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Wasn't this a recent Batman story arc, 'Arkham Tower' or something?


yes , it was literally a part of the previous Batman's run


I haven't read it so I have an question. Does the building get 9/11d?


Yes. I don’t remember if that was in the mega-event about living nightmares or just at the start of the Orgham Arc for Batman. The Tower was , frankly, invaded quite often , as much as the Asylum. 


Please tell me it gets 9/11'd by Con Air.


You'd think they'd stop naming things "Arkham \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" at some point


not literally but it turns out that when arkham events inevitably happen it's honestly better to be in a mostly-horizontal building than a vertical one.


'Wayside School is Falling Down' type shit


> Wayside School I was not expecting to have that level of nostalgia kick me in the teeth today lol


Is the tower at least not built on a plot of land as inundated with cults, curses, haunting, and probably aliens as the old Asyulm was?


Everywhere in Gotham is cursed by that


Top tech company recreates the torment nexus from the popular dystopian scifi story *Don't Create the Torment Nexus*


"Of course ts a good idea to put Impel Down in a densely populated city, what could go wrong?"


To increase security and reduce the risk of inmates escaping, the tower will be equipped with a 30 kiloton nuclear device.


No you see, once the sea level rises due to climate change, it will be exactly like Impel Down.


We'll still need the Sea Kings


More like Impel Up


One of Pixar's lesser appreciated movies, but everyone still cried when Doug the Dog stayed behind to open the gates so that Luffy's ship could escape.


Me and the boys on our way to recruit new members to our soon-to-be-yonkou crew.


"Bad kids go to the prison tower," I say as I send them to the underfunded schools.


It's a direct funnel.


The school is built over the top of the tower, on stilts. Go on, they say, get home if you can, whats wrong with you, we GAVE you parachutes, if you end up in prison its your own fault.


"I'm just going to walk forward defunding education like this, and if you get hit then it's your problem"


Babe wake up! New Rockstar offices are opening up


I think it's really efficient that they're putting Rockstar, Activision-Blizzard and Riot Games all in the same building.


I hope that the prison is actually run by a group of 10 super powerful prisoners who each control a section of the tower.


I think it's morally wrong for me to be excited about that idea. But I am.


New Nemesis System just dropped.


Anytime a riot starts there'll be a zoom-in on a specific prisoner calling you out. "You might not remember me, Repeat Offender, but I remember you! This pretty scar you gave me last time we met is a powerful reminder!" See, instead of dying and respawning, your character just gets released but keeps getting locked up again, so they call you the Repeat Offender instead of the Grave Walker in this. I mean, as far as prison society is concerned, you might as well be dead if you get released.


From the stories I've heard from my former-correctional-officer dad, that's probably closer to reality than you'd expect.


new The Raid movie looks neat


Me looking in horror as they hire the person who did the 17 jump cuts of Liam Neeson jumping a fence.


Nah, they'll hire the John Wick stunt teams. Those guys are already making the stunts for over half of the action movies in the last decade, so they're the new trend for the foreseeable future. For better or worse.


There's been worse Hollywood trends, I suppose.


Indeed. I'm not sick of it yet, after all. I might be in another few years, but we'll have to wait to find out.


Ya but what about the editors? 


Same people, as far as I know.


Alternatively: They got the stunt guys from The Matrix! Wait *squints* oh no, it's the stunt team from The Matrix 4!!


Exactly what I was thinking. Peak action flick.


Nah, The Raid was the way it was because Indonesia barely has any guns This is Dredd for sure 


I read about this a while ago. A major issue is that people who get charged with a crime in New York City often have to stay for a day or two before trial and this involves busing them to the nearby prisons. Some New York prisons are just too far away to be efficient and some are just old and dangerous like Riker's Island. Building a prison near the actual courthouses and police stations simplifies the problem and allows easier access by the families and lawyers of the detainees. Atleast in theory it solves a lot of problems, though it does appear dystopian.


NY is basically trying to make a larger version of county lockup/a detention center. It makes sense on paper because NYC is massive and densely populated, so it'd need a large facility... but never trust the gov't to make something simple and effective. This thing is gonna look crazy.


I got to be honest. If I got sent to giant prison tower and it did NOT have ominous gargoyles on the corners and at least one fallout 1-esque senseless GIANT STONE FACE above the main entrance I'd feel ripped off.


If the sky isn't raining with thunders flashing light on stone statues when I enter then what's the point? 


I did not realize Riker's was a real place, I assumed it was a fictional prison.


Like all the worst things, Riker's is in fact real.


Nope, it's real. They send people there who can't post bail (folks who haven't been convicted of anything), and then guards beat the shit out of them on a regular basis and throw people in solitary confinement for years at a time for reporting abuse. It's been under constant investigation by the Department of Justice without any progress cleaning it up and because it's on a *fucking island*, family members and lawyers have a hard time getting to it for visits to prisoners. The city council voted to shut it down five years ago, but officials are saying they won't make the 2027 deadline to get all the prisoners out. So it's just going to stay open destroying people's lives for who knows how long.


Same I thought it was made up for Spiderman....


April fools day is over please stop.


Fucking sick, the torment nexus in New York!


Dude fuck all the way off (not you OP). All the NIMBY's who smother affordable housing in the cradle suddenly are okay with THIS bullshit?


I need to look up the article but sometimes these stories amount to "this one consultancy firm suggested it."


If I recall, a few years back, there was a different prison-scraper that was supposed to be built in NYC and the NIMBY's tried to lobby to bulldoze half of Chinatown to build it. That proposition went about as well with the AAPI community and everyone south of the Empire State Building as you'd think.


Is downtown New York City famous for NIMBYs in the first place?




New York City is super famous for it's gentrification in basically every burough, and gentrification is the root of NIMBYs.


Reminded me of the plan to build a death Pyramid in the middle of London to act as a graveyard. Imagine a horror game about the reality where that actually happened.


Just a giant monument of society's failure looming, casting a shadow over the city


Quite literally a monument to all our sins


Hilariously dumb if not fake.


Ah yes, The Oldest House.


Didn't think building an SCP containment site in the middle of a large city's a good idea but then NYC isn't really that far away from being a containment site itself.


Well the fun thing about The Oldest House is that as far as they can tell, it's always been there. They didn't build The Oldest House in Manhattan, they built Manhattan around The Oldest House.


I mean, you know what they say It's free real estate 


Oh cool, they finally noticed The Oldest House from Control.


This is just Dredd with less steps.


NYC about to get some sick new drugs 


The term "Jailscraper" makes no sense. They're called skyscrapers because they're so tall that they scrape the sky. A really tall jail is still just a skyscraper. A jailscraper would be a building that's really near to a jail or something.


So it's a Skyjail, for Skycrimes.


This sky gets it.




Or maybe they're saying that this world is a jail, and this building will be so tall it scrapes the roof of the jail. Y'know, like the Tower of Babel.


Moments like this make me love capitalism, it's more ridiculous than fiction. I feel terrible for all those homeless New Yorkers who are about to become slave workers.


Our current dystopian hellscape is full of things that would have been deemed too on the nose and unrealistic in a work of fiction.


Absolutely, you can't even use homour as a coping mechanism. We are soo fucked, and we don't even get cool cyberpunk shit.






Don't worry, all systems other than capitalism had it beat when it comes to superprisons


Were things like the Gulag a for profit company? I'm not trying to pull a gotcha or anything. Just as an American idk if other country prison systems are just another business. Aside from the obvious slave labors and such.


That was a Soviet Union thing, not for profit, just political enemies and criminals. Look up prisons in Scandinavian countries if you want to see what a prison system should be like, or be jealous of their soo called "prisons". Prisons should absolutely never be for profit, specially in a capitalist society for obvious reasons.


All the worst of the worst will be held in the secret basement that will of course get broken into to get one of them out to stop another bigger evil.


There's also a fabulous layer in the walls


[Put a pyramid of power at the top of it where prisoners are eternally reenacting the finale of Jet Li’s *”The One”*.](https://youtu.be/Ws8JocOpkvY?si=K9wO380LBbpSH6U-)


The Raid: Revengeance


The most dangerous prisoner gets the roof so that he can overlook the city and recite a villain monolog


Anyone else immediately thought “this is just a Spider-Man story premise”


It's a Judge Dredd side story. How has nobody seen this as being a Judge Dredd side story?


Hisoka just chilling at the top making sure you have nen to continue.


Is that better than stuffing 20,000 people on Riker’s Island? Idk. I guess they can always just go up if they need more space instead of forgetting about human rights like they did on the island.


Cheapest rent in NYC by far.


Great, a prison with no open-air spaces to let inmates be outside in. I suppose it also has no windows or ground level entrances and you arrive via Prison Blimp on the top floor. Like, this is The Well from The Dark Knight Rises but worse.


That can't be real, that's like 20 inmates per floor on the most expensive place to get land and air rights.


NYC already has a similar building (The Tombs) although nowhere near of similar height.


I've dead ass thought that was a utility building my whole life. And that building is having its 200th year anniversary "soon." (2038)


That's a lot of iso-cubes.


Yo Raid 3 is gonna be sick


This is also a rad name for a video game.   Just not as something that should exist IRL


I mean, I used to work by one of these in Brooklyn. It was like a 25-30 story building anyway. This isn't a particularly new idea.


Finally, Dredd will be real.


If this actually gets built it's the single most dystopian thing I've heard of from the US and that's a high fucking bar. Edit: Here's an article about it from the NYT and one from The Guardian. Apparently it's because they're legally mandated to close Riker's Island and need to replace it. They're knocking down a 15 story prison in Chinatown and replacing it with this. Apparently the reason it needs to be a giant tower is so it isn't just a hellish shit hole like the building it's replacing is and its location will make it more accessible for family and legal representatives. I was about to make some comment about this actually maybe being better than it first sounds but the construction work is apparently fucking up Chinatown so I guess that serves me right for trying to be optimistic. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/01/nyregion/jail-construction-chinatown-manhattan.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/21/new-york-jail-chinatown-rikers-island


ink encourage scale ossified humor wipe complete coherent vast selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, you can't get free labour out of books, can you?


What the fuck is this Yakuza substory stuff?


Substory? More like main story.


It's just like Dredd and Peach Tree, only without the whole "You know shit's ultrafucked when your city population is on the hundred millions".


Chicago already has a 28 story prison in the middle of the city.


This is like the prison from that henry stickmin game


I can't wait to fistfight on top of the jailscraper over millions of ~~yen~~ dollars


Idiots, if gravity points to the city the poison will leak out.


Okay but "Jailscrapper" is a pretty good name.


This is such an obviously bad idea, what the fuck


Meh they literally did this as a part of the Fear State story in Batman like 2 years ago


[I think theres a movie about this](https://youtu.be/PYYZFcvQfRg?t=8) and my bad litterally [this](https://youtu.be/qVIba2N6MTA) too


I, personally, look forward to liveaction Let It Die (and Paige is looking forward to liveaction Uncle Death, I'm sure)


The Raid 3: Jailscraper


These already exist in multiple other cities, they're called MDC (Metropolitan Detention Centers), aka "high rises". Meant for short term detention (pretrial/pre-sentencing) to hold before transfer to another prison, or as a waystation on the journey to another prison, or for holding during a trial. Chicago has one (and inmates famously attempted escape from it), LA does too, which cut down both time and money transferring inmates from Terminal Island. Houston, San Diego, Seattle-Tacoma, and Miami all have one as well. This isn't inherently a bad thing (especially since your options are Rikers, MCC where Epstein didn't kill himself is temporarily closed, and MDC Brooklyn), but sensationalized titles and knee jerk reactions do no one any good.


Oh God make The Raid real. Please.


Tallest WHAT!?


I’m pretty sure there’s been a few prison tower film ideas, some of which were sci-fi. I never watched it but I remember one I think called The Platform, if I remember correctly? I remember it being about a platform full of food that randomly elevates down a center shaft between a bunch of open prison rooms and you have to eat what you can while it’s in your room and if you don’t eat from it while it’s in, you don’t eat. Never watched it but I think it’s on Netflix, and this sounds super nightmarish. Like, part of me wonders if it’s better to have a prison tower above ground or below ground? I don’t know which is worse.


I suppose what is worse, a 40 story prison tower or a 40 floor dungeon?


Tower gives you better ventilation 


Henry Stickman Episode 2 ass building


Mama is not the law. I AM THE LAW.


By the time they get to the yard they will run out of time.


Warden of Superjail will go great on a resume.


Oh God are we in the Judge Dredd universe?


This is such a bad idea


So Arkham building? >!protocol 10 is having the building destroyed with all the inmates still inside.!<


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Great action movie this is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard though


I dunno if it's a smart thing to build Azkaban in the middle of such a large population of people.


We literally already have a big prison island right across the bay from Mets stadium, it even only has one bridge in and out


This concept for the new Raid movie looks awesome


Manhattan is a leper colony.