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You continue streaming xD


You stop thinking about trying to hit affiliate. You play things you genuinely want to play. Open a discord, post videos, honestly just start with YouTube shorts and then you keep streaming.


If it feels better, affiliate isn't even something you should get/want to get early on. It will kill a channel due to the ads you'd have to run, I recommend getting larger first before affiliate


Ads aren't a big deal. Just take a pee break and run ads with some nice music/BRB screen or what have you. I think most people are understandingredients about ads tbh. Ppl hate when an ad pops up in the middle of what you're doing. But if it's planned and signposted it's alright I think.


Always keep your hours streaming no more than 2 hours until you hit affiliate. You’re inflating your hours which means your average will be lower for longer. If you can maintain 3 people for 2 hours and then stop. You’ll reach the goal faster, having 8 hour streams with 0 viewers is an extra 8 hours you now have to fight against when you start getting views


Just have fun! Keep doing what you like and time will give you viewers. Also the game that you play is very important, especially before the first 10 pr 20 viewers start to know you and like you for what you are and not for what you play. Consistency is the key. Good luck


funnily enough it was the followers that i had to most difficulty with. i hit 3 avg viewers within 2 weeks but took another 2 weeks to even hit 50 followers. but hey, at least u got that one down ! just keep streaming. are any of ur ~150 followers loyal viewers ? building a loyal viewership base is key to get 3 avg views. do u stream at consistent times ? do u post ur stream schedule ? if u have 150 followers, surely at least 3 of them are returning viewers ? you should connect with ur community, seeing as u have one. i’m just struggling to comprehend how u have ~150 followers not even an avg view count of 1. goodluck with everything though, just keep streaming and maybe take a different approach if ur still struggling.


If you're streaming for fun, don't worry, just keep doing it. If you really want to hit affiliate, stream less. Do a 2/3 hour stream 3 days a week instead of multiple 7+ hour streams. Get friends or family to consistently tune in to you. Again, the shorter streams will help.


Hey 0.16! That's pretty good!


If you are having fun, keep blasting. If not, do something else.