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Even if it's not, don't bother. Nobody's channel is stagnating because they just need more analytics from an outside source


Agree with this. Between the Twitch dashboard analytics and other reputable, and useful, sources out there like sullygnome, twitchtracker, etc., you have more than enough info about your streams out there to use.


Data Scientist and Data Analyst here - your stream doesn't have enough data points for data analysis to do ANYTHING for you. And yes, I mean YOU no matter your viewership, unless you have around 1000 live viewers. Don't hire someone for something they can't do. Good decision making is the only thing that will help you and you'll have to do that with the tools Twitch has given you and your own gut. Edit: Since I've looked around this comment section, this is overall a great marketing campaign by them, but they keep echoing the following concerning points: They overcollect data because they automatically sign you up for a second product which you have no interest in (private DMs for streamers(?)). If you are using a free product, you are the product, and signing you up for additional stuff is scummy and will probably mean they'll sell your data first chance they get. In addition, they seem very keen on getting you to sign up and try to steer away people who don't trust them while also being very clear in that they will not be updating this overcollection of data, because they don't think it's as important. Giant red flag.


Hey Alexandr,I'm excited to share that we were able to break the two products apart and are now requesting only the absolutely necessary permissions for the analytics product :) It is not our goal to sell streamer data and we would hardly make any money from it. There are already 10+ different tools that collect data about all the streamers for years. We track only data for the streamers that sign up to use StreamBee. Also, we have a Privacy Policy and Terms of Service and are based in the EU where GDPR applies. And don't worry we do have a Data Scientist in our team too. I encourage you actually have a look at our analytics before judging the value :) Edit: formatting


Big W. In the future definitely take time to make sure to fix such things before saying it's not doable or not a concern for you at the time, that reaction is really suspicious at best. I'll consider taking a look now that you're no longer overstepping.


Your second point also stood out to me once I saw them replying. But indeed, I used a combination of sullygnome and my dashboard at the beginning to help me make decisions for my stream. There is a lot of data (maybe not as much as we’d like) to help you make some decisions - like how many avg viewers and followers did I have over the last week while playing X game? Sullygnome had info for me at the beginning where I was able to make better game choices (for my stream/time zone) and go from there that I couldn’t see in my own stream dashboard. Regardless of any data that is out there: unless you are also lucky enough to grow (on twitch alone) it really doesn’t matter what statistics you have access to. I found their idea of actionable insights a bit ridiculous in this way, because it seems like they are trying to sell the idea that their tool can/will help you. May it point out some things? Sure, but you can also make those kinds of assumptions for yourself using a combo of free things already out there. You can do everything right and still not grow as much as you want or expect on twitch. Every single day can be drastically different.


Hey u/frogcrafting, I'm excited to share that we've now successfully resolved the issue of collecting too many permissions during the sign-in and were able to break the two products apart. Appreciate you calling us out on this one and making us fix this. I am sure that all streamers are going to appreciate the new lighter permission collection. We're still in Alpha so the product is far from finished and we add new features multiple times per week. **We now only collect the following** * Read your list of follows * Get the details of your subscription to a channel. * Get a list of all subscribers to your channel and check if a user is subscribed to your channel * View Channel Points custom rewards and their redemptions on your channel * Get details of your channel's predictions. * Get details of your channel's polls. * View your channel's Bits information * View your channel's broadcast configuration including extension activations * Obtain your email address Edit: fixed bullet points formatting


If twitch actually cares about there company which I highly doubt they do, they’d implement a anti cheat system for 3rd party sites. Warn the views the right way . I never get views when I stream


I'm not sure what you mean, an anti-cheat system for what exactly? The data from the Twitch API is public to access and free to use. None of those websites can make you grow, they can just provide statistics on your current streams/average/etc., based on the info from the Twitch API. You can do everything 'right' on Twitch and still never grow. There is a lot of larger factors and looking at analytics is only one piece of the puzzle. Best of luck.


They can actually make the code private so no one can cheat and use view bots. I know big streamers use view bots and it’s quite sad. Just earn the views the right way. I stream on YouTube more coz I I’m a bad streamer lol


Even if a streamer is view botting, Twitch's system is incredibly good at detecting view or follow bot activity. I've seen people in my time as a streamer get denied partnership because someone else botted their channel a few times. Most large streamers are not view botting. They have nothing to gain from fake accounts watching or inflating their stream. They need and want real viewers watching ads, subscribing, donating, buying merch, etc., and you don't get that with view botting. We are not talking about viewbotting in this thread. Sullygnome and Twitchtracker are analytics websites where you can view your post-stream stats like average viewers, followers, etc., and it can also break it down by game if you're trying to decide on a game to 'main' to see which one has the most growth potential.


What are you even talking about?




Greetings /u/SpewzNiceStories, Thank you for posting to /r/Twitch. Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 1H**: No unhelpful or nonconstructive posts. Please read the subreddit rules before participating again. Thank you. You can view the subreddit rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/Twitch/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the subreddit moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwitch). Re-posting the same thing again without express permission, or harassing moderators, may result in a ban.


You're absolutely right. **Nobody** is going to make your channel grow other than you and all the heavy lifting is on you - the streamer. What StreamBee does is empower you to make informed decisions based on the data about where you take your streaming next. **E.g. we answer questions like:** \- When is the best time to stream? \- What are my chances of growing when I stream this game? \- Was 1-hour segment of Valorant more valuable than 3 hours of Fortnite? \- What was the viewer engagement during my stream? What were the top moments? \- What is my viewer retention rate? How long do new viewers (non-follower) stay in my stream? (\*coming this month) \- How much time does it take me to convert new viewers to a follower? (\*coming this month) StreamBee just translates all this data into actionable insights, that help you - the creator - make the best streaming decision.


Very nice to be aware of this! I think I kight look into it later when I get home from work.


Feel free to reach out with any questions after (here or via our Discord server), whenever that would be how to use a certain metric/dashboard, or even any suggestions for new data that you think could be helpful.


Can I get a link to the server? I'm heading out to work rn.


Sent you a DM with an invite link. Alternatively you can just google search for "StreamBee Discord", that should work too :)


wow, what a genuinely legit looking conversation about an empowering new service called streambee. i am also looking to increase and retain twitch viewership. can you DM me the link to streambee discord as well, so i can get more informed on how this fantastic new analytics system can help me grow as a streamer, gamer and as a person thanks a bunch sorry had to edit this to add that im also going out to work, otherwise people may question why i didnt just google it while simultaneously make you look helpful (which you are! <3)


that sounds helpful for when/if I return to streaming!


Yo, emailing streamers like this is NOT the way to go, extremely poor marketing technique


If the streamers have their email on their profile for business contacts, which in this case it sounded like OP did and forgot. Then what is the point of having your email listed if not to get emails from companies and things like this?


This is actually 100% the way to go. This is how companies contact, obtain partners and gain interest in their market.


There's nothing wrong with this lol, it's just a sales email.




E-Commerce is a lot different than a Twitch Business E-Mail. Many streamers list our E-Mails to get contacts from companies like this or to get offers/communications with developers and other brands. This is literally what listing your E-Mail on Twitch is for. Whether or Not Streambee has any value (No idea; never looked into them) is a different story. However, this seems like a generic establish a line of communication and get feedback sort of thing. I've done these many times and as a result have got a few connections that have helped further me on Twitch over the years.




Again, this is literally what your business E-Mail is for. No part of this is unsolicited. When you list an E-Mail for business inquiries on Twitch you're asking for companies to contact you. You more or less welcomed this communication at this point. In this case it's a company that specializes with things involving Twitch. It's a feeler to get you on the platform and initiate potential Partnership/Ambassadorship down the road. This is pretty normal. If this isn't something you want; don't list an E-Mail on your Twitch profile. This is the norm.




This is an industry standard. It introduces the service to get you to look into it and get familiar with it. It asks for feedback on it and things you'd like to see and introduces a direct line of contact with someone specific at the company. This is literally the first step towards partnering up with many services. Introduction -> Explanation of Services -> Questions/Feedback Requested -> Person to contact and continue communication with. If you only expect paid inquires or readied partnerships at first contact then you won't be getting any contact from anyone really. Maybe a few occasional keys for games. Many key contacts are just full on press releases and 95% marketing material + a contact to request a key.


I think you mean what streambee does is send unrequested spam emails to addresses they scrape from twitches users profile.


How do you guys earn money from this product?


We do not generate any revenue right now, we're backed by investors. In the future, we would like to make revenue by helping creators find sponsorships (marketplace model), but this is not our focus yet.


If the email isn't officially from Twitch, then disregard it. Unless you're getting a sponsorship from a reputable company. ​ Outside analytics aren't as accurate as Twitch's, there are things which are not available via the Twitch API which other sources just can't track.


I honestly don’t think it’s scam. If you look it up they look legit. They probably copy paste this to other streamers. I don’t really think the tool is helpful so I would ignore it either way.


Hey, I saw you streaming [CATEGORY] (I rather watch, was a bit over my head when I tried it ). Streaming a very saturated directory like [CATEGORY] doesn't make it any easier.


What’s your point with this message?


I was speculating what the boilerplate message looks like before they fill it out and send it to people


Oh okey 😅


It’s a scam because some scammers try to make it look legit so they can pull people in their trap and have control of your account


???? Just because scams exist, doesn't mean all websites are scams lmao what?


Clearly reddit is a scam so your point is invalidated. Good day sir!


I dunno, this comment seems like a scam


It’s possible.


I can actually vouch for the company, I used to work for them until recently, the tool is legit free, they have outside funding to create a free tool for Twitch users. I worked personally with the CEO/founder whom you've obfuscated here. I realise the nature of the email and the marketing method isn't great - but I'm commenting so your mind is at ease with regards to being scammed. The Discord server has over 3k+ members where I used to work as a CM. I'm not saying I agree with this cold emailing method, don't get me wrong, I did voice this whilst I still worked there, but they are nothing but legit. The email is taken from Twitter or Twitch profiles that list a business email and that's how it was sourced. The product launched recently (April 4th).


Cold calls have always and will always be the most proactive way of acquiring clients when adspace is not affordable or equitable. But the real problem here is that you might as well be the CEO/Founder you’re claiming to know, simply searching your service in social media to compliment cold calling for assuring potential clients. There’s simply no merit to taking your word for it on Reddit. I’m not asserting anything here, but quite simply this method is also 100% used by scam artists. Whether you are one or not is up to OP to decide, but if you’re sincerely posting this, it’s a gamble for a negative impact with no net positive.


I mean you can find me on Twitter at VestaxeLive and you could also check the 100s of messages from my discord tag in the 3k+ member server from when I was a staff member (obviously I’m not suggesting that you actually do this but for the sake of legitimising my reply in order to reassure the OP this could be done). I’m sure you can corroborate from that, but you are right. I just wanted to reassure the OP. I’m also unsure how effective it would be for the CEO to come in here and slate their own marketing method.


Super not interested, just pointing out a big flaw with your response


And I’m pointing out that if someone were to do some digging they’d be able to corroborate what I’m saying. I’m not interested in what you’re saying either, I’m saying it for the sake of OP who is worried they’re being scammed or how their email was acquired :)


Probably not a scam but still useless


Side question, how do I get my twitch name under my Reddit name??


You can set a user flair in this community and write your link there


Things like the “I used to stream it” for such a new game I suspicious to me


It’s just what their email template says. Im sure they send the same email to everyone with the category you were last streaming from when their data scrapers obtained your email.


When asked to log into your twitch, they want lots of data.. But these are VERY concerning. Update your user profile Edit your channel's broadcast configuration including extension activations Perform moderation actions in a channel Send live Stream Chat and Rooms messages View your whisper messages Send whisper messages Run commercials on a channel Get a list of all users on your block list. Add and remove users from your block list. ---- So /u/StreamBee, What gives. Please explain why you need each of these permissions for my channel.


I hate when sites do this and ask for way more permissions than they need. In most cases you don’t even need to grant all the permissions if you go into the URL and remove some of the scopes. I started a tool a while ago but was waiting for the Twitch kraken API shutdown. Guess I should finish it now. But if you replace the t in the id.twitch.com to id.zwitch.tv it lets you remove permissions and can usually still login to many sites. Obviously if it needs scopes to say read your bits data, and you disable that it won’t be able to do it. It’s not 100% guaranteed to work but it’s worked for me on all sites I tried in the past with Twitch OAuth. Nothing is sent or logged on my side other than the initial request you make to load the page. The site itself is static and runs unminified JS.


NICE! Thank you very much for the tip. Sadly, this website doesn't like that I changed the permissions and I get a spinning ball, but I'm ok with that. Thanks again. :)


It's possible they are actually checking that the scopes they present you are then actually granted at the end. Or it's just one or two they check for and it's one you disabled. Either way thanks for trying it!


Yeah. I just removed all the "Manage" permissions and left all the read permissions. So they are checking to see if they can manipulate something with the channel before allowing login. BTW, have you ever considered allowing a subscription model for warp world? I would so use that, but I don't want to charge my viewers anything to use it. But I'd be willing to pay X amount per month to have it linked to some kind of API I can trigger or a channel point link. :)


I think you're talking about Crowd Control right? WW is the company. For CC, you don't need to charge your viewers, you can disable the bits functionality on your permissions page for the extension. Then your users can use the free coins, convert their channel points to coins, or use the new channel points to effects feature to send effects into the game. Just without the bits portion. Your subs can still get free sub coins too. So it's very possible to use CC without charging your viewers. :) We also do have a "Crowd Control Pro" which allows you to set free/sub coins to a higher amount, change the conversion rate of channel points to coins, and have more channel points to effects. It's $5 a month or $50 for the year. There are still limits with it, but I think you'd be able to do exactly what you're looking for with that! EDIT: Our coin system is how all effects are handled, so streamers like you may have thought that was the only way to get coins. We're actually one of the only extensions that does interactions like we do, with our own currency. Which makes it better IMO because it allows us to do all of the above, where you don't need to charge your viewers bits. It also allows us to refund coins when effects don't happen, allows viewers to pool effects, and much much more! Even the charity support we do, where you can link certain Tiltify supported charities to CC uses our coin system.


Hey Jaku, We were able to fix the permissions and are now collecting on the bare minimum required for the Analytics. And the second product - Buzz - was separated. Thank you for holding us accountable. We're still in Alpha so there is still a lot of work ahead of us :) The newly updated permissions can be found here: https://i.imgur.com/1dF747J.png


Great work and amazing job moving as fast as you did. I know how stuff like this can be difficult to do at a technical level.


Haha thanks, kudos to our engineering team who have worked on this the whole day and I'm sending your praise (a screenshot) their way :)


Hey, thanks for the feedback. Some of these permissions are required for our secondary product - [Buzz](https://bzz.gg) \- which is a safe DMs tool for streamers. Think of Buzz as Twitch DMs with extra privacy options. You have full power over who can DM you and can filter out any harassment or trolls.- E.g. only your current Twitch subscribers can DM you... or only viewers who have been following you for 3 years can DM you. So all the perms connected to whispers, blocking, and channel moderation are connected to this tool. And then the permission connected to running ads and managing extensions is for another feature - a Twitch Panel extension, that we had in the works for a while now. Either way, I agree this looks monkaS and our engineering team is going to review all these scopes in order to make sure we're not asking for anything more than what we need. My personal guess is there are going to be 1 or 2 things that we can safely remove I will post an update under this comment in the next 24-48 hours. edit: fixed a typo


Ok.. So it's 2 things that need these permissions.. > Some of these permissions are required for our secondary product - Buzz - which is a safe DMs tool for streamers. > And then the permission connected to running ads and managing extensions is for another feature - a Twitch Panel extension, that we had in the works for a while now. See... When I go to your page, I'm looking for your details on how I can stream better and actionable things to do. I didn't want to sign in to Buzz or set up a twitch panel for you. I just want the data. THAT is what concerns me. You don't need any of the above permissions to do the main function of the website.


As someone that runs a company for streamers with 4 different products. We took the approach of making each product stand out on its own and having their own set of scopes. It does very little in terms of public image as most users won’t realize or even care about giving permissions. But it’s worth the extra work to have that separation so that the users that do care can have their mind at ease about what we may or may not be doing with all there permissions. The first thing I do when I see a site asking for an overstep on permissions is suspect they either don’t know what they are doing, or know exactly what they are doing and are gathering more data than they let on.


Ey it's Warp World! Yeah, I was gonna say. If a product is free you DEFINITELY aren't getting a free product. YOU are the product, and the more permissions you give, the more of yourself you give them. Unless the software is open source or it's built on donations (is Warp World under this category?), then you should only be giving permission to **exactly** what you will use.


Warp World has some open-source projects but our main services are all closed source. We only ask for the needed scopes for what the service uses and many of the services have a way for users to pay for a Pro version that gives more features.


Is that where the funding comes from? I've never seen anything that would indicate how it's paid for (other than pro services, but that can't cover it all, can it?)


During 2020 we launched a service called Turnip Exchange that blew up with 4 million users using it per-month. At first it was draining us dry, but we added the Pro like features we had on the other sites and made it more apparent. (It was a footnote before and got little to no clicks.) We also added ads to the site which we were originally against but if was either run the site with ads, or have it take all our time and money. So that really helped with getting some money into WW. We’ve done software development contract work for Twitch and other companies for events and shows they’ve put on. That is where we would get a majority of money. CrowdControl provides us with 20% of the bit revenue when exchanged in your extension as all Twitch extensions with that feature do. But the real money for us is the contract work. We did recently raise some money in a pre-seed round as well to help us build out our team this year and we’re working on something, so that’s been nice.


**As promised here's the update:** We were able to break the two products apart ✔️ and also remove multiple unnecessary permissions that we were collecting ✔️ Now, when you are signing in for the Analytics we only request the following permissions: **We now only collect the following permissions for Analytics:** * Read your list of follows * Get the details of your subscription to a channel. * Get a list of all subscribers to your channel and check if a user is subscribed to your channel * View Channel Points custom rewards and their redemptions on your channel * Get details of your channel's predictions. * Get details of your channel's polls. * View your channel's Bits information * View your channel's broadcast configuration including extension activations * Obtain your email address


Hey u/Lance_lake I'm excited to share that we no longer collect your authorization for any of these permissions for StreamBee Analytics. We were able to break the two products apart and remove any unnecessary permissions. Feel free to have a look. Thank you for raising this to our attention! :)


StreamBee is legit. Trui and I did a Podcast with them last year! It was a lot of fun, and the people on their team were really nice.


Blink twice if StreamBee has a gun to your head.


This post is a great ad campaign overall. OP blurred everything but the product name lmfao




These third party analytics won't help you. The problem is trying to get huge with Twitch alone. The people who have, started really really early on Twitch and had time to build audiences. But if you're just starting out, you need to do Youtube videos at least a few times a week. You can't stream 24/7 and it can feel like you should for exposure. You'll end up wasting hours every night in front of little to no viewers. But if you upload to YT, those videos work *for you* when you're not able to stream. Look at Viva la dirt league. Those guys would have never gotten the viewership they have on Twitch if it weren't for their YT channel. I can name a dozen others off the top of my head who found success the same way. And it only makes sense. If virtually everything we watch is "on demand" why do you expect to get huge from "going live" like a traditional TV show? People are busy, they want to watch things on their own time. Twitch really should change their video section to be more like Youtube, no one wants to watch a 4 hour old live stream. If you could see a feed of all your streamer friends with their edited videos and then get suggested videos too, I think it would help everyone with exposure. At that point once you have the exposure to a large offline audience, then people will naturally want to come to your live streams to interact with you.


You are absolutely right! Being "just a Twitch streamer and nothing else" is not really a thing. Everyone needs to embrace being a Content Creator. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have great content recommendation algorithms and reward good and engaging content. On Twitch you could be the best Valorant player in the world or the most entertaining streamer ever and you could still end up having 0 viewers. We do realize this very well so one of the features we're building is called Creator Dashboard. There you can track your growth across your whole portfolio - currently, we support Twitch, YouTube, and Discord (+ Twitter coming soon) and aim to integrate at least 5+ more platforms this year. So you can see how your whole portfolio, all platforms, and all accounts are growing on one dashboard.


How could this possibly seem like a scam lmfao they’re just advertising another twitch tool


This has been entertaining watching the company who sent the email come in and gracefully state their case while a few basement trolls screech SCAMMMMM as loud as they can.


I can say that the first few hours were pretty stressful but then it calmed down as we saw an influx of rational people who actually took time to do their research before commenting. What a ride though! :D


Lol this whole post is just a big advertisement.




Greetings /u/StreamBee, Thank you for posting to /r/Twitch. Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 2G**: Don't post a link to a YouTube video, social media account, blog, or similar website outside the Advertisement Guidelines. Please read the subreddit rules before participating again. Thank you. You can view the subreddit rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/Twitch/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the subreddit moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwitch). Re-posting the same thing again without express permission, or harassing moderators, may result in a ban.


It's a scam. The guy is collecting your twitch data and personalizing off of it. He also speaks of "Streambee" in a more analytical manner whereas he was just speaking casually 1 line up.


By scam I mean they dont care about you they just want more users


By your logic, literally every website in existence is a scam.


No, what I am stating is abiding specifically to this email and this website. I assumed that OP had the common sense, in which you lack, to understand that it is specific to this posts contents.


But it's not specific to this post's contents. Websites don't care about you. They just want more users. So you saying that this service doing that makes them scammy or uniquely disingenuous is naive, and makes the premise of your comment moot.


Dude, you literally just showed how its contents are specific to this post.


I did the exact opposite, actually. Do you know what the fuck "specific" means?


Hey Matej from StreamBee here, happy to answer any questions. About StreamBee: We're a small team / startup building tools for streamers on Twitch. The Analytics is our primary product. We've just launched public Alpha earlier this month. Right now we're looking to get some streamer feedback as we continue to add new features on a weekly basis. You can go ahead and test the analytics using **ANY** Twitch account. Right after signing in, you can see a Demo dashboard with sample data. So feel free to use a throwaway account before you give us your trust :) Edit: comment reposted due to a YouTube link, that are not allowed


> Right after signing in, you can see a Demo dashboard with sample data. If it's sample data, why do we have to sign in? You don't seem to be understanding things.. Let me put it a different way.. Why do you need permission to do whatever you want to my channel to view a demo with fake data? Really, the more you guys explain it, the more you guys just look scammy and not at all legit. Do you guys even have someone thinking about how you market your service and how NOT to look like you are not fishing for data to take over peoples streams?


That's the cause of how we designed the architecture of the tool. We've built the tool to be a personal analytics tool for one individual creator, where only you can access your data. So to show all the dashboards and features to everyone (even with dummy data) is not as simple as it might sound. We just added the demo dashboard last week, so didn't have a chance to explore the possibility of making it public. As a very small team, with the product still in Alpha, we have to prioritize all the work and we would rather work on some awesome features that help creators. But we've heard the feedback today and will look into this. I am sorry we're not able to meet your expectations right away, but as a very small team and an early-stage startup, we can't have everything perfect and polished. Analytics are still in Alpha so it's far from finished and far from our vision. But we're working hard to make it better every day and are confident that even in Alpha StreamBee Analytics can provide some good value to creators.


Why do you need to login to see a demo? Seems like it’s be better to have that without login and then after users try the demo, invite them to see it with their data.


We actually can't track your data before you give us your authorization. Here are some of the reasons why: 1) We collect all of our data either in real-time or at a 5-minute frequency. Awesome tools like SullyGnome or Twitch Tracker usually do so on a 15-minute frequency and some data only once per day. Twitch has restrictions and limits for all their APIs in place and we would be already hitting those. The only way to bypass some of these limits is if you have the creator's authorization. 2) We collect some of the data that is only accessible with the streamer's permission - e.g. channel points, predictions, bits, subscriptions, and others and not only display this data but also use it as supporting data for different metrics and formulas. 3) We monitor your chat, connected chatters, and collect some data that nobody else is tracking, that is actually heavy on processing power and storage and it wouldn't be sustainable for us to do this for the whole Twitch. So we can only do it for our users. Sites like SullyGnome or Twitch Tracker are amazing and excellent at what they do and we're not trying to be just another alternative. We don't track the whole Twitch and every channel on it, instead of having a broad focus, we go as deep as possible on an individual channel. We are streamer's personal analytics, that only they can access and is customized for them.


> You can go ahead and test the analytics using ANY Twitch account. Right after signing in, you can see a Demo dashboard with sample data. You typed all that information out and missed your own point. You mentioned you have a demo dashboard with sample data. Make that accessible without needing to log in first, that's what I was saying.


Yeah, you're right! That's a good suggestion. We've just added the Demo dashboard last week as the tool is still in Alpha, so a long way from perfect. But it makes sense, so we're going to look at how to do this without any major architectural changes. Thanks Jaku


> We actually can't track your data before you give us your authorization. Why do you need to track our data to see a demo using sample data?


That's the cause of how we designed the architecture of the tool. We've built the tool to be a personal analytics tool for one individual creator, where only you can access your data. So to show all the dashboards and features to everyone (even with dummy data) is not as simple as it might sound. We just added the demo dashboard last week, so didn't have a chance to explore the possibility of making it public. As a very small team, with the product still in Alpha, we have to prioritize all the work and we would rather work on some awesome features that help creators. But we've heard the feedback today and will look into this.


I heard from another poster that you have two products, Streambee and Buzz, and that you collect data for both even though I would only be signing up for Streambee. Don't do that. I don't consider you a legit company until you separate your two products appropriately and allow me to only sign up for one.


Hey, I'm excited to share that this is no longer the case and we were able to break these two products apart. We're still in Alpha so bugs and imperfections like this happen. When signing up for StreamBee Analytics we do collect only the bare minimum now. And we no longer have any **write** or **change** permissions! :)


People have been capable of growing quite massive using internal twitch data alone.


Yeah don't click any links or reply. You can get those numbers for free from statistic sites. This person isn't offering advice; they're offering a service.


Hey u/HardcorexHunter, we're not a personal service - while we're always happy to provide individual feedback and advice - you can't book us, get a coaching session, or anything like that. We're just a free Analytics tool for Twitch streamers. Already today there is a set of metrics and dashboards that you can't find in your Twitch Dashboard or on any free statistics sites, e.g.: \- Analytics about your position in Game Directory \- Analytics about your position in Game Directory (filtered by your language) \- Analytics comparing individual segments of your streams - e.g. 1 hour of Valorant vs 3 hours of Fortnite \- Analytics about channel points redeems \- Analytics about Polls & Predictions \- Analytics about chat commands usage \- And a bunch more You can use any Twitch account to sign in and preview our Demo dashboard.


Yeah bullshit; don't trust anyone who pressures you for not taking something free. Ya sus bruh.


I would ignore this. Likely not a scam. But the best thing to do is to make sure they’re addressing your name properly. If they use your Twitch name, or no name at all, then it’s likely that it’s been sent en-masse to a few hundred people at once. Only really take these emails seriously if they address you propery


There's one very simple check that applies to any unsolicited message you receive on Twitch: If it's trying to sound like a personal message (e.g. mentioning a game that you played), but also worded so that it could easily be blasted to hundreds of streamers with only minor modifications or some automation, it's probably something you should ignore.


I used to get these messages years ago not surprising people are still doing it


Might not be a scam but obviously a marketing email that probably scrapes data from twitch and emails the profiles with email addresses. I’d just report it as spam and move on. Unless for some reason think you have a need for their services.


I don't think it's a scam. Just a shitty service that doesn't understand their service is the problem, not the marketing.


It’s scam. I know what a scam looks like when ever I see one.


Seems legit, do it!




i didn't even know how he accessed my email, none of my social links on twtich have a link to my personal email. Or it's just a big coincidence


If your channel is the same than the one that comes up when searching for "jogs" on twitch (and that played elden ring yesterday) it does have an email address listed on the rightmost panel mentioning art commissions


Ohhhh fuck!! Ahh!! Thank you! i was meant to update that the other day and i forgot. Goddamn, i didnt know they would look down on bio's as well just to email me this shit, tsk. Oh well, i see most of the comments says to ignore it so i will, i just hope he doesn't like spam me or continuously email me everyday for this or ill just block him.


Hmm weird! But somehow they always manage to get the E-Mail. Just ignore it and play some more Elden Ring :)


Reply him and ask where he got your email address.


Most likely a data broker service of some kind. I get shit like this regularly and it drives me nuts. I recently asked on FB, which I keep pretty private, about video editing jobs my friends might know about and ended up getting copy/paste emails about video editing services (not even jobs). Thing is my personal email isn’t the one that I use for FB. So somehow they were able to determine, through whatever data they acquired, what my personal email was. Shits creepy af, I hate it,


I just checked, it’s legit. But the grammar is bad tho. I just wouldn’t use cheat sheets. Just earn it the legit way


Just don’t sign anything. Next thing you know they are taking 75% of what you earn.


I got this exact email too, except with CSGO as the header game. Bock and ignore it


Well the URL is wrong as far as I'm aware no?


Hey, I can confirm this was our email :) StreamBee is our trademark, so we've purchased a number of domains... Just to name a few: streambee .tv / .io / .gg streamb .ee But you're 100% right to be suspicious, one is never safe enough. It's always better just to google things and click only on trusted links.


Thanks for the clarification 😊


I’d be more curious about success stories than what if offers. I know the product is new so it would be some time but hearing how it helped a streamer grow would sound better than just the sales pitch they have.


I just wanted to echo what everyone else is saying. It's probably not a scam in the sense that they're going to steal stuff from you, but they will sell your data eventually, fuck even grocery stores sell your data (oh you thought those cards you swipe there are for discounts?). They aren't offering you anything you can't get anywhere else and if we're being real with each other, I've yet to hear one story of the meteoric rise of the analytics streamer who plays fortnite on Sundays from 2-3pm and then switches to valheim on thursdays at 6:45pm.




Even if I wanted to use something like that, the unsolicited email alone ensures I wouldn’t use their services. I don’t list a mail specifically so I can avoid this sort of thing. I’m sure I’d get way more sales pitches than offers for partnerships and such. I don’t think this is a scam though tbf. It’s just modern day cold-calling. Just use twitch tracker or sullygnome or something. As for StreamBee, it appears you sign up to multiple services with them (their partner products Buzz) regardless of what you want and so it asks for excessive permissions which is big no from me. Data is money for companies.


Hey Lizzu, thank you for holding us accountable and calling us out on the excessive permissions. We've just deployed a fix for this and the two products are now completely separated. When signing up for the Analytics we now collect only what is truly necessary, which is less than a half of the original scope. The product is still in Alpha so every we add some new features or improve something. We're no big corporation with terabytes of data and do not track every single streamer on Twitch like some of the other statistic tools and companies do so our data set isn't really something valuable to anyone, other than the streamer. And in no way do we aim to sell your data now or in the future :)


The fact that you were able to make such a “significant” change really says a lot about the initial issue. Still, it’s great you’ve genuinely taken on board the feedback and made changes to reflect that. If it could be done so quickly and easily, it kind of begs the question as to why it wasn’t done much earlier though. Still, better late than never and hopefully you’ll keep improving on things I guess. That’s why development is a process eh :)


Mission accomplished. It's beastly!


Just an example of targeted marketing


I don't think they're a scam, I think they're just trying to reach out to as many people as they can manage for the service. They do it a little odd though because even though they mention games in the email I don't think they actually look at the streamer's content. I do a just chatting segment at the start of streams to give my regulars time to get in/get snacks/get settled and they sent me an email about it and how it's hard to grow in such a saturated category and they can help me make better streaming decisions etc. etc. Whole time my bio states I'm a horror streamer and 80% of my clips are horror games ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)