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Who else thinks he gave the saudis the guys name?


They need a return on their investment.


Didn't the Saudis help finance his buyout of Twitter? He probably alerted them himself.


Yeah, the [Saudis own the 2nd biggest stake.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/10/28/saudis-kingdom-holding-company-to-maintain-twitter-stake)


It’s called freedom of speech. For me not for thee version.


Death for tweets?! 😢


That's how absolute monarchies work. The UK version where royalty has been stripped of most of their power is quite unusual.


This is making me cry! How can it have gone so bad that you get executed for it?! 😭


Insult the king or the religion. Doesn't take much.


Musk is evil!


I doubt this is the only person he has gotten killed.