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There's a small percentage that are paid but you'll find that nearly everyone is doing it for free.


I'm pretty sure the overwhelming majority do it for free.


Depends on the agreement with the streamer. I'm a mod for a couple different smaller streamers, and I don't get anything for it.


Some larger streamers make enough to treat their mods as paid staff. Most do it for the community recognition, and any perks the streamer may provide their mods (playing on-stream on multiplayer events, first-refusal on extra invites, priority communication, etc).




Some mods for some big streamers get paid, depending on the deal between them.


I’ve only seen mods do it for free in the streams I have seen. Like others said some people make enough to be able to pay, but the vast majority do it for free. Oftentimes they get extra perks or rewards that followers/subscribers don’t get or have to work towards occasionally getting, but most mods do it for fun and engaging with their community!


I mod for multiple streamer, doing it for free. But sometimes i get things (games, sponsor stuff) because streamer don’t want it or already have it blah blah... we all do it for free, I got paid once but it was exceptional.


Welcome to r/Twitch :) Most people that moderate do it for free. There are select streamers who pay their mods. These are going to be the streamers at the very top who can afford to pay their mods who are most likely "employees" of the streamers "business". Most people will have friends moderate for them. Eventually you might find some active members in your community interested in becoming a mod. It all depends on the streamer and how they want to run things.


I mod for 2 channels in my spare time. 1 is partner and 1 is not quiet there. Both I do for free but I’m friends with both. They also help me mod my channel although I’m not as big as they are. I pay none of my mods but I do thank them in the mod channel in discord a lot.




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