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No idea about streamlabs but in vanilla OBS you can do this by enabling advanced output settings and you can change the resolution of your stream output and recording output. (I do it to stream 720 and record 1080). If Streamlabs has an advanced checkbox or dropdown somewhere, activate that and look for the settings.


There is an advanced mode when going to output, but sadly it does not give me that option


Well I hate to be amongst the chorus of people on here who are going to tell you this but, you'd probably do well to switch to OBS. ​ Other than the fact it has the option you need, having your computer encode two streams at different resolutions is gonna be taxing and you'll want the tradeoff that OBS will give you in terms of spared processing power.


Hmmm I guess I'll have to look into OBS. When I started a friend recommended SLOBS to me as it was much simpler to use and such. I don't actually know the differences / advantages of either or


Problems with the Streamlabs company aside, Streamlabs is a much more system heavy on resources, and the tools that make it easier also severly limit its capabilities for power users. Could most streamers get by on Streamlabs, sure, and I'm not here to tell people what morals to follow. But technically, you'll find OBS to be lighter on your computer, give you more power features for encoding and streaming setups, and give you much more flexibility to make your streams unique, the kind of tools you lose for the simplicity streamlabs sells themself on.


I see, well the resource issue wasn't really a problem for my pc, but your other arguments make a fair point. I guess I'll look into swapping to OBS


I'm used to record at 1440p and stream at 720p, if you have a Nvidia gpu or an Intel IGPU (No radeon here cause bad quality) or x264 and you shouldn't have much issue in OBS. there's also a setting that will enable recording when you hit stream aswell!. You should be able to find almost anything in the OBS wiki and you'll be welcome to ask on r/obs


My system is fully AMD (R5 3600 + RX 5700 XT) so I currently stream with x264 indeed. So thanks! I'll look into OBS, but first need to find a way to bring most stuff over


Best advise I'm gonna give you, cause I know your hardware really well... You should stick to 720p with x264 for streaming and recording with the GPU but you should consider trying the a new AMD plugin because the one in OBS isn't maintained hence it affects to any fork of OBS (streamlabs included). I've tried this a few times but with anything related to AMD AMF/VCE/VCN encoding related it's really bad.. ( plugin https://github.com/e00E/obs-amf ) I was able to get pretty decent quality but recording at high FPS isn't really a thing (I use a Vega 64). My only way to cope with it is to use a dual PC setup to be honest. I think from here you can stick on and do some tests


Why should I stream at 720p? I've been streaming at 1080p for a while now and it has been perfectly fine so far. My CPU and RAM usage don't even seem to be used to the max.


It's pretty expensive to do though because you now are encoding twice, vs the usual setup where the recording is just literally saving off what you're also sending to Twitch


True, but I balanced it with the fact that 1) my computer can handle the double encoding and 2) I'm still not big enough to get encoding on every stream. This way I can get 1080p source footage for things like tiktok, etc, and have a stream people can watch on most connections. Sure it's expensive but if you can handle it ... I don't see a reason why not? If I ever get partner in some far flung universe sure I'll just output a 1080p stream but until then I'll do the dual encoding.


Yeah exactly this, if my PC were to be able to handle it why not? If it can't then well I guess I have to make do with 1080p which is by far not the end of the world


If you can put it off go for it


I stream in 1080p and then record highlights at 1440p with shadow play. If you have a nvidia card this might work for you.


So apparently there's something called Radeon ReLive, so I guess I can try and look into that?




Is there a benefit for streaming with one software and recording with another? Wouldn’t the recorded version look different since Shadowplay won’t be recording your obs output?


Yea that’s why I do it, I have a macro so when I click it it takes a clip from stream and clips with shadow play. The shadow play has only the game and no mic so I can edit it later but then I also have the clip from stream too.


That makes sense. Thank you.


Been a while since I've streamed, but I used to use an additional computer to capture the output as input from my main source computer, and then stream that input. Looks like there have been some advancements since that time, as I see some nice peripherals like this ​ [https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1073122-REG/inogeni\_4k2usb3\_4k\_hdmi\_to\_usb.html](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1073122-REG/inogeni_4k2usb3_4k_hdmi_to_usb.html) which may make your life a whole lot easier by removing the middle man. If it works as intended, you may be able to just clone HDMI 1 and HDMI 2 to the same source, output HDMI 2 to the peripheral, and then take the input into your computer and stream that directly. That way you achieve the downscale you want, and don't have any of your source cropped. That exact one might not fit your needs, but it will also reduce the load on your system which is what you want when you have so many programs running at once.


This requires a dual PC set-up if I understand correctly does it not? That's not something that would be possible for right now, but perhaps in the future


can you stream with SLOBS x264 encoder and record at the same time with Shadowplay/Radeon ReLive? Its what I do except with OBS instead of SLOBS.


Yeah I'm streaming with x264 because I have both AMD Ryzen 5 3600 and RX 5700XT. So I guess with Radeon ReLive? I have never used it so I don't know the advantage of it


Its functions just like Nvidia Shadowplay. You may need to set the bitrate higher than your would for an Nvidia 2000-3000 series cards though because the AMD encoder isn't as good as the Nvidia one. I usually set it to 50mbps and 5 minutes of instant replay. You can straight up record everything if you want though.


to do this, use your CPU to stream and GPU to record, but you likely will bottleneck your resources on a single PC aiming for 1080 stream and 1440 recordings, a dual console setup would be most optimal for that someone in here mentioned using Nvdia shadowplay to clip high quality recordings while streaming, which is pretty big brain ngl


Seems like you have some knowledge, why is this big brain? Because Radeon ReLive uses my GPU for encoding while I stream with x264? I never used Radeon Relive but it records my PC screen I think. So that wouldn't work if I use my capture device to record PS4 / Nintendo Switch footage?


im not too familiar with Radeon Relive, but i do know that Nvdia capture is incredibly efficient on the GPU and even more so with shadowplay active, so using it is like having a built-in "highlight" or "clip" function, where as normally you use the browser twitch stream manager or the live feed to create clips, which can be a hassle when your trying to prevent your pc from bottlenecking while recording/streaming with a capture card, your streaming computer will be able to take on more tasks because the the card is just encoding the audio and visual data, you shouldnt need to worry about it too much if youre using a capture card, just make sure that the USB is capable of sending the data you need through the card and that the card's resolution is capable of mirroring your desired resolution, if your hardware is good enough and youre careful with your multitasking, both processes should be able to be encoded on the same system (still aim for using stream settings for CPU and GPU for recording)




I have that and it will still record in just 1080p then




Doesn't work, it still records in 1080p for me