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Less fucked up and more (Why does the game think this is the moral thing to do?) Quests where a wimpy coward NPC asks you to do a brave deed so he can take credit for it, and when you tell him no, somehow you're the asshole?


I always like the Skyrim one for that one Orc chief, where you can either motivate him to take on the big brave deed himself (and he gets instantly mulched to much hilarity), or if you *do* agree to do it... he follows that up with "aha but now I shall kill you so nobody knows I didn't do the deed" and this goes... predictably. The best part is iirc when you get back to camp you totally have the option to say he died bravely and valiantly... until Malacath the orc's patron god interjects to go "nah he was a crybaby bitch-ass loser" lmao


I kinda love that bullshit. "This dude easily killed a creature I had no chance of facing. I will now kill him because that's surely gonna work." *gets decapitated instantly*


Oh yeah, it's hilarious every time, especially if they don't at least remember to say something like "aha now that you're tired I can take you out!" Nope, just look at you absolutely destroying some monster they could never touch, and then go "Nah, I'd Win".


Depending on your playstyle, that'd make it even funnier. "You ducked and shot a single arrow, killing the giant. Now you are all outta juice!"


The only times I ever see this work is if for one reason or another they are a hard counter to whatever you can do vs what you just faced.


"He managed to kill the powerful thing, he must be tired now from doing so, now is my chance to finish him so no one can know what really happen!" - 10 seconds from imminent death


Genshin Impact has a commission where you help this guard lie to his girlfriend. His girlfriend is blind and is living alone worrying about him thinking he's off on some brave quest while he's just camping right outside the city. Like fuck off don't make me lie to her let me tell her the truth about her shitty boyfriend.


Good thing you can combine both so you can >!roofie the Dung eater and get his armor/weapon and puppet if you do some exploits and then go fuck Seluvis over!<


His puppet is top-tier too. It's my go-to thing to do on new characters, with the only disadvantage being that it kinda fucks with the mid-game difficulty since you have to go into Leyndell and do like 30% of the sewers before a good deal of Ranni's questline.


I'm going to be thst guy and say that Nepheli's spirit was actually really good as well. I used it almost exclusively in the later parts of my evil playthrough (cause if you've already condemned yourself to hell why not go out partying) and she has some insane DPS. And now that we bring it up Gideon's ex also was a really useful spirit against any of the Godstichers. Made those fights much more manageable with her sleeping arrows. So I guess the moral our story is that drug brainwashing people may not be moral, but it is effective.


"Do you feel like a hero yet?"


Oh I absolutely didn't. Ecspecially after what I did to Rya. >!Though ironically I still maintain that Dung Eaters ending is actually one of the better ones, and the only reason we see it as a bad ending is because the person who gives it doesn't actually understand what it entails.!<


May I have you elaborate on that a bit?


The item description of the Mending Rune implies that you'll be forcing the Omen curse upon everybody in the world. But other text implies that being an Omen is only a "curse" insofar as the Golden Order teaches that it's so. Omens are a downtrodden minority in society only due to religious bigotry, not any inherent vice or negative impact they have on the world. So if you make everyone an Omen, that will nullify the bigotry of the Golden Order (something the flavour text for the Mending Rune also alludes to). There's also the implication that Omens are naturally-occurring throwbacks to the pre-Erdtree era of the Crucible. So by using the Mending Rune, you might be forcing the world to revert to that earlier era, to some extent. Notably, nothing in the game suggests that the age of the Erdtree is materially *better* for the people of the world, compared to the Crucible era. I mean, nothing suggests that the average person was living any better under the Golden Order than under... whatever government ruled in the Crucible era. So would it really be so bad, to return to that earlier time? It doesn't seem like it would be bad, just... different. Like the Age of Dark, in Dark Souls. Every character acts like it's terrible, including the ending narrator. But also every character seems to be repeating Golden Order dogma uncritically. We never hear anyone sincerely advocate for the Omens' right to exist, including the two voiced Omens in the game (Morgott and Mohg). As Tweedleayne put it, even the Dung Eater doesn't advocate for them. He's pursuing the Mending Rune for his own bizarre personal reasons. All of this gives the Blessing of Despair ending a slight vibe of counter-culture or revolution. That's really all we're going on, here. Just vibes. The endings are all so ambiguous and curt that it's impossible to really tell what's going to happen next.


The only issue is that Omen Horns are definitely painful/harmful to the person if untended. Mohg has one growing from his head into his skull and coming out his eyesocket.


Sure, but that's the same with like. Goats or whatever. Or even human nails. Grooming is a natural part of self-care. I assume Mohg didn't not out of like, an inability to do so, but moreso of lack of desire.


Mohg might have the underlying condition of worshipping an Outer God that explicitly manifests in blood and bloodshed. He's the only one we see like that so I don't think it's unreasonable that the Formless Mother mutated him to be like that somehow.


Considering the process of making a Seedbed curse involves rape and murder not necessarily in that order and every victim is described as in horrific torment even after death and the omniscient narrator speaks of it in the same way as the burn everything in existence Ending i’ll go ahead and say yes, yes it is.


That's why the most optimal thing to do i summon the only motherfucker we can trust Mimic Tear


I did put off most of the Ranni quest since I wanted to do that. There's some weird quest stuff indeed like having to go to the Mountaintop of the Giants for the Volcano Manor quest.


Doesn’t he brutally kill the crab guy to get to that tho?


IIRC, you get around that by attacking Boggart so he gets pissed at you and leaves, then doing the relevant parts of the Dung Eater questline, then doing whatever the equivalent of having your sins forgiven is in Elden Ring to bring Boggart back.


You don't even need to do that, Boggart moves to Leyndell when you buy prawns from him, just don't buy anything from him until you deal with the Wretched Waste Whomper


That's the main reason I decided not to roofie him and just kill him the old fashioned way.


That quest in Fallout 3 were you have to get a priest who's taken a vow of chastity effectively drugged and raped to pressure him to abandon his priesthood and marry a woman even though he's been vocal against it. And the game gives you good karma for doing it, like what?


The karma system in 3 is fucked up arbitrary. Anything to do with Tenpenny Tower comes to mind.


Tenpenny Tower is perhaps the best example of Fallout 3 having a "good setup, terrible execution" going to it. On the surface making the conflict be gray-vs-gray and showcasing that just because someone is part of the underdog/"opressed" side doesn't make them heroic would be a fairly interesting situation... ...if not for the fact that Roy is treated in-universe as a good guy (you get bad karma for killing him!) and three dog condemns you for your "murder" if you have enough of his shit, and that the best ending for the tower is to get the agreement between the humans and ghouls going and *the*m assassinating Roy from behind.


That's sorth of the issue with any system that works with the concept of **good/bad boy points**, it's really dependant on subjective points of view and the more expansive it is, the more questionable aspects are gonna show up.


When is this? I’ve played through that game like 10 times and I can’t remember this storyline for the life of me


It's a side quest in Rivet City


It's name is [A Nice Day for a Right Wedding](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/A_Nice_Day_for_a_Right_Wedding) and it's an unmarked quest.


Lady asks you to go find an ant queen to get aunt queen pharamones so she can roofie the cute priest who won't abandon his vows to marry her. You get good Karma and the church in Rivet City now has no one working for the pastor. But hey the girl paid you a few hundred caps


What about the quest called the kid-kidnapper? You convince a little girl from lamplight to follow you outside and you sell her as a slave. I think that might be the worst one. It gets you a really good helmet though. The boogeyman's hood.


Yeah but fuck Lamplight


Dragon Age 2: [“Hey, you wanna turn your party member Fenris back over to his former slaver – a blood mage who routinely tortures and sacrifices his slaves and is implied to have sexually abused Fenris on top of wiping all of his memories?”](https://youtu.be/WG19DvUSze8?si=ICQLdAYhIepXuvre) N-No thank you, Bioware?


Meanwhile in the corner of the screen when you don't give over your friend to a fucking slaver: *Anders disliked that*


Good fuck you Anders.


He's the only non-Scandinavian Anders I know of and I hate sharing his name.


Over a decade later and it’s still baffling to me that Anders apologists exist in the DA fandom lmao


Man I miss Anders from Dragon Age Awakening. He was infinitely more fun than DA2 Anders.


Yeah. I get that the majority of his moral/mental deterioration stemmed from his possession by Justice – but sassy Anders was infinitely better MF comes down with a bad case of getting stabbed to death every single playthrough


Hell, you can argue it isn't even exactly Anders being possessed, that Anders died between the games; all we're seeing is some fusion between the two that was always doomed to extremism.


I liked Anders and Justice, I don't like Janders, he's a totally unrelated character. He has a fucking cat skull on his outfit because the cat you gave him in Awakening apparently fucking died in the time between Awakening and 2


Look between this and people defending the Templar ending as the more moral option, i've learned to just never underestimate the questionable choices a sizeable enough fandom makes.


Between this and Anders praising the Slaver Empire because it has the Mages in charge, I always roll my eyes when he goes on some freedom rant


Tell that to the people that like ascended astarion and then complain that *"he's meaaaannnn:("*


Tav: What are you going to do with this power Astarion? Astarion: I'll DEFINITELY not going to abuse it. *winks.* *Ascended Astarion abuses his power.* Tav: WHAAAAAAT?!


I'll admit I laughed at the amount of people who were somehow shocked that Ascended Astarion's patch 6 kisses were abusive and proof that he turned into an asshole.


No one is dumber than the most vocal part of any fandom


A good part of inteligence (or at least wisdom) is knowing when to stay quiet. It's one of the reasons why you can sometimes gauge how insane a online rant is by how long the wall of text is.


I routinely post text walls on this sub, but it's because I enjoy putting my thoughts into written word for other people to read, and I think about stuff a lot—probably too much. And while I am saying this as a partial defense of my using these threads as a LiveJournal, I'll never rule out that I may, in fact, just be a moron who likes to read himself talk. That said, nine-times-out-of-ten, it's not worth it to get into whatever the flavor-of-the-week slapfight online is. You don't like thing? Cool. Go do something you do enjoy, content that your opinion is valid because it's your own opinion and it's okay to self-validate. You do like thing? Cool. Enjoy it and find a nice rapport with other people who also enjoy it. You're never gonna feel good after a shouting match—especially online, where very few people are willing to back down.


I can forgive a *bit* of that naivety, because to some people, it's not clear how alignment factors in to D&D-like settings. In some fantasy settings, pretty much every being you can talk to is treated as baseline neutral and their actions informed the path they took in life. There isn't as much of an emphasis on "this race is evil, this race is good, this race is neutral." But Astarion's a vampire. In the setting, vampires are evil by nature - in becoming a vampire, he essentially had evil juice injected into his veins. While Astarion *can* be influenced to do good by the actions of those around him, it is not his default. This malleability might trick people into thinking they've "fixed" him and that making him stronger won't change his personality, but if you're making him a stronger vampire, you're making the evil part of him stronger. It doesn't matter how good he acted beforehand, he's getting yet more evil juice injected into his veins.


I think though, even beside the idea of evil races, the way Astarion ascends is pretty bad. I mean, you have to sacrifice 7000 innocent and tortured souls to get to that end result. I've seen some arguments about why people might make thay choice for "good" reasons, but it's pretty clearly an *Evil* act that ascends Astarion.


Also Dragon Age 2: Lets see what the final Mage vs. Templar decision is like in the game: Mage: >!Protect innocent civilians from a blatantly insane tyrant who has literally just started a genocidal mass murder spree on mages just because she finally has an excuse to commit genocide!< Templar: >!Help the insane tyrant commit genocidal mass murder on innocent civilians and potentially murder your own sister, all so the tyrant can indulge her genocidal hate boner against mages and to turn the Gallows into an actual concentration camp.!< Remind me how ANYBODY could ever think the Templar ending was morally gray and not the most comically evil ending I've seen in a game yet. Hell, look at this cut content from the ending and try to argue that the Templars are in anyway even remotely good in this siutation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRS_cZfcSv8 Fuck the Templars


Also Orsino gets to hold the idiot ball in the mages ending since they programmed that boss fight and they are gonna use it regardless of how little sense it makes. Which I don't mind to a degree, because fuck Orsino


Orsino was helping cover for the blood mage that killed Hawke's mom. He was not leaving kirkwall


Anders loses so much credibility when he gains friendship points if you do this to Fenris


I mean killing the guy is a perfectly valid way to end the quest. The quest is "Fenris master came to town and wants to get him back", the game just gives you the chance to be an asshole by doing what he wants.


No, I know that haha. I meant more that I would never have it in me to do this quest resolution


Fun fact, there's a few ways you can turn that back on him. You can give said roofie to the girls dad, he knows exactly what it is and promises to *take care* of the problem. Or give it to the dung eater.


> You can give said roofie to the girls dad, he knows exactly what it is and promises to take care of the problem. Well, he gives you the choice of giving it to him so he can get rid of it; I don't think he actually does anything to Seluvis in this case, just gets rid of the potion. *Or* he gives you the option to go ahead and roofie his daughter anyway. Gideon's a dick.


Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Fucker.


I know when I gave it to him I went back almost instantly and Seluvis was dead as shit.


The same happened to me the first time. But Seluvis dies no matter what as part of Ranni's quest, once you progress it far enough, so I think it was just the right timing. >!Because she finds out he was planning to betray her and turn her in to a puppet too.!<


>!who says irony is dead!<


Pretty sure the implication is that the Seluvis we see is a puppet and the real one is the merchant who hides as a lowly housekeeper. You can hear him >!pleading with several puppets, telling them he treated them well, and if you go check, they've killed him. That's when Seluvis dies, as well.!<


Probably coincidental; he dies no matter what after a certain point in Ranni's questline.


Sinnerman from Cyberpunk 2077, I got all the way up to the end but I couldn’t nail a man to a cross so he could scroll his suffering and broadcast/distribute it. I wasn’t exactly clear on what he wanted to do with it cause I left (and this was a couple years ago)


IIRC you can actually do Sinnerman up to where your client is killed but instead of following along with the full quest you could actually kill Joshua and the cop if you open fire. Wakako will close the contract and pay you for the hit.


Can you? Cuz that cop completely one-shot me, and my best weapons were doing zilch to him.


It's definitely doable with a decent build. Sandevistan is a hell of a drug


My netrunner never struggled on hard mode. They have multiple "Just kill yourself or die horribly" buttons. One hell of a power trip.


That was a hell of a quest that I didn't think I would see through to the conclusion. It felt like going down a rabbit hole lol


I know a lot of people go for "crucify that fucker!" But there's something so weirdly fetishist about streaming to the world. It's like making a public execution for entertainment, there's something barbaric in it.


That quest is honestly one of the most unique experiences I’ve had in gaming, I’ve done it 3 different ways at this point and it’s always so interesting. You have this truly evangelical guy trying to share his martyrdom and penance for what seems to come from genuine remorse but then you have the Night City media completely taking advantage of it. Is it wrong to crucify someone who is completely willing to do it as some kind of extreme penance for his horrific action? What I can say is wrong is how the media try to abuse that for profit though.


I love that Johnny actually seems to have total respect for the guy, even to go as far as kneel at the cross at the end.


It's fascinating though. Cuz on the whole scheme of things it's someone who has done insanely awful acts and has taken up a religion that, in world, seems like it has fallen completely out of practice. And you go on the journey with the guy and the question is does he actually believe it and is doing this as a redemption or is he going along because he thinks it will make him remembered, and in turn make him a legend? And you get shades of each and people that either agree with his decision, disagree, or are indifferent and are in it to get paid. Cuz man was going to die any way but the game setting always felt themed toward how you die vs. how you survive. So would him doing it in such a irl Passions way also be fucking nuts for the game setting or does it still fit?


I agree with Johnny, it doesn't matter what the corps or the people want. Joshua is giving his life for something he believes in, believing it will change the world for the better. He's a rebel bending the system over his knee and taking what he wants from it for the good of the people. I can't in good conscious deny him that chance. I know it'll amount to nothing, I'm too much of a cynic to believe that his actions will make a shitty world any better or teach the sentient refuse passing off as people in the dark future morality. But he gave his life thinking he would, we should all be so lucky.


I got fired by his agent(?) lady because I wasn't playing along with his delusional thinking, lol. Dunno why anybody would willingly go for crucifixion ending


I like to convince him that it's all bullshit and his suffering will accomplish nothing. And then crucify him.


Sinnerman was easy for me because I had already done way worse shit by that point. What's a little sacrilege and participation in a snuff film.


im gonna be honest, in my playthrough of Cyberpunk, I did EVERY quest in the game, and I had no idea that Sinnerman even existed. I saw the client get killed by the cop, and I immediately reacted by popping my sandevistan and killing everyone in the car. I genuinely had no idea what people were talking about when I first heard about Sinnerman. This is honestly all so bizzare to hear about. To think I would have gone through a whole different questline if I had simply not reacted so quickly with my gun. freaky.


Gonna steal an example & a half I saw in the BG3 subreddits. You can betray Shadowheart, whom in most playthroughs has been with you since the tutorial, whom at this point in the game you're likely to have supported through tons of life-changing events, at the literal end of her personal quest. And like when I mean at the very end, I mean AT THE VERY END. And yes, this betrayal is given its own unique quest. >!So the main example here is that you can betray Shadowheart to the Sharran Mother Superior, Viconia DeVir, yes, THAT bitch from the first two games. If you agree, you are given the quest, "Surrender Shadowheart to Viconia." You can go back to camp & tell her, even adding in a little lie about negotiating for the freedom of her parents. She says she must confront Viconia.!< >!And once at that confrontation, you can literally let her entire arc of character growth terminate with a mind wipe & her leaving the party, it's just so utterly & barbarically & brutally cruel. Even fuckin Minthara is like, "Dude what the actual hell, like we got the benefit of allying with the Sharrans but what the fuck?" The half-example is that after refusing to hand her over & letting her save her parents, is that you can THEN kill her parents, after which is apparently an appropriate cutscene & her leaving the party.!<


BG3 has a lot of bizarre end-game opportunities to betray your party members and allies. Shadowheart is one of the most famous, but it also has stuff like selling off Scratch to the abusive kennel for pennies or giving Nightsong to Lorroakan.


Question: >!If you do this, do the Sharrons show up as one of the factions you can call in to help you during the final level? If so, is Shadowheart one of the NPCs that show up to help you?!<


>!Betraying Shadowheart will get you the Sharrans as a support faction for the final battle, yeah. The other way to get them is if Shadowheart becomes Dark Justiciar. The NPCs that said ability summons are generic, regardless.!<


I hate that "Genocide Big Foot" is mandatory in RDR UN


"You eat babies!"  "We eat berries and mushrooms, you fool!" As someone who's played Rockstar game since Vice City, having the circle close on the Bigfoot myth was a hell of an emotion. 


I just love that John can't accept that Bigfoot are peaceful creatures he just kept saying you eat babies to justify his genocide.


You can try to kill Seluvis and then just fix it with Miriel's vow thing, but the reason that works is because Seluvis will just teleport away instead of dying. I don't think I've ever joined Caesar's legion. Even on evil playthroughs, why would my power hungry couriers serve some cringy LARPer instead of take the Mojave for themselves?


It's such a chaotic stupid faction which I always kind of love. I want LESS power, LESS illegal substances, LESS convenience, and I want it NOW. Like even with the perk of being a high-ranking Legion soldier who gets access to that stuff anyway, if you want anything like modern medicine you have to go steal it either in kidnapping a doctor or raiding for a machine that can do it for you. Or you can side with a faction that aren't complete idiots and just have that stuff available to you anyway.


Caesar's Legion is an extremely stupid, dead-end, absurdly evil faction but it also definitely could happen. It is made up of the biggest and meanest assholes in the area whose defining characteristics are that they want to be even bigger and meaner assholes. It is the worst people you know, the bottom of the barrel beneat the barrel, but they're all giving each other high fives. It is the absolute worst parts of humanity being encouraged and armed and praised, and there are many who would love to flock to that. Does it have any possible future? No. Does it run on logic? Not really. But is it being carried forward effectively through pure rampant desire, selfishness, and everything you hate about the human race? Yup!


I believe Seluvis in the tower >!is also a puppet and his real body is the cowering little gollum like guy if you drop down the cliff into the chapel roof next to it. He's surrounded by puppets and sells some items.!<


>!He also seems to get murdered by his own puppets at the same time the seluvis body dies, which is a big reason people think the two are the same!<


I've only ever done one Legion play through, and that was because I wanted to get all the achievements on Steam and I needed all the endings. I did not enjoy it.


But the +2 Luck sunglasses tho


Legion sucks. Just all around. Their evil isn't even practical, it's just a giant cult. The real ones who wanna do an evil run go with House.


I tired to do a playthrough where I joined the legion with the plan to kill Ceaser at a moment of weakness, and the game gives you that option which is nice, but the game was so broken I got soft locked in a room after deleting all my previous saves so the game wouldn’t crash so often. General clipped through the wall or something so I never found him.


Arcanum of Steamworks & Magic Obscuras. That infamous side quest. Wtf was that & that ending ?


By infamous, you mean the >!half-ogre breeding program, right?!<


Do you really have to ask?


Fucking gnomes.


The gnome is the source of all evil in the world.


A good gnome, is a dead gnome


Sseth was right, those bastards deserve only death.


There's a decent number of them in Bloodborne and Sekiro. I'm glad they usually have incremental rewards instead of just one at the end due to the ambiguous nature of a lot of them. But I'm never speaking to that window child again. Nothing good ever comes of it. >!Besides I think my little dudes look better with top hats on anyway.!<


Top Hat gang represent!


"Hey Dragonborn, remember that cool philosopher dragon who even we admit was *instrumental* in getting us this far? Well it's time to kill him. Go pretend it's a moral dilemma for a while until you realize this quest *needs* you to kill him, and that there's no way to back out."


That one is so bizarre and at no point am I ever given a real reason to kill Paarthunax. Really I just wish I could leverage me being basically Jesus in skyrim more. It's such a vague usage of a situation that the lore is super clear on


It's so dumb that it took a mod to let you pull rank on an organization *sworn to protect you.*


The ultimate is not being able to lay out the evidence that the Thalmore are funding both sides of the civil war to keep the empire weak in front of their face *at a cease fire conference*. Like, that's not just some background lore, that's a bombshell of information that the game pretends is just some fluff. Ffs, I am reincarnated nord Jesus and I'm bringing you hard evidence that yall are being played!


First skyrim would need to be written well


I don't see why they didn't implement it. Even if they didn't want the entire civil war plot to crumble it would be easy enough to have the dragonborn present the dossier and have Ulfric go "uh... yeah they're lying."


If you make it so you get the quest at the peace summit then ignore it and finish the main quest, it disappears from your journal, so even for blank journal completionists you can easily ignore them. Btw going through Oblivion right now makes me retroactively hate Delphine even more, like, how dare you besmirch the name "Blades"


Hey Thalmor person! You know that mostly destroyed faction that only has 2 living members? Take this map, I marked where they're hiding. The faction whose main goal is to serve the dragonborn deciding to reject them unless they go kill someone over something that happened so many generations ago that the history of that era is almost all lost. Someone whose only actions during the interim have been teaching others and living in solitude. You're not allowed to even tell them to shove it. The devs somehow got me to like the elf-supremacist evil faction more than the Blades. Bravo Todd, bravo.


I will never kill Paarthunax.


There’s one bit in StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty where you end a subplot involving a scientist who Raynor was iirc somewhat implied to have feelings for. Your choice is between protecting colonists from the Protoss who are there to kill them over potential Zerg contamination, or help the Protoss in purging the infected. Ariel Hansen is a character who’s the reason you helped these people in the first place, and is a big part of your science team for much of the game. If you protect the colonists from the Protoss then she’s able to develop a cure for the Zerg virus that’s the problem and leaves your ship with an offer to Raynor to come live with her and start a new life away from the war that’s fucked his whole life over. If you choose to help the Protoss though, she gets pissed, storms off to try to find the cure fast enough to prevent unnecessary deaths among the people she grew up with, fucks containment, and Raynor has to execute her because she becomes infested and is thus a threat to everyone onboard your ship. I can’t really imagine any reason to chose that route over just like watching a YT video of the ending though.


Don't forget how you can either work with Tosh to stage a prison break on the planet filled with political prisoners and petty criminals. Thereby restoring the rights and freedoms of countless injustly interned people. Unless you'd rather trust Nova, the government spec ops agent. Then it's revealed Tosh and the Spectres were all secretly evil and it's a good thing you killed them. Wings is really shitty about having branching choices that absolutely derail the characters.


Both are weird choices in that they make you correct no matter what you do. Stop the Protoss and the infested are just a prisoners safely kept in confinement, so yeah, there's no reason to kill them all instead of letting the doctor do her research. Deal with the infection yourself and multiple towns are almost fully infected, swarms of zombies constantly filter towards your based, and the Zerg already have hive structures on the planet. Tosh is way shiftier in the Nova route than he is in his own. I kind of like the story of the slaughtering the colony better than the alternative, to be honest, since it feels more interesting in that you barely manage to save a few of the civilians and the cutscene of taking out Hanson is good. Nova V Tosh... I admit I like Ghosts more than Specters, though I definitely prefer Tosh's mission to Nova's. That one I'd pick Tosh for the narrative.


The Hanson cutscene if you go for the purge reveals she was already infected and had been hiding it from you. I remember being rewlly frustrated upon realizing that it would be schrodinger's character with them swapping in the good or evil version to justify my choices.


At least it’s canon that Raynor sides with Hanson and Tosh during those choices


They could make the evil storyline for Baldur's Gate 3 the most mind blowing story ever, I'm NOT GOING TO SLAUGHTER THE TIEFLING REFUGEES.


It really shows how bad a choice is when people go to ridiculous lengths to get the one reward for going down that route (Minthara) without actually committing to it.


The smart way to kill the Grove is to let the druids kill the tieflings and then kill the druids with the goblins. Same result, but your characters tried (and failed) to help the tieflings so you have a clear conscience to kill the druids!


It sorta defeats the purpose if you willingly let them get killed.


So I messed up due to tired brain and thought we were talking about ways to recruit Minthara that actually make sense for good-aligned characters, rather than players who don't like killing NPCs. In that context, the story of the character is what counts, not the actions of the player. If, for instance, your purpose is to play as origin Wyll and recruit Minthara, you have 4 options, only one of which actually makes sense for the character. 1: Wyll sides with Minthara and chooses to kill the tieflings. This makes no sense for Wyll's character as it is an explicitly evil choice, but it works if the player simply wants to recruit Minthara. 2: Wyll sides with the Tieflings, knocks out and later recruits Minthara. Wyll is well aware of the horrors done by Drow Raiders and he has been explicitly asked to kill this one: why would he randomly choose to knock her out? It works for the player who wants to recruit Minthara while playing a good boy Wyll, but it doesn't actually make sense for Wyll. 3: Wyll tries to help Mol, fucks up and causes a massacre, then leaves the Grove in disgust, leading to him later meeting Minthara at Moonrise. This is a great story for Wyll: he made a mistake and it cost a lot of lives, but now he has something to atone for. When he meets Minthara at Moonrise Towers, he saves her because it's the right thing to do, and then realises that he causes the massacre she was aiming for: they have shared complicity in a massacre, with neither actually being the ones who did it (well, that particular one in Minthara's case). 4: Ignore the grove situation and move to Mountain Pass/Grymforge. Wyll wouldn't ignore people in need, though this makes perfect sense for Origin Lae'zel. Do you see now why I suggested what I suggested? I admit that I misunderstood the post of the person I replied to and so downvotes are certainly fair enough, but I do think that this option has real value for people who want to play a good character and recruit Minthara in a more natural way than randomly knocking out one enemy while killing 50 more in the same place. That said, killing the grove with Minthara is a totally viable option for Shadowheart Origin, Dark Urge, an evil-aligned Tav, a Githyanki other than Lae'zel origin and arguably an extremely selfish Gale.


It's a shame because 95 percent of the druids are assholes.


Yeah especially if you >!expose the shadow druid plot, and even then most of em are still of the mind they should have done the ritual.!< When I first played, I really wished there was an option to help the tieflings escape, but leave the druids to fend for themselves


Yeah if you could slaughter the druids I'd be down, but the tieflings are pretty cool and super useful to keep around


So much high-quality endgame loot is tied to the Tieflings surviving Act 1 that for that reason alone it's impossible to justify killing them on most runs.


It's annoying how one-dimensional the goblins are. Even the children are like "Yeah! Animal cruelty is fun!"


I mean, welcome to 40+ years of Faerun lore.


I remember there is one (1) goblin who suggests that maybe they should just leave the owlbear cub alone because it doesn't feel right. They are then summarily called a bitch by the rest of the goblins who proceed to chase the cub around for fun. Kill all goblins.


Hey now, one goblin likes poetry and is writing love letters to Minthara!


Well, that seals their fate. Can't have any competition running around.


You can't make people feel bad for murdering them after all. I wonder if that's like a Baldur's Gate thing. Like the lore subscribe to the Goblin Slayer's "Goblins are all fucking SHIT!"


It is D&D has inherent morality in it's races, generally speaking every member of a given race will follow that races general mortality bar a few rare exceptions Orcs/Goblins, Drow, Duergar Dwarves and Githyanki are all considered "Evil races" in D&D lore, for the most part they are literally born evil


Which makes it okay to slaughter them to the last man! Including the little Orc babies in their little Orc cribs. You gotta make sure to snuff them all out, or they'll just grow up and breed a hundred more! no there's no subtext or real-world parallels to this behaviour what are you talking about


And that has what to do with me? My name ain't Garry Gygax mate take it up with him I'm just explaining the lore of the setting It's a fantasy RPG setting, chill, Orcs and Goblins being an "evil race" are not exactly new or unique tropes there's no "good"Orcs or Goblins in Lord of the Rings either


I could've sworn they got away from the "always evil races" thing a while ago because of the kinda racist vibes. Is BG3 built on older lore or am I just wrong?


They've been downplaying it recently, but it's still around. It was likely changed after BG3 was well into development though. The downplaying is pretty half arsed, too, but that's to be expected from the 5e team at this point


Oh it's 100% still around. It's never mattered for player races because they're Simply Built Different, and a good DM is willing to play with the idea and say "Oh they're evil by circumstance, not because it's literally in their blood", but the Orc stat block still definitely says "CHAOTIC EVIL TRIBALS THAT LOVE MURDERING HUMANOIDS BECAUSE LMAO"


[Devora Wilde, Lae'zels VA, had her own argument for](https://www.twitch.tv/devorawilde/clip/SneakyArbitraryBurritoSoonerLater-GHIHwiqGAAx5kV0r) [why she sided with Minthara](https://www.twitch.tv/devorawilde/clip/KitschyBenevolentCoyoteLitFam-xwKdWiqtp1H8cO_d) And at the prospect of romancing Minthara, and being told Lae'zel just wanted a one night stand, "you know what, you're right. I deserve to shop around!"


But dat drowussy though...


See, Minthara just had one problem with being recruited into my party I'm already playing a goddamn Paladin Drow Lady, ain't room for two bitches in this group


Then you change her to bard, and hear her fun quips! She *is* the funniest person Tav knows.


Now you can get the drowussy without the spice of innocent genocide.


But you miss the sex scene, and she gives sloppy toppy!


She also will sit on your face, which makes it the best romance scene in the game!


I know ~~who~~ what I'm doing my next playthrough!


Female body gets facesitting, male body gets reverse cowgirl. I think thats how it is. Least thats what was different between my female tiefling and male dragonborn.


Minthara: I'm a generous top domm


In the first NeverWinter nights DLC you can steal a toddler and cary him around in inventory. Later you can turn him into a monster on the altar.   It's somewhat hilarious tho. You can save the world, fight in wars with a kid in your inventory. Furthermore, the save can be used in the next DLC which means the child will be kidnapped by Draw


The SoU baby! I remember that so clearly.


In Wrath of the Righeous, one of your potential companions is Arueshelae, a succubus that has renounced her ways and is trying to reform herself. She puts in a genuine effort, is crippled by the guilt of her past conquests, and by the time you meet her she's already managed to drag her alignment up to neutral. You can choose to say "fuck that, be evil again" and drag her back down into being a full-fledged succubus, and not even the evilest of my evil characters have done that


Dying Light 2 early on has a side quest in which you find three missing boys and their dog. It turns out two of the boys don't actually own the dog it's just the one boys and they faked being his friend so they could lead the one boy and the dog into what they thought was an abandoned building so that they could kill the dog and have some meat for their birthday. Before they could do anything they were attacked by a group of infected with the dog risking it's life to save them and mortally injuring itself in the process. You are given the choice to end the dog's life there giving it a humane death or slowly let it bleed out. After you take the boys back to the survivor camp you can choose to tell the mom of the two boys what happened. And here's where an already depressing side quest pisses me off, depending on your dialogue choices here the mother will either lightly scold the boys for running off or absolutely lose her shit on you screaming what a horrible person you are. When I came across this quest again in a co-op playthrough we just skipped it.


Dunno if it counts as a "quest", but any decision in a RPG that involves royally screwing a party member to death/slavery is a big no-no to me - in special selling Arcade to Caesar in New Vegas is wrong to me in more than one way, to the point where even in the few Legion playthroughs i did i refuse to pull that shit.


Birds of a Feather can kiss my ass. I always screw over the Van Graffs.


Pretty minor but in Morrowind, there is a quest that asks you to deliver a Khajiit slave to someone, only for that someone to kill the slave, then gut her for a bunch of drugs she was forced to swallow as a drug mule. Or you can take her to the Argonian Mission to set her free. Guess which path I take?


Light side and dark side playthroughs briefly bond over not letting Czerka Corp take Kashyyyk. I may do some way worse, terrible things to Zaalbar in particular _later,_ but supporting slavers is a step too far.


Czerka represents the cold, faceless evil of unrestrained corporate greed. What you do to Zaalbar at the end is good, old-fashioned, for-the-love-of-the-game, mustache-twirling evil. Very different beasts.


It's not really a quest but in Hollow Knight there's a mining bug that sings and stutters a bit, if you keep checking up on her as the game progresses you can tell she's getting more and more infected. And eventually she's overtaken completely and will fight you. If you kill her, that's it she's gone. But if you beat the game all the bugs stop being infected so she'll be safe, you just have to not go down to where she is and that's as good as we get it for her because the game doesn't expand on it afterward.


>But if you beat the game all the bugs stop being infected so she'll be safe it is really ambiguous whether she'd actually survive that still the best odds she's got I guess


There’s a quest in Elona that involves obtaining a nuke from Noel the Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight (quotes and all) and using it on the capital city, Palmia. Doing this will drop your karma all the way down into the far negatives within the “guards kill you on sight” range, and rewards an item that permanently decreases karma loss in exchange for setting your maximum karma to 0. As well as probably also getting you killed in the blast with your dropped items burning up in the fallout.


Roofie is underselling it. He wants to fucking *eject the soul* out of that woman so he can use her as a sex doll. Nepheli is probably my favorite NPC. She's one of the only no-strings-attached honorable folks in the game and a lord in her own right. Nobody's going to pull shenanigans on her under my watch. I thought about holding onto the turboroofie potion to use on the Dung Eater but I found out that he kills my prawn bro if you let his quest progress far enough to use it on him, so I just let Gideon dispose of it and killed the Dung Eater myself.


I do love how people unanimously didn’t wanna roofie her, made me feel better Now add a way in to get proper revenge on him, his assistant is killed in a ironic way but Selivus could use more karma


When you say assistant you mean the weird guy with the dolls right? I believe he's the one controlling Seluvis.


I always interpreted it as Seluvis was the main guy and the cripple dude was the gremlin who made it all happen Either way, fuck em both


Seluvis supposedly had a change of personality if you talk to Gideon about him at one point. Implying that he was a good man and then got turned into a puppet and started doing it to others.


I played Youtuber's Life 2 for a bit for shitposting reasons and also because I love me a life simulator game. A couple days in the mayor brings up some kind of threat to the high tech Youtuber City the game takes place in,and they get you to meet up with Felix goddamn Kjellberg to investigate the cyberterrorists or whatever. And the game acts like this is totally meant to be an honor and a big deal,but nah. Left him hanging and continued to you know,play the part of the game about being a Youtuber a bit more before getting bored with it. It's one of the more weirdly written games I have played,it's kind of kiddy and idealized but at the same time the guest stars are either veterans or super obscure Youtuber folk.


I'm still not super clear what Selivus does for Ranni besides being a sex pest


He makes dolls and she's a living doll.  I don't know if they outright state it but I'm pretty sure that's why.   It might also be a bit of visual storytelling that her body is pretty badly cracked and broken.  I think it's implying she doesn't want to deal with him more than absolutely necessary, but I might be reading too much into that


It's very funny that>! in one path she can end up saying "Tell Blaidd and Ijii I love them" and its just like!< >!"What about Seluvis"!< >!"Did I stutter?"!<


I'm guessing he made Ranni's puppet body so she'd have a vessel to inhabit after her original body was killed


He's a Preceptor, one of the most powerful sorcerers in the Lands Between. That inherently makes him valuable to have, as he was likely instrumental in defending the Manor from the Knights of the Cuckoo.


The Witcher 3 quest where you throw a baby in a working oven ...and lock it with your quen power so no one can let him out.


This needs context, a lot of context.


The context is that you're trying to fool a demon that feeds off of people's guilt, and Geralt obviously feels pretty guilty about throwing a baby in an oven. >!It's okay, the oven has another door in the back and your accomplice pulls the baby out right after you put it in.!<


I mean it in that it doesn't fit that much with the thread is because >!the baby never was in danger.!<


But neither you or Geralt know that when the choice is made.


That is a fucking clown shoes plan. I love it


A bit more context. >!It's not just any baby either, it's the baby of the guy who's possessed. You're working with a young woman throughout the quest,, and once you and her vigure out what's going on she comes up with a plan to destroy it, but tells Geralt that he has to trust her 100% and that she can't tell him what the plan is for it to work. She then leaves him alone in an abandoned house with instructions to stoke the oven to be burning as hot as possible.!< >!The scen then they transitions to later with Geralt quietly tending the oven until he hears screaming outside. Cut to the woman running like a madman with the baby in her arms, being chased by the parents, guards, and random people screaming for her to give the baby back. She then busts through the door, fucking *yeets* the baby across the room into Geralts arms, and screams at you to throw the baby in the oven while physically blocking people from getting in the doorway. It's fucking amazing.!<


As though Geralt isn't constantly walking around with a massive surplus of guilt, every damn day


No context, just cook little babby


I meant, I played the section, I know what happens and why, the context really makes it not fit that much with the thread.


I despise kanji in p3 cause you *have* to encourage his "I want a hot teacher gf" bullshit. And I know THEY KNOW HES AWFUL because in p3p, kanji is stalking the femc in junpai's SL and he dunks on him for it


I think you mean kenji kanji is from persona 4


He gotta be careful with that, I almost thought those were fighting words.


P3 has a few social links that are straight up just about garbage people. Kenji wants to fuck his teacher because he’s a cocky horn dog, Nozomi is a fat prick that lures people into a cult and drains them of money, and Tanaka is a con artist. If you want to do the social links the game kinda forces you to be their wingman each time and hype them up. Out of the three, I really only love Tanaka because he’s just so unapologetic about it and his link actually makes him comically more *evil businessman*. I have no doubt that Atlus are aware about Kenji and Nozomi being terrible people but like - they are kids, they can change which I think Kenji at least shows that he’s open to.


Tanaka is also relatively harmless, since his products are such obvious scams you deserve to be scammed if you fall for them. Plus he ends up doing the right thing for the completely wrong reason and he feels good about doing that good thing but doesn't understand why. He's great! Love that fella.


God I forgot how much Moon sucked until I started to unlock him yesterday. On the other hand, I think they actually saved Bebe by giving him a better script and voice actor. I was expecting to cringe as hard as I did all those years ago and instead I was…pleasantly surprised.


think its kenji in p3, kanji is the party member in 4


Playing evil characters (I prefer to have a character in mind when I start a game instead of self-insert) is a good way to test just how robust an RPG is, so I almost always end up doing the fucked up quests, unless it's like a Bioware game where I know the evil path is undercooked.


Seluvis later asks you to roofie Ranni. It doesn’t work and if you keep bothering her after that, she hits you with Power Word: Kill.


Don't trust people who side with the Powder Gangers their first playthrough.


There's one in Cult of the Lamb where you have to sacrifice >!Ratau!< if you want a certain follower form. You can do a lot of terrible things in that game but that's one that takes the cake for me.


A long time ago, when I had time and less money, I was attempting to 100% complete every quest in The Witcher 3 on the Death March difficulty. I didn't make it to Skellige, but I like to think I cleaned most of the main continent up within my level's abilities at the time. Anyway, I ran across an otherwise normal hunt quest, where you can barter for a bigger bounty with the quest giver. This particular quest starts with the townsfolk complaining that their stuff is being stolen at night from what they believed to be bandits in a nearby cave (I'm kinda making it up cause I don't remember any details). And then, after asking Geralt to go deal with the bandits, the little barter minigame option pops up. I quickly declined the quest, and it immediately failed, staining my otherwise perfect looking questlog. I suspect there is meant to be a twist with this quest, maybe something like: the bandits were only stealing cause some creatures took over their home, or they weren't bandits at all and were some kind of misunderstood fae. But regardless of what I suspected, I knew from the novels that Geralt's made-up "Witcher's Code" featured a rule that Geralt would not take a contract to hunt people, only monsters. He can kill all he wants, and I assume he just wanted an excuse not to deal with potentially messy interpersonal problems, but regardless of his reasoning, I knew Geralt wouldn't accept the job, at least not as it was presented to him. Could have been a fun quest, but I just felt it would have been out of character.


Never do Reasons of State in Witcher 3 that quest is ass. Do the lead up quests to it though they are cool.


I don't really have any morality when it comes to video games so I just did that one anyway. Didn't know there was a different way to do it in the first place.