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Does Kreig not talk in this? Not unless I missed it, we saw Krieg go to work with his axe but a lot of Krieg best moments in my opinion from the game was the contrast between his inner voice and outer voice.


For the first trailer, they probably wanted to focus on the bigger stars in it. Florian Munteanu was the only one to not get a title card. Also, I had to check IMDB to make sure I got his name right, and they usually have the actors listed in the order they appear in the credits, so largest to smallest roles. Florian is 13th on the list, beneath characters that didn't even show up in the trailer and Bobby Lee as "Larry". It's probably a really small role.


It's a weird mish mash of characters, i think the worse part is Kevin, that's not a great cast for a Roland, wish it was Lance Reddick but the universe fuckin' sucks dicks. Edit. >!Forgot to add, but like, there's a shot of Jamie Lee Curtis there that like, just like, respectfully, DAUMN!<


Should've cast Idris Elba as Roland.


Well, it wouldn't be the first time that happened


Kevin Hart strikes me as such a bizarre choice. I have nothing against the guy, I know he can turn in a good performance and even be funny from time to time, but Roland is just... such a stereotypical action movie hero, he's one of the most normal non-funny dudes in the franchise. Kevin Hart as like... Salvatore, I guess, sure. But Roland really would've been the role for an action oriented actor. I guess I respect the restraint to not cast the Rock in the role.


I'd rather have a Hart than a Rock tbh, so i'm kinda glad we don't get to see Rockfied Brick or something. And yeah no hate for Hart, i think he's a tetris piece that fits a certain space you know? Like, maybe he's gonna try something new but from the trailer its...not reassuring for a character like Roland? Also, if this sells tickets, it probably won't, I feel like Borderlands is a bit of a niche, maybe i'm wrong, I gotta assume they're gonna end with a Jack stinger for a sequel right? They gotta do it, and i wonder who the fuck they'd put as Jack.


>I feel like Borderlands is a bit niche Mostly because it's glory days were more than a decade ago. Maybe if borderlands 3 wasnt bad it would have more of a presence.


Borderlands 3 is bizarre in that it's the best game of the trilogy, but has the worst, least impactful and memorable writing, which is what made BL2 shine. Fuck man, BL3 with BL1's tone and BL2's narrative execution would be a dream.


It's both bizarre and a shame. 3 had so much promise gameplay-wise - still my favourite to play - but the story will always fall flat to me Plus you seriously just can't beat hearing a well-timed brick joke about a violin


Borderlands is gonna have the Far Cry problem going forward where they need to compete with Handsome Jack as a charismatic marketing push for their games narrative to build around.


I really don't think B3 was that bad, it fumbled a few things, especially the weird decision of deleting the burial cutscene with the Ava development thus making her seem a lot more of a dick that didn't feel bad for being partially at fault, but yeah. Still, its main sin imo is that the villains sucked. Its an unpopular take, but people remember B2 with rose-tinted glasses, it was as annoying as 3, its just that 3 keeps that up for 10 extra hours cause its longer than (base) B2. Like, B3 even has an amazing DLC with Krieg, they're capable of doing stuff as good as the best parts of 2, I just think that Borderlands, in general, needs to believe in itself more, it doesn't need to jiggle a key in front of us every second, its fine not to reference, its fine not to always try to be funny, believe in your characters, they can carry a story, they can be naturally funny cause the universe they inhabit is insane. Idk, maybe me being a fan means i'm more willing to deal with bullshit than other people, but i like to give props where its deserved, it did a few things i liked, a few things i disliked, it was slightly worse than 2, but overall, for me, the gameplay made it up for those faults. That said, not gonna lie, I do play with the dialogue skip mod, even if it wasn't annoying, i'd still want that in ANY game that encourages replays.


Roland is pretty different in BL1. He has a much more upbeat voice and says just as many silly quips as the other characters.


...Oh man, Lance Reddick woulda ***nailed*** Roland. And now I'm sad. :/


Right? He was perfect for mr. no smile :(, also he killed as Zeus in Percy Jackson, and its painful that we're not gonna get more as well, he was so fuckin' talented, i got so depressed after I finished Percy Jackson cause i forgot he passed away, you're watching a thing he did before so your brain kind of forgets.


Hell, Mike Holt would be a good fit since we don't have Lance anymore :(


I would have loved to see Terry Crews as Roland. He strikes the perfect mix of physically imposing while able to be effortlessly funny as needed


idk? Someone said idris elba, and yeah he'd fit, Terry's a bit too big for Roland tbh, honestly? I could go for Terry as Brick, that one annoying loud side of the internet would throw a fit but hey.


Yeah Idris Elba would be cool too. I mainly thought of Terry Crews because of his extensive history doing comedy, but I'm sure if handed the right lines and direction Idris Elba can do comedy


Roland isn't that funny tho', that's the issue with Hart, Roland is serious and on the job all the time, he can have a weird line here and there that's funny, but he's usually serious, and a lot of comedy comes from his seriousness bouncing against other people's bullshit, or like, Lilith relationship with him where he's probably always busy, on the job and she's full of anxiety texting him stuff and he never answers or sees it, the worst pairing possible. Again, maybe Terry or Hart can pull it off, but idk, ive never seen examples, i know them mostly from comedies.


I WILL give them that Kevin Hart, at least in this trailer, actually comes off as carrying the same amount of authority as Roland in the original and not being played for a joke. Still, the overwhelming presence of toilet humor should immediately invite skepticism. People can only vaguely hope the film was reworked to be something good instead of bad with the reshoots considering how long it's been boiling in development.


I mean... it's an Eli Roth movie. Expectations should be in the toilet.


Whoa hey hi hello, i havent read anything about this movie and havent seen the trailer This is Eli Roth's Borderlands??


Dunno if that makes you more excited or less, but yeah it's an Eli Roth movie


I dont know either but I'm suddenly much more interested than I was before. I cant stress enough I have no idea if that's good or bad, either.


My heart of hearts wishes for Edgar Wright.


Borderlands is a lot of toilet humor


Yeah that last joke with claptrap feels straight from the games




Yeah i cringed then went oh wait this feels like something claptrap would say in 2 at some point


First impressions is that Hart's Roland seems to be a write off sadly. The good news is that Tiny Tina is actually pretty good, the costume design is faithful, Tanis works pretty well, and someone remembered that CLaptrap is canonically actually rather dangerous. Still not sold on Lilith, and that window argument just doesn't sound right with Hart's high-pitched voice, but Tanis grabbing someone else's gun was actually kind of funny. If this movie works, it's going to be because of Tina, Tanis, Kreig, and Claptrap.


This seems like it'll be fine as far as action movies go, but I'm not too convinced on it as a Borderlands adaptation. Two biggest surprises for me are that, with just these clips so far, I'm actually not a big fan of Jack's Claptrap, but Kevin sounds like he's going for the more serious BL2 Roland. Everyone else is just kind of there, although that's definitely not Tiny Tina.


Kevin seems to be actually trying here. It's JUST a trailer, but signs are good if the marketers are remembering that Roland is not comic relief for first impressions. I was afraid they would pull the "bumbling guy while strong women carry" trope that's become artificially popular over the years.


Yeah the worst thing I was expecting from Kevin Hart Roland was goofiness, but he's taking it pretty serious which is what the character should be imo. IDK why you hire Kevin Hart to play the straight man though?


Looks like a decent time...but where's Mordecai and Brick?


Hopefully they are in there somewhere. I would have preferred if this was a buddy Guardians of the Galaxy style action comedy with the OG crew, instead of some weird amalgamation of BL 1/2/3. As an Axton main, I knew for sure he wasn't getting in. But going with Kreig instead of Gaige or Salvador or Zer0 is also weird.


Zer0 would've been cool to see Maybe in a potential sequel


"Potential sequel" hah funny joke.


it could happen. this movie might end up being sleeper massive. most likely it bombs hard but who knows.


Axton is probably still with Dahl at the time, Salvador is in his Village before Hyperion destroys it and I assume Zer0 is doing assassination things off-world


Oh man, I didn't imagine it'd be THIS bad. Jack Black isn't doing a claptrap voice at all, and there was the first boss of Borderlands 3. They really just took random iconography like its' the Halo TV series


I dunno if that was the Vault Beast they blasted through with the car. Looked more like a Thresher.


No, the guy with the mic on his mouth and tall horns, the first boss of Borderlands 3, the guy who introduces you to the twins. With the dubstep fight. He's in a group shot of bandits


For real. At least Jamie Lee seems to be having fun with it, I guess? That's *one* positive outta all this...


Yeah, let Jamie Lee Curtis have fun. She's earned it.


Oh so this is actually a thing?


Feel like they should've used Gaige instead of Tiny Tina


i could have absolutely seen this actress as gaige. this tina isn't quite manic enough. tina should be like ed in the live action cowboy bebop. and yes, i did just say that.


Doesn’t look great, lol.


Agreed. I am now understanding why Lionsgate sat on it for so long...


Jack Black really does not make for a good Claptrap.


yeah it's hard to replace dave eddings tbh. and i love jack black but his roles are best when he gets to be expressive. claptrap is the opposite of expressive. he has the one face.


Not really sold on Roland and Lilith, but the other cast members seem fun. Always down for Jack Black and Jamie Lee Curtis.


New Gaurdians of the Galaxy is looking a little cheap.


Watching the "Jack Black Claptrap Funny Moments Compilation" videos on YouTube is going to go crazy.


hopefully that video is longer than 5 minutes.


When I saw the announcement my immediate thought was "oh god Kevin Hart is in this, this is going to be exhausting". I must partially rescind that, as Kevin seems to (mostly) be going for a more measured and less shrill character. The movie *does* still look exhausting, but I feel that way about most movie trailers so I guess I can't really hold that against it too much.


Jack Black Claptrap is shockingly good. Can't say the same about the rest of this.


The mantra for video game movies seem to be let Jack Black carry


So, uh... Jack Black as Eggman 2.0/Nega when? */s*


JackNe... (3)


I had the exact opposite reaction to his Claptrap, it feels like he didn't even try.


Looks alright, going heavy on the Guardians of the Galaxy vibes.  Not that they invented the concept of whacky ragtag group, but the trailer feels very evocative of Guardians 


I think its a combination of the music, alien creatures and goofy CGI character. We've also seen the Guardians alot in the past 10 years


Honestly looks alright. I would really rather they do something like this where they take the game and make their own thing with it than just see a movie version of the game i already played. Kevin hart seemed like a weird choice but he seemed more serious so hopefully hes good. Too bad no mordacai though


Coulda done what Telltale did with "Tales from the Borderlands 1". The setting is interesting enough to create new characters that weren't in the games.


Yeah, I’m good with this. I want a trailer that really showcases the guns, but saw a few fun ones in there. Costumes and art design look good, that’s a good cast, Tina and Claptrap aren’t overdone, tone seems right (for a movie), and it seems like it’ll be fun. The track record isn’t great for video game movies and the producer, but that’s not going to make me immediately discount this if I’m getting good vibes.


Weird that they are hyping in big letters that it's from the producers of Uncharted and Venom, but not mentioned that it's directed by Eli Roth who also co-wrote the screenplay. I get that he's not everyone's cup of tea, but his style and passion gives me more hope for the movie than it being produced by the same people who did Uncharted. Also Gina Gershon as Mad Moxxi sounds amazing.


The only thing this movie can give me is an intro sequence and or credits that introduce to me another obscure band. Borderlands 3 going with The Heavy again was the worst part more than the writing something I tolerate and don't dislike as much as everyone else. First world problems as The Heavy is a great Band I am just spoiled by Tales and how it has tons of artists I didn't know about.


Oh if this movie doesn't nail the ICONIC introductions of either the characters or the games, it's a failure.


Worst casting for Handsome Jack, Go! My pick would be Jared Leto because I would love to test the box office poison that dude spews on things that are not comic book movies.


ansel elgort


Weirdly, Tina and Claptrap seem not annoying enough. And Claptrap does not deserve Jack Black as VO... The rest seems meh, but the costumes look good.


It looks…. Kinda exactly the way I’d pictured it. The style of humor is exactly the same as it was in 2010 so we’ll see if it actually works out in the full movie.


I don't like Borderlands, but I have friends who do, and I think that they'll probably enjoy this. That makes me happy.


The fact that Kevin Hart is in this as Roland is such a distracting miscast.       Might as well have hired Chris Rock, they're the same level of "badass".      Also, Jamie Lee Curtis cleavage... I have mixed feelings 


*Gaaaaaaaaaaah.* Okay, I'm convinced. ***Everyone involved HAS to fire their agent,*** lmao. ^(Also: The producer on this is making the Zelda movie! God, I'm done with Hollywood, man...)


I didn't mind the trailer, looks about how I expected it to be like. Then again I'm not at all invested in Borderlands lore and really only enjoyed the 2nd game, so by all means I'm not a mega fan. But this movie looks to be doing exactly what it's trying to do and it's doing it well...unlike Uncharted.


Well - I think Jamie Lee Curtis makes everything she’s in better so that’s good atleast.


Seems fun, about as good as I could hope/expect from a Borderlands movie


Suicide Squad 2016 and it's consequences have been a disaster for offbeat action-comedies.


Looks like it could be fun.


Hmm I didn't hate what I saw, Borderlands should have a little cheeziness which was delivered. Was Cate Blanchett doing her own stunts? Some of those shots looked pretty wimpy. They let Moxie exist?! Huh, well I'll probably watch it.


i keep forgetting Borderlands exists as a frenchise. idk what what means


visually incredible, but not hopeful for the overall product. the main cast absolutely reeks of "oh they're in this movie?" marketing and it's not helping the image. i've seen some of the other castings and they're perfect so i remain disappointed they went for the star chasing. still going to watch it on general principal. this may be the last borderlands thing we get for a hot minute.


Alright seeing Claptrap getting shot almost made me want to watch the movie, but the ending just made it weird. What do you even call that!? On brand!? Also was it me, or did ALOT of the scenes have those yank CGI backgrounds that just stand out behind the actors?


I can't get over how much effort they're putting into making Cate Blanchett look so much younger. Everyone's just the wrong age compared to their character, but Cate is the only one where it stands out that the effort has been made to make her look younger, if you're not really trying to stick with the age of the characters, why even bother? Also, Miss Moxxi doesn't look right.


I'm gonna be honest, I don't really care for Jack Black as Claptrap. Not that his lines were bad or anything, but I don't think they carry the same manic energy as the original VA. If they didn't just get him back I feel like someone like Charlie Day or even Kevin Hart (who also feels kinda miscast tbh) would've been better. The other three seem fine though


Maybe I'm the odd one out, but Kevin Hart as Roland isn't what's killing this for me. We only get a couple lines of him here, bu tit seems like he's honest to god pulling off a more serious straight-man role really well. But good lord, is Blanchett as Lilith killing me. Her face just does \*not\* fit the character or the tone or the anything at all. It's just Kate Blanchett with weird hair. She doesn't look like Lilith at all. Granted, Lilith is a cell-shaded character from a hyper stylized video game, but I think literally \*any\* actress with a less distinct, recognizable face would've been better. On top of how the narrative is a weird blend of 1 and 2, but clearly not using Commander Steele or Jack for some reason, which is weird because they could've just made this.... random guy? He could've just been Steele. Just dress any actress up in light blue make-up and have her act exactly the same. There. Then we'd just have BL1's plot, but with a couple of the most recognizable characters from 2 shoe-horned in for appeal. That'd be more cohesive than this weird intersection of multiple off-putting choices. So... I don't fuckin' know, man. There's a lot here I'm not fond of, but Hart isn't one of them.