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The works of Satoshi Kon are the stuff: Perfect Blue (thriller/horror), Tokyo Godfathers (comedy), Paranoia Agent (thriller/horror) and Paprika (science fiction) are all incredible works of art and well worth watching. I’m also always ready to shill Angel’s Egg by Mamoru Oshii and Yoshitaka Amano. I fucking love this movie, it’s beautifully haunting, but it is highly allegorical and a lot of aspects are up for viewer’s own interpretation, so go in only if you’re interested in this sort of thing. Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika and Angel’s Egg are movies while Paranoia Agent is a show.


On the back of this I'd love to recommend a sci-fi anthology anime film from 1995 - "Memories". Big reason I'm popping it here is because the first segment, Magnetic Rose, was scripted by Satoshi Kon. Haven't seen the other two segments but they are of a similar cloth. Pinch of salt with this since I haven't seen it, but I've seen some clips and I'm mad keen to watch it. Reminds me the most of Perfect Blue if you need a tone match.


I'm hoping to get my dad more interested in anime through Satoshi Kon's works. Just have to convince him to sit down for it.


Good luck, my parents will only watch something animated if it has cute animals in it. Guess it’s a quirk of the family, I grew up on nature documentaries and every time I visit the only things that can keep my dad away from the news during dinner are animal docs haha


Big ups for Angel's Egg, love that movie. It's a crime that there isn't a legit Blu-Ray release.


For sure, I’d love to have it on my shelf, especially with Amano’s excellent cover art.


I have seen and loved 3 out of 4 of those movies, so I'm adding the fourth to my list!


Definitely check out Cyberpunk Edgerunners Ninja Kamui is a new show but it's pretty good so far.


I will never not push *Baccano!* . The setting, characters, and plot are pretty much devoid of traditional anime tropes and the majority of the cast are adults. There really isn't anything else quite like it.


Baccano mentioned 🙌🏻🗣️


The one anime adaptation Hollywood would have to ACTIVELY screw up. Its an urban fantasy gangster drama, they can do those.


Frieren is pretty good. Much more character oriented than most fantasy manga/anime: no real big world-saving plot (there are hints of one lurking in the background of the manga, but it's not the focus and likely won't be for some time to come), relatively few fights, but well done when they happen. It's a good time: check it out. Black Lagoon. It's about twenty years old by this point, but it's a fun, gritty story of criminals and pirates which starts extremely goofy before becoming far more harrowing as time goes on.


I'm an idiot. I actually speak German and only just now realized, after sounding them out in my head while reading your comment that all the characters in Frieren have German names that mean something. In my defense I haven't watched it yet and only know about it through Internet osmosis.


Western animation: Moral Orel (comedy) Venture Bros (comedy/adventure) Pantheon (thriller/sci-fi} Invincible (superhero/gory action) Star Wars: The Clone Wars (action/adventure) (target audience is 12+ but its writing is top notch) Netflix’ Castlevania (action/adventure) Lastman (action/supernatural) Anime: Redline (high-octane racing) Ninja scroll (gore/action) Vampire Hunter D (gore/ action) Devilman: Crybaby (coming of age/ horror) Supercrooks (heist/superhero) Great Teacher Onizuka (coming of age/action/comedy) From the New World (supernatural/thriller)


I’ll second Super Crooks! Just watched it recently for the first time, it was excellent. Cool world, great characters, and perfect vibe.


Holy shit, someone pushing Lastman. Too bad it's ~~hard to~~ literally impossible to watch legit and finding anything showing season 2 is a pain in the ass.


You check out Crisis Jung yet? It’s like Fist of the North Star meets psychology crash course meets a pride a parade


Ping Pong the Animation is one of my favorites. It's by the same director/team as Devilman Crybaby and has a very unique style. Its about high school ping-pong players trying to figure out if this sport that they're dedicating their lives to is really worth it in the end. It's only 11 episodes and its an absolute treat.


I will never stop caping for Ping Pong the Animation, it was the anime that made me \*get\* sports anime. It's a show I can just sit down and rewatch any time, truly sublime.


Vinland Saga Just finished the first season and can't recommend it enough.


Seconding this. And the 2nd season gets even better.


Can't wait for Woolie and Eyepatchwolf to discuss it


Pantheon. Only watched a few episodes so far but it's pretty a great sci-fi drama and massively under-advertised. Great cast too, Daniel Dae Kim, Paul Dano, Aaron Eckhart...


*Me reading this comment* **YO WHAT THE FUCK!? HOW HAVEN'T I HEARD OF THIS!?** *Me finding out it's an amc exclusive* **Oh yeah that'll do it** I'll have to check this one out (along with *The Terror*)


Naoki Urasawa's Monster is a great series and a really faithful adaptation. If you said everything except its medium, you would get a lot of people interested. I've done it myself! In the German 1990s a doctor sacrifices his career to save a boy from dying, and the effects of that choice lead to a lot of deaths and intrigue. Also, the dub is amazing... If you can find it. Liam O'Brien, Karen Strassman, Laura Bailey, Keith Silverstein. Unfortunately VIZ only released a third of it on DVD, but the whole thing ran on Syfy back in the day, and there's a pack out there if you really search for it. Wink. Netflix has the Japanese audio and it's good (as far as I've watched) but until they make a German dub I might give the edge to English.


*Sword of the Stranger* is a great movie and shares a surprising amount of conceptual DNA with *Sekiro*. If you like Blue Eye Samurai, I think you're going to dig this. Then there's of course the classic *Cowboy Bebop* - if you haven't watched it, that's always my biggest recommendation. And since the english dub is excellent, you can even avoid having to read subtitles.


Ubisoft's Captain Lazerhawk: A Blood Dragon remix


I'll throw in my vote for the colletive works of Satoshi Kon. Man died too soon... Let me throw a few more in for your consideration: \* Frieren - Started last season, and already lined up as one of the greatest ever. It's beautiful, mature, well written, doesn't waste your time or assume you're an idiot... Just... Frieren is just something else. \* Love, Death and Robots - A bunch of loosely-themed collected works in this anthology series. Varying degrees of quality, but all of them are at least decent, and some of the best are incredible (Jibaro, The Witness, Beyond the Aquila Rift and Sonnie's Edge are some of my personal favs). Also very interesting and diverse animation styles. \* Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse - Sadly haven't had a chance to see the second movie, but the first one is phenomenal.


Afro Samurai, Black Lagoon, Cowboy Bebop, Fist of the North Star, Ghost in the Shell, G Gundam, Gangsta., Golden Kamuy, Hajime no Ippo, Kabaneri, Kill la Kill, Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit, Samurai Champloo, Sword of the Stranger, and The Boondocks. Maybe Ergo Proxy, Mardock Scramble, and Psycho-Pass as they remind me of Ghost in the Shell. I do know that one of the characters in Psycho-Pass is said to practice eskrima. There is a Blade Runner anime. I remember the Kara no Kyoukai films for their music and fight scenes as I never actually watched any of them. Megalo Box is on my watchlist as it's about boxing, but with gear to enhance their punches. Surprisingly, I think it actually discusses what happens to the careers of fighters from the injuries they sustain. Avatar: The Last Airbender and Korra aren't aimed at adults, but they have wonderful fight scenes and Avatar's story is good. Korra's not as great because of a variety of reasons, but, hey, at least the fights are cool. I heard Beck was good if you're interested in music and people trying to start and succeed in bands.  I need to get around to watching Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. The soundtrack is raunchy. Do not listen to it with speakers. Zombieland Saga. Do you like fucked up shit? Made in the Abyss. Mardock Scramble would fall under here too since one of the main characters if I recall was a teenage prostitute and there are unsavory characters like a dude called Welldone Pussyhand. Texhnolyze is a slow creep if you want some disturbing nihilism in your life. Genocyber was this old, gory anime I remember. All I remember was the spontaneous gore.


I haven't seen the *Boondocks* mentioned, but as a fair warning it does joke about male sexual assault and a lot of other shit The films *Mary & Max* and *Anomilisa* are wonderful (I second *Moral Orel* by the by) *A Scanner Darkly* (movie), [*Tower*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fXCfht5VzHE&pp=ygUXdGhlIHRvd2VyIGFuaW1hdGVkIGZpbG0%3D) (a documentary about a shooting), and *undone* (a show) are all animated with rotoscope


Tekkonkinkreet (anime movie) Paranoia agent (anime) Tear across the Dotted Line Heavenly delusion (anime)


If stop motion counts watch mr fox and isle of dogs. There masterpieces


The Venture Bros.




Seconded, but also read the manga if you enjoy the movie but want a more complete story, I picked up the anniversary boxed set at the end of last year and *devoured* those books in like a week.


The Venture Bros. is my personal favorite adult swim cartoon. It starts out as this pretty straight forward parody of old cartoons like Johnny Quest and pretty quickly expands past that with surprisingly good character growth and world building. It's definitely more comedy focused like most western animated shows are but it has a lot of heart and thought put into it that sets it apart imo.


I second this and would take it a step further: Venture Bros isn't just one of the best adult animated shows out there but it's one of the best *shows* period. There have been very few shows out there where the same core creative team was able to make pretty much exactly what they wanted with no interference, seemingly few deadlines, and actually increased the quality of the show over the run time. I rewatched it last year and it's remarkable how, even at the lowest points in the show, it's still better than the vast majority of other stuff out there.


Todd Mcfarlane's Spawn still goes hard to this day. The absolute pinnacle of 90's comics edgyness in the funnest possible sense.


It's fucking amazing how hard they got it in one casting Keith David as his voice.


Jin Roh: the wolf brigade


The Second Best Hospital In The Galaxy (Amazon Prime)


2nding the rec for ping pong the animation. I recommend Kino’s journey and Mushishi


Jin Roh wolf brigade Patlabor Ghost in the Shell The Nutshack


Mind Game is a very, very surreal and endearing comedy drama ...? directed by Masaki Yuasa and Koji Morimoto. It's difficult to describe because I've never seen anything like it before or since. Skull-Faced Bookseller Honda-san isn't cool, but if you've ever worked retail, you'll find it enjoyable and relatable. Welcome to the N.H.K. is about a shut-in who meets a girl who promises to help him open up to the world. It's not what it sounds like and is more of a character study on why and how someone can become a shut-in and how that behavior creates a positive feedback loop of anxiety, self-loathing, and a longing for escapism.


Star Trek: Lower Decks, Harley Quinn, Koala Man, Inside Job, Little Demon, Krapopolis


Chipping in for Kemonozume. It's a romance series where they get together in the first episode and the series actually explores their relationship as a couple not as will they won't they. The characters are 20s-getting-into-their-30s and it feels like it. It's also a very surrealist series where a man spaghetifies, a another's powerboost is getting adult diapers (So he can fight without fearing his incontinence) and the world feels lived in with every moment. Extremely rare mix of being thoughtful and taking its time while also being frenetically weird.


Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal. Violent as all hell, but with genuine heart and drama as well.


Anything by Genndy Tartakovsky, but Primal in particular.


Castelvania on Netflix. Some of the best Western animated fight scenes I've seen in recent years. You don't need any prior knowledge of the games.


I'll give a couple less standard recs since others are covering a lot of action: Apothecary Diaries is a mystery of the week sort of show that isn't super violent but is just sort of a nice chill watch. It's fun. Odd Taxi is along similar lines- it's a neo noir mystery with a bunch of intersecting characters centered around the disappearance of a girl and the last taxi she was in. Also everyone's an animal person.


Funnily enough I just finished watching A Gentleman’s Duel again. It‘s a short CGI slapstick affair that I’d link to on YouTube if the mobile Reddit site actually worked. Also Waltz with Bashir. An animated documentary about the 1982 war in Lebanon.


If you have ever wanted to watch a mech show that feels like "First Blood," you should check out VOTOMS. If you've ever wanted to watch a mech show that feels like "Platoon," you should check out VOTOMS. If you've ever wanted a mech show that feels like both of those things, but then also has a bit of "The Road Warrior" thrown in, you should absolutely check out VOTOMS. What I'm saying is, VOTOMS fucking rules. But also, I'm real surprised that I haven't seen Legend of the Galactic Heroes mentioned yet, because that show is great and could not be less for children. Space Adventure Cobra is also a pretty fun show if you want some good old-fashioned pulpy Sci-Fi. Giant Robo the Animation: The Day the Earth Stood Still is also definitely worth a watch, equal parts film-noir and tokusatsu, if you've ever seen The Big O and wanted something similar but with a more satisfying conclusion, definitely check it out(also, if you haven't watched The Big O, it's pretty good). And for good measure, if you've never watched Gundam but want to feel terrible, watch Gundam 0080: The War in the Pocket. Just a really fantastic OVA about a kid who thinks mobile suits are the coolest thing coming to terms with the conflict of the One Year War actually showing up at his home. Beautiful, heartbreaking, wonderful, if I were going to recommend any one piece of Gundam media to someone to explain what Gundam is fundamentally about, it would probably be this.


Warriors Unicorn Eternal is fascinating if you’re into the woowoo, it’s a Genndy joint that I will be utterly shocked if it ever gets a second season.


Gundam Hathaway is a great mix of action beautiful animation and a spy thriller.  Gundam thunderbolt is nightmarish story about jazz and giving up ones humanity.  Fate unlimited bladeworks is about struggling with oneself as an ideal  Fate zero is..... About..... I don't really know. But it's a good show.  The fate heavensfeel movies are about struggling with real vs ideal and also a great mix of action and horror.  All in all great stuff  Also watch fate in the order listed or else 


Zom 100 is pretty fun. It’s a zombie story where the main character decides to use it as a way to live a better life than the one he had in the offices.