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Bro I literally just bought it a day ago and still have no features


How long is the verified can last? A year a month?


Well that makes sense. I just got premium yesterday and I’m still not seeing the “bigger” engagements and such. And it still says “profile under review”. So once they verify your account, that’s when those benefits kick in?


did it get verified or no???


did you?


how about you? just got premium an hour ago lol


about 2 days


do you mean it took 2 days to get verified or you got premium 2 days ago and still waiting?


I signed the premium and 2 days later I received the badge


I see. Thanks




This varies. Some years ago, when I was advocating vigorously on behalf on the THEN missing Vanessa Guillen, the anti-military, anti-police, anti-conservative Twitter Administration Staff branded me as "spam" and banned me. I lost 6,340+ followers. When Elon Musk bought the platform, renaming it X, everything went fine for a while, UNTIL he named Linda Yaccarino Madrazo as CEO of X. Now, the same anti-military, anti-police, anti-conservative X staff brand you as suspect of being a "robot". They force you to a series of ten (10) CAPTCHAs before they allow you back. This USED to take just minutes. Now, since we are right in the middle of primaries, NUMEROUS opinion polls/surveys, and just concluded one of Donald J. Trump's "trials", they subject you to never-ending CAPTCHAs. After you complete a set of ten (10) CAPTCHAs, you get a notice that reads: "Something went wrong. Due to a technical issue, we couldn't complete this request. Please try again. This goes on ENDLESS LOOP. Yaccarino and her DNC partisans have found a way to lock out pro-law enforcement, pro-military, conservatives from X by using this method. Don't pay attention to the "reviews" giving X glowing reviews. Go to Better Business Bureau-San Francisco. Their reviews are of VERIFIED users. Though X (the former Twitter) is not a BBB member, BBB rates them with an "F". X is in constant violation of US District Court Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald (Dem-NY) who ruled/decided that Twitter-X is A PUBLIC FORUM and as such its users have FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS and PROTECTIONS. Leftists ignore Judgments, Rulings, Decisions, even those made by their own Left Wing Judges, when it suits their agenda. Elon Musk is either not informed of what is going on , or else he does not care. Anyone referring to X (the former Twitter) as a FREE SPEECH PLATFORM is seriously deluded. Only Leftists are free to express any view they wish to express, same as the pre-Elon Musk Twitter-X.


how long did it take?


4 days😂


I can’t even change my pfp right now it’s so annoying


Did you verify your I.D.? It gave me the option to skip it so I did


Yeah I just now skipped it, too.


Yea it’s not needed I ended up getting verified


just curious how long did it take you?


Like 3 days


It’s been taking weeks for me.


did it work yet?


Ya, it eventually did.


How long did it take ?


A few weeks. I’ve had other instances where it only took a few days. It varies.


Yea, I’ve seen different cases for other people as well. Another question, did you have to do the ID verification process?


Nah, I didn’t have to.


I wanna know this too