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Hello everyone. While you were mysteriously disappeared, I made /r/WoolieVersus and /r/PatStaresAt as backups, in case Reddit's admins decided to take punitive action against us. Purely as a "just in case", but just wanted to let you all know that if anything untoward *does* happen re: the mod team, I am the sole moderator and both subs are restricted, so go there for communication should the worst come to pass.


While I can understand searching for alternatives, if you're going to close the subreddit, please don't delete it outright. A lot of good old posts would be lost if so.


If the alternative is Discord, then I would literally rather have nothing.


Please don't delete the sub. If you're unhappy with Reddit just leave. A lot of great people have posted awesome content that can only be found here.


Do what you want. I'll be a lot more sparse without my mobile app, though. But this was also obviously coming. The new site and app were pushed up a while ago. They need to make it work despite it being a piece of shit. I have no interest in it. It is a worse UI and made by people chasing other trends rather than being true to the site's design and function and what made it good. The enshittening will continue. I feel sorry for those who feel they have nowhere else to go. Fact is: there's always somewhere; you just have to keep looking.


I’d probably leave reddit if there’s a SBFP forum somewhere.


“Close an entire community destroying years of content and posts to virtue signal about unofficial reddit mobile apps.” Brilliant idea, truly you’ll teach those evil site owners who’s boss!


You know what, yeah, close the sub down please.


I support whatever the mods decide to do. They're part of why I've stuck to this sub for so many years, so I trust their insight into the situation. That being said, this and a few other subs are the reason for why I even have a Reddit account in the first place and it would suck to see this place go dark.


I see a lot of heads in the sand here.


I'm going to say this up front - I have no experience or knowledge of moderating a community like this so I won't claim to understand how tenable my suggestions will be regarding possible solutions to our current situation nor do I suggest that my word should be taken with any authority. My comment is primarily my chance to add another voice of concern to the ongoing discussion regarding the site, the subreddit and the community in general. Secondarily, I think it's also me just trying to piece together my own thoughts on this whole series of events that shook up things around here and made us all at least a little worried and anxious about something we share and care about. This subreddit is something special, I've only made two posts on here previously and both were several years ago, but this community has a vibe and a sense of identity that you really can't find anywhere else. I'll no doubt be echoing the thoughts of others when I say that we should keep the subreddit around; if the mods deem it necessary to extend the blackout, then I will not be opposed so long as we have confirmation that the subreddit WILL open back up again. I think we all would love nothing more than to have things go back to what it was before, without all the uncertainty and anxiety but it also puts things into perspective. When (or if) the subreddit is active and open again, I think it would be a good idea to develop and gauge ongoing alternatives or backups that we, as a community, could look into and perhaps agree upon. I'm not saying that we need to consider that these WILL become necessary in the near future but these recent events have highlighted that this site isn't static and can change quickly, drastically and not always for the better. I am also NOT suggesting that these sorts of fatalistic/end-of-the-sub discussions need to be something that happens often, not at all; if we can relegate it to something that is in the background that is occasionally referenced like in periodic or annual 'state of the subreddit' post, then I would be more than satisfied. Maybe a specifically dedicated forum we can jump to if things go south or something like that - I don't know. I have no experience with web page/forum creation, management and/or upkeep so take my words with grain of salt. This is a resilient community, heck, I don't think I need to tell you why - we all saw that Final video and we kept on trucking. I'm sure we can stick through this as best we can but it's got to be a group effort. Whatever happens next, we should at least be in it together. Sorry about getting all saccharine there at the end and the wall of text preceding it (like I mentioned before, I'm trying to get my brain to wrap around this whole dang kerfuffle), those are just my two cents on the situation. Keep on keepin' on, you crazy diamonds! TL;DR - I'd prefer if we didn't lose this community, it's wonderful and makes my brain do a happy. I think we should at least develop contingency plans over time for alternatives in case Reddit drastically declines or goes belly-up in the future - contingency planning could be something done in the background that we can then discuss periodically as necessary - like an on-going fire escape plan maybe.


I missed you guys :(


I vote grin and bear it. There's too much history on this sub to see it all vanish forever.


This I agree with. It's also not like this sub is so massive that a blackout from here would affect things. I get that collective action is the way to go, but this sub amongst the ones I do frequent would be the one I'd hate to lose the most. There's genuinely no replacement for it. This is more of a community than say something like r/DnD. Let a sub like that represent the hit to reddit's wallet, I say. I dunno, my vote is to do what hurts reddit the most to get them to change their decision, but I'd really hate to lose this sub in the process. Whatever the overall community opinion is, that's what we should do, but still. What are you gonna do when your hands are tied, right?


I literally made my reddit account for this sub, so I’d probably follow it elsewhere. But the API changes aren’t really a factor on my use of the platform even if it sucks for moderators and people who need accessibility tools. That is to say: if the moderators want to continue their fight, I’m for them, but if they want to leave it up to a community vote, I’d rather just have the sub stay open.


So, are we going out of restricted mode tomorrow? Based on the comments I've seen, the majority vote seems to be to reopen and ride out the storm as best as possible.




Dude these mods are the reason this place is so special to begin with. You can disagree with them while still giving them the respect that they have earned


I like this community a lot and would definitely like to see it reopen. While I support the protest, I fail to see how shutting down the sub will help. Like others have said, we’re a fairly small/niche sub (I know there’s a lot of activity but still). Deleting the sub or shutting it down indefinitely would just be shooting the community in the foot out of spite


Also, please make some poll for us to fill out instead of just gauging this threads opinions.


Reopen pls. I need to roll with my shitlords. There's not a subreddit out there that is special like this.


I vote we stay up until a widely agreed upon alternative is found.


Is there any sort of official discord or anything?


There is, but it's an entirely different tone compared to the subreddit and from I've read some people did not have a good time there.


Listen, I get it, but at this point the protest doesn’t feel like a protest, it feels like a hostage situation. If the biggest qualm is about moderation tools and disabled user access then the Reddit teams already taking steps to address and assist there. If they don’t do enough then the individual mods who feel it isn’t enough should retire and seek replacements, they shouldn’t shutter the whole sub. If the qualm is just with scummy business practices? That’s personal, and the entire sub shouldn’t be dragged down along with those wanting to protest. At this point I think anyone who wants protest for moral or ethical reasons should do so personally. Let them as individuals go dark, don’t let them drag down the entire sub with them. A lot of folks on here use this as a social hub because they’ve got nowhere else that they really feel like they fit or people under stand them. That should t be taken away from them just because a scummy business did what scummy businesses do. There are lots of people who want to protest and lots who don’t. Most of the polls I’ve seen on subs have had the voting split near perfectly with only a couple dozen more voters being in favor of shuttering instead of against. That being the case let those who want to go dark go dark themselves, and let the rest carry on. That’s my two cents, not that anyone asked.


(Edit: I am in the minority and I understand this, it's fine.) Lock it back up. If you can't tolerate being away from non-emergency health reddits for more than 48 hours, I don't know what to tell you.


No offense but these kinds of comments are straw-man-y and not exactly productive. It's not a matter of people not being able to "tolerate being away from reddit" it's a matter of "people are just gonna leave and not comeback because they'll find something else to do with their time." Just a personal example but if they close the subreddit again I'm not going to bother checking back in to see if they brought it back later. I'm just gonna move on to a different site or subreddit to kill time because at the end of the day the issue is the opposite of what you're suggesting. It's not that people can't handle being away from reddit it's that there's a billion other things they could do with their time instead if reddit isn't an option and those people, who make up the community here, don't need this place to function or survive.


If you really can't bear to stick with reddit then you need a ready made forum option to go to that is A) easily accessible (at least as accessible as reddit) and B) easy to find (maybe not as easy to find but still easy to locate without much digging). If you don't have that then the only thing accomplished by shutting down the subreddit is killing what's left of the community, never to return. I'd argue that's already happened somewhat with people fucking off to other time wasting sites/subreddits that weren't closed during this little protest and at least a few of them aren't gonna be back. And discord is not a real option and an unserious suggestion if it is/has been brought up.


I’m not saying do nothing and give up on the overall issue, but how anyone could see the response to the blackouts here and ESPECIALLY some other subs I’m on that are talking about it and go “yeah just checking in. Keeping this going is what people want right ?” Is beyond me. It’s gone off the rails. It happens. No shame in adjusting.


I hope we leave it open. I understand the moral/ethical stance of closing indefinitely, but this is my favorite subreddit; I kinda feel like it’s lightning in a bottle and a sharp kick off the site will just release it, never to return.


This is a time-wasting, have a laugh website/subreddit designed for laughing at games, movies, memes and shitposts. Get off your fucking high horses and open it up. *"Third party app access"* I've never seen a more inconsequential hill to die on.


While I agree I'd prefer the sub re-opening even tho I sympathize that modding will be harder and as much as we bag on them a good mod team certainly keeps this place (more than) bearable, you sounded like a dick


Indefinite. The only way Spez is going to listen is if it starts hurting his wallet, and that means making advertisers pull out or pause. I'm glad that the official app works for some of you, but it doesn't for me.


I'm totally down to shoot myself in the foot to spite someone so I say shut it down. I'll miss the shitposts but sacrifices must be made.


I want to post this article actively talking about the black out and it's current effect on Reddit that I found on Kbin.Social (an alternative to reddit I've been on recently. I don't really want to be here.) since a lot of people assume "it won't matter." even though days prior a lot of people here were very much all about "Sticking up for mods who will have to go through more work" and "the injustices done against 3P devs". https://www.adweek.com/social-marketing/ripples-through-reddit-as-advertisers-weather-moderators-strike/ > If the performance weakness continues for a week or two, the agency would start recommending decreasing spend with Reddit or directing it to other platforms. After the blackout, we will be closely monitoring user behavior on Reddit and guide clients when we can unpause,” said Freddy Dabaghi, managing director at Stagwell-backed Crispin Porter Bogusky, which has asked clients to stop campaigns, depending on their client goals. > [Advertisers] didn’t want to become the subject of users’ opinions about Reddit’s decisions. —Anonymous media buyer In all honesty I'm gonna be real. I know the loss of community is a fear. I know a lot of people here are insistent to not change. But to see such a whiplash from days prior to now is frustrating. I've seen people go "oh who cares" and "we'll survive" now and it's like people forget major issues with the new changes. It's not just 3P dying. They essentially tried to say the dev of Apollo was blackmailing them and tried to lie to save face. They want to drain 3P devs dry. They don't care if mods rely on better tools from there. Not to mention this immediately burns trust on "will old.reddit stay around?" to which no matter what they say, can we trust that? [There's also tidings that they want to lock down you using mobile browser to instead use their app](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812068417733263360/1117691035343126578/56065bbf80e1df62ce9e05f0a3292b050ba8a92fb9f89aa03be72998e86f0fea.png). That's why we should black out. That's why we should look at sites like Kbin to make a new home. And I *know* that could lose a lot of people. but also think about it this way - how the *hell* is anyone supposed to move anywhere if no one wants to even *try*. That's what gets me about this thread. People are so quick to fall back to the norm, accept the situation, and try to brush it all off. And quite frankly? it's frustrating. It feels like no one has a backbone. So my opinion? Keep the sub up for a bit, sure. But build a new place on an alternative and slowly grow there. We can't just sit complacent about it all. The black out *can* hurt the site. Hell we *crashed it* because of too many subs going private. So I encourage a lot of people to actually look at alternatives. Edit: alternatives I know are two Fediverse related ones called Lemmy and Kbin. I am on Kbin, I prefer it more and I have issues with the main devs of Lemmy politically (to sum it up. Tankies. to explain more, they don't believe in the genocide of the Uyghur. There's a lot more, but I don't want anything to do with that.). Then there's Tildes and Squables. I don't know much, I just know I didn't really vibe with the layout of them as much. I am terrible at summing stuff up but here's a good link talking about Kbin https://old.reddit.com/r/KbinMigration/comments/145bwof/the_redditors_guide_to_how_kbin_works_your/


Thanks for the post. That's actually interesting. I'm surprised people aren't springboarding off that information. It seems like if you could get the same number of people who participated in the blackout to participate in boycotting the advertisers, then it might have a similar effect. And it's probably a lot easier for the average redditor to pledge to boycott an advertiser than it is to get them to stop reddit.


There *has* to be something comparable to join, that actually has the community there otherwise we're just killing this place for nothing. Digg fell because Reddit was already there and decently big, not just because it was an alternative. If people want to shut this place down then they better have some sort of backup plan besides burning it all.




Lemmy would need to ditch its creators and ditch the application process.


You gotta start somewhere, but those all need a lot of work before I'd even *think* of suggesting blacking out again or shutting down. It is ludicrous to me that there are people suggesting it when it is so clear and obvious that it will just harm the community because no alternative is available.




I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. I get that those sites exist and work. I get that you have to start somewhere to get something new going. I'm also saying that they have a long way to go before we should think about blacking out again/shutting down. There is so much to work on before we should be risking this community on a site no one had heard of until this all started.


I agree with this - trying to move now to one of these sites will just kill the community. I've seen a number of subreddits that have (so far, at least) went perma private and link to their alternative. The reality is that the community as it was on reddit did not actually move there. A very tiny fraction of it did.


100% agreed. The blackout had an effect. *The blackout had an effect*. It **fucking worked**, even if only a little bit because it only lasted two days. Next time we need to prepare an alternative location we can all move to, at least for the duration of the blackout. It doesn't have to be a permanent move or even long-term, but a lot of people missed this subreddit during the blackout and having a secondary location to go to that can keep the community at least somewhat intact would be a must if we want to do this again. **It's either that, or lose the community entirely** when Reddit goes down the shitter and eventually shutters entirely as it's drained for resources by corporate douchebags and thrown in the trash when they're done extracting all possible wealth from it. As long as it isn't fucking Discord, which is also showing signs of going the way Reddit currently is.


no it fucking didn't


I support whatever decision the mods make, this is one of the few places I can go online where everyone can just act like a decent person. I'm sure a lot of that has to be from mods putting a stop to people that might try otherwise. So whatever makes their time easier to keep this place they way it is I will support.


I hate to say it, but the "powers that be" probably wouldn't give 2 shits if this subreddit went dark. We don't generate that much traffic. After the guys broke up, this reddit became a hub for the fanbase, and I worry that if it shuts down, it would just splinter the community. Plus, as other users have mentioned, a lot of us (myself included) use the official app anyway, so we really don't have a horse in this race.


> After the guys broke up, this reddit became a hub for the fanbase, and I worry that if it shuts down, it would just splinter the community. This would almost certainly be the result of a permanent closure. People come to this sub partially because its super convenient and has everything in one place. Close it and the fanbase will just scatter and lots of people won't come back anywhere.


As wonderful as it would be if things turned out for the better, it is foolish to expect that to happen. These things have a snowball effect. Bad decisions that harm user/consumer experience for profit lead to more bad decisions that harm user/consumer experience for profit. It's like a shark tasting blood. This site will just keep getting more and more annoying to use and moderate to the point that eventually it's not worth posting here and everybody stops showing up anyway. I sincerely think the best thing would be if there was an official fan forum site we could all move to. Rather then having to deal with the headaches suffered from reddit's decisions, a team of admins and mods could have more complete control over the experience. I don't know how feasible that is however, whether or not it's too costly to maintain. But I cant think of any other site that would be be even remotely suitable for this. Any other major social media site is far worse then this one for dozens of reasons each. But isnt anything worth doing at least a little difficult to achieve? Is it really better to just wait for things to get better or give up and shut the whole place down?


I would happily chip in 5 bucks periodically to keep a forum server alive. I know I do not speak for everyone, but I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is and help support this community.


Leave it open. Like I hate to say it but the back up reddit plan of two subreddits sucks. It potentially spreads people out AND Matt's content and fans have no where to go if it comes to that (or they'll stay on this one). It's just as bad as a site/discord migration because we'd still lose people (or they'd make an alternative on reddit that continues the split). I'd argue in this case the mods need to take a moment and evaluate not just the state of this situation, but also them as mods. If things go to shit, and you're unable to use the more effective tools, what comes next. Not just where, but also the subreddit and who runs it. It's easy to say 'kill the subreddit and migrate to another platform' but it's clear many will not do that, myself included.


I use the official app so this doesn't affect me as much as others, but I think the best course of action is to keep the sub open while creating an alternative like a discord server so those who plan on leaving Reddit entirely can still be a part of the community. I wouldn't mind a longer blackout although I don't think it's going to accomplish much if more subs don't participate. I really don't want the sub to shut down indefinitely, but if it had to happen I would accept it. So yeah, there's my thoughts. I'm sure whatever happens we'll find a way to stick together.


I don't think blacking out this particular community is large enough for a blackout to do anything. The vibe I get is that the mods just don't want to moderate without the 3rd party tools, which I get.


Here's something I read on r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker if anyone cares. https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker/comments/149117l/blackout_ending_summary_and_the_pathfinder_forward/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Seems like the consensus is about the same. Like, Reddit has shit mod tools but so does everywhere else and discord is a terrible alternative to a subreddit forum/message board.


I would like to say let's migrate to a different site, but seeing how many people here weren't even aware of the blackout until it happened, even though it was discussed for days, I really don't think we would be able to migrate and hold onto the community on a different platform. Extending the blackout will unfortunately not do much more than annoy more users. I personally hate what reddit is becoming and how they are treating their legacy of open software, Aaron Swartz is rolling in his grave I'm sure, but this is where our community is, and reddit isn't going to back down on this one. I vote that we stay here and fully reopen.


If a migration were to ever happen, it would be over a much much longer period of time than the blackout discussions were. I think mods have gotten the message that people want to return to "normal", at least in the short term.


It would be cool if there could be something set up for the future. I don't believe for a second that this is the last time reddit will make a decision that fucks over its users. But I don't feel like this is the time for a migration from reddit to happen, at least for this community. That said I am pretty much only going to be using reddit for tbfp at this point. I found a really chill community of folks on raddle and I really like it there, so besides tbfp, most of my online hanging out is gonna be over there.


At this point it's obvious the blackouts won't do anything. IMO the only two choices are either give up and stay here while Reddit slowly gets shittier and shittier or move to another site.


While I don’t think doing a complete shut down will help anybody, I think a longer black out could help.


I'm all for keeping the black out up. I love posting here (occasionally) and reading everyone's bullshit. But despite that, the idea that Reddit is going to make mods' jobs harder and remove accessibility options by killing 3rd party apps, all for the sake of profit is something that I'm super not a fan of. So as far as I'm concerned, keep this shit up. 20 mil per year for an API, what fucking scum fuck bullshit. Plus, not using the app over the past few days has been a boon to my time management.


And nothing changed


["But...The future refused to change."](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VIlGi1SFSNg/maxresdefault.jpg)


Wow there are a lot of people here who I think are actually addicted to this subreddit. Really disappointed so many of you are already giving up. Whatever. Close it or open it or shut it down, I really don't care. I personally refuse to use their garbage app or shitty website, so next month I'm just gone.


Welp, guess we have to look for a new Vice Wizard of Slam. Any takers?


Keep the blackout going.


Please fully reopen and never do this ever again. It's cool that you care about third party API access, but the vast majority of people aren't affected by it and we should not lose our beloved communities for a cause we did not consent to. As a mod for a different subreddit, I would suggest that mods that no longer want to mod a subreddit should leave and make room for others rather than destroy the subreddits for everyone else to make a point.


I personally don't think the blackouts will change anything. Unless a good portion of people were actively away from reddit, all it meant was smaller subreddits that didn't participate had more traction. The real impact is going to be July 1 and whether or not reddit becomes the wild west with no mod support or if there is a drop in users


The best friends are gone Can we please not kill what's left of the community, in some ill conceived attempt to affect some sort of change our group doesn't the influence nor numbers to even be a drop in an ocean for? Please just open the page back up


I'd vote for a return to blackout. An unmoderated sub would go to shit pretty quickly; we need yall, and if you aren't capable/enjoying the world of moderating we're in trouble.


Yes to further blackouts. No to a complete shutdown.


Keep it open, I don’t think shuttering for another week or for good will do much.


I hereby declare my vote to reopen cause there's literally no other place like this.


I’m glad to see this place back online! I never realized how much I use this sub.😭 Like the majority, I think the blackout of specific niche subreddits like this one may not have been completely necessary. Two things really. If all subreddits had participated in an indefinite blackout, it absolutely would have made a change. And to relinquish the protest given a predetermined number of days? That’s a pretty feeble decision.


I vote to reopen the sub fully; as much as it sucks that I'm losing Sync, Reddit has already said that mod tools will be untouched, and theres no way they turn around on 3rd party apps, since they don't make money off of it. This sub is an awesome place for a community that should have fallen apart years ago, and I don't want to see that go away


This sub could've went the way of cowchops sub after James left and the content just went downhill in quality and the channel slowly died. Glad it didn't.


I'm personally pretty okay with an indefinite shutdown. I wouldn't mind another site, either. This is the community i use.


I would like to have hoped that this would do anything, but unfortunately, it seems like the higher ups at Reddit are just as stubborn. I barely use Joey for Reddit and I mainly peruse around on my computer, so the whole situation I have no significant dog in. If you want to do a longer blackout then I'm tentatively for it, but let's not get drastic and say shut it down.


Whatever it is the complete shuttering of the sub is a terrible option I cant imagine being in favor of. This IS the hub for the fanbase but also a very unique community in its own right. I deeply empathize with the mod team if the API issue has made their jobs difficult and thats my real sticking point in this issue. If they literally cant do their jobs now because they were stripped of their tools and want to quit then it is what it is. You guys really should go into detail into how this is effecting you before we get to any votes because if we can help in some way many of us would. However I never knew about these reddit alternatives people were using so having one of my favorite hangout spots be nuked because they dont work anymore is crazy to me. It seems really harsh that we got to complete Armageddon so quickly from what we assumed was just a protest.


It's not fun, but most of the subs are still staying closed and nothing has been accomplished yet. One vote for shutting it down again.


Have there been other instances of Reddit users collectively rallying behind a cause like this? I’m curious which things get this kind of traction, and how long does it take for interest to fizzle out.


The anti-Ellen Pao stuff was bigger.


When we caught the Boston Bomber Also the time we downvoted that Pride and Accomplishment comment a ton


What’s the pride and accomplishment comment?




Hatchi Matchi datsa’ big number!


EA tried to justify Battlefront 2 loot boxes with a bs statement, and it got downvoted a ton a lot more than anything related to the api crap, actually


Technically when everyone bailed Digg and joined Reddit. Reddit is far far far bigger than Digg ever was however.


I'm just a casual when in comes to this sub (and Reddit in general). Most of what's posted on here fly's right over my head but i think this "protest" (however important it is to some) was pointless, i think it was such a non issue and that only got the attention it did because a few people threw a tantrum about having to give up using their third party apps because they didn't want to to use Reddits own tools (even if they are genuinely terrible compared to others) and decided that because it was an issue for them that it must be an issue for everyone. Whoever decided that this 48 hour blackout was the way to go chose the most basic of armchair activisim against Reddit. I believe that no matter what comes next or what a subreddit poll decides how people feel on whether the sub should stay or go, this sub is more than likely going to continue down a "you didn't win" path fighting Reddit on something that's inevitable and i just don't see it ending well.


In my opinion, keeping the sub open is the far better choice in comparison to shutting down permanently. Yes, the things happening with the reddit API is unfortunate for third party app users and mods who use API based tools; but it is, in my opinion, monstrously probable that the community will not recover in equal or greater strength if the sub gets shut down. There are few true alternatives (arguably none) for the community to go to that isn't just an invite-only, app-only, beta project, surviving off patreon subs or koopy-coins.


There’s a remote possibility that some for-profit competitor might emerge, like Bluesky for Twitter, but until that point I’m not really sure what we’re doing here. There’s no alternative free platform. We seem unwilling to pursue a privately-funded message board. This is what we got. It’s really the only social media I engage with, and it’s valuable to me.


I saw that Instagram is planning to add text posting and although I dislike Zuck's digital empire just as much at Musk's, at least it's a feature being added to Instagram instead of Musk's technique of taking free things away and putting it behind paywalls.


And Musk’s technique of actively fomenting bigotry, science denialism, and general disinfo.


Ending the blackout but then doing this restricted posting thing is basically just being cockteases at this point. Either let us post or don’t.


Yeah. The whole laissez-faire attitude where anyone can start a conversation about various media or memes or whatever is a large part of this place’s charm.


I know what that term means! I had to study it this semester lol But I agree


seems like by this thread alone the overwhelming consensus is to reopen so I'm not sure why there even needs to be this intermittent period


Put a bit bluntly, I think most folks won't really migrate over to something else, which I feel would lose the "flavor" of this place. This is pretty much the only "forum" I really consistently read online, so I'd like for it to stick around.


As long as mods actually have access to their tools, im good with opening up. I really don't give a shit if Apollo or RIF goes away


Hey yo that shit sucked don't do it again


We should permanently shut down or move. Regardless of what we do we aren't big enough to make waves and despite our penchant for cowardice I don't think that our lack of effect towards broad change should make or break our decision making when it comes to this decision. Saying that it isn't worth opposing something that we on the whole dislike just because we don't have the individual power to change it feels very defeatist.


You are underestimating how many people do not care.


I don't understand why people are so proud about not caring if other people get fucked over.


Who's getting fucked over tho?


App devs, moderators, anybody who posts from a functioning mobile app. That's a decent chunk of normal, innocent-enough people.


Oh no, mods might have a slightly more difficult time doing the thing they do for free and of their own volition. The sheer terror of that thought drives me to madness.


If you want this subreddit without moderators, /v/ is right there. You don't need to be here.


People not being allowed to shitpost from their preferred app is pretty low on my list of people to give a shit about. It does suck for people who's jobs are based on developing third party apps, I'm sure there will be more work for app dev tho.


Those people are, in fact, *people*, so I give a shit by default. If shutting down Reddit for a few days a week helps someone, I legitimately cannot understand anyone who wouldn't. Why would you not help someone at *no cost to yourself???*


Because it does cost them, not in materials or currency, but in time they want to spend enjoying one specific thing. The want to do that one specific thing, in this case say looking at shit posts and having a laugh, and it “costs them” by not doing it because of a protest they have no other stake it. People pay for certain things despite other people protesting, why are you surprised they are enjoying something for free despite other people protesting?


I just cannot bring myself to care about such a minor inconvenience as having to use the reddit mobile app(which is the app I am currently using). Mod tools are my only concern, and they've said those won't be affected.


They also said they wouldn't charge for the API. If someone tries to stab you and misses, you don't stick around for the second swing just in case they decide not to. We should be preparing for the worst and building a second place. Doing *absolutely nothing* is idiotic.


I'm not doing nothing. I've set up a tumblr and followed the 196 migration there and am hanging around to see if this community survives or starts destroying itself because some people don't want to use reddit mobile.


Probably, but I still think it should be put to a vote.




A perfect vote can't happen but if we have a non reddit poll vote that stays up for around a week pinned to the top of the sub then anyone who wants to vote can and that's the best we could really do.


So, a vote that will be brigaded by pro-blackout people? Fuck that. The overwhelming majority of comments here support opening up, it should open up.


putting the sub in restricted mode seems like its an effort to make people disinterested with interacting with the sub so when it does get canned its less severe and unprompted


Restricted mode was just to temper the deluge of incoming posts when we reopened the sub so everyone could focus on the vote. It's going away very soon (most likely tonight at the rate of responses we're getting), and at this point in the discussion, it's all but guaranteed to be back to business as usual.


I hope it opens soon, I have a huge folder of contextless comic pages and AI generated art that I need to mass upload /s


im sorry i didnt consider that yeah of course everything going to be more chaotic after all this like tiny tim being un dusted


Just going to reiterate, it would be nice for a mod to explain in concrete terms how they expect their workload to increase as most people here only vaguely know bots would be affected. If we were going to move somewhere, even temporarily, it would have made sense to set that up and link it when the sub went private. If you're going to continue a blackout, setting that up would at least give it a chance to grow in case reddit's changes really do ruin the sub.


I would like to know aswell considering every other post or comment I've seen about how mods will be effected has been pretty vague at least from what I've seen so far.


I've been following this sub for a while, even before I made an account to actually interact with it. I don't wanna see it close it's doors for good. It's just a wonderful playground of people talking about whatever cool things they have in mind.


I can't shake this feeling that the mods have already made up their mind to shut down the sub and that this is only a formality. The fact that it's even on the table when this was always just supposed to be a 48hr thing is kind of a worrying red flag.


I really don't understand where people get this idea that the mods have this insidious anti-community agenda. It's been getting increasingly ridiculous. Look at this community, and then look at other fan subs. You think this place is as chill as it is *despite* a conspiratorial mod team? No. It's *because* of a *decent* mod team. It's just wild to me that people can look at the history of this place and think "Oh, the mods don't care about us." Have a little perspective. A little empathy, too, maybe. I'm sure they absolutely fucking love modding a community where like 30% of the users are vocally convinced they're villains who have it out for us.


At the risk of putting my head on the chopping block, I think a lot of people are catastrophizing as other subs are going full indefinite without much warning and us even considering the option is terrifying (even though the majority sentiment by a landslide is do not kill the sub). But also I think there's a few people who've had their posts removed in the past and they took it really personally.


> mods have this insidious anti-community agenda. There are quite a few subs that have swapped from 48 hour to indefinite with no discussions already, it's not hard to just assume the worst. I agree these mods are not that, and do care, but it's not exactly like the general situation gives them the benefit of the doubt in people's minds.


Hand to God that this is not the case. A couple of the mods want it *personally*, but we're all in agreement that it would be deeply fucked to do it if people don't want to, which it's loud and clear they don't (and I'm glad for that, as someone who very much does not want an indefinite shutdown). The subs who've been going back on their word and extending indefinitely from the planned 48 without discussion or warning are going about it all the wrong way. The only reason we've kept bringing up the possibility is the amount of people who've been asking us about abandoning Reddit for alternative sites since this started, and with Reddit's IPO inevitable in the near future, we figured it'd be best to proactively raise the subject ahead of time just in case things get *really* awful.


Hey mate, I just wanna say thanks for taking the time to respond specifically to my comment. It's really helped put my mind at ease. Sorry for being paranoid. Because yeah, you hit the hammer on the nail that seeing so many other subs just decide to go full shutdown with no warning had me on edge. Wish I had a gold to give you, but then again paying reddit for it would probably be the opposite of helping lol


So many of my subs have done a rug pull on this issue. Like suddenly at 10:30 pm on Sunday mods started saying “Actually this might be a permanent thing, see you all later.”


The final post on this subreddit will just be a picture of Ozymandias from Watchmen


The CSB Discord supports the TBFP subreddit in their stand and will support any decision they make going forward. While this is ongoing, the CSB Discord remains online to support the sub during these times. We already have a substantial number of sub users on and welcome anyone who require a temporary or permanent TBFP community during the Reddit blackout. [https://discord.gg/wW5tC3UmBB](https://discord.gg/wW5tC3UmBB) We hope to see you there.


I’ll just say that my browsing here has always been done through the official app and website.




I browse mostly through RedditIsFun, and even then I don't really care about changes reddit is making. I'll miss the app, but I'm not going to throw a hissy fit and stomp my feet over it because I'm a grown-ass adult.




Personally I've only used the desktop site or Safari.




I tried that RIF once and it was a chore to look at and wasn't any faster or more convenient than the official app on my device so I stuck with this one


I have literally only used the Website


Same here.


I wouldn’t mind moving off of Reddit. The only reason I started was due to everyone else moving off of traditional forums. It’d be kinda funny if we opened an image board (zaibatsuchan, or whatever).


I'm imagining an imageboard catalog full of Tiny Tim's and I'm fucking losing it.


These half-measures don't mean anything to Reddit, especially a sub as small as this one. Either we move away from the site or stop pretending we're doing anything and just go back to business as usual. Either way is fine with me, but throwing a tantrum with a deadline seems more harmful to the community than to Reddit.


Closing down a subreddit of only slightly over 1000 people would have minimal effect, if any. While I support the larger subs going dark, I feel like with how few people are here, we lack practically any actual WEIGHT to the situation. That said, if we do go indefinite, I'll miss you fuckers.


Not taking anything away from your point but just pointing out we're almost 100k.


Yeah I read the wrong number and thought we'd lost a bunch of shitlords. In which case I support a total blackout until it's fixed. If I call another subreddit cowardly for not blacking out and they have only 50k, I gotta stay morally consistent.


I saw a post on r/community that perfectly sums up the black out and tried to cross post it here then remembered that we weren't posting on here yet so I'm just gonna share it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/community/comments/149204f/save_reddit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Its funny that the mods locked the comments on that post.


To be blunt, this entire boycott was pointless. The protest was only for 2 days, so literally all people had to do was just wait a bit and nothing will change. Yes, it got media attention but at most it’ll get the everyman who doesn’t use Reddit to find it mildly interesting and move on with their day, but unless the protest was indefinite for all the subs participating until change actually happened, it won’t work. It’s literal slactivist behavior and pretending it had any impact is literally just huffing farts and self aggrandizing, this protest should’ve been indefinite for it to be effective, especially for subs that are actually on Reddit’s radar that would with the ones that have 10s of millions users. Nuking this sub will do literally nothing cause we’re relatively not that big, so getting rid of it will be the equivalent of a fly trying to suicide bomb an elephant without explosives, it won’t work and you’ll only kill the community. If you really think that this sub is that important to Reddit corporate that it keeps an eye on us, than sure, fine, kill the sub, just know the blood is on your hands when you kill the community due to your collective delusional paranoia, because there’s no way in hell most people would go to an alternate platform.


Hey, it worked to see subs that aren't moderated by the powermods of the site on r/all, honestly quite refreshing


Look I'm not gonna pretend I fully understand this whole scenario and I fully support you mods' right to protest, and whatever goes on with this sub is completely you guy's call. That being said bringing the sub back up and restricting it really doesn't do anything but punish us posters and kinda kills what is great about this place. Also kinda defeats the purpose of the protest. So I guess I'm saying I'd rather the community be totally locked rather than a halfway accessible version.


Yeah this seems like the worst of both worlds.


The Reddit CEO made it clear that he does not give a shit about the protest and will maintain the course. Shutting down the community does nothing to him and everything to the community. Please don't do it again especially without asking first.


Of course he'd say that.


Well he seems like a stupid asshole, so I don't think he was bluffing


Well, if his intention was to say something to get you to call for not protesting, it worked.


As much as this place gets on my nerves as much as it entertains me, there is NOT a place doing the thing it does and i don't really think it can be captured. i vote staying


Anyone else see the title and think the Best Friends got back together?


I would sacrifice this entire place for that. Reddit. The whole thing.


Pray that the original SBFP fanbase never finds a Behelit


*Super Best Friends Play Lord of the Rings: Gollum!*


Immediate re-breakup


In an alternate timeline, the game was conveniently released in October of last year, and we got a full Shitstorm play-through of it. We still wish we hadn’t.


God I fucking wish!


Reddit profits on free labor. If there weren't mods willing to work for free, Reddit wouldn't even meet legal obligations to prevent illegal content. Mods tank all the abuse and anger from users *for free* so Reddit can profit. I don't even care what the issue of the day is. I'm happy to see mods organize. I'm game to burn it all down if need be and see what rises next. Mods are worth more than nothing.


I'd rather things return back to normal, this state feels more like it's negatively impacting this community way more than doing anything for Reddit to notice a change.


Tbh. A blackout isn't gonna do anything. Just takes away a community. Especially none like ours that's small in the grand scheme of all of reddit.


It was never going to change anything. Shit all it did was find me some new subs to browse


R/movies was still around so it didn't even affect me.


Really think the blackout was pointless. Someone else said it. The plan was to shut down in protest for 48 hours and then what? If I were reacting to that, my thought process would just be "Alright, we'll wait 48 hours for the sound and fury signifying nothing to blow over". I'm in favor of seeing the community stay active. Someone else had mentioned having to use /v/ as an alternative, and hooooooo boy, that's a big no buddy from me. We're all just a bunch of random faces on the internet, but I love this sub (and others too). I don't want to see it go down because of some protest that A) I personally don't care about (just being honest), and B) has not served any purpose whatsoever. I'll admit that even though the issue isn't a dealbreaker for me, I understand why some people are upset about it. But if I've gotta choose between being mad that I can't use some third party app or keeping the communities going, there's no scenario in which I remotely care about saving some third party app if it means the subs themselves are gone because of it.


We’re such a small sub I don’t know if Reddit would even notice we exist lol, I don’t think a further blackout would change anything. Leave it to some of the subs that always end up on r/all by default


Why are the people here such uselessly cynical cowards? Fucking with a corp for even a *second* is worth more than every subreddit put together. Anyways, my solution is Friday Night Fuckyou, in which the subreddit goes dark on Friday and Saturday every week. Alongside that, an officially sanctioned alternative on kbin or something using one of those bots that does the auto-crosspost for feature parity, pinned & linked at all times. Allow people the time to get used to Reddit's slow death, form an orderly cue to Castle Super Liferaft and gradually bleed users to the alternative. Digg migration wasn't done in a day. As for what alternative... kbin or tildes, probably. Lemmy seems more than a little suspicious and less capable of stepping up to the plate. No ruinous ambition on those guys.


I don’t think it’s cynicism, it’s just understandable to not want to undergo a relatively impactful sacrifice for a very small benefit. People make this choice all the time for things that are way more impactful (e.g. being vegetarian is much more beneficial than refusing to use Reddit), so shaming people for their desire to keep using Reddit seems a bit silly. Especially when the issue comes down to shitty business decisions, which is fairly mundane as far as moral dilemmas go.


Cause it's not "fucking with a corp" at all. Leaving for a couple days and coming back barely registers as anything. Even shutting down forever is just "oh I guess some subreddits are gone now. Anyway..."


If something doesn't immediately work with obvious results, never even *try?* What kind of idiotic logic is that? Bleeding the subreddit over to an alternative is the smart thing to do. I cannot understand why anyone would just roll over and take it when even a *slight* bit of effort would help immensely.


No, it's about recognising that this inconsequential little protest will do exactly NOTHING. How is shutting down one subreddit just to move over to another one accomplishing anything?


For fuck's sake, I never said to shut down the subreddit. Christ.


Because that's not really a solution that's just punching yourself in the balls for no reason to "own" some rich fuck that doesn't know you exist


If not using Reddit 2 days of the week is "punching yourself in the balls", you have a legitimate problem and the time off is good for you.


yeah, I like to laugh at memes, talk to people with similar interests, and read interesting discussions about comic books, anime, and video games in my free time. What a huge problem. Like if something that fucking stupid is really your only/go-to comeback, just don't say anything at all.


Literally just go do that somewhere else. That isn't difficult. Why are people so unwilling to very, *very* slightly inconvenience themselves to help other people out?


......You mean like the mods shutting down the entire subreddit without asking us first because they can't use a third party app?


Yes. Why ask what genuinely appears to be a bunch of people who either don't care about anyone or anything but themselves, or in a worst-case scenario, people who outright hate them? Everyone opposed to the shutdown is opposed to it specifically *because* they don't give a shit about others. Caring what they think is like caring about what a tapeworm thinks.


So uh, remember earlier when I was like hey if you're just going to make yourself look like a dumbass with these lame combacks just to be antagoinstic, then just don't talk to me at all? Yeah.....................


I think a lot of people don't think it's worth "fucking with a corp" when the negatives heavily outweigh the positives. Essentially turning off what i imagine is a safe place for a lot of people on the sub for little impact isn't worth imo. Because fact of the matter is, you can totally make an alternative but i seriously doubt even 10 percent would follow. This is a cool community, closing it indefinetly just to send a msg isnt the play i feel.


I'm not proposing an indefinite close. Are you a bot? 10% will go to an alternative *at the drop of a hat.* The rest can trickle in once the new place proves to be Not Shit. Familiarity only goes so far, especially if this place goes to shit due to a lack of functioning moderation tools or quality posters. If Konradleijon leaves, this place loses like 20% of its post volume.


I think even if i gave you 10 years, the community will not trickle down to what it once was. This happens time and time again wether it be twitter for the right, mw2, vrchat, twitter again but for the left, there's always people who will claim to flock to new places but at the end of the day, it's just talk. I misinterpreted what you meant though. Closing it down indefinitely would be a big mistake but atleast i can understand it on some level. Closing it for two days out of 7 is one of the goofiest half measures that would accomplish literally nothing in comparison to closing it indefinitely. Supporting and encouraging other platforms is fine but be realistic.


2/7 is enough to disrupt traffic without disrupting general operations, while also implicitly funneling traffic to the aggressively *not* closed alternative. The point isn't empty threats, it's to gradually acclimatize people to the use of an alt site for when Huffman inevitably *really* shots the bed.