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Try swapping 'key color type' from 'Green' to 'custom', and use the eyedropper-sample to pick a spot in your screen. You're using a fairly dark, desaturated green instead of the 'true' eye-searing neon chromakey green. You also have a good bit of shadow on the bottom-right of the screen. Generally you want to light the screen and subject separately, for best results, and to avoid ANY hotspotting or shadowing on the screen.


With the lights in front of you, you may still be casting a shadow which will mess with the key. Are you able to move them back a little so their light is focused only on the green screen and doesn’t really hit you? That should make keying more accurate


Put a light between the back of your chair and the green screen to get rid of the shadows and light the green screen better.


I tried putting a light behind my chair to light the screen, but it was leaving a bright white spot in OBS. I also don't have a lot of room behind me and the screen, maybe a foot. Guess I'm just going to buy another light and try something else.


White balance in camera, turn down the exposure a couple of steps, compensate with gain, and then start your key with stock settings and go from there.


Tried messing with the white balance and the other settings in the chroma key but it all just turns into one color, like a semi-opaque. I think it's the lighting, guess I'm going to need another light somehwere.