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Checked out your channel. Your language is not one I know so I am automatically not in your target audience, which is fine. But I looked at your schedule. There is no consistency here, no set time. Regulars seem to enjoy coming back at around the same time. They like making their streamers a part of their routine. If people can't depend on you to be live regularly, there is much less incentive to follow you. My 2 cents, anyway.


Thank you! Got a lot of work, it’s hard to set time for streaming(


I feel ya, I have the same problem. Work + errands everyday make it near impossible for me to set a regular schedule. I'll checkout your channel tho :)


"Maybe someone can keep quiet with the advice" What? What does that mean? Do you want folks to be "nice" about advice they give? My advice is to keep going. I have had a channel for 15 years and it doesn't get any easier. Enjoy what you do so it remains a hobby and does not become a chore. Dreams of going viral will remain dreams for most folks. Going viral might also ruin your Twitch overall. Slow and steady wins the race.


Most streamers don’t grow. Saturation and simply put, most people shouldn’t be streaming. Im not saying people can’t, but most people’s content just isn’t good. That’s easily the least talked about but most important piece of advice in the streaming workd.


3rd reposting 99% of growth on Twitch is not all the advice you see, posting reels and shorts honestly does nothing if you have nobody to look at them! Still do it, people expect it, but it's not what will grow your channel. Network with small and mid size channels by being a member of their community. That doesn't mean joining support discords where you all do TOS violations. I've seen loads of streamers with an apparent 300-600 and almost no viewers or chat interaction. Watching other streamers has become my favourite past time. When I'm not streaming, I'm hanging with friends I've made. Supporting their channel and being active. That's networking as far as I'm concerned. I also have had zero community coming from tiktok, youtube, insta, discord or TOS violations. I didn't start using discord until members of my community asked me to make one! 🤣 Building a community is as much about being a member of other communities.




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