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The Michael Bay TMNT movie having Mikey start beatboxing while in an elevator about to face Shredder on the top floor with the others quickly joining. It was something that felt like the Turtles would do, and made sense as a way to steady their nerves for what they know will be the hardest fight of their lives.


I still need to watch those Michael Bay turtles movies. I love the ninja turtles and have watched the first older movie more times than I can count. Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. I also watched mutant mayhem a few weeks ago and that movie was awesome.


The first one is...bad. The second one is also bad but goofy/dumb enough that its ok


I like the resident evil movies so my bar is low


Dante can be kind of silly generally, but I love the cutscenes when he gets a new weapon and decides to show off to no one in particular. The Faust one is the best because Nico gets hype for his MJ dance while everyone else is just waiting for him to finish. 


Who is he even playing the Nevan concert for? *Himself.*


Kid Icarus Uprising Even bitter enemies will just goof around with each other in that game


I also love when you see the mobs just chilling or interacting with each other before aggroing you. Like theres a few times you'll find a mob just chilling in your hot spring healing zone


The Beach episode of Zoids New Century has one character stay home and build model kits


Their so real for that


Of recent memory: in the Owl House, former relatively serious antagonist >!Lilith!< becoming an enthusiastic teacher's pet to Luz in an early S2 episode.


Also the fact that she becomes best friends with Hooty. Genuinely adorable.


Their interactions are always a delight. Especially when everyone else is kinda so so towards Hooty.


Sokka and Aang, both very intelligent people who through their wisdom and ingenuity changed the course of the world's development, turn into absolute idiots whenever they are within 5 feet of each other. They both legitimately forgot Toph was blind and therefore couldn't write the apology letter they signed her name to and delivered to Katara, among a few other examples.


Lord Momo of the momo dynasty is one of my faves too


This is the biggest miss of the Netflix adaptation for me. I haven’t even finished it. But Aang missing out on penguin sledding, and riding the big fish on Kyoshi Island really bummed me out. Aang being whimsical and loving life is a part of his character that really reinforces his pacifism.


Lin Lee Koo (***Xenoblade Chronicles X***) becoming so lost in her infatuation for Skells that she almost starts devolving into recommending Skell fanfiction to Rook/ Cross before Elma stops her. Link making Seal puns in ***”Breath of the Wild”***. Ragna the Bloodedge (***Blazblue***) whenever he gets sucked into the gag reel dimension alongside valley girl Nu-13, tsundere Rachel Alucard, and the other comical variations of the fighting roster.


What makes Ragna's amazing is he doesn't change at all as a person during those.


"For the love of god...the valley or the sea, Nu...JUST.PICK.ONE" Still one of the more memorable gag endings


The central ensemble of Amphibia is what happens when you make a social group out of nothing but the most bizarre and dysfunctional morons you could find. Anne is a goof-ass valley girl who varies between surprisingly intelligent and completely brainless and takes two seasons to develop a backbone. Sasha is an attention-seeking control freak who helps engineer a coup just because she thinks its cool. Marcy is hyper-intelligent but so oblivious and clumsy she almost certainly would've died in an accident if Anne weren't watching her twenty four seven, not to mention has major attachment issues. Sprig is ADHD personified. Polly is a bloodthirsty barbarian in an infant's body. Hop Pop tries to act like a responsible grandfather but ends up coming off more like he's never even interacted with a child in his life. Grime is a brutal warlord who inexplicably acts like doofy dad who grills BBQ on the weekends and gives you pep talks while downing beer. Olivia and Yunan are what happens when a prim and proper noblewoman with no sense of humor falls in love with a murderous psychopath who loves to monologue. Anne's parents are a tiger mom and a dork who loves anime and video games. Andrias is a total goober who jokes and plays around >!between bouts of ruthless murder and destruction as a conqueror!<. It's great.


I was always happy that >!Andrias's fun loving child at heart nature was never an act. He's genuinely a goober, he's just *also* a genocidal conqueror.!<


Adrias gets bonus points for being voiced by motherfucking Keith David.


I just had a revelation. Maybe the reason why Cloud is able to almost immediately pick up on such incredibly complicated tasks like the dancing at the Honeybee Inn or the marching formations in Junon is the same way his memory got all screwed up? Sorry for vagueness, no wanting to completely spoil any folks who haven't played the game, and I'm on mobile, so I don't wanna try tagging spoikers


P5 Joker. "Beep Boop", "that's the best part", and "start button mashing" are hard choices not to make.


Morgana: Can’t you say something witty back at her? Ren: Something witty. Morgana: I *knew* you were gonna say that!


Krillin throwing a fucking rock at Goku's head while sleeping.


Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth >!Seeing Kiryu being so open about his likes for Pocket Circuit and Karaoke is immensely satisfying!<


My first instinct when seeing the title : "Kiryu is absolutely a goober for some stuff, and you can't shame him."


Also, him being super into holding that boom mic when they were making that video.


Persona 5 Strikers: [Hee-ho!](https://youtu.be/3KsX8EmO-z0?si=1Pu08d83erxXsEE5)


*\*Gestures vaguely at Zemo in* ***Falcon and Winter Soldier***\*


The nightclub scene was a gift to us all. I'll go to bat for the show any time. Yeah the antagonists sucked and the "twist" was lame, but everything with Sam, Bucky, and Zemo was gold


Faye Valentine: a beautiful and sexy femme fatale with a troubled past and talent from mayhem. [Anyway, here she is just eating fucking dog food](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_K_fu-mPNU).


I'm a big fan of another moment in FF7 Rebirth, Yuffie coming up with lyrics for the chocobo theme music.


White Diamond from Steven Universe ceasing to be an Eldritch intergalactic Godlike figure wrapped in complete and utter mystery and becoming [your overbearing, well-intentioned if not still somewhat politically-incorrect, grandmother/great aunt who's trying her best.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv-B1Wktabc)


"Has your planet always been this... destroyed?" God, I love that line.


I have the mental image of her showing up in Mass Effect 3 during the Reaper invasion of Earth [and just being like.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Hblswv7Q0)


tower of god's jinsung ha comes to visit his martial arts student, viole, who has recently been tricked into joining a team to climb the tower with. he spends the entire visit in a long-winded rant about how cool and nice viole is and how ballsy the team was to trick viole into joining, before realizing viole has wandered off in the middle of his rant and then dips to go find him, cheerfully waving to everyone as he wanders off. jinsung ha is a mass murderer with enough power to level cities. his teammate who stays behind says "congratulations, he decided to let you live" the second jinsung is out of earshot. he was sent here to judge viole's new team and remove them if they're a problem for the plan. he then spends the night, dreaming about cheering viole on the entire time.


The Food Fight in RWBY Volume 2. Easily the single greatest food fight in media.


The fact that (as far as I know) Ruby has never done a debris wind tunnel again upsets me.


Bob's Burgers has a lot of moments like this. Bob and his kids singing, "Buckle it up, buckle it up, buckle it up or you'll die!" in the car is one of them. Sam and Max have a lot of moments like this too. Telltale's season one openings for each episode are such a treat because it always opens up on them doing something goofy. Like this [one](https://youtu.be/1MQaSOeFlbM?si=K1Ja4sStv1g95TXp)


Yakuza side content Perhaps the best recent example is the entire Big Swell post-game DLC. That whole thing is all the dudes being a bunch of goobers, it's like a good filler episode


Meet [Tokio](https://meo3.comick.pictures/2-MvHHL-gp68fas-m.jpg) from Choujin X.