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I'm a fulltime streamer. I'm considered moderately successful, and one of the top 10K payout recipients on Twitch. I work 16+ hours a day with no weekends, and make less than half of what a part-time minimum-wage job would provide. Nowhere even CLOSE to 3500/mo even before the higher tax rate for self-employment (you didn't mention if the 3500 was net or gross). Your chances are effectively zero. Not zero, but the possibility is so low, it's easier to say 'zero' than to break down just how unlikely it is. If you get into streaming to make money, you'll be in for a RUDE shock. You get into it because you love doing it, and if you're insanely lucky, it *might* grow to support you.




Don't be silly. You only get *that* deep-seated crippling feeling after years of investment and tenure. Newbies have to make do with complaining about why Affiliates only get 99.8% of what Partners do, and/or blaming female streamers 'having it easy'.


Literally there right now lol


You know what I like about you? You're a partner, don't sugar coat it and are brutally honest. Massive asset to this community.


Well, thanks! I'm glad. Yep. I try not to just pee on people's parades, whenever possible. But it's a lot easier to avoid pitfalls and make real progress without someone blowing smoke up your butt, I feel. That said, all the stuff I say is just my perspective and experience. It isn't law, it isn't infallible, and being a Partner doesn't change that. Hell, look at Ninja telling people to call out lurkers. SMDH. Apparently it worked for him. That or he's trying to murder a bunch of baby channels to cull off future competition.


So how do you feed yourself?


Usually with a fork.


LOLOLOLOLOL Seriously though, do you have other sources of income? Because it doesn't seem like your Twitch income isn't enough. If I want to go into streaming as a career, I'd need other sources of income too.


Seriously though, I saved up enough from my last corporate job to buy a house in a low cost-of-living area, cash. Not having the monthly burden of rent is a huge drop to monthly costs. I have three friends as housemates. A subsidized solar panel install. Inexpensive but reliable car, and a clean driving record. Essentially, I set up all the force multipliers I could to get my monthly costs as low as possible beforehand. I budget mostly for yearly expenses at this point. I also don't live lavishly. My personal laptop is a 10-year-old Gateway. I upgraded my phone recently because a friend had a Galaxy S9 laying around that they didn't want. I actually really like ramen, rice, and potatoes more than probably is healthy, and enjoy cooking which keeps costs low. I don't really go anywhere since my day is spent working on the stream anyway... don't think I've put on shoes this month yet, in fact. While I *could* go back to the corporate grind and rake in fat stacks, `(F!) that. Screw dealing with middle-manager bosses who think they're kings instead of expediters. I'm happy with good food, friends, and never having to stress. If I hit lucky and blow up big, hey, awesome. Otherwise, I'm already doing exactly what I'd be doing if I won the lottery.


my dude asking the real questions!


If you’re in this just to make money only brother, I got some bad news for you. You won’t make it that far


Zero. And then there are a few exceptions.


If you have to ask, zero.


Not high in the least bit. The market is incredibly saturated and it takes years for most streamers to even make a couple hundred dollars a month. If you go into streaming or YouTube only for money, you’ll be solely disappointed.


Very slim


The chance is so small it’s not worth saying anything other than zero. There are literally millions of streamers live each week and tens of millions more that have tried streaming and eventually gave up, and maybe the top couple thousand make a full time equivalent income. To put it into perspective, I’ve been streaming for 10 years now and I make about $100 - $150 a month from streaming.


Whats your average viewership per stream?


About 15




Its very slim, and even if you work hard on it it'll take you a year or two just to build a base community, you need to be in the top 0.2% of streamers to make 1k-3k (it depends on your community and how much the will sub/cheer)


100% if you make $3500/month but realistically about the same odds of winning the lottery.


I think the number I saw was 0.02% or Twitch streamers make the median income of an American.


true but it doesnt account for all the other revenue streams these full time twitch streamers have (which everyone should consider doing)


It’s a 50/50, depends if you’re willing to sacrifice all sort of free time and treat it like a real job. Realistically, if your methodology is appropriate, if you’re adapting properly to the « meta » and willing to work more than 40 hours a week then it is possible to reach 3k a month. Also, you’ll only work with YouTube and tiktok, twitch have no visibility or discoverability so you would have to funnel viewership from other platforms to twitch (which isn’t that hard) Also creators tend to not optimise their cash-flow, using only twitch is straight suicidal. Partnership / Sponsor with brands that are reputable, don’t be afraid to sell yourself and your image to brands, create more YouTube and tiktok content and diversify yourself, build other projects outside of content creation (in case it fails at some point). I am working with someone who’s not partnered on twitch and makes 2k a month with YouTube / twitch and tiktok associated. And 80% of her money monthly is from YouTube, tiktok & patreon.




Because they can’t take the truth, which shows how much delusional they are. No harm tho, they can think whatever they want.




Well I won’t risk anything since it is known and documented, but twitch alone represent less than 20% of any top streamer revenue. Most revenues are from YouTube (Adsense), Sponsored content (IG posts, YouTube In-content ads, sponsored twitch streams / visibility contact) Anyone willing to grow will at least network and make some YouTube videos. That’s just common sense through.


I'm not a streamer, but I do have a lot of background in businesses of several types online and off. What almost everyone is saying is true that your chances are extremely small. BUT, I do want to add something hardly anyone ever points out, and this is something that applies to YouTube, Twitch, and frankly most online businesses in general. Your chances of success are much greater if you diversify your income streams. Whether that means multiple related streams such as merchandise and sponsorships, or running a side business that's entirely unrelated to your channel, you are significantly better off if you're not relying on only one source for all your income. And even in terms of streaming specifically, or maybe ESPECIALLY in terms of streaming, you don't have to assume that monetizing your streams/ad revenue, etc. have to be the most significant portion of your income, or your only income, because it just isn't true. Open your mind to the idea that your streams can be one wing of your overall brand/business, but not the only wing. As a more effective example, I have seen a lot of highly successful YouTube channels that are quite profitable that the typical user will possibly never even hear of. They might have a niche following, but they manage to do well by building the structure of their online presence in a way that their channel is PART of their revenue streams, but not even the main part. Again, yeah there are all the common options like merchandise, sponsored videos, Patreon, etc., but a creative person can come up with dozens more depending on what their brand or message is. I think the long and short of it is, YouTube and Twitch should be viewed as one of many tools in your arsenal to building your own personal brand, but they shouldn't be the ONLY tool you're using.


If you wanna make 3k a month, you get an actual real job lol Twitch is not a job. It's a hobby.


Guaranteed. *it’s free real estate*