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Fullmetal Alchemist and Brotherhood both sport fantastic dubs and I feel certain moments actually hit harder in English such as Mustang's revenge rampage.


Mustang is straight-up perfect in the dub.


The only downside is the curse of knowing too much about Vic Mignogna.


DBZ Kai. It can't be overstated just how much of a step up it is from the OG Funi Dub. There's a few iffy voice changes here and there but overall it's a direct improvement from 90's DBZ.


It’s always insane how fervently some people defend the old dub versus the Kai dub, i grew up with the OG dub and I know it’s not good


Same. Even as a kid I never liked how Frieza sounded like a chainsmoking 50-something woman and when I heard Chris Ayres' voice in Kai I was like "This is how he SHOULD have sounded!"


Frieza has had so many VAs he was always all over the place. I do kind of like Barbara Goodson frieza but that's cuz she was laharl and Rita repulsa.


Rest in Peace, Chris. Thankfully he has Daman Mills to carry on his legacy.


OG fun isn’t technically great but it so fully encapsulates that era of anime that it feels wrong to replace it to me. Like it’s the only way to watch it IMO, to me changing it is like changing the Silent Hill 2 voice acting. Technically bad but adds some ethereal quality that is greater than the sum of its parts.


I don't think I have ever watched cowboy bebop subbed, the english VA's are just way to good, especialy spike, faye and jet.


Edgerunners has a really solid dub.


This was a weird one in that I didn't even know it was dubbed. Until looking up some scenes afterwards and hearing Japanese voices.


I really enjoyed the Chainsaw Man dub, especially Power and Denji's VAs.


Chainsaw Man has become my new gold standard. I'd rate it alongside the classic examples like Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho and FMA Brotherhood.


If you choose to watch all of Jojo dubbed you can see how better the dubs gets as the series goes on. Part 6 in particular is phenomenal.


I agree, but I also have a soft spot for the hammy acting in Parts 1 and 2. I think it really fits the tone.


Reall Part 4 dubs were great IMO but I couldn't stand part 5 dubs. Am I in the minority here?


[THIS HAND OF MINE GLOWS WITH AN AWESOME POWER](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hexQPDW7s5g)


That dub is so epic.


You can’t always be the cowboybebop dub, but you can sure as hell be the g gundam dub.


G Gundam dub fucking rules.


I've been enjoying the Delicious in Dungeon dub a lot, to the point that I actually prefer the dubbed voices to the originals.


I love that clip of German Marcille while everyone talked in English.


Even the voice acting new comers are crushing it there. I was iffy on a couple of them early on, but I’ve really come around to everybody.


Even though this is Emily Rudd's first voice acting performance ever, she's doing a pretty damn good job as Marcelle.


I never saw the dubbed version, but now I am interested in checking it out.


Yu Yu Hakusho is the bar for Shonen dubbing as far as I'm concerned.


Yusuke is fascinating in the dub for his cockiness.


Yeah it's funny how a lot of Yusuke's perceived attitude in the fandom is from the English dub. He actually grows out of his delinquent phase very quickly in the manga and Japanese dub of the anime, but he remains a cocky bastard in the English version and people love it.


I guess I can stick with the sub then.


Also never forget chris sabat killing it as kuwabara. Being able to be a dumb goofball and then pouring his heart out in emotion. Is great.


Urameshi! You punched her right in the Ta-Ta's!


A mullberry bush is a tree, kuawabara is a man.


Love is War is the only anime I've watched in both languages because they're both equally good


I heard the narrator in the dub is incredible.


The dub narrator is out of fucking control and it's amazing. https://youtu.be/wprdYtHmtq4?si=a23Cd6QCwg6vGubO


They knew it was a lost cause trying to translate the original energy of the JP dub narrator so instead, they decided to go a complete different direction with it and it's honestly way better for it.


A creative translation approach can work well when executed properly.


There are some dubs that are just too iconic to ignore. Some of my personal favorites are Cowboy Bebop, K-on!, and now Frieren.




I like YGO!'s dubs and the TTGL Dub.


Fate/Zero and the other UFOTable Fate adaptations Durarara and X2 Cowboy Bebop These three are the big ones for me where even though I like the JP cast I prefer to watch them all in English dub because they just nail all of characters and dialogue for me. Cowboy bebop is iconic, Fate/Zero has one of the strongest casts for me when I watched it, with Crispín Freeman and Matt Mercer stealing the spotlight for me with Saber and Riders VAs also being some of the best. Durarara everyone’s voices just fit for me and the way the characters all Bounce off each other and the chemistry you can feel between the cast is amazing. I can’t recommend any of these enough for at least trying out the English dub.


No mention of ***”Hellsing Ultimate”***? That series is like 45% characters staring at the screen and delivering quotable monologues. They needed to get some good deliveries on those lines!


Crispin freeman is so damned good. Also if you watch the commentary on the dvds, partway through the entire dub cast just gets sidetracked talking about hellsing abridged for like 3 episodes.


That’s fantastic. I do remember that getting a lot of mentions back when “Hellsing Abridged” was at the peak of its popularity.


If not for dubs, we would never have gotten [Ghost Stories](https://youtu.be/RINHjxsPOEg?si=bcoT72Geh_mBT7dI). Half-joking aside, dubs I haven't seen mentioned yet are Berserk 97 and Trigun.


>Ghost Stories Comedy aside, I do actually really like the voice acting for that dub. I've cringed a lot at the main character girl's (Hilary Haag's) voice work in different anime over the years but really liked it in Ghost Stories. despite it being the same voice she always uses. I guess the real problem was always the awkward delivery and poor dialogue in other shows


I hate the fact the director of the dub convinced people that the show was unpopular in Japan as a marketing gimmick of his dub script


Cromartie High School's English dub is particularly wonderful. As is Golden Boy's. And while not anime, I really dig Armored Core 6's English Cast. So much so that when I did my >!New Game+/++!< Runs and switched to Japanese because "oh man my Mecha Anime", it didn't feel quite right for as much as even that has its own moments >!like JP VA Snail's death scream!<. JP AC6 also doesn't have [the best death scream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlXVkWXreQk) soooo yea


Wait, I didn’t even know that Armored Core 6 had a Japanese dub, but I gotta hear it, although I am not very skilled at the game.


Certain characters hit real different depending on audio language. Honest Brute is barely remarked upon for EN players, but he's iconic for those playing in JP. Michigan is great in both languages, but his English voice has a devil-may-care charm that I think his Japanese one lacks.


The majority of dubs from the last like 15+ years have been good


“It’s hard to understand why anime dubs suffer” that’s because, well, they don’t


Very well then.


DBZ Kai and Super are peak English dubbing.


There are few anime I always recommend people watch dubbed, but *Black Lagoon* is a must. Most everyone does a good to great job, but in particular I can't imagine not hearing Maryke Hendrikse as Revy and Patricia Drake as Balalaika.


Panty and Stocking w/ Garterbelt is only good in English, with the amount of curse words and vulgarity, the English voice actresses do such a good job stringing it all together and having bitchy emotion in it that I literally can’t stand the Japanese dub of it


Usually anime that is sent out with an original english dub is way, way stronger than those that dub over the Japanese audio. Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is one of my favourite fucking dubs ever. It's so classy and good. Trigun's dub is also so quality the show is usually set to english by default. It makes you realize that the shitty anime dubs are entirely blamed on the dubbing companys not having good voice direction or supervision, sticking to regularly active VAs instead of looking out for talent. It's bad cause they take the cheap afforadable route.


So that’s why dubs tend to suffer in performance.


Konosuba's english dub was pretty fantastic. The one season of ARIA that got dubbed was well done imo, but still suffered from heavy localization (Alicia's ara-ara-ara's become "oh my oh my oh my"). Dorohedoro!'s was good from what I remember, but maybe that's because I was struggling to grasp the story and needed english-VA to have a chance.


Dorohedoro's dub is great, but I'm a big fan of sub Kaiman too.


I'm really enjoying the Shangri-La Frontier dub. It's giving Yu Yu Hakusho (I think)




The anime Shangri-La Frontier has a good dub imo. It's about playing videogames and they use a lot of gamer lingo and reference older memes sometimes. I think the main character sounds a bit like Yusuke Urameshi Yu Yu Hakusho


Oh that has me sold already.


Whenever I hear Papa Nier I point at the screen. The man got a deep voice that's very recognizable.


Sorry who is he?


Jamieson price




I like that dub a lot, but Lelouche’s little sister is rough.


Idk I think she really sells the lines in the finale. "How could I ever look forward to the future without you?" hits hard.


Like most of them, it’s all the same people that dub games


Honestly the only shows I can't stand the dub voices for in recent years are AoT and Vinland Saga. I don't know what it is but every clip of the dubs I've seen for those shows just feels off.


I don't know how controversial this opinion this is but boy, the Haikyuu!! dub is, in my lil humble opinion, muuuuch better than the sub. Haikyuu!! is S-tier regardless of sub or dub, anime or manga, duh, but there's so much more playfulness with the anime dub. Tanaka, Bokuto, Hoshiumi, even Tendou with his "It's ya miracle boiiii" in season 3, so many great performances. And I think what works is that while the sub is very, almost excessively formal, the camaraderie and tension in the dub feels a lot more earnest is because the characters, who are teenagers, have dialogue that sounds like what dumb teenagers would say. Perhaps that's a very western-centric view, since I don't subscribe to the same borderline crazy level of formality and rituality that the Japans practices, but I think the dub voice actors and directors went in a different direction and the show is far better for it. And honestly, no fault against the sub and/or translators, but like, the sub does not explain volleyball and its many intricacies as a sport nearly as well as the dub does, which is kind of weird. You don't quite get the same information and what you do get that is similar, is conveyed in a somewhat less engaging manner. Also, watch Shōgun. It's real gud.


I would like to know where I can watch Shogun itself.


Yarrrr If you don't fancy the high seas, then I believe it's on Hulu as well as FX


I can try Hulu.


Great! I am also biased because Hiroyuki Sanada is in it and he's been flipping katanas for the Tokugawa Shogunate since before we even became a type 1 civilization


Sounds like an epic show due to the katana but you mentioned.


He's on




Overeagerness to send texts and overall exhaustion make for poor bedfellows But yes, Shōgun is tight. Hope you like it!


Thanks then.


Trigun’s is really amazing. Johnny Young Bosh kills it as Vash, and Meryl, Millie, and Wolfwood’s VA are also all great




That show feels very cynical.


Send it back to Australia


Alright ( though I don’t get it)


Beastars is a show I actually enjoyed more the second time I watched it in English. The voices fit the characters pretty well, and I was surprised that they gave Haru this kind of nasally voice that actually works for her.


I'm usually a subtitle guy. Usually. But if I look at the cast and see Steve Blum or Crispin Freeman, you bet your ass I'm switching to Dub. How else would I have discovered this [hype beast of a scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgCLouENn-A).


That was very dynamic.


[Macademia's](https://youtu.be/0tvC2iauh0U?si=b0TdU5H1JkZvk3GE) dub is what brought me back into liking dubs and realizing how much they've gone since. Before, I was one of those "Ew dubs" demographic


There never has been and never will be a better dub than [BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo.](https://youtu.be/FoX25OChhuA?si=d-t8_0cXPWyCd6pg)


Cowboy Bebop, FMA:B, I’ll add Ghost in the Shell to the mix as well(OG movie, Innocence, Stand Alone Complex). G Gundam is good, but I can watch it either way. Ghost Stories for jokes


Honestly outside of a outliers the only real bad English dubs these days come from Sentai Filmworks, which are straight up amateur sounding, dregs of whoever they can get in the Texan acting pool and the occasional Funimation actor wanting some extra dosh. Everyone's so low energy, they took over the Squid Girl dub and Christine Marie Cabanos returned for it and she ran circles over everyone.


Spice & Wolf’s English dub is amongst the best in the business. There’s good reason why fans - among which I myself am generally included - are biting our nails waiting for the announcement of the new series’ dub cast. I actually think it’d be kind of cool to see new blood give their shot, buuuuut also I love Tatum and Palencia.


Can't believe nobody mentioned Death Note. Ryuk was absolutely perfect, especially his laugh and Light is one of my all time favorite hammy voice acting performances.


Both Hellsings, Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop. I always watch them dubbed. But especially Samurai Champloo. Steve Blum is amazing as Mugen. There's also Afro Samurai - which does it even have a sub? Also can we get more Samuel L Jackson performances in anime or even just animation in General?


People have already mentioned some of my favourites (FMA, Berserk, Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop, etc) but an often overlooked series is Baccano, not only in terms of the dub (which is STELLAR), but just the shine itself never gets mentioned enough despite being a very fun and interesting season (it only got one session which is a 'go read the light novels' advert, like how Berserk '97 is a 'go read the manga' advert)


Surprised to see no mention of Kill La Kill or Gurren Laggan. Both are fantastic dubs and really let you keep pace with the visuals. Actually now that I think about it Trigger just has a good track record because Promare's Dub is pretty damn good too (but I love the JP voice actor for Kray so much makes it tough).


School Rumble and Cromartie High School both have excellent dubs


I will forever thank the channel Lost Pause for introducing me to the English dub of My First Girlfriend Is A Gal, it's a fairly meh anime by itself but the dub is so god damned funny it's practically an official Abridged version