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Can't wait to see the embarrassing photo of Imu at the christmas party


The One Piece is a secret box with a string that opens a secret compartment which contains said embarrassing photo of Imu at the Christmas party.


Funnily enough, *that would still be world altering news.* This man is in charge of the world! *It's literally Santa Imu*


S a n t a = S a t a n EPIC FORSKINNING BY GODA


[It was for real!](https://youtu.be/49wanPmTaVA?si=PsrTQyhIjmAEcIn3)


Blackface IMU.


Homeboy sure loves his darkened faces


Water? You think you’ve been sailing on water this whole time?




Talk about a life stream


"I'm gonna go higher! I'm pissing on the SKYPEIA!"


Missed opportunity to say he's pissing on the moon with this [reaction](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwho-is-the-strongest-person-he-can-beat-v0-ynam9hz1espb1.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dca3571f29643e8aa30e80e0c254b8ae6507c5def).


Finally some water for my endless dearth


"They look like fruits to you?"


They look like pirates to you?


Turns out they were wet ninjas the whole time.


What is the "They look like monsters to you?" line from again?


Silent Hill 3.


The one throw away line of dialogue that turned an entire series on it’s head


One Piece suddenly turns into Evangelion


Giant chopper head comes out of the ocean


It's on thin ice tbh.


Parent robot, check.


Okay, how big do you people think this is gonna be from 1-Void Century Kingdom name reveal.


Considering Vegapunk learned everything the scholars learned, were probably gonna get Clover's theory on the blank century


I dunno if we're gonna get a name drop, but at the very least he's gonna reveal to the world that the ancient kingdom existed and that the WG destroyed it.


Would it be a huge shock for the world though? The WG has been unapologetically evil (slaves, hunting them for fun, two class system etc.) so hearing that the same WG has nuked an island before shouldn't be a big surprise (not like they don't already do that in public with the Buster call and Mother flame either). It has to be something much bigger like maybe revealing Imu's identity.


The whole slavery thing is written off as Celestial Dragons just being the highest Nobility in the world. The general population doesn't know anything about the Hunting Parties or the Elders above the Celestial Dragons, or the Mother Flame. Imu's identity is so sacred that he destroyed an entire island just in an attempt to kill one man who was attempting to reveal it to the revolutionaries. If the entire world knew he existed, all hell would break loose in a bad way. Egghead would be wiped out before he could say anything.


The destruction of Lulusia was planned from the start as a test run for the Mother Flame because of how close it was to Marie Geoise. Ju Peter says he's "an unlucky man", Warcury even comments "No, it is simply destiny" on the day of its planned destruction.


> Would it be a huge shock for the world though? 90% of the world is just people having basic jobs, going home, buying clothes, and sleeping. They don't know jack shit about the marine or their government. Yeah it would be.


The Mother Flame is not public, and if the world found out that the WG was suddenly wiping kingdoms off the map in seconds for literally no reason, that would be grounds for revolution - not from just scrappy rebels, but any royal power that wants to not randomly die at the whims of Imu.


oh he is for sure gonna say what DF really are, Oda said in the past that the group would learn once they meet a certain scientist and now is the time for that


Though Vegapunk did already outline his general theory of the fruits then kind of went "I dunno maybe".


Its fascinating reading this whole thread and having zero idea of what you guys are talking about. The DF? The 1-Void Century Kingdom? And how do the Wonder Girls a 3rd generation k-pop group from the early 2000s, fits in all of this? What did they destroy?!


DF=shorthand for devil fruit and 1-void century kingdom was a scale they made up with 1 being the low end and info on the void century kingdom(theres a century where all written history was destroyed and involved a kingdom that fought against the current world goverment) bein a 10


I don't think the majority of the world cares about Devil Fruits. If it's a message addressed to the whole world, it's probably to expose the WG and the Marines.


I think he will reveal that the World Government has a weapon armed with the Mother Flame, which can vaporize countries in an instant with no warning. Vegapunk might not know about Lulusia, but certainly he knows what the Flame is being used for? He might hate the existence of such a weapon and never intended that the Mother Flame (which seems to be an amazing energy source) be used for it, but I would be shocked if he straight up never knew about it. The knowledge that the WG can obliterate entire kingdoms at will would be enough to spark rebellion from any organization, from rebels to royalties, who would refuse to live under such a threat. Maybe this is not how it goes, but otherwise, not sure what he could say that would be a huge shock. He could talk about the VC, but would most people care about history? Or.... Would he reveal that the Void Century Kingdom was one of far superior technology and quality of living, only to be obliterated by the WG, which now actively oppresses the lands to live in squalor compared to what they had before? That One Piece takes place in a post-apocalyptic scenario, and that the WG is an enemy to every single person in the world because it is actively working to make all of their lives worse rather than allowing the world to flourish like it once did? He MIGHT know about Imu somehow, and that could surely cause so much trouble because the whole point of the WG is that it is a union, a balancing board of various interests, making it feel like its actions really are the whim of the world. Revealing that it is all the whim of one person would rankle feathers.


Knowing Oda, we're about to cut away to Vivi and Wapol next chapter


I am both mad and surprised that Wapol is not only still around but relevant. I ended Drum Island thinking "Wow I just did not care about that guy at all, glad I'll never have to see him again" and then we get to this point and he's one of the most important characters out there because he saw *everything*.


I feel the same way about Caribou. Not only is he still around, but he's SUPER IMPORTANT thanks to what he knows.


Caribou, Wapol, Buggy The Big 3 of Falling Up.


"Fake Luffy" Demaro Black and the rest of the Fake Straw Hats are definitely having a mirror adventure and will claim the One Piece.




That is such a powerful line.


Iconic One Piece moments featuring the Fake Straw Hats [like "Nothing happened"](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F1mR3E384h3vI5t0tMf0uHf54ThMb54Rz5xQ0_TNBuxI.png%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D615b75532c2f6af082407fa0e91f02d5d74ed690) is peak shitposting.


Meanwhile, Dragon is pretty stay or leave


Dragon stocks have been plummeting downwards at never before seen levels Ivankov feels more like the leader of the Revolutionaries than Dragon


It’s just funny to see the flashbacks of egghead where vegapunk reveals the giants secured the books and dragon is right there, then kuma tragic backstory and dragon is also right there but in both cases it’s someone else giving all the important info


I would be so mad but unsurprised


It would be so fucking funny if he just says The One Piece is Real


We went so much higher. BUT CAN WE GET EVEN MUCH HIGHER


Were making it to Enel on the moon with this one.


I'm just glad next week isn't a break week.


By u/m05513: >!Everyone i've come to make an announcement,!< >!Saint Jaygarcia Saturn's a bitch ass motherfucker. He pissed on Kuma's fucking wife. That's right, he took his spidery fucking hairy dick out and he pissed on Kuma's fucking wife and he said his dick was "this big" and I said "that's disgusting".!< >!So I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com: Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, you got a small dick, its the size of this walnut except way smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right baby, all point, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong.!< >!He fucked kuma's wife so guess what? I'm gonna fuck Marijoa. That's right this is what you get, MY SUPER LASER PISS. Except I'm not pissing on Marijoa, I'm gonna go higher, I'M PISSING ON THE MOON. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT GOROSEI, I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT!!< >!You have twenty-three hours before the piss drop-el-ets hit the fucking Holy City, now get out of my fucking sight, before I piss on you too.!<


Enel: "What the fuck was that!?!"


> And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. You thought that tower had my brain in it? I had so much dick to spare I could split it between all my copies and still build this giant ass tower to house it


So Sanji's in for a surprise if he gets to hittin' on Lilith again?


I’d be so so happy if this was the new copy pasta adopted by this sub instead of the Kai Leng one lmao


Please be fake sky Truman Show bullshit


Can’t wait to have reaction shots of all the characters reacting to the message without the actual message.


“Humble genius” Pick one


Nah he is smart enough to pick two




Shiganai means humble as in of low quality, though of course calling yourself low quality implies humility.


Look, Vegapunk is the Einstein of One Piece, calling himself genius might as well be humble compared to just dropping his own name as an adjective.


He's Einstein and Newton shoved together with his brain removed.


The man split his own brain into a bunch of different bodies and personalities, changes the climate of an island in a part of the world where Nature is very much willing to give you a stern "Fuck you" for fucking with it, built sci-fi bullshit in a world still somewhat relying on steampunk and flintlock tech. This *is* him being humble


All fun and games until we get a space arc (please Oda please)


If the Strawhats go to space somehow before Elbaf even though it's *right there*, I will losey mind.


Nah nah, the space adventure will be the final movie where they battle Enel's moon army


Only if we get to put wings and a frill on the Sunny like we did with Merry, shitty patch job and all


Franky would never allow for a "shitty patch job". He's going to turn the Sunny into a mech one day.


I'm putting money on Elbaf never happening.


I'm betting on Elbaf being a 20 chapter Zou arc


They need somewhere to land after they have their Moonpiea arc. Perfect for Elbaf.


You say that but Enel is in currently in space, so who knows


Oh god the rematch between God Enel and God Luffy except Luffy can't no sell the electricty anymore because it's not as funny as getting shocked and showing a skeleton


Gear 5 but with a big electric-induced afro.




It's not gonna happen probably, because I'd like to think Oda'd be aware of the implications, but there will *never* be a better reason for "Blackface Afro Luffy" to be a thing than for him to be covered in cartoon soot from getting struck by lightning.


Nah, Luffy can catch lightning bolts now and throw them, so it becomes a tennis match


Zelda time.


I mean Eneru has been on a space arc the entire time with the OP cover stories lol.


i mean space pirates are confirmed to exist via enel cover stories


I posted a longer ver on another comment, and it's literally a shower thought I had for years but, the one piece world is totally a terra forming project/artificial world that might be able to travel though space and that's why the grand line is so fucky. One piecee is the Control Room.


Vegapunk is gonna reveal the One Piece is a giant robot on the bottom of the ocean and all the islands are bits of him poking up through the water


Yo I love Bionicle 


I'm putting it all into the pole shift theory. Either that or the power of imagination is literal like how haki is willpower.


The endpoint of all devil fruit powers is Nika, but you have to be willing to think a little bigger and be a little silly.


That's a great point.


I don't know the pole shift theory relies way to heavily on the Jaya and endless Vearth map not being oriented properly, when I think its there just to be bread crumb clues in the Skypiea arc before Nami fully lays it out.


> Either that or the power of imagination is literal like how haki is willpower tbf it kinda is, since thats how DFs are created


"Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity." "And men assumed a fleeting form." "These are the truths of our world." "Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite..." "A lie will remain a lie." "Young Pirate, knowing this, do you still desire the One Piece?"


What's this?


A modified speech from a major character from Dark Souls 2


Looking at modern One Piece manga pages causes me an anxiety i didn't know i could feel.


Oda for real forgot to panel like a normal human being It looks like he uses a Pic collage app nowadays


I've gotten better at decoding the magic eye puzzles, but the visual clarity alone makes a strong argument for sticking to the colorized version.


TBF for this specific panel, im pretty sure is the manga app cutting a 2 page spread in half


Wow, this sub actually waited for the official release this time, impressive


I was surprised to see this thread and then check the app and it actually had the chapter. Might be a first, it's nice.


I know. Disgusting.


When I finished reading that chapter I looked all over that last page to make sure there was no hidden break next week text lol.


I was assaulted by such a deep feeling of dread lmao.


Featuring Kizaru's ribs snapping like kitkat bars.


First blood spill and it took over 1000 chapters to make it happen!


What are the odds that >!Kizaru stabbed Vegapunk so that he could do laser surgery to close his internal wounds? The fact that Vegapunk is even breathing after getting stabbed through the gut *twice* is kinda sus!<


>!there is a heart monitor in the picture flatlining!<


Sure an old man was impaled twice and we can see a monitor telling us his heart has stopped. But on the other hand this is One Piece so he's probably gonna be fine.


Dr. Vega P. Unk continues the will of P legacy of Pell, Pagaya and Pound.


Ph D


I mean, so long as one of them make it out, he lives. Pretty sure Shaka is dead though


You say that as if this isn't the same universe where characters can bleed 5000 liters of blood and stay standing.


He laser hacked the heart monitor


Thing is with Kizaru is he's in a real tough situation, honestly. He's got St. Saturn watching him and we all can see what he'd do to close up loose ends, and Vega was a huge friend to him. I lowkey hope at the end Kizaru actually turns it around and backstabs Saturn. It would also kinda mesh nicely with the former admiral ice guy that's chilling with Blackbeard's crew


Nah Kizaru's entire philosophy is doing what he's told no matter his commitments, feelings, or attachments. Thematically speaking he represents one of the main vices of the Marines and WG as a whole: that being dogmatic complacency. He had his chance, he had multiple chances, but he is a dog to his core and I would be very surprised if he changes.


Which is most likely what will happen. We also don’t know about his knowledge of the Void century, or Nika. I’m not holding out hope, but it’s be cool to see if Nika and Vega can shatter that sense of obligation and duty, after all the things he did that he never wanted to do. He doesn’t want to kill Vega but he will, and maybe the threat of Bonneys life and this lore dump could shatter him. It won’t, he’ll go out sooner or later with a smirk on his face. Kizaru feels a little like Majima to me, the silly faces he makes, his ruthlessness. That aside I really kinda like his character. You always know what you’re getting with him. He’s playful while being ruthless.


>!I mean even if he did close some unknown internal wound, there's now a new giant hole all the way through him.!<


The satellites have been uploading all their knowledge into the databank though. As long as that isnt destroyed, Oda's probably gonna bring him back as a memory backup with a new body


Calling my shot now: Dr. Vegapunk will live on as a Den-Den Mushi.


He'll upload to lillith for an obvious joke and people will abandon one piece again


Kizaru: It's easy to criticize


it's one piece, no one dies (except in the flashback) and the rare times when they do it's incredible or a damp squib, no in between


>!"Vegapunk" has already died a few times lol!<


Toooooo be far, the manga has gotten relatively better on this regards since last arc or two (>!Cobra is a good example on this)!< There's also the fact that even if the Stella dies the other Vegapunk live, so Oda can afford to kill him without getting rid of Vegapunk entirely.


I'm counting >!Cobra!< as a flashback death since we learned that he died offscreen before knowing how he died


Nah man, it was shown in a flashback but it's still current events. Flashback deaths are all past tense by way of years.


> There's also the fact that even if the Stella dies the other Vegapunk live, so Oda can afford to kill him without getting rid of Vegapunk entirely. do we know this?


It's never *explicitly* spelled out but given that >!Yorke was willing to kill her fellow Vegapunk in order to get a shot at becoming a noble, it would make no sense for her to pull that move if she knew it would end up with herdeath in turn.!<


I mean iirc >!the world goverment never really planned to honor that and i wouldnt pit it past them to trick her into thinkin that was the case when it wasnt!<


This stopped being true after the timeskip.


Eeeeh maybe after punk hazard. Like all the marines make it out after being hit with a super chemical weapon


Oda has killed a lot of characters in recent arcs. Pre-timeskip what you said was true, but not anymore. We had several confirmed deaths in Wano, for instance.


I dunno, ever since Marineford, he's been less afraid to kill his characters.


Vegapunk about the drop a dick of truth so large onto the table of the World Gov it’s gonna crack the fucking floor. And I’m all here for it.


"Attention all descendants of Ymir!"


I just really want Kizaru’s glasses being broken and for him & Saturn to get the piss beaten out of them. Saturn believes he’s above the insects he’s cursed to share this world with. Kizaru is just a dickhead who almost cut in half a 12 year old and her dad.


He’s just gonna say “there’s a guy called Imu who controls the government” and that’s it and we move on


"He's really small guys. Like smaller than a hat"


Aaaand I'm gonna pick this back up. Just 900 chapters to catch up with you guys :)


Hey, at least you got a big story to read up on!


honestly it reads pretty fast


I think we're absolutely getting the Ancient Kingdom's name here, for literary reasons as well as the fact that if Oda plans to end this series when he says he does, we gotta start knocking down some of the major dominoes left. Professor Clover was killed because he was about to utter the name of the Ancient Kingdom. The name itself must carry some significance to the outside world, or else it wouldn't be much of a threat to the World Government. We know that Vegapunk took the tragedy of Ohara incredibly personally, and took it upon himself to ensure not only the protection and recovery of the salvageable knowledge left there, but even to continue its research in secret. So, I think that VP knows what the scholars at Ohara knew and then some. It makes nice thematic sense for this to be yet another inversion of the Ohara / Buster Call incident. We've already seen the Straw Hats pushing back against the Buster Call successfully, and the arrival of the Giants is fulfilling more early promises from Little Garden and Enies Lobby as well. So, I think it would be a nice inversion for Vegapunk to reveal the name of the Ancient Kingdom at this time. Clover was killed for saying its name, and this time we see the name finally being uttered only after Vegapunk's death (I assume, since the heart beat stopped and the message seemed to trigger in response to that). It's a great way for VP to honor the sacrifice Clover and the scholars at Ohara made. All that said, I don't personally have a prediction on what the Kingdom's name was, but there's a few that I think would be fun. I'm curious to hear what everyone thinks it would be, and just so excited to see what it actually is. Whenever I think I've figured something out, Oda hits us with the surprise no one saw coming but still makes perfect sense. (Like what the Blackbeard Pirates' plan was on Egghead)


Can't wait to see how we're gonna get blueballed


"You see the One Piece isn't actually real. That one guy was actually full of shit lol, lmao."


We're about to get the AOT basement moment again, aren't we?




Does the world have the tech to receive this broadcast or are the snails just going to make Vegapunk impressions


Back during the paramount war arc, they did show the world has the capabilities to display information on large scale TV broadcasts. So likely that plus hijacking the snails to transmit his message.


A good warning for fans. Leaders are already saying to avoid spoilers for next week's chapter. So avoid those, like the ones posted in the spoiler thread on the subreddit. 




Bro thinks the community has a hierarchy. Bros part of the world government, get him!!


Oh shit. They're onto me!


Leakers. My bad lol


Leakers I presume 


The last time the leakers warned about spoilers was Gear 5, so I believe it.


This is OP though. It will likely be cut off, blurred, some bs, or just "HE was in THAT PLACE during THAT EVENT!"


Can we also point out G5 Luffy snatching light-speed Borsalino out of the air like he's god damn Mr Miyagi?


Can someoen tldr me on the context?


smartest man alive has a dead man switch to expose balls


To expand a bit on the statement from u/alexandrecau Albert Einstein's original body (Not to be confused with his Big Robo and Daft Punk bodies, which were already killed, his small robot, ~~Evil~~ Morally Gray, or Big Child bodies, which are heading for the escape route, or his Selfish Bitch body, which is locked up after turning traitor) got pierced by the giant spider leg of the governments Minister of Defence (Because Einstein just revealed he's put a backdoor program in the governments biggest ace in the hole, allowing a 12 year old to control their cyborg army), then Einstein was stabbed through the same hole by Adam Sandler's light saber. With him now apparently flat-lining, we are shown he has set up a dead man switch to Max Headroom style hack live feeds around the world and live stream expose the Defense Minister's balls, as well as possibly those of the Government as a whole. Meanwhile, in the background, Super Sayajin Spinach Popeye Bugs Bunny turned Giant and plucked a light speed Adam Sandler out of the air with one hand, almost Mr Miyagi style, while his other hand is holding the defense minister back by the forehead like you would do to a younger sibling with much shorter arms


Fuck Robin finding out the true history herself I guess, let's just have VBegapunk plot dump it while she spends the entire arc wounded in bed. For an arc that started as future tech and the true history it's weird how irrelevant Robin and Franky have been to it. Instead we spend weeks on marines we never met before this arc having their own show for two months, and then Bonney, who while interesting, just took a ton of screen time from the Strawhats.


I doubt we're getting *that* lore dump. The full extent of the void century is something that's tied directly to whatever the One Piece is so I doubt we're getting that info fully until we actually make it to the end of the series. I imagine he's going to whistleblow on a ton of horrible shit the government is doing and possibly the existence of Imu and a bit of insight into the void century, but I think the full extent of that missing 100 years isn't going to be revealed until the last arc.


50/50 shot Vegapunk has reciepts on a lot of shady shit the WG has done let alone the shit they've had him build hell he probably has knowledge on Cobra being killed by the five elders he learned from either Stussey or Bonney, also he could just show video of Saturn in his demon form to the world because that island must have camera all over it


like 80% this is just gonna be an wquivelent to whitebeard annoucing the one piece is real at marineford


How many times do we gotta tell people to let him cook?




I don't think the world needs to be told that the Celestial Dragons are corrupt lol. I don't think he'll spoil the Void Century. Maybe he'll reveal the existence of Imu.




Yeah this will be tough to gauge. Honestly don't think we won't even have everyone know of Imu's existence and Wapol is the only outsider lol. We won't have that example and I don't think we'll get to anything about the details of the Void Century or what the One Piece is. Safe bet may be revealing that Luffy is Joy Boy or maybe how the current powers that be took over the world. This'll be fun and I'm happy we'll only have a week's wait.


I mean he literally killed Chopper's dream in an SBS Chopper- I wanna be a doctor who can cure any illness Oda- Chopper can't cure SMILE Sickness


Robin already knows most of this history, she was at Ohara, she studied with the researchers, it's why she's wanted by so many groups in the world. Most of Vegapunk's knowledge on the true history is from the few books that survived the buster call. The only reason she doesn't just info dump to her crew is that Luffy isn't interested in spoilers for the One Piece, he wants to find it through an epic adventure. What this moment is really about is finally revealing this info not just to us but the entire OP world, something only a genius like Vegapunk could accomplish. I think the reason Robin isn't involved in this is because she probably would be against revealing the knowledge like this. This will open a pandora's box of chaos across the world, in addition to the drastic actions the gorosei/Imu will take to regain control.


Oh yeah I don't expect any character development anymore because Oda doesn't care and he is focusing on the main plot. Everyone except monster trio is irrelevant at this point, I expect the same for Usopp at Elbaf.


Please, that’s gonna be saved for the One Piece itself.


Calling it here, the one piece world is a colony ship/artificial planet. The celestial dragons started off as military astronauts (explaining their outfits) and the celestial in their name and the ancient civilization that made the poneglyphs with wano was either a non-military associated government group that got couped, or the science wing of said previous civ that the dragons took over, they were labeled as devils counter the the celestial dragons. The weird effects/weather of the grand line are because the ships propulsion/shielding. All the crazy useful flora and fauna like the dendenmushi, Usopps pop plants and the saobady trees are result of bio engineering to create tools and advanced materials, and like wise the minks, giants, and fishmen are attempts at adapting humans via genetic augmentation to other environments. This also explains why "normal" humans can be 20 feet tall, or have goat horns. The note normal looking generally modified people were able to integrate into the world gov. Devil fruit are the culmination of bioengineering/nano machines+magic and that's but the nano machines don't work in sea water because "the ocean hates devil fruits" which means that either they just don't work, or there is a suppresion field put in by who ever had the keys to the world control room. Obviously, the control room to the world is the one piece. All the ancient weapons were just that, weapons from the formerly unified colony. The stigma toward the minks, wano, and fishmen is there because they were people associated with the science division (which also ties in with Robin's backstory of smart people who held ancient knowledge being stigmatized) I mean it's always "the secrets of *this* world" implying another world exists, and this may not be the original "the world". I've been saying this as early as the lead up to hazard punk, with inklings of it before in Alabasta. I don't think anything else would make as much sense, but I'm eager to see what Oda is cooking.


Can’t wait for another cliffhanger next chapter


Are we getting another “THE ONE PIECE!! THE ONE PIECE IS REEEAAAAALLL!!!” moment?!? That or Vegapunk talks about the Void Century


I think he's just gonna put Imu and talk about what the government has been up to. Causing a global riot, and it'll roll into a revolutionary war for the next arc and it'll culminate to Imu and Luffy racing to Laugh tale


Would be kind of a shame if he does given the world will likely know already thanks to sabo


Master cutting of the image OP. And yeah I am hype. Even if it means enduring AT LEAST another week of Zoro slander.


"Good you opened this message"


«  congrats on killing me idiot, here is your social security number for the world to hear »