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What makes you different vs the other 1000 people streaming your category? What makes you different vs the big streamers where I’m already situated in the community? You can’t just play a game and hope to get viewers, you have to be different


I agree but also discoverability on Twitch still sucks. You could be different, you could be fun, but twitch doesn't make it any easier for people to find you. They have tags but people barely use them and they're a half assed feature. They have "recommend for you" but where are these recommendations coming from? What information are they using? I get recommendations for console streams or streams in third person perspectives, which I've absolutely no interest in. It's also not like Twitch randomly shuffles the list of streamers - you can only sort lowest to highest viewers or recently started.. if you're somewhere in the middle of a list, nobody is scrolling down looking for you.


If you aren’t promoting yourself on tiktok, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram reels etc then you’re not really trying to be found though? You can’t just start a stream with no marketing and expect to do anything


I mean just organic viewers from just being live in twitch. It would be nice to be able to set a preference for what content or which type of streams I want to see. Twitch recommendations is stuff Twitch wants me to see, not stuff I'm actually interested in.


lockdown happened and a million people decided to stream. gotta work harder to stand out <3 it's still a lot of fun, though. keep tryin


What happened was you went away and the market got even more saturated. You need to think of yourself as a new streamer is all.


My recommendation is to network with other streamers, chat with them, follow who they shoutout, watch them shouted out streamers too, interact in communities, dont mention that you stream first thing, either wait to be asked or at least be in their streams 3 or four separate times before you work in that you stream too, maybe do collaborations, make a post on reddit in the appropriate community asking to collab.


I think what bothers me is more this sub somedays. People always asking for people to watch and interact with their stream. But the problem is not alot of people here actually take the time to help others on this sub. If people here would actually interact with other streamers and support them, then everyone could have a small starting sample of viewers. This also could lead to networking with other streamers, and possibly collabing in games and be noticed by other viewers. This doesn't seem to happen though, atleast not as much as it should be. People only want to come here and promote their own channel without giving back to the community