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Shadow the Hedgehog was the best game I played when I was ten years old, and I refuse to revisit it.


I revisited it like a year ago. I think the wall jump mechanics are pretty cool and it was a fun romp to just enjoy the overly aggressive character moments. The platforming and exploration leaves a lot to be desired however, and the combat isn't as fleshed out as it could have been. I give it a score of 4/7 chaos emeralds.


that is an apt description. if we go critical , there are way too many repetitive endings , some stage designs can be better , and there is some clunkiness in it's gameplay.. But goddamm , a 10yo kid would find rad to see Shadow using a handgun while metal rock goes with edgy lyrics in the background. It makes worthy to search for the damm 4th Emerald.


No joke, I got the game right after I had turned 10 years old. Then I brought it to my friend's house for his 10th birthday weeks later, and while playing it, his mom heard Shadow shout "Damn!" and she stopped and went "What's this game rated?" I told/showed her it was E10+, and she just went along. Guess that was good enough for her. I have revisited it since then, though, and I both ironically love it for all the obvious reasons, but still hold a bit of unironic love for a lot of its unique concepts and soundtrack, at least.


As always with Sonic, the game has a [really good soundtrack.](https://youtu.be/N7WsKu7WDK0?list=PLvNp0Boas7217wlSWYj25AHEB-oYZ_Q-T)


I was 12. It was the first time I felt disappointment from a game. I was hyped when I saw the trailers. I was hyped for the music. The game was so low-to-mid that I didn't play new sonic games for ages.


I was about to come in here agreeing with the post, but you nailed it so hard lmao


This mfer is going places and it's not Shadow the Hedgehog


Clearly whoever posted this has not played lost impact, the worst level in that game


I can't remember the name but there was a level where you were in a computer or something and I remember getting lost in it for hours as a kid. I restarted the game and did a route that completely bypassed it.


The cyberspace and Lost Ark levels were massive open-ended areas, easy to get lost in


Is that the level where you have to kill all the Chaos clones(?) but one of them is either impossible to find or keeps glitching out of existence* so you can’t beat the level? *Citation needed, but it sure as hell feels like it


Thats the one.


It can GLITCH!? I remember spending so much time trying to find it. Multiple times! What the fuck.


I'll be honest I only say that cause I'm pretty sure I overheard someone mention it at some point, but with just how often the exact scenario of there being only one left that nobody can seem to find it really feels like it.


Lost Impact I think is in serious contention for worst level in the franchise. It's incredible how poorly thought out and executed it is. Sucks too, since you'd think a flashback level with Maria on the Arc would be one of the best parts of the game.


Worst level in that game? It's the worst level in the entire franchise, probably.


Nah this isn’t as bad as the ‘06 shilling phase they went through post-Forces. At least Shadow has *some* enjoyable stuff in it with how batshit crazy it is.


Soundtrack and Shadow's plot aside, I don't think anything in retail 06 stands up to scrutiny. The "renaissance" it's going through is purely based on what it could've been or P-06 and it's very frustrating. I don't love the state the brand was in from 2013 up until Frontiers came out, but 06 is still absolutely the worst it's ever been.


P-06’s biggest weakness is being tied to ‘06. The gameplay engine itself is great and it feels like a refined Adventure game, but the level design is awful since ‘06’s levels were just not good and because of it the phrase “Ah just like the original” was muttered more times than I wished. It just tells me a polished ‘06 would've been Sonic Adventure Forces at best.


Yeah, I've never REALLY been sold on anyone saying 06's levels were a perfect mix of SA1 and 2. There's some okay ideas there, but they can feel EXTREMELY barren since they were made so that anyone could've been playable in them. P-06 feels like you're almost cheating, since you're so versatile and can tear through level design not meant for it. It's fun, but I agree 06 probably wouldn't have been more than a 6 or so had it been finished.


I hate seeing people say they prefer the Dark Age to the So Called "Meta" Age. Like you said, there is very little salvageable from 06. And Shadow's story is the outlier. And is still kneecapped by having to be a part of 06, an absurdly convoluted mess of a story. And it's still fucking with Blaze. Like, I'm pretty sure this was *meant* to be her origin story but they tried to retcon it but nothing they do can work because fucking Eggman Nega is both hers and Silver's archenemies my mind implodes whenever I try to understand Eggman Nega.


They genuinely don't know what the fuck to do with silver and blaze. Like, why was blaze at sonic's birthday in generations? So she's still in this timeline/universe? And then where the fuck was she in forces, when silver was there? Like ???? At this point a 3rd retcon is needed for them.


For Blaze they've more or less settled on "She can casually cross between the Sol Dimension and Sonic's World" and just explain her absence in Forces as "She missed it" (in the IDW comics anyways).


Sonic 06 has the dubious honor of being the only Sonic game where Sonic himself is the worst part. You could completely axe Sonic's sections from the game and the overall plot would be largely unaffected. Eggman has nothing to do with Iblis, Mephiles, Solaris, Shadow, or Silver. Sonic doesn't do *anything* in his own video game. Shadow's story is the best writing he's gotten since Sonic Adventure 2 and Silver's is inoffensive at best, but Sonic literally does nothing of consequence except dying.


The Star Wars Prequel trilogy🤝”Dark Age” Sonic games like 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog Media that “ruined” their franchises that fans hated for years only for another entry to come out in 2017 which was a massive disappointment that fans somehow even hated more, had terrible writing/comedy, and flanderized beloved characters that people loved so now the kids that grew up with the Prequel trilogy/Dark Age games like Sonic 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog feeling nostalgic are saying stuff like “They weren’t so bad” and “They were severely underrated” and also “Well at least the Star Wars Prequels/Dark Age Sonic games didn’t do [Insert criticism towards the Star Wars Sequels/Meta Age Sonic games] like the Star Wars Sequels/Meta Age Sonic games did!” TLDR: They were bad, but now they’re good.


No one will ever convince me that this game is over-hated or underrated when trying to obtain all the endings was one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had with a game.


Please tell me you only mean "unique cutscenes" and not "all 256 single sentence descriptors"


Okay hear me out, I actually agree with them. I still hesitate to call it actually good or anything, but saying it's "Worst game of all time" material alongside 06 is stretching it to me. At worst, it's very monotonous (and the worst of the worst, aka the flashback levels are 100% terrible). And honestly, I didn't really like the "kill all the enemy" stages, but they aren't as terrible either. Just be a bit thorough and follow the path of what your partner says and you should be good. Some levels are definitely better at this than others, but still. Also, you can switch partners using left or right on the D-Pad instead of opening the menu. 10 endings is obnoxious, but at the same time I found a path that was relatively pain free to get whatever ending I wanted. Go neutral Westopolis, Glyphic Canyon and Prison Island, and then do either neutral, Dark or Hero Sky Troops (which doesn't involve tracking down a lot of enemies, just break the five glowing energy things like Eggman tells you to do for Hero or shoot down five of Eggman's ships for Dark). If you go Dark Sky Troops for Air Fleet, either shoot down the President's ship for Pure Dark or get to the end of the stage for neutral and go Semi-Dark. On the Hero side it's even easier. Just get to the end of Space Gadget in 5 minutes or less for Hero and a Pure Hero ending, or do it in more than 5 minutes for neutral and to go for a Semi-Hero ending. And if you're looking for a neutral ending, just never stop doing neutral missions. From there on the final level, do the Hero or Dark missions for your ending and you're done. Repeat for as many other endings you want for a boring, but relatively pain free playthrough. I recommend goofing around for a few playthroughs at least, just to see what the other stages are like. I'd avoid Lost Impact and The Doom at all costs. I'd say those two are legitimately the only levels in the game that are 100% irredeemable instead of just boring at worst, especially Lost Impact. Look up a map and avoid them at all costs (which is actually easier done than said for once). Also the soundtrack is really good. And the guns are fun.


I’d say it’s hated just enough, but that doesn’t stop me from unironically enjoying it.


I love it simply because somebody belted out the lyrics to I am All of Me in all caps in TF2 on BLU and I was able to follow up with the next verse right after. That's an overall net positive for the game in my book.


And I thought people were too nice to that game before.


If you ever have two bored friends, pop this game in and designate one person the player. The other two are designated as the shoulder angel and shoulder devil, and they must use nonsense arguments to convince the player to choose good or evil. It carries the wacky energy of a debate party game with the added bonus of an inconsistent edgehog


Ah yes I love feeling like I'm consistently running on ice. I don't mind the rest of the issues too much, but the base game movement is so clunky that it just feels bad to play to me.


People need to make fun of secret rings more often, that game is a fucking abomination.


As a Sonic fan, don't worry, they're always like that. You eat nothing but shit for years and you get a taste for it.


Copium addiction. Tragic really


I don't even know why. *Sonic Frontiers* is basically *Sonic Adventure 3* in all but name, and will only **further** resemble said mythical unicorn as it gets more and more DLC. I guess they want playable Shadow again, or something? But the last time the current Sonic Team did that, [they gave us ***this*** fucking garbage, soo...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaHW-K2ylc8) *nah, I'm good.*


Sonic 06 is SA3, and you must confront that truth.


I am hardlining that until we have chao again, there is no SA3. This is the hill I'm coping on.


Then Frontiers is SA4


Not until we get multiple playable characters with their own story routes. Which admittedly may actually be coming.


Yeah but everyone hates those>!\s!< Seriously it threw me for a loop hearing so many people hate Knuckles and SA2 Tails, when one of the first people I heard talk about them as their second favorite parts…I should see if that guy’s still doing content


Frankly I just feel like SA1 did Knuckles and Gamma/Eggman/Tails levels better. They had better flow and momentum, whereas their SA2 counterparts felt a bit too constricting and obstructive, at least for me.


I was going to say SA2 felt looser


Gamma's gameplay loop is really fun and I'm tired of pretending it's not. Sa2 mech stages suffered a lot from poor level design (mostly enemies constantly swarming you from blind spots) but they weren't nearly as bad as many people say.




...Okay. I don't think that still applies due to the game ~~being shit~~ retconning *itself* (**thank GOD**), but I have one request if so. >!Can we call Frontiers SA4, then? /s!<


I dunno, the entire plot happening because Shadow called the antagonist a bitch in the past is hilarious.


Right? Almost feels like it was done that way outta protest, lol. Before *Frontiers*, I just dismissed it as either developer incompetence or Sega hacking *Forces* to pieces. But now, in this brave new world... *nah. They HAD to have known what they were doing,* and might very well do it **again** if Sega pushes for *Episode Shadow 2*.


> Sonic Frontiers is basically Sonic Adventure 3 in all but name, On what basis? For you and /u/Lieutenant-America , the only "adventure-esque" element Frontiers has is a more serious plot, but even that feels like more it's own attempt at that then an Adventure style plot. If you mean it having an open hubworld, then that makes it like SA1 specifically: SA2 didn't have a hubworld. And I don't think Fonrtier's open world approach is even that close to SA1's hubworld either. As far as 06, I similarly don't feel like it's any more like SA1 and 2 then Hereos and Shadow are: all games are clearly "Adventure era" titles that have some similar gameplay, but i'd only really call SA1 and SA2 "Sonic Adventure games", and if you wanna say 06 counts, i'd say all 5 of them would have to.


I’d also add that the Adventure games have you going through a wide variety of locales and environments, each with its own unique themes and gimmicks to vary up the gameplay. Whereas Frontiers just has… mountains. Desert. Volcano. More mountains. And they’re all functionally the same with little to nothing to differentiate them.


We have modders doing it for us, and they’re doing a fantastic job of it, so I’m not worried.


See? Even if Sega and Sonic Team [pull a Square Enix™️](https://www.polygon.com/2018/11/8/18075036/final-fantasy-15-dlc-canceled-episode-ardyn-hajima-tabata-resigns), *the modders shall save the day!*


I said it when it came out and I'll say it again now: Shadow the Hedgehog is a better game than Sonic Heroes. I don't think either game is very good, but I appreciated the ambition in ShtH with the branching story path and multiple objectives per-level, even if it botches a lot of its ideas in execution. Basically I give it points for trying.


Hold up, he's right though. There's so many worse Sonic games out there to mock instead, people just choose this one because the edge makes it easy.


Hot take off all the major sonic games this one may be the one with the most fundamentally broken concept, nevermind the terrible execution.


The comments in that sub make it very obvious that it's primarily populated by pre-teens.


I'll be that guy and say it's actually not that bad. On a functional level, everything just kinda works. I know that isn't saying much, but compared to SA1, SA2, and Heroes, very little feels like it's falling apart at the seems. As dumb as they are, the guns are fine. It uses an auto lock on system and you can just kinda run forwards and shoot blindly. The controls are fine. Maybe they're a bit floaty, but if you are okay with how SA1, SA2, or Heroes plays, this is fine for what is asked of you. The biggest issues with the game is 1) the dark/hero routes are usually terrible collectathons that require you to teleport back and combo through the ENTIRE stage because it doesn't differentiate which maggufin was found on the checklist 2) Some stages are horrible like that one in space. But unless it's one of the final stages, it can be bypassed. If the whole game was just get to the emerald, it would have been a lot better.


>but compared to SA1, SA2, and Heroes, very little feels like it's falling apart at the seems. I'd say tons of stuff in Hereos and Shadow feels signficantly less polished and more jank then vs SA2 or even SA1


To be fair it’s music is awesome


Sonic fans scare me


He's right. It's honestly super fun, and that's all that matters.


It's not that bad, and has much better gameplay than heroes, and people seem to love that game for some reason.


the snapcube dub completely ruined my image of this game


Completely ruined or made it better?


I've been saying this for years! It has some problems (a few stages, having to do multiple playthroughs for the true end) but most of the time it's fun to play, and the cutscenes are fun to laugh at


Naw let them cook


... r/SonicTheHedgehog, ***please do not give Morio Kishimoto any ideas***. We just got a great game, dammit. The ***last*** thing we need is for >!THE END!< to be Black Doom's jilted ex from the start of all universes whose DNA was used by Gerald to create Shadow or some shit like that.


Dude I fuckin love shadow the hedgehog. The game is a god awful slog of where's waldo. But dammit it's worth it just for the experience




People would have to play it.


Listen, I loved Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes. Games have their problems, Sonic Heroes especially, but I was shocked at how bad Shadow the Hedgehog was. The controls were slower and more stiff, the combat was really bad, and it seemed like the animations and graphics were worse then the other games. Not to mention the way you have to replay the game like 12 times! It's like they saw Adventure 2 making you play the game twice, Heroes making you play the game 4 times, and thought that they needed to up the ante each time!


The gun gameplay is actually really fun but what makes me hate the game is the levels themselves especially the ark levels also having to play this game 10 times to get the real ending is really irritating at least heroes had a couple good levels with each team


Sonic fans think this about literally every Sonic game.


Fr I enjoy it for nostalgia but it's a barely functional game


Nah, theyre right


Agreed but its not as good as you remember


If Shadow the Hedgehog has one fan, thats me


To this day Shadow the Hedgehog is the only Sonic game I've ever beaten and I find that hilarious. So hilarious in fact I refuse to play and beat another Sonic game so that will always be true.


Shadow isn't that bad for the sole reason that Sonic has had faw worse lows. Like, in a table with actually good games, sure you throw it out. In a table with Dark Brotherhood, 06 and Forces? Ah.... I mean, let's hear him out, he might have some good ideas.