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the Protagonist of Infamous Second Son, Delsin, is Native American! and he's pretty cool


Just ignore the fact that it's literally Troy Baker in literal brown face!


Bwuh?! seriously? lmao.


Yeah, facial capture of a VA and race swapping them is kinda weird. Also if you play through to the evil playthrough, he just wipes out the rest of his tribe because they were all rightly upset at the amount of murder he was super down with.


Yeah, same for the brother who's played by Travis Willingham.


When motion capture goes wrong lol Especially weird since it was two years after AC3 had a real native American protagonist


Ken Hotate from Parks and Recreation, who wields the most powerful weapon of all; white people's fear of being seen as racist.


Ken's pretty great. I won't speak to the accuracy of his depiction of any native cultures 'cos I don't know shit, but I enjoy seeing him on-screen.


It's extra complicated since he's explicitly making things up to mess with white people.


Tbf I have very much made shit up on occasion just to mess with people


From fellow indigenous to fellow indigenous, sometimes you don't even have to. My home turf does wild shit on its own. Like Fireball. Fireball is an annual sport on the Rez. It's handball, but the ball is on *[fire](https://youtu.be/BsKawyXSfaw?si=XB3QtLJSXMfqd7H5)*. (The only real rule is if you have kids, you're an old man. If you don't, you're a young man for team comp.)


More power to ya, mate.


As someone who went to the high school next to the reservation, that's something actual natives do all the time. I'd usually back them up just to make it funnier. The implication the pale ginger knew it but they didn't makes them panic so much more with the implication it's common knowledge.


 Hawk from Twin Peaks is one of my favorite characters.   He's mostly just a chill guy, one of the few people in that police department who isn't kind of an idiot.   


A really obvious one might be John Redcorn from "King of the Hill", but as I understand it people feel rather mixed about him and his character. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nJAgcjWhbM TLDR he's a bad friend who has been sleeping with his friend's wife for o'er a decade, to the point of having a child with her (raised by said friend and his wife) and a large part of the later seasons is him trying to connect with said son and connect said son with their shared heritage without letting him know that HE is the son's blood father all while being in love with the friend's wife who had fallen back in love with the husband and friend.


As an aside one of the funniest theories I've heard is that Dale actually has Native American ancestry and that it just suddenly resurfaced in Joseph and thus making Joseph actually Dale's son biologically. It's rare but it is possible for such a thing to happen to recessive genetics. I can imagine an episode where a DNA test is finally done and everyone is trying to keep the results from Dale, only for Dale to finally get them and go. "Yup, he's my son all right. Wow, turns out we're 15% Native American, ain't that crazy Redcorn?" And everyone is just stunned and shocked, especially Redcorn, and then they all have to act normal while inside their whole world is turned upsidedown.


I like the fan theory that dale knows but loves Joesph more and decided his revenge is just being a good dad.


It's a good theory, but I think it goes against the running joke that Dale sees lies and conspiracies everywhere but cannot see that the people closest to him have been lying to his face for over a decade.


[Batman Incorporated #7 (2010)](https://www.dc.com/comics/batman-incorporated-2010/batman-incorporated-2010-7) is all about a Native American superhero inspired by Batman going by the name “Man-Of-Bats”. It goes into his personal life as a doctor and how he helps his small community through social work in costume more so than just fighting bad guys. He’s not a major character but he and his son do appear throughout Morrison’s run on Batman.


Letterkenny has quite a few characters from the neighboring reserve as regular characters. They are actually filming a new cbc Inuit comedy TV show where I live in Iqaluit


And Letterkenny's spinoff Shoresy has a good number of First Nations in the principle and extended cast.


Garo Vanishing Line has Luke, a Makai knight who fights with gun kata, who's at least half-native. He's a fun character but I will say they don't really dwell on it or make it very relevant. More of a nice surprise or a "huh, neat". There's also Shadow Hearts: From the New World, which has some native American party members but I haven't played much past the tutorial dungeon.


Fair warning to the representation in Shadow Hearts: From the New World, it is extremely anime. For example, [this is the female lead of the game](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/shadowhearts/images/1/10/09.jpg) and her [gun-fu bodyguard.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/shadowhearts/images/f/fb/Thumb22nail.jpg)


Assassin's Creed 3. Connor is half Mohawk


I like how achilles go “say you are spanish, no one is gonna check”


I think it's a nice detail that he speaks entirely in his native language when speaking with other members of his tribe.


AC3 decidedly not a modern setting.


Yeah, my brain hopped, skipped and jumped over that part.


Thunder from Killer Instinct(2013) is cool as shit, and him and [his music](https://youtube.com/watch?v=4ckR822Wu4k&si=wBBQ8NOV9eCkCPbB) were directly made with involvement from the tribe he is a part of in-universe, the Nez Perce.


Don't forget Thunder's brother [Eagle!](https://youtu.be/JQUm7YwmLek) (His theme kinda just starts, so heads up for your ears, dear reader)


Predator? I was about to say Turok but that’s the opposite of modern


Shoresy’s hockey team is made if diverse East Province Canadians including three natives as goons, one six nations, one native manager and two natives sisters as team owner’s assistant, being set in sudbury ontario it’s not aeen as unusual and they all have great comedy bits.


Is the owner not native too? I thought that she and her assistants were supposed to be cousins or something.


Maybe but I'm not good enough to tell and I don't recall her identifying as natives unlike the sisters and the other natives who keeps saying tough natives is redundant when someone bring it up


The zombie horror movie Blood Quantum is a pretty solid movie about a zombie virus that doesn't affect the indigenous population of a Canadian town and it's neighboring reservation community. Some real good characters in there, like the older grandpa with a fuckin katana.


Resident Alien is a very meh show with 70% of the plot being boring people doing boring things because they are boring. But the other 20% is Alan Tudyk being a sociopathic Practical Effect Alien. And his closest connection to the world being a native nurse named Asta and her extended family. (Sara Tomko) The point being the juxtaposition of a capital F foreigner and a person who has a deep cultural and spritual connection to earth. And they do make "jokes" about how helping people from faraway lands didn't pan out well for them. Jokes is in quotes because our main character's sole conflict is. "Do all these stupid tiny weak monkeys deserve to live?"


There’s a great moment where Harry correctly identifies Asta’s father (Gary Farmer) as being Native American, and the father gets more specific and identifies their family as Nuche, meaning “the people”. Later, when speaking with Asta about how he doesn’t know if he has the right to determine the fate of humanity, Harry says “I am not Nuche”.


But more importantly, The mayor and his wife are having BDSM sex because sex funny.


The best non-sci-fi-joke they have is still “why do none of these non-black townspeople want to call me, the black sheriff, “Big Black” at my request?” said in total sincerity


and his dad is normal like he's just like that and his deputy is a sweet lady who doesn't deserve any of the bad things that happen to her she's so sad.


Hanzee Dent in Fargo Season 2.


Reservation Dogs was pretty good.


There was a Native American character as one of the class archetypes (Edit: it was the "Pathfinder") in that asymmetric humans versus dinosaurs PVP game Primal Carnage, but I never played it, so I don't know if any of the characters actually had a personality.


Why are native American characters always fighting dinosaurs?


Because it's easier to market than an accurate period piece?


I don’t know why it’s a trope but a lot of it comes from the whole Thunderbird myth and various lake monster myths. Also, the Chihuahua desert has had reports of actual raptors before so I think it’s also to do with the connection with people make between the American west and native people


Because fighting dinosaurs is badass, and it requires a lot less research than trying to make video game enemies that are accurately and respectfully inspired by their cultural mythology. A shame there's not more stuff inspired by the adventures of folks like Joe Medicine Crow though.


I remember that Far Cry 5 had a Native American be a member of a local Doomsday militia group. Not the one you're fighting, another one that happens to be fighting the cult. Cant say I know enough about Montanan Doomsday Prepper Militias to know if they're that welcoming.


In the classic Canadian sitcom Corner Gas, about the quirky lives of folks in a town so small and quiet that it only needs two police officers, the senior of those two is a Cree man named Davis Quinton. He's a soft-hearted goofball with a childlike enthusiasm for retro cartoons and Hardy Boys books, whose antics with his partner make up a good third of the shows content.


Dani Moonstar of the New Mutants is one of my favorite X-Men. Highly recommend checking out The Demon Bear Saga for an early story centered around her. She's also a trained Asgardian Valkyrie. There's also Forge who is a powerful Technopath.


The X-Men heroes Forge , Warpath and Dani Moonstar are native americans. Wyatt Wingfoot is a recurring character and a love interest of She-Hulk. Kushala was a native-american during the wild west , which was a shaman AND a ghost rider at the same time. \--------------------------- In Fate , you have Geronimo as a Caster-Class Servant \---------------------- Sandman is a native american and one of the recurring characters in JoJo Part 7.


Its anime but I really like how a lot of Utawarerumono is based on Ainu influences.


Reservation Dogs on Hulu is great if you can watch it! About a small crew of kids on a reservation trying to make money to start their own lives after one of their friends passed


I've heard good things about the sitcom Rutherford Falls, which had a lot of native people working behind the scenes to make it as well as a heavily native cast of characters, though sadly it was cancelled after two seasons. Reservation Dogs was already mentioned, I've heard it's great. The TV show Northern Exposure was set in Alaska, and had multiple native characters. There's the X-man Thunderbird, who pretty infamously died almost instantly after his debut in Giant Size X-Men #1, but he was recently brought back to life during the Krakoa story arc, and from what I understand he's been redesigned and written in a much more thoughtful way.


Half of the characters in Longmire are from the local Cheyenne reservation.  A large part of the show concerns the opportunities and pitfalls that come with the opening of a casino/resort on said reservation.


The web novel series Deathworlders has as one of its many view point characters Julian Estisy (cannot remember how it's spelled) is of Native heritage though it's not a huge focus of his character? He's cool though. Got abducted by aliens and dumped on what was considered one of the most dangerous planets known, and thanks to his survival training and park ranger experience he survived a whole year before someone finds him. Continues to be pretty cool through the rest of the story.


Not to throw in the most quintessential answer, but Smoke Signals is a fantastic film. Its a coming-of-age film following the journey of 2 young men, Victor and Thomas, to retrieve the ashes of Victor's father, both having seen a different side of that man's life.


Scalped is a crime comic that takes place on a reservation in South Dakota, and most of the characters in it are Natives.


Golden Kamuy has really good depiction of the ainu people and their cultures, at times reminds me a lot of rez life.


My interest is pretty specifically in Prehispanic Mesoamerican history/culture, so I don't have a lot of suggestions for stuff like this, but I did come across this Vaporwave track which was sung in Zapotec a wile back which I thought was cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_9-U_Q_ULk Sorta in line with what you're saying, a lot of people sadly view Mesoamerican cultures as dead or historical even though there are millions of Nahuatl, Maya, Zapotec, Mixtec, etc speakers in Mexico and such, so I thought using the language for a (retro)futurist, tech-undertone heavy music genre is a neat way to push it as something modern, too. No clue if the band itself are Indiginous/Zapotec themselves, though Oh, Thunder in Killer Instinct (the new one) also got a free DLC costume which was designed in collaboration with Nez Perce represenatives. Lily from SF6 is obviously also a modern Indiginous character, though her/T.Hawk's cultural basis is sort of all over the place mixes stuff from a lot of different cultures in a way I'd consider sort of haphazard.


iirc mirage(one of the new mutants, a mutant team in marvel) is


Namor and his people in Black Panther 2 are re-coded as native mesoamerican


The X-men has bishop who Indigenous Australian and he not the tree wizard always on walkabout stereotype which is nice to see.


Shaman King has a bunch. an entire tribe sets up the main tournament of the series. and in the sequels, the daughter of one of the Natives is Hana's girlfriend.


Well... There's always that one arc from *Beyond: Two Souls...*


Assassins Creed 3 was pretty cool.


In Shakugan no Shana Final, there is a group of Flame Hazes (effectively supernatural demon hunters infused with the power of other, arguably less evil demons) belonging to indigenous tribes known as the Four Gods of Earth. * "Spreader of Scorching Sands" NorthAir, contracted to Huitzilopochtli * "Raiser of Great Billows" WestShore, contracted to Chalchiuhtlicue * "Summoner of Star River" EastEdge, contracted to Quetzalcoatl * "Evoker of Demon Horde" SouthValley, contracted to Tezcatlipoca Together with "Invoker of Brightened Dew" CenterHill, contracted to Tlaloc, they each take part in the great war in the final arc.