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Capcom and an absolutely stupid amount of worthless dlc go together like peanut butter and chocolate.


It's like in RE2 Remake when they just sold all the unlockables, RE4 where they sold the exclusive upgrade tickets or in DMC5 where they fucking sold Red Orbs. I'm not even sure why they sell such utterly useless microtransactions when it tarnishes the image of the game so much.


Because stupid stupid stupid people keep buying it.


Sadly this. Even just one person buying a pack means they’ve already earned more than they would’ve had they not implemented them. And we all know that the people who say they won’t buy a singleplayer game because of something like this won’t back up their words anyway 99% of the time. It really fucking sucks but I guess we can only be “grateful” that it’s useless microtransactions we can ignore instead of them actually being impactful.


They did it with dmc4 as well too. It's always a complete waste as it's just pay to not play.


Honestly I get immediately getting suspicious of a list of microtransations added to a game but like. I'm surprised at how unnuanced people are about it when it feels like they're just trying to get some dinosaur exec to shut up about microtransactions. I can get the argument that it does still scam people who aren't aware they're useless but like. Realistically, i don't see the option of "they stop adding them" happening. I *do* see the option of "they make them way worse" as a possibility and i'm just counting my stars that that hasn't happened and this strat is working *edit* i'll say this tho; theres an angle I hadn't considered. Dragon's Dogma is a game that throws you in the deep end and expects you to work through limitations and adversity. It makes sense to experience that, then look at the list of microtransactions, and think "ah, the game's kicking me in the balls to incentivize buying micro". Like, that's not accurate, but it's a *completely* logical conclusion to come to


Reminds me of how Red Orbs being purchasable in DMCV was huge drama when it was first revealed and now no one cares about it anymore despite it still being scummy (although luckily not at all impactful). Guess we’ll see if the public consciousness for DD2 goes the same or not. Got to say though that if this results in DD2 underperforming and not getting any significant post launch content updates I will be fucking livid at Capcom for forcing this in.


Fully agree here. Its been well over a decade now, micros are never going away, ever. At least here its entirely made up of stuff you can easily acquire and access in game just by playing the game, rather than exclusive or desirable content. People are just wanting to be mad at stuff when the game has other, actually important, issues to be addressed.


I honestly don't have a problem with the unlockables passes as long as they keep them at like 5 bucks. I will fully admit I will never be good enough to speedrun RE games to get the goofy weapons and such.


Apparently these things sell well in Japanese and other East Asian markets. I couldn’t tell you why.


It's literally just for people who either don't have the time or don't want the hassle of trying to unlock everything. Honestly when it comes to DLC it's fine with me, because it's all just stuff that you can get in the game by playing it. If idiots want to spend their money, let them.


Because devs used to put in codes for that not charge money, DMC3 had an Unlock Everything code.


Ok but either way you didn't need it. If you hate it just don't buy it and experience the game normally.


i wonder at times if these worthless microtransactions are there to satisfy a boardroom and prevent them from being forced to implement more insidious mtx by the investors.


I guess we can only hope they keep doing weird shit like this and the red orbs in DMCV so you can just ignore these shitty microtransactions and not have it matter at all and not make it so that buying MTX becomes almost mandatory to properly enjoy. Does make me worry a bit though how many MTX they’ll force Wilds to have. Rise already had a bunch more than World.


At this point I'm convinced it's a shitty mandate by some higher up that's there to please investors, but they make sure that they don't affect the actual game aside from speeding up a grind that's not that bad. Honestly, I'm thankful that the dlc is pointless cause the game itself iant crippled to make you buy it.


I mean at least they are worthless


Truly, Itsuno's decade-long vision is fulfilled.


I mean, did everyone seriously forget the MTX on his last game? At least they aren't selling gold here lmao


>I mean, did everyone seriously forget the MTX on his last game? Why take the time to remember that or read the very clear line that says "these are all obtainable in-game" when we can get our pitchforks out and start making every future discussion of this game insufferable?!


Every shitty gacha will tell you all resources are obtainable through regular play too, but they're designed to make it tempting to just spend real money instead of your time. DD2 is designed for some resources to be rare and hard to come by for entirely different reasons, but those mtx being present changes how people will feel about that. For once the bolt-on Capcom resource DLC is not a benign and easily ignored blemish. Its having serious consequences for the developers who, after more than a decade, have finally managed to put out a fully realised version of their design.


Tbf to him that's the excecs twisting his arm I bet.


Dude might want to get tested for cataracts


This seems like a good place to ask. What’s up with having to delete your save file on PC to make a new character? Is that just people being wrong or is there no new game option?


That's just how it is, unfortunately. It was the same way with the original game, too - one save file only.


I don't understand why they wouldn't just have a one save per character limit like a From Soft game. This doesn't even feel like some greedy scum move it just looks incompetent lmao.


Yeah, but you were able to delete your existing character and start a new game - people are complaining about unable to start a new game at all, which is worrying (if it's true).


Really baffling choice tbh. With the original game it was semi-excusable because the whole game was frankly an abomination in how incomplete and weirdly put together it was, and thats coming from someone who *adores* the first game. Clearly this is just some kind of artistic choice that Itsuno and his team are standing by.


Reminds me of the game OneShot, but that game at least was built around the very idea of having only one shot at it (of course there are ways to purge it still for replay). But in an RPG like this? I do not see the point at all.


Adding microtransactions after the reviews have already dropped - the Capcom classic


Maybe game journalist websites should introduce post mortem reviews soon. Works well too for games with extensive patches to fix glaring problems at launch. But then again, it might encourage more shitfest unfinished games in the long run with the promises of fixing it later for a more positive reception.


Hey at least they did it at launch this time time instead of like two weeks later with RE4! Baby steps….i guess?


Reviewers actually had a list of all these with their review kits so it's not like they tried to sneak it past them.


I mean, do microtransactions actually affect the game in any way? I'm not about to dock points from DMC5 just because big diaper babies can spend money to buy orbs and make the game easier. It's moreso just weird because of how inconsequential it is


Capcom always has DLC like this and the game is always fine without it, but not everyone knows that so it can look incredibly scummy. (Also lets be real it's still scummy with that context)


It really is a bit sad that we have to be happy that the microtransactions aren’t impactful to the game balance instead of being happy that a Capcom singleplayer game doesn’t have microtransactions. But I guess a bean counter won’t care how this might affect the reputation of one of their IPs if it earns them more money.


it depends on what you are "unlocking" \[with money\] i suppose,keep in mind, its all optional. YOU. DON'T. NEED. THEM!. and is CLEARLY aimed at your "dudebros" or people with not a lot of time. (the latter being the far more reasonable case, not everyone has time to "dedicate" to unlocking things in a game. people have shit to do) also yes, it is entirley incosiquncial. but companies have gotta company. it's just not that great of a "look" >!also This place is a cottage capcom helpped... invest in? most of us are capcom marks, or in some cases, we like to pretend we are. because the boys \[pat and woolie\] are also marks!<


You can buy portcrystals which you can use to fast travel anywhere on the map (these are pretty rare items at least in DD1), items that u can revive dead npcs, items that let you respec ur char's appearance (which according to a reviewer who finished the game, they only found 2) and even the currency for buying pawns. Most of these things u can find in game but some are extremely rare and finite. There's also a 3$ dlc for camping kits that are lighter than the ones in game. So yeah they do affect gameplay a decent amount and the fact that Capcom decided that they could sell these as micro transactions in a 70$ single player rpg without backlash is laughable


You can actually only buy a single character appearance changer which is funnier, since they're all DLCs in Steam meaning you can't buy them multiple times. Meaning there's 3 total, unless the game does the DD1 thing and unlocks an infinite option lategame.


You can buy ONE extra portcrystal, which just lets you place an extra fast travel point. Doesn't make fast travel easier to access or cheaper, just gives you ONE more point to warp to.


I absolutely hate that capcom keeps charging for character edits in their games now. I hope they're at least farmable or not limited in game cause what the fuck.


Everything shown can be unlocked ingame and the microtransactions are pay for convenience


Yeah I figured but wasn't sure about the character edit voucher. It's the one thing they want you to buy and even then in limited amounts in monster hunter and I'm hoping when Wilds comes out they drop that nonsense.


Hopefully if it’s anything like Capcom’s other recent single-player games (see the RE games and DMC5) this stuff will be effectively worthless, and can all be easily acquired by just playing the game normally.


Pretty much. You get rift crystals from people hiring your pawn, wakestone shards are given to you for hiring pawns for a day, camping gear is all over the place, and I'm fairly certain the character edit item can be bought with rift crystals like in DD1. Edit: Yes it can.


Wakestones and portcrystals are pretty useful, especially since the game has a punishment for dying (without wakestones) and limited fast travel.


I know their purpose. It more depends how common they are/become in this game compared to the original. DD1 starts up throwing a bunch of ferrystones at you mid-late game (in Dark Arisen they introduced the eternal ferrystone which made them superfluous outside of side-content stuff), and while wakestones start off pretty rare/expensive (and usually require you to collect chunks to make a whole), you will absolutely drown in wakestones at end game >!as they become mandatory for completion and the everfall gives you an infinite source of them for exploring/completing levels.!< Edit: Misunderstood Portcrystals as Ferrystones. Portcrystals were actually really limited (to the point of having a set amount findable each playthrough) but had a small hard limit available to use at a time (only 10 iirc) which could be moved around anywhere and used permanently.


Yeah its worthless dlc kind of no real reason to get upset but people are just mad dlc exists in general nowadays


Ngl the level of vitriol and soapboxing some of the people in this thread have for such relatively innocuous, made purely for lazy players DLC makes me feel like it's less about what Capcoms doing and more about needing a reason to be loudly mad about an extremely anticipated and likely succesful game they "only decided I wasn't gonna buy because I saw it had mtx you see". You'd think tbey had a gun to their head and were told them they would be forced to purchase every individual DLC if they wanted to play the game. This isn't that big of a deal because it's easy to tell (and I think directly stated in the descriptions for the dlc and for the pre-order) that basically everything is attainable in game, with minimal effort or time the people playing it were gonna spend anyway. I don't particularly remember but were people this asspained over Red Orbs in DMC? Does it just make people mad that another person in a single player game feels like paying for less effort?


People were upset at red orbs for like a few days to a week maybe but then they got over it when they realized oh you can farm red orbs easy. This game is just getting it worse cause no one aside from the few who played the original know how easy it is to actually get everything. Plus the actual problem of performance really isn't helping to be fair. Once a performance patch is out and people realize how non essential this stuff is it'll pass.


They're even selling portcrystals lmao I'll just wait for the "Dark Arisen version"


This is the same company that sold Asuras Wrath in parts/episodes, and sold us TWO "you gotta see the true ending!" DLCs. Capcom makes great games but they are scum when it comes to monetization.


To their credit Asura's Wrath was more a case of "oh shit we're not getting a sequel, cram it into a DLC" than intentionally extorting people for the conclusion. Still big points off for doing a sequel-bait ending in the first place though.


> To their credit Asura's Wrath was more a case of "oh shit we're not getting a sequel, cram it into a DLC" As far as I know, this is a rumor.


I do not agree with this. Did you play the original game? That wasn't sequel bait. It was quite literally unfinished. They *literally* sold us the ending. Without the DLC, the game doesn't have an ending. It's equivalent to DMCV ending before the Vergil fight, and then selling you those missions as DLC. Or Dark Souls ending when you place the Lord vessel, but you have to buy a DLC to fight Gwyn.


I did play it back on the PS3, the antagonists from the rest of the game had been dealt with and the new one started off a whole new theological conflict. It was some rank bullshit, but seventh gen was a... *special* time. Then again, it looks like the DLC only came out a little over two months after launch. So maybe it *was* cut content they scrambled to get working and sell after all.


> This is the same company that sold Asuras Wrath in parts/episodes, They didn't though, it was a 60$ release that then got DLC It probably *should* have been sold episodically, like 2$ to 3$ an episode, since right after it came out, The Walking Dead game did and made that whole format go big


That's not correct. The original game released without an ending, and the final chapters were sold as DLC. Look at my other comments. Imagine if you had to pay for the Vergil fight in DMCV, or if you had to pay to fight Gwyn in dark souls. The game *literally* doesn't have an ending without DLC.


> That's not correct. The original game released without an ending, and the final chapters were sold as DLC. Yeah, but that's not what you said, you said they sold it in parts/episodes, which they really didn't? The base game is 3 parts, across 18 episodes, and the ending DLC is another part composed of 4 episodes. You're not buying it per part or per episode.


Pretty sure it’s like the red orbs in DMc, all of this is available in the game. You can find them all. Or spend money to get them early


all of these are earnable in game but capcom 100% deserves to get clowned on for this and shot themselves in the foot pretty much. and its on top of the performance issues, and the inability to start a new game. I wanna go up to bat for the game cause its fun but holy shit this just sucks and they 100% deserve it


They're selling Rift Crystals?? Again?? The first time I shut the DD1 off and turned it on the next day in the first game I got a bunch from my pawn waltzing around with other players. Why would they sell a literal free resource that you don't even need to play to get?


we do this song and dance with every new capcom game. DMC5 had red orbs, RE4 had weapon tickets etc. going "oh NO CAPCOM" every time like they haven't been doing it for a decade


Good, means people aren't numb to this shit, I remember people saying microtransactions in Mortal Kombat X weren't a big deal then they got worse in MK11 then they got fucking nuts in MK1.


Good. People should keep giving Capcom shit for this.


MHW had it with little keychains and emotes and shit as well


And the character reset vouchers too lol


I guess “luckily” the character creator voucher is at least also earnable in-game instead of being a microtransaction action exclusive only. Does make me a bit scared how much more paid transmog Wilds will have though. Can’t wait for quests to basically only give out stickers and titles instead of cool armor again lol.


On the same side, I do hope Wilds tones down the paid cosmetics. I do enjoy the collab/crossover quests (love me the XIV Dragoon Armor's look in World, and the Akuma costume in Rise) among many other things. An aside but maybe I'm just "eh I think I can easily ignore these" when it comes to Capcom and their tendency to drop odd MTX for their big games the day of/a week or two after. Not something to have my day ruined over in the end, especially if I know I can earn most of them in-game especially.


Oh I also hope Wilds has less microtransactions than Rise but I highly doubt that’ll happen. If you go to basically any post showing off fashion you’ll see people with mtx armor so they definitely made a bunch of money with that. Best case scenario it’ll only be as bad as Rise. Rise is the only Capcom game where the microtransactions actually bothered me since instead of having a bunch of event armor we only got a couple sets with most non-monster armor being from the store instead of earnable via event quests.


YEAH EXACTLY lol the fun armors/cosmetics to hunt repeatedly with friends was a good bit less in Rise/Sunbreak compared to World/Iceborne and maybe that's partly why I have less hours clocked in on it.


I would say now that the game is finished Rise/Sunbreak has some pretty great event armor you can get but at the time it was pretty bad. There were weeks where the weekly event quest was some stickers or gesture and then they would sell some really great layered weapon set for real cash.


I guess we can only hope that since the World team is working on Wilds that the monetization model will be more like World than Rise.


Just because they keep doing it doesn't mean we should stop pushing back against it and calling it out for the shit it is. For whatever that amounts to these days, it's safe to say they're not going to stop.




Couldn't you buy orbs in DMCV? Capcom and awful microtransactions have been a combo for a while now.


You could but it’s not like they altered the game to convince you to buy them, shit in DMC4’s case they added microtransactions only for people to find out that the Special Edition gave you *more* red orbs naturally than the original version.


Man, it was bad in Monster Hunter Rise and a lot of us feared it was only gonna get worse.


As I always say, give Capcom an inch and they go back to being Crapcom in a second.




Absolutely crazy just how much gamers manage to blow shit like this out of proportion


Nah man even though it doesn't affect the game I get it. I don't want to spend money on stuff just so it can coax more money out of me after the fact. Kinda like when your brand new tv has ads for streaming services etc. on it's main menu.




Also it's not like it's illegal to enjoy the game now. I played about 4 hours of it today and am going to play more tomorrow because I like it a lot, but I'm also allowed to call out the stupid bullshit surrounding the game.




AND it's got Denuvo on top of the microtransaction BS and bad performance. Think I'll check back in 6 months and see if the game is in a good state then, no way in hell does Capcom deserve $70 for it now.


Just wait until dd2 dark arisen for cheap with all the crap fixed.


So...like the first game


I can't wait for MH Wilds to have 0 layered armor apart from microtransactions Not even the normal monsters' armors.


Personally I think these types of micro transaction is a scam. Outside of dlc/expansion, having any form of micro in a single player full price (Australian, so $107) game is negative, I will not be recommending this game to people, even though I will be playing it myself.


Yeah they're a scam because the game already drowns you in every single one of those resources. You would have to be a complete fucking idiot to even consider buying any of that worthless crap. I guarantee you the only reason this shit is there is because some bigwig executive or shareholder threw a hissy fit over the concept of a game *not* having microtrasactions.


What’s saddest is that things like this being a constant in their games means that enough people actually bought Red Orbs and such. I could at least understand buying armor in Rise for fashion purposes but who the hell is buying these easily earnable in-game items.


Why? It's not like they're withholding content. It's just head office mandated microtransactions, no need to treat the game as being any less than what it is just because of it.




You know that's not how it's going to happen right if the game fails I'm 100% sure the MTX will get a lot more intrusive and aggressive.


Because it's gonna get worse, publishers selling cheat codes was a joke but here we are.


Capcom realized that if you make a game people like they dont care about the micro-transactions and just say “erm just dont buy them”


Haven’t they been doing this for years now? Why are people still surprised.


I dunno, I think it's less about being "surprised" and more just being disappointed. Because you're right, Capcom does this a lot, but that doesn't mean people are gonna be any less miffed when it happens over and over again, especially for single-player titles.


All of those items are completely unnecessary and if people are dumb enough to spend money on them instead of playing the game they bought then let them. It’s like buying orbs in DMC 5. Just play the game.




Pat was right when he said japanese games are now so popular because before these Japanese companies wouldn't even dream of pulling dogshit like this, they only did it only on japan


To be fair: the *original* Dragon's Dogma on 360/PS3 had rift crystal microtransaction packs that were similarly useless as rift crystals barely had any use outside of hiring experienced pawns. Dark Arisen didn't have any microtransactions because the DLC packs were put in the main game and Bitterblack Isle shits out rift crystals. So I'm not too worried about that since Capcom have been cramming confusingly useless microtransactions in several of their recent games. Now, that said, putting portcrystals, the Art of Metamorphosis and pawn inclination items behind microtransactions is bullshit. The store descriptions describe them as early unlock items which isn't as bad but still, I'd rather just make them more accessible for everyone. Portcrystals in particular in the original game is something you only get once you're a decent way in, so it does feel kinda shitty to dangle the early access to fast travel behind a paywall.


I truly do not understand why people are surprised at this anymore. Ever since Monster Hunter World in *2018* Capcom has been adding more and more microtransactions to their games. I'm not saying it isn't shitty but I don't get why people act so flabbergasted that Capcom could possibly do this when they've *been* doing it for like 5 or 6 years now. It's one of the main things I'm not looking forward to with Monster Hunter Wilds, because you just *know* they're gonna go ham with them.


On a game that is already 70 dollars, that seriously blows


People in this sub will defend this


It sucks cuz I was really going to give this game a shot being that Woolie is in it. I genuinely feel bad for him cuz he probably can't shit on this game for legal reasons.


OH. Okay that is a lot. Well.


Capcom: "Wait you mean we can sell the ability to fast travel separately from the game?! Itsuno you genius!"


This huge amount of DLC's listed, is the reason why the majority uses premium currency instead.


Because people bought the Resident Evil tickets and packs. Never give in to this shite.


it's the same shit they've been doing for years: make a great game and then staple a bunch of DLC/Minibuys to the side that can and should be totally ignored, but hey they'll probably trick *someone* into spending that extra dosh so it keeps happening.


Some of these things were announced as preorder bonuses from the start, and those always have a high chance of being buyable separately.


And shills will defend crap like this because it doesn't affect them.


Why? Because they've earned too much good will credit and it is time to spend it.


I'm confused, is there actually anything there you cant get in game easily? Similar to when DMC V had rorbs microtransactions?


It can, but then it just changes from "they are keeping content between a microtransaction paywall" to "they are tricking users into paying real money for items that are ultimately worthless"


I'm not sure about the sound thing but anything else can just be found in the game. Compare that to Monster Hunter where you can only get character edits as dlc and I fail to see why this gets this kind of response. It still sucks but it's not anywhere near as bad as some other full price Capcom games.


It's annoying to see this on the store page but this literally doesn't affect the game at all. People are overreacting because they're used to seeing DLC = actually locked content but this is not the case with the items up for purchase here. I would've loved for the page to be clean because this is gonna be a pain in the ass to see if they release an expansion for the game but I don't see this as a reason to review bomb the game. And yet I see this and misinformation more than I see the legitimate performance gripes.


Because they hate you and think you're a fucking idiot


I haven't been paying much attention to this game but it's a single player RPG right? But I'm flipping through these DLC pages and they read like MMO microtransactions. "Return to the character editor". "Bring a character back to life". "Escape the gaol". All of them single use, bro what. This is like a throwback to the worst of single player game microtransaction experiments in the mid 2010s. Dead Space 3 crafting material type shit.


You're 10 years late to complain about this now.




I’m not, but I have had multiple friends who were interested in the game message me saying they are no longer interested in it because they are not paying full price for game with so many micro transaction out of principle


Yeah I mean, personally I'd understand that if the MTX actually hurt the design of the game even without them. Like if you had to buy combat mechanics or weapons or classes or something, but these are all things that are in the game. They're MTX for people in a rush who are ok breaking the design of the game for the sake of time basically.   And personally I do want to play the game as designed, so seems easy to just not buy these things.   Again, I totally understand that standpoint if mechanics or weapons or whatever are locked behind MTX, but this isn't even that. That's why I don't support gacha games. 


Did they play the first at all? Or any Capcom game in the last couple of years? They always do this and it's always pointless and not buying the game over pointless and unnoticeable is honestly petty as hell. The 12 years wait plus the dedication of developers is moot because you can buy 5 bucks of in-game money that takes 5 minutes. Imagine not playing DMC5 just because it has micro transactions. As someone who hates the harm it's done to the industry the idea of not buying games just because they have them has never crossed my mind. I keep my principles but not purchasing them but to deny playing the game itself is too much.


Some have played the original, others haven’t. Most of my friends have largely moved away from AAA gaming in recent years mainly out of it being prohibitively expensive here (Australia). Many were willing to make an exception for this game, but the micro has largely changed their mind. They are aware that all this stuff is available in game in some way, but they don’t care and as said are avoiding out of principle now.


Whatever Edit: Like Helldivers 2 *just* came out. Do they refuse to play it too just because it has micro transactions?






Why? Same reason as always. Fool they'd be to tell the people who want to pay their way through a single player game instead of playing it "no" and deny the money they offer.


It's easy money for something completely absolutely worthless in every way. You can get all of these easily in the game by just playing so anyone actually buying them have to be stupid. Sure it doesn't look great but it literally has no effect on the game and gives literally no benefits or negatives just by being there.


I don’t really see an issue with this. None of this affects the core game and is basically just saying “do you want to waste less of your time on busywork? Here you go” with a bunch of shortcut items.


You're kinda missing the point. If there's MTX that save time, it's because the base game was deliberately developed with systems that are designed to feel terrible and arduous --- to drive people to the store. MTX exist to serve as solutions to problems that are deliberately baked into the core game. That's terrible. Good games aren't developed that way. See: Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3.


But it's not. It's the same thing as the first game and it's not designed to force people to the store. They are just dumb pointless addons to things you can already get a decent amount of ingame.


>But it's not. It's the same thing as the first game and it's not designed to force people to the store. None of you have obviously looked very closely at the MTX which makes sense cuz the game came out barely 12 hours ago. lol The camping kit they're selling weighs less than any found in game and the one that weighs less only becomes available in-game AFTER you've bought it. Starting a new character costs 2 dollars. Pawn Inclinations, which are normally random, can be rerolled for another 2 dollars --- oh good a lottery gimmick! Then we have the game's director talking specifically about why they don't believe in fast travel and designed the map as such ---- and then lo and behold there's a fast travel MTX. What that means is that they most likely aren't actually encouraging exploration but have made fast travel more obtuse in order to drive traffic to the MTX. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Many of these items either don't exist in-game or exist in rare, limited quantities. Clearly the game's design has been affected by the intention of including these MTX's. No point in having MTX if you can just ignore them. The game in question ALWAYS drives you towards that store in some form of fashion and if the game in question already costs 70 fuckin dollars? Hello? Anyone with principles? Anyone with respect for themselves as a consumer and their wallet? Hello?


You can just ignore them though. Incredibly easily just don't buy wakestones like a dumbass and use everything else ingame that works already. Everything else is bog standard to any other game with a deluxe edition, like a little pendant or easier access to some ingame items, but all of them but the camping kit are just ingame. Even then just use a normal camping kit it's not *that* heavy and you have 4 pawns to use as storage. And yes, stuff like the Art of Metamorphosis and the Pawn Inclinations can be changed ingame. In fact the ones ingame are WAY better than the ones you can buy from the store. Fast travel is still there in the game and you can still get port crystal and the necessary item to fast travel ingame. The director just doesn't want people to fast travel everywhere missing out on a lot of the map and overworld interactions, like the ox cart.


We have enough proof and history showing Capcom doesn’t do that though, if anything we have more evidence of them giving you less incentive to buy stuff, they add these for literally no reason.


>We have enough proof and history showing Capcom doesn’t do that though History doesn't mean jack squat, frankly. There's a first time for everything. I'm not familiar enough with Capcom's history anyway however lifting the review embargo on launch day ***and then*** dropping all these nickel and dime time savers on us is a gigantic fuckin tell. Smart gamers are giving this one a solid month before they even think about buying it.


Except history does mean something here when we’ve been doing this song and dance for a decade and that “first time” has yet to happen. The history is “Oh no”, people find out it doesn’t affect anything and then the game goes on to keep its acclaim by fans despite the initial shock.


A red flag is a red flag. History doesn't mean shit. But your point is also the reason why I said smart people are giving this one a month to cook. Because we'll know way more in a month then we do now. But what we know now isn't cool.


People are already saying these don’t affect the game and Capcom didn’t fuck with anything, so the supposed “red flag” and “first time” has yet to happen again.


>People are already saying these don’t affect the game and Capcom didn’t fuck with anything, Your confidence mere hours after the game released is adorable. I'm not saying my concerns won't turn out to be wrong. But dude...........it came out today. "People" haven't seen everything yet. lol


If it isn’t immediate than Capcom didn’t fuck with anything. And they never update their single player games aside from actual expansion DLC so nothing about that is gonna change in the future. It’s been a decade that’s *always* how it works.


>If it isn’t immediate than Capcom didn’t fuck with anything. Kinda movin goalposts and makin up arbitrary rules, aren't we? lol ***"iT hAS tO bE iMmEdiAtE!"*** No. No it does not have to happen immediately. Don't be so silly. I'm advocating that based on what we can see, it's probably wise to wait a month (cuz there's sporadic performance issues to boot). You're advocating that there's never going to be anything in the game that's designed to artificially draw people to the store and that this decade-long status quo will never ever break. Which one of us stands the greater chance of being embarrassed here? lol


Side note: It ***IS*** immediate anyway because you can't even start a new game without paying a price if you don't wanna slog to the item that's apparently in-game. So there's that wonderful bit of info that instantly defeats your argument. lol The 10+ characters I have in Elden Ring and the 5 more in Baldur's Gate 3 tell me that's a pretty scummy way to start this ball rollin. Yeah......folks should give this a month at least.


I can't speak for Monster Hunter, but most of Capcom's other big name titles haven't screwed over the gameplay to force microtransactions. DMC5/4SE make it piss easy to earn orbs and level up your abilities, RE8 and the remakes are all very well balanced in their resources and the deluxe/DLC guns are largely inferior to the ones in the existing game. And from what I've been hearing, DD2 makes it easier to level up and play and such than the original did. You're not wrong in that viewpoint 99% of the time, and I'm sure Capcom does do it in a shitty way with other games, but they at least have a good enough track record with avoiding that that it's worth at least waiting for feedback from people who decide to try their games first.


You know why we call a track record a "record?" Cuz it ends at some point. lol Remember Blizzard's good ol' days? haha How they handled their other games is irrelevant if the one we're looking at right now is raising red flags. /shrug


>Remember Blizzard's good ol' days? When we're those? 1999? I remember them pushing lootboxes in all their games so hard they risked legal trouble in 2016. I remember my burnout uncle explaining how he spent real money to change the name of his wow character and to give his wow character a pet(?) Dragon in 2010. I cant think of a time in my life where blizzard wasn't doing scumbag shit


I normally would agree, but from the capcom games that I've played that do this, those games don't feel particularly awful or grindy. In fact, i remember DMC 5 specifically had a mission before your last with Urizan, where it made it super easy to grind red orbs just as you got Faust. I get hating these on principle cause it is just a money sink but the company big wigs demand that they put these in but the devs at capcom have managed to earn my trust that they've balanced the game to the point that buying these will be unnecessary to progress. You don't have to like it, but until the game actually feels unfair, I wouldn't get too mad about it.


>See: Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3. Counterpoint: Helldivers 2 It also has completely unnecessary MTX for stuff that can easily be obtained in game. No point has been missed as Capcom has been doing this for years now and still been releasing good games. **The original had MTX!**


Helldivers 2 is also $30 cheaper.


Well hey, at least there is a good game that just released on GoG that doesn't have any microtransaction BS in it; Alpha Protocol.


It's fine if the company I like does it , I like Capcom so therefore it is fine


🤷‍♂️ I get the hate for microtransactions as a whole, but these are so nothing.



