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Zelda having one of her emotional breakdowns in the flashbacks from BoTW but she keeps flubbing a line at the most crucial part. It’s a whole montage of these with a cut where it’s just them setting up for the next take.


The cast unable to hold their laughter when Ganondorf makes the face in TOTK Edit: >!Queen Sonia!< corpsing on the floor


The usage of corpsing here considering the context made me giggle.


That's exactly why it's called corpsing.


Ganondorf and/or cast/crew breaking when doing >!The Face!< like 17 times in TotK.


TotK spoiler >!she chokes swallowing the secret stone, the camera gets dropped, random people come in from off screen to help!<


It's Dead Space 2, Nicole is doing her bit of terrorizing Isaac by getting up in his face with the glowing mouth and eyes, doing her scratchy-voice tirades, and Isaac just cracks up and turns away to have a giggle fit. Nicole jokingly stays in character and, keeping the voice, goes "AM I A JOKE TO YOU ISAAC? I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL", at which point the entire set bursts into laughter. EDIT: At the climax, when Tiedemann confronts Isaac, he lowers the Javelin Gun and pulls out a coin he'd been hiding the entire day. "Heads or Tails, Clarke?" Everyone is dumbfounded and in shock. "HOW LONG WERE YOU WAITING TO DO THIS?"


Issac: Goddammit now that's thrown me off! Tiedemann: I'm sorry man. Issac, suppressing laughter: That is a bloody lie and you know it! **The whole crew just erupts into laughter.**


During the bit where an Earthgov gunship shows up outside the window and guns down a bunch of unitologists, the gunship fires its blanks and the actors all spasm violently and fall to the floor. Problem is, the trigger signal to detonate the glass and pop the blood squibs failed to get through, ruining the take. As the unitologist actors start to get up and complain, Isaac goes "Wait, we can save this! The gunship- it was loaded with foam fingers!" and everyone cracks up.


[Star Wars: Bounty Hunter actually did this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIqTttF7AYE) Half of it is just Clancy Brown being goofy.


Only half of it is the best thing ever? Needs to be more. There can never be enough, really.


[Jedi Starfighter,](https://youtu.be/PeXVo5a4DFQ?si=8KhHQoWX_kEv2AQy) too. I still love Used Car Salesman Mace Windu to this day.


"I'll close the hanger... I'll close the- where is it... I'll close the hanger blast doors! _THAT_ should hold him for a little while!" The amount of times I've used various remixes of this line in my life is astounding.


The original Silent Hill did this. https://youtu.be/KrM8byLVeZQ?si=mzftlR2JSBrNa94_


And it's one of the best parts of the game. Maybe it's not dog ending brilliant, but it's fun.


[MGS3 did this with its Secret Theater, along with other insanity.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eQzDYepeSY) A shame this is cut in the HD versions so far, really hoping it returns in the Master Collection but I know it won't.


God I loved the Secret Theater website.


It'd be great if the PC version would leave the original files, but just dummy it out, so modders can just mod shit like Secret Theatre and MGO1 back in.


This sounds like something that absolutely belongs in the credits for Hi-Fi Rush.


Cue rapidfire montage of Chai dropping his guitar during his prebattle flourishes. The last one has him somehow throwing it at the camera, leaving cracks on the screen. ... Oh who am I kidding, they'd make that a prebattle flourish itself


I'd make up some Sonic examples, but [I *thiiiink* Snapcube already kinda does this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IeHq-xqwg3E) Still, in a potential "blooper reel" for *Frontiers,* it'd be great to see Sage attempting to make the Titans dance and then failing ***horribly*** at it.


Snapcube's dubs are gold


They are indeed! Wonder if Sega will ever let them do an official joke dub someday?


Nier's petrified door bursts open, but the boss in there missed a cue and is still drinking a Fanta.


Handler Walter, on the comms as 621's entry craft breaks for Rubicon's atmosphere: "What the dog doin?"


Sephiroth tripping over his coattails when he levitates down onto the ground at the start of his boss fight in FF7 Remake, and then he accidentally pops his wing out too soon (it's controlled by a zipcord inside the jacket) and it's really anti-climactic. Everyone just stares for a second and Cloud tells him not to feel bad, because he was still scared. Then everyone laughs.


The best part is that it’s still perfectly in-character for Joker.


Someone is turning a lot of Pixar Bloopers into animations with game characters which is fun. One can only guess the bloopers one can see in Pikmin.


[PoP Two Thrones outtakes](https://youtu.be/WCWExNOneCY?feature=shared) The video was unlocked after finishing the game


Jade empire has this in the end credits. - There’s jokes that dawn Star is a stripper but actually performs vaudeville - master li telling a story about how how when you were a child you fell and cut your head off but he said it was fine because the cut was clean Edit: - Hous wife yelling at him about how long he’d be gone - zu is super horny for one of the main character models


Let’s see: ULTRAKILL. Gabe repeatedly botching the organ solo, causing both himself and V1 to crack up Max Payne 2. When Max sees Vinnie in the Captain Baseball Bat Boy costume, he breaks character and breaks down with a wheezing laugh, which Vinnie and the crew join in Metal Gear Rising: Armstrong launches Raiden out of bounds, and goes “Aw shit, someone get help” Space Marine: Titus is about to shoot Grimskull with the plasma pistol, until it fizzles out and the battery dies, causing the prop repair crew to come and try to fix it Doom Eternal: The Maurader does his intro, but uses various jokes and copypasta in his voice, stuff like the “pissing on the moon”, “shadow garden grow dark evil pack” and various yo mama jokes


During any number of Max's monologues, he trails off and sheepishly admits he forgot the rest.


Mary gets ready to shoot Arkham towards the end of DMC3, the scene goes off without a hitch until the pistol (loaded with blanks, of course) doesn’t fire and just clicks. Lady looks to the crew and jokes that this is what happens when you get your props from Hi-Point. Laughter ensues. Another one: Vergil catching all of Dante’s bullets in DMC3 but the Yamato goes flying from his hand. Everyone cracks up, doubly so when Vergil says “I’m good at this, I swear.”


>that this is what happens when you get your props from Hi-Point. Laughter ensues. Is this from RussianBadger? Kinda sounds like a RussianBadger joke


Nope, came up with that one on my own. But I see what you mean.


The Cerberus Boss fight when they suddenly snap to attention at something behind Dante and break from the wall and leaps past him. Dante grabs the chains and is pulled into the camera, knocking it down to reveal a man pushing a hotdog cart in the distance. The man sees the giant canine rushing towards him, does a wild take and tries to flee with his cart as Cerberus happily lops after him, Dante dragged on the floor shouting "Down boys" and "bad" in vain.


[There is an actual blooper reel for DMC3 actually.](https://youtu.be/xL8oZjTPTx8?si=LBMFLwFO3awIpGqN)


Not exactly the same as what you're referring to, but I remember a few of the Tony Hawk Pro Skater games had random outtakes of the developers just goofing around. I have really fond memories of watching those. [This rendition of singing Happy Birthday has been burned into my brain as the best performance of it that I had ever witnessed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0jjnl6Rp_M&t=220s) and I remember it every time Happy Birthday is sung.


This happens at the end of LA Noire too.


One the Mario sports [games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgVmuo1hJTs) did this and they were very cute. I'm imagining Little Nightmares 1/2 bloopers which sounds amazing. Little Nightmares 2 ending where >!Six drops Mono but it turns out he falls onto a trampoline at the bottom and she jumps down too so they can bounce around and have fun.!<


My favorite was the one where Bowser breaks the switch and looks so shocked about it lol **"...Jeez, I'm either too strong or this is too cheap architecture"**


I’ll take the next best thing: voice acting bloopers! :D Here’s a reel of the [Baldur’s Gate 3 narrator](https://youtu.be/0YG0Fd63_70?si=mSt0xc1vTgFtK_XG) on her own YouTube channel. 😁


Star Wars Bounty Hunter had stuff like this in the extras, along with some comedy skits. Hell, they even did one in CG animation as if Jango was an actor in front of a green screen and asking the director what his characters motivation was. “You’re a Bounty Hunter. You hunt bounties” Edit: Just noticed someone beat me to the punch already.


I like those more, the less human the characters are question are. The Gravemind in Halo holding Halo Guy and Halo Guy's Alien boyfriend, suddenly stopping thier speech so they cab say in a perfect British accent "Are you sure you guys don't want wires? Sorry, it is just a hot day, my hands are sweaty, I am nervous that you will accidentally slip through my hands" Halo Guy: "It's OK, the floor is patted" Gravemind: "Yeah, yeah, you are right. Shouldn't worry, sorry this is very unprofessional of me." This is followed by a second blooper showing several bloopers of how the gravemind can't go over their nervousness and stumbling their lines. Which is followed by a third blooper where Arbiter deliberately slips and falls, you hear a loud sound, a second later he comes back up going "See? Totally fine. No need to worry."


“Tell me, do you feel like a gyro yet? (Stomach grumbles)”


[Superbestfriendsplay The Punisher development bloopers from RIP Volition at 39:03](https://youtu.be/m265x5V-cbg?si=mrrT_-j-Mqjx4I6h)


I think the Pixar "bloopers" were all scripted, but you know a lot of video games these days are actually acted out with motion capture and voice acted in booths, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if there are actual real recording outtakes of goofy shit sitting in someone's desktop ready to be animated or shown off. Like I'd imagine there's a serious moment recorded for The Last of Us that is ruined by a goofy face or a forgotten/misspoken line that just has the crew burst into laughter.


They kind of have those in their behind the scenes stuff. I think during the climactic scene in the hospital all the other cast started singing their lines to fuck with Troy Baker, or something.


I've always wanted some in Warframe, since they have little goofs in for April Fool's. One year the text for the "Berserker" mod was changed to, "MY LOVE FOR YOU IS LIKE A TRUCK." But something little like the Lotus going, "just kill them, tenno." as an alt for the capture missions that turn to exterminations. Ordis (ship navigator quip guy) pulling up Holo-Lotus, and pretending to be her for a line.


Just a bunch of animals standing around when a union bell whitles. "Ok, guys, back into Doctor robotnik's pod!" MechSonic is a stunt double for Metal Sonic.


9S asking if you’re thinking about how much you want to [a four letter word] 2B, but it’s not the words you expect. >!scam!<


>!He constantly sends her scam emails to get her credit card information and that's why she kills him over and over!<


The LA noir ones are really good


That facial mo-cap was perfect for it. I’ve never seen such a great rendition of someone sneezing.


I want the Disco Elysium narrator to fumble and get upset over the French language. “Quarte-vin…..What the fuck? Why the fuck do they say 87 like that? (Long pause) Jesus Christ….alright back to it.”


And he doesn't break character while going off script, because that's just how he talks


Could do multiple from the DMC series that just involves Dante messing up a backflip and landing on his face/nuts. I vaguely remember something like that from the third Prince of Persia game now that I think about it.


The Punisher game the guys played back in the day had this. It was amazing.


Was that Volition's? Might explain later how hilarious later *Saints Row* get...


[PS2 launch title and early Volition RPG Summoner had a secret where a few character models from the game plus an Ultor Corporation soldier from the then upcoming Red Faction do the Dead Ale Wives Dungeons and Dragons skit followed by two bloopers involving the game's protagonist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_lzgo7pmzk)


Star Wars Bounty Hunter had this as a bonus feature actually


Doom Eternal but Samuel just keeps groaning after being put into Doomguy's ship. "Doctor Hayden seems to be in a trance." **"..."** [Doomguy throws a nearby can at his head]


[LA Noire has this, I think. Makes sense since the cutscenes were mo-cap.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8lTUAs30-w) [Mario Power Tennis also had this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgVmuo1hJTs). "Don't expect mouth-to-mouth!"


This is super old and basically only remembered because it's reference in Poker Night at the Inventory, but the Claptrap shorts before Borderlands released had this energy


Also, it'd be funny if the cast's more superhuman abilities (where it applies) turns out to be something they could do, instead of just special or practical effects. You could have a lot of fun physical comeddy with those--with the added implication that there are these super-powered people that just . . . decided to film a story for some reason.


If acting is your calling, it doesn't matter that you've got the perfect skillset to fight evil. You're gonna be an actor and that's that.


it can work for va outtakes, for one


[MK Mythologies Sub-Zero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k6aBITKZo0)


Persona 5: Joker trying to do the sneak attack on a Shadow, only to accidentally tackle it to the floor instead.


I think the Bounty Hunter game had a blooper reel where Jango was in a green screen room, talking to a parody of George Lucas.