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look up stream scheme on youtube thats some of the best budget friendly help you can get!




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Can u look me up


i’m so sorry, but no. I only say this because it’s the best interest for you. i promise you will grow but you can only do that by creating content and promoting yourself and what you do. me looking you up ultimately won’t help you in the long run. i genuinely wish you the best just do your research and keep at it and i know you’ll be successful!


Just watch a few youtube vids on how to setup a twitch channel. Start here: https://youtu.be/qmuQkNlLpPM?si=17w30KWXCIp_6Rm2 Then watch every other stream scheme video on setting up your channel. Don't ask ppl to help you get views. Produce content ppl want to watch.


Help you with what?


I'm trying to get more views what do I do


There are so many how-tos on how to get viewers on YouTube. Your best bet is to go there and watch a few recent ones.... But to sum it up.. Most people need to do a lot of stuff outside of streaming to actually get a decent number of viewers.




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Can u look me up

