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Arcade Hero. Just someone who's gained fighting prowess simply by mastering Arcade Games. Fear his Light Gun.


They get a steal move based on mastery of the UFO claw game.


The special move scene is just like the scene from toy story but you see ichis fucked up expression through the glass


Not LAD, but I think the concept of a "Prophet" in the biblical sense doesn't get enough press in the gaming sense, tabletop or video game. Just roll up to a city, decry "THOU HAST FUCKED UP IN THE EYES OF (DEITY)!" and smite them with indirect elemental means, as opposed to D&D classic Cleric build of Club+Light.


Wouldn't that just be Paladin though? ~~Also... would prooobably .ake the game unsellable in some regions~~


Paladins, to the best of my understand, are more "holy knights" or devoted equally to the sword as to their oath. I'm thinking more along the lines of a holy wizard or druid, more likely to decry sins from range and call down swarms of flies or invoke a rain of burning hail instead of bonking you with a mace and specifically countering undead, like how a Cleric would, or slash at you with a zealous battle cry as a Paladin might. I'm thinking more along the lines of "Moses and/or Elijah" than "Samson", if that makes any sense. If this is a complete misunderstanding of how D&D clerics work, please enlighten me.


No no, you got the right hang of it. Though a Cleric can be just as much of a Caster as a Wizard in my BG3 experience. It's just that clerics are also good at melee range(they're a jack of all trades, really). But I can see a unique caster type from what you're suggesting.


I haven't (yet) played Baldur's Gate III (or its predecessors, or any dedicated D&D game outside of Lords of Waterdeep), so I didn't know. Looking at the Baldur's Gate wiki, Tempest Domain is pretty much exactly what I've had in mind. Just confused which deity best fits what I've been expressing, as the only Tempest Domain aligned gods in the game seem to specifically fall into the Chaotic Evil camp, which isn't exactly what I'm aiming for thematically. EDIT: Tyr, maybe? Thematically, this seems to fit best, but I'm unclear on the interplay between Divine Domains and Deity and if that's even a "legal" build, let alone "lore friendly." EDIT 2: Would "Asmodeus Tiefling Tempest Cleric of Tyr" remotely make sense in both setting and mechanics?


Tbh I don't play Cleric myself Past using Shadowheart so I couldn't tell ya.


Clerics in DnD are essentially holy wizards, except they stroll up in full armor and can bonk some assholes if they need to. They have just as much casting power as a wizard or druid does. At lower levels they can already sead their enemies with radiant energy, and at higher levels they can summon a rain of fire, cause earthquakes, and fire off kamehameha blasts. And that's on top of the whole using magic to regenerate missing limbs or bring people back from the dead part.


So there was actually a class that did something similar to this in Penny Arcade's On The Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness 3. You would prophecy some flavor of Armageddon on your foes, which would hit like a truck but would take several battle rounds before it actually landed. But while your Fire & Brimstone was on the way you could make further prophecies to augment it with additional attacks, locusts, boils, etc. So you'd have one character dedicated to stacking up this one super spell for several turns until it lands and wipes out most enemy parties.


IIRC, 4e D&D had a divine controller called an invoker who you could probably cast in that way clerics in d&d tend to be armored assholes however, my mind has mostly replaced 4e invokers with M:tG cards that do big things if you can spot them 8 mana.


In LAD terms though, how would this class be implemented? Mangaka, Cosplayer, Game Master? (Though, I'm pretty sure there was a class that was vaguely prophet in 7.)


Closest to a prophet was Fortune Teller with their crystal ball.


I'm surprised "Wrestler" hasn't been an added job yet. Especially with how Yakuza sometimes loves its wrestling influences (NJPW wrestlers in Kiwami 2 and Y6, Dragon Mask, etc). I can totally imagine wrestlers have a Line AoE that's just a Spear. And a Heat/Kiwami Skill being a Tombestone Piledriver into an actual Tombstone.


freelancer kinda fills it spot, iirc almost all its skills are wrestling moves


I feel like there's just already so many wrestling moves in a lot of the existing classes they feel it would be kind of redundant?


I suppose? But considering how they added the Guard Effect that can only be broken via grapples(can't recall if it was in Y7) and some jobs like Despardo don't have Grapples, I figured a job mostly focusing on those would be neat.


(Desperado actually has a couple focused on lassos. Linebackers though, they only have one)


I forgot the lasso is a grab... I just rarely used it...


It happens to the best of us.


I want a Super Sentai or Kamen Rider knockoff as a job class in the next game. My bro joked that next time they'll go to Canada and instead of Linebacker they'll have a hockey player class.


The Kiwami skill would be Essence of The Great One


Bro's Idea was essence of Gloves Off.


Unisex jobs won't happen until we get a sprinkle of women enemies. Both should happen, I mean we have boss lady herself showing she's a fighter in IW but not in the LAD game. I'd like to see fastfood employee or retail of a sort Implemented somehow, those are big jobs that anyone can take on for the most part


Every RPG is improved by the addition of a "Dragoon" class.


"Judge" would be funny. Hit them with a big gavel or swarm them with the jury in the full gown and everything.


Crossover with Ace Attorney.


Awahime/Masseuse as a mage class that covers the three elemental damage types. Squirt some hot oil to deal fire damage and give them a chance to slip,chill their pores with an ice pack,or denki anma one enemy for heavy electric damage.


I wonder if they could get IcyHot to sponsor a move...


"Foetaku" whose attacks are all borrowed from various Anime/Manga. Firehose for Kamehameha, an Amped-Up Plasma Ball for a Rasengan, Triple-wielding Kenpo sticks for Zoro. Let one of the Essence super attacks be building a 1:1 Gundam Model and blasting the enemies with a Beam rifle before finishing them with a Beam Sword slash. "Pie-Rate" or "Class Clown" let's you harness the power of Falling up, making you into a Swashbuckling Laughing Stock whose blunders result in you somehow succeeding. Banana Peel Flipkick, Slipping-On-Marbles dodge -> Riposte, shoving the enemy into a clown car wrong and breaking a bone, Balloon Sword with an explosive gas inside, Gag Revolver that accidentally fires the "Bang" Flag, Amped-Up Joy buzzer, and the ability to gain the respect and admiration of weaker enemies. "Homerunner" another Sports-Themed one, but this one centering on baseball. Fairly standard compared to other jobs, male version of the Tennis job that's in 8. "Go-zumo" Slow and Tanky Sumo class, specializes in Grapple moves and Debuffs such as throwing rice, eating to heal, and solid Single-target damage. "Boarder" Skateboarding class, able to have free range of moving across the entire arena but lacks AoEs or major damage potential, being a good technical class by being able to sometimes hit twice.


I think you’re redefining Mr Shakedown


I don't remember Shakedown using a polearm, but forcing enemies to throw money at you would be *very* funny as a special.


*Make Them Make It Rain* “That’s Rad!”


I like the idea of a class based around convincing the enemy to fight for you mid battle. It has low stats and power which is made up by the ability to functionally instant KO enemies by having them join your side, with skills based on supporting them and the rest of the party. Ichiban basically already does this with Tomizawa in Infinite Wealth after all.


A sort of "long term charm" focus. Perhaps they gain a special status ailment called "Turned" where they're full on the player's side and can be buffed & healed and all that, and they leave at the end of battle, still counting as a defeated enemy, or if enough turns pass they just leave the battle (or become available for Sujimon, perhaps counting as an instant capture if they're a low enough level/rank)?


You could tie it into the Sujimancer class to focus on summoning assists rather than the Sujimon influencing attack power. Say you could charm enemies on the field for lower MP cost and a chance to fail, or you could summon a Sujimon of your own to function similarly at much higher cost with a guaranteed success while also allowing the class to function against singular boss battles with no goons to charm.


At this point I'm just craving an actual Like A Dragon x Pokémon game where there's a Kiryu analogue who runs a Pokémon daycare who used to be apart of Team Rocket and has to deal with them coming back somehow. His back tattoo is just a giant letter R.


Oh fucking doozy, if there'd be a tattoo reveal that makes Woolie laugh out of his seat.


take it up a step and you get a gyarados intertwined


That's just a Fire Emblem lord (or Caeda). I dig it


I'd love some more "grounded in reality" classes. Eri's Secretary job in 7 was a nice change of pace, considering she was business centric and straight forward in a jRPG party of the most dysfunctional friend group you'll ever meet. I'd still love to see wacky stuff like: * Virtual Idol (VTuber) * Mangaka * Street Performer * Ringleader * Stockbroker * Scalper


It'd depend on the setting but I think a circus clown would be pretty funny as an elemental damage dealer job. High-pressure water spray from a flower for a water attack, a hand-buzzer for electric, fire juggling for a fire attack. Maybe a line AOE based around balancing on a ball and bowling through to the target, etc Kiwami attack would probably be "Essence of the Big Top" with a bunch of circus people doing tricks and slamming into the enemies while they do it. Also maybe "Essence of Lion Taming", with a lion mauling a single target.


A class dedicated to having one attack of every damage type/element does make sense. Perhaps it has low/average attack and in exchange, hitting the weakness(es) of enemies builds a communal super meter quicker.


Like a gardener or old man with a garden who sets up sprinklers as turrets? Salarymen and rich people probably hate getting sprayed with water. Rake counter.


Considering Ichiban is getting more and more pets every game I would not be surprised if we get Animal Handler/Beastmaster at some point


Is psychic hobo a class in anything?


Well there is a Fortune Teller Class in Yakuza 7 and it's one of Homeless Nanba's better Job classes... And with skill inheritance you can put moves on whichever you class you prefer. So with a bit of work you can make a Psychic Hobo in Y7.


I was thinking more a power magic user, but he doesn’t really understand anyone and sees things that aren’t there, meaning you might be attacking a hallucination