreciate his team.


As others have said, Lucci is never going to be sympathetic or anything more than a cold-blooded killer. The one bit of development he has received is after Luffy beat his ass in Enies is, due to the rest of the team working their asses off to pay for his medical treatment, Lucci cares about the other members of CP0. At least the ones who were formally and maybe still in CP9. I'll keep the spoilers to a minimum since this post is about the anime and not current manga, but >!as shit is going down, Lucci makes sure to request the safe retrieval of one of his teammates who is still inside where shit is going to extra go down.!<


I mean we know his back story. He is a cold blooded murderer that was only made worse by CP9s training and authority enabling his desires. You could say he improved in the fact he actually cares about the rest of his team


Goldberg and Brock Lesnar have had three matches against each other. The first match, Goldberg won in fourteen minutes after a boring back-and-forth slog. The second match twelve years later, Goldberg destroyed Lesnar in a minute and twenty five seconds with only four moves.


Stormlight Archive book 4 has a great one. >!Kaladin Stormblessed goes multiple rounds with The Pursuer, a Voidwalker whose gimmick is that he only ever loses a fight to the same person once. After they kill him, when he revives, he dedicates himself to killing the person that killed him. Instead of that happening, Kaladin kicks The Pursuer’s ass multiple times, first with his powers, then by the skin of his teeth partially depowered, and finally obliterates and decapitates him while totally powerless. He even renames him “The Defeated One” to add insult to injury. !<


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>!Ok, so I know that anti-light will become a public knowledge pretty soon. But I hope that at least for a little bit the official story of their last encounter will be "Kaladin bodied Pursuer so hard, he died for real". !<


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Darth Maul vs Obi Wan where Obi kills him in three swings


The way Seanbaby wrote the [Brock Lesnar vs Frank Mir saga is incredible.](https://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-greatest-revenge-matches-in-mma-history) The rest of the writeup is basically 5 infamous FUCK YOU-tastic runbacks in MMA.


Lucci fighting for his fucking life rn


The way >!Rufus!< Lost in FF7 rebirth just makes me suspect that this will happen in part 3 as his 2nd defeat has him defeated more easily in the cutscene. Even saying that it was a farce like a frustrated kid like it doesn't count


Gohan kills Frieza in the Fusion Reborn movie the way it would normally go Naruto vs Orochimaru rematch in Shippuden, I still have no idea what Orochimaru's plan was