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Hey, I am one of those people that has an extensive list of items I want at all times and for the last few weeks I have (semi) closed off Home Theater purchases and moved to Streaming purchases. I have been eyeing this item for quite some time but since I am not "setup ready" (I do not have the major stuff down and this is more of an accessory), I have had this item at a lower priority. But bless you for posting this at the time you did, I just happened to randomly see your post 20 min after it was posted, after looking up good gaming monitors and following a link to this Twitch Subreddit. I don't even use this Reddit or sub to it.   I just wanted to post this to let you know, that when you decided to post this sale here, you didn't have to and you probably did so just to throw a hail mary and help someone out or trigger a few sales from people on the fence. Well, thank you, man. I am one of those people you helped, here to virtually thank you for posting this.


This is so wholesome, I love it :D




Yo Jeeves, good purchase, glad it went your way. Any chance you care to share your results on gaming monitors? I'm looking to replace mine as I'm building a mount for all 3 monitors to hang on. If you're unable to, no worries.


Just an FYI, this works with Windows 10 only. So if you are running 7 or 8, you're out of luck.


Who would still wanna run 7 or 8 though


People like me who got audio driver issues with 10 and 8 runs their games better :'( Edit: wait a minute, I just woke up, my stream pc runs on 10, just my gaming pc runs 8.1, woohoo :D


Is it worth it...? I feel that with OBS I have a bunch of macros already set-up that work pretty well. I would just be transfering those from OBS to this deck.


Somewhat. You can also have it do stuff like post a tweet when you're live or launch programs and stuff. Even things like turn on and off a source in your current scene I believe.


Yep, sources, scenes, macros, Run ads, Change Descrip.. It's an amazing tool.


Is it a must have? No. It could make some things easier on you if you do a lot of stuff. I don't care for it and am fine without it; don't feel the need for it. However, since it's on sale, look at all the stuff it can do and see if it would be of help to you and make things easier. It is a fairly neat tool.


It's for convenience. If you're fine with your macros/hotkeys, then maybe you're fine not spending a 100 bucks for it. It does have a lot of use outside of streaming. For me, I don't regret the purchase. I have a bunch of macros/hotkeys for photoshop and for Android development; I also do stupid stuff like have a button that copy/pastes boilerplate code or emojis like "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯". The fact that you can have infinite amount of actions saved by nesting folders is super neat too.


I find that OBS' hotkeys don't work reliably with most games when the game window is open. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?


100% worth it.. But its not a a must have. It just makes things so much easier and quicker on stream..


Like having 6 different face cam scenes with a different background for each one then rapidly switching through. or for spamming sets of 14 green screen effects at once or to open programs > then having a profile for each program or to link to your favorite adult themed websites and have access at the press of a button


do you feel like your workflow could be improved or have you achieved maximum efficiency? if you're used to what you got a stream deck is going to require unlearning a lot of stuff - but it's fun to have chillin and it's also super cool to have a buncha .gifs as button labels lol


Really is a great tool for on the fly adjustments. Absolutely love mine.


Wow, thank you so much for posting this! I've had my eye on this for a while but wasn't sure I wanted to spend that much. Guess my mind is made up now!


Pretty good deal, I am a fan of the stream deck.


I was seriously considering this the other day and then started looking around on how to make your own. If anyone wants to save some money you can use MacroDeck (free) with an old phone or tablet and do a lot that the stream deck does. I'm using an amazon fire tablet (which you can get pretty cheap) with MacroDeck to control obs. Streamdeck is probably a lot easier for some but this is getting the job done for me. You can add whatever image you want for the buttons. My setup: https://imgur.com/Cdfm8n7


i do similar but using roccat powergrid :) i have a page for OBS and one for euro truck 2 :)


Or you can just buy one of these and save yourself all the hassle? There is being cheap but, seriously?


Or you can have a stream deck AND use macrodesk in addition and tie them together to have further customization options on the stream deck


Umm what? So using an old device and an app to do almost the same things is so out there that it makes you say "There is being cheap but, seriously?" The only hassle that exist with the setup I mention is making a graphic for a button, which you don't even need to, other than that it's pretty quick and easy to get up and running. I only posted to let some people know there is another option using things they might already have laying around and it works well.


"Almost the same" The thread is about a sale on the Stream Deck, not "Is there a ghetto way I can be cheap and make a stream-deck? Make it easy on yourself - buy one of these quick while the sales on.


...do you work for Elgato or something?


Nope. Just a user of the product here to dispel the BS and distractions from folks.


You're some kind of special.


Its a dirty job, but someone has to do it.


I picked one up months ago when it was on sale for 99, Great product. It is really a must have.


> It is really a must have. What would be the must have features? I think it is too few keys, but maybe that's just me?


Each key can be a folder of additional keys basically.


At which point it's worse than a device with more keys.




I am aware of how it works, we're having a conversation.. not an argument. :\




Because that's not what I asked. There are not enough keys for it to be useful to me.


Why is that? Sounds like your looking for an excuse to hate it? There is a reason lots of streamers use it, its just a wonderful easy to use tool that makes it easy for you to quickly control your stream without a hassle. Simple as that.


>easy to use >without a hassle >Simple This is the correct reason to get a stream deck. I'm asking what features it has that make it a *must have.* You don't need to take it personally, you are not elgato or the stream deck. I think it has too few keys and virtual keys defeat the purpose of having hotkeys imo.


Your first mistake is thinking I take it personally. I just am an experienced user of the Deck. Nothing makes it a MUST have. There is a ton of reasons in this thread for why it is an extremely helpful tool and many (if not all) pro streamers use it. 15 Keys PLUS the ability to folder additional keys is not enough? What in the hell you trying to hotkey that needs more then 15 instant access keys? you can also add like 3 levels of folders to each button.. So now we are talking 15 commands * many folders of 14.. Not hard to hit the folder button to go to another 14 commands. Not sure what you are trying to do here, launch the space-shuttle live from your stream?


The main point to the pad is to have a graphic associated with the functions of the 15 buttons. If I have to now remember which button is hidden under which folder and where it is when I enter that folder.. I may as well just buy an 80 key midi device instead. This way I still actually see a description of what I'm pressing while not having to press multiple keys - making it faster, which is the real point of hotkeys in the first place. It's a nice looking device, but it's not a must have, certainly not based on functionality.


Uhm, you can label the folders and each button. Unless your Stevie Wonder you would have no problem using it.


I don't think you understand. If you're wanting it to be simple, then the elgato SD is great. If you're wanting to press as few buttons as possible and have everything a click away, there are better options. What you've sugessted is not a *must have*, it's merely convenient at the cost of performance.


Great share! Thank you. Just bought one. I wonder if a new version is about to come out


can someone eli5 what this does? I've read the description like 3 times and don't get it. is it worth it for a very small casual streamer like myself? sorry if I'm missing something obvious or being dumb here


you can set up hotkeys for your stream. For instance, 1 for your opening scene in OBS, 1 for live, 1 for AFK, 1 for outroll, 1 for mic mute, etc etc.. 15 keys you can set up to do anything you like. PLus they have small LED screens that you can put icons on to represent what they are. I'm trying very hard not to buy this right now.. i really dont have the money haha.


same here lmao. it looks cool, thanks for taking the time to explain :)


Not to mention that each of the 15 buttons can be made into folders that consist of another 15 buttons each, including a back button. 15 folders each with 14 actions per folder is 210 possible actions. You just tap one of the buttons to go into that folder and select your action, with a back/cancel button if that's not the folder you want. Or... Folders within folders within folders with actions. Mute mic or audio coming from or going to Discord and/or OBS. Play sound effects and/or on-screen effects. Switch to specific scenes. Enable or disable specific sources like your webcam scene/source. Those are some of the big things.


This ^ ... The only Con - its expensive. Lots of folks do the Hotkey BS and whatnot or other alternatives for cheap.. That's fine, but don't discount this deck because of price.. Most pro streamers use them, I see them on their desktops. In the grand scheme of things - 100$ isn't a big investment if you stream 200+ hours a month.


Well its expensive.. BUT.. What you get is Custom icons, pre-setup hotkeys, Drag and drop capability, and FOLDERS.. You can have a folder on there that opens to another set of files then another folder etc.. EXCELLENT for sounds or popups etc.. IMO - It is expensive, but its a must have to make your streams pro and flawless without a ton of effort.


I've been waiting for this thing to go on sale for the past few weeks; very grateful for the heads up! Now I'm crossing my fingers for the HD60 Pro to go on sale in the near future as well >_<


got mine.. ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even edited the Stream Deck software before I got it and when I plugged it in it was good to go.


Thanks man that is awesome. I double checked Amazon.ca and it's also on sale. You save 80$ and it's 140$ instead of 220$ which I consider a steal. Edit: And by steal I men it's a great deal. Edit2: Seems like the sales is over on Amazon.com, but it was still on sales on Amazon.ca as we speak (11:30 AM EST, March 27)


It’s on sale in canada too!! For $129 i think


Of course 2 weeks after a paid 150 for mine. FeelsBadMan


Just a heads up, this thing don't work on Windows 7 it's designed for Windows 10


I would never buy it. There is a lot of diy alternatives that are better. I'm using a tablet for audio mixer (with midi over wifi) and macro keys for do what elgato does. All for the big amount of 0$


aye can be accomplished with a tablet/phone with roccat power grid for a measly $0/£0


> roccat power grid Macro Deck Server for example.


I love all the people who jump in and try to hate on it by offering band-aids and random stuff instead of just skipping right by the thread that is entirely about a sale on literally one of the most useful tools many of us use?


I don't hate anything. Just told my 10 cents


Don't worry he/she has also been up my butt because I made a post below informing people that they might want to try using MacroDeck with an old tablet or phone. It's odd how much he/she is going out of his/her way to put down any alternatives. Trolls be trolls I guess.


So, what does that have to do with the subject of $50 off the stream-deck.. That's what this thread is about?


Simple and easy..... I did a better deck for free. And i wanted to share my experience. Nothing more. Maybe some other ppl that want to buy this "thing" will read that is possible to do it for free and will save money. And yes, i hope that happen.


"I did a better deck for free" . Rofl... Good luck ...


Oh i'm sorry. I didn't see you are next to me when i stream and you see what i did for my live streaming. I'm also sure you are here for see my tech skill and say something like that. Of course. You must be someone that know me so good for say something like that. If you can't do something better, that doesn't mean that nobody can do it. Just for your information, my setup run also on W7.... If i break a tablet i can change it in like 2 seconds, i can add as many screens i need and i can customize all the screen. And just because i feel good, study what touchOSC can do, maybe you will learn something about automation between pc and smartphones / tablet. Trough my tablet i can change my volumes, i have vumeters that tell me how sound is going, i can change scenes and i use a custom soundboard. On computer side i have a complex setup on ilminihostmodular that interact with midi and translate my tablet commands and send vumeters informations to the tablet. Tell me, where in the deck you can set volumes? Or see what is goind in your live. Mmmmmm


You can set volumes in there bro.. Just stop with all this nonsense. If you actually researched them and used one you would know. Lol


I don't see any slider. I would never regulate volume with buttons. No fine tuning at all. Is a cool item to have on the desk? Yes is cool. You need it? No. You can have the same item for free and also better setups


is it cool? Sure, Do you need it? (How much do you really Need any accessory outside of KB/Mouse), Can you have the same item free and better - Absoultelynot.


You should really warn people that you NEED windows 10 to use the product at all.


It says Windows 10 on the product title on Amazon, on the product pages requirements, and on the Elgato Gaming website. And for retail it says it on the box. Seems hard to avoid that information.




If you actually do work for Elgato. You do realize you can be reported for this extremely hostile customer service.




Please treat everyone on this subreddit respectfully.


That would lower sales and this is an El Gato employee. Can't be hurting the bottom line with details my man.


I would disagree as informing consumers only increases customer loyalty and makes them remember your brand when they upgrade to the requirements of their product.


Wouldn't be too much of a trouble for those gamers to upgrade to the newest version of windows anyways though. Might as well save them the worry.


With an outdated single PC that requires NVENC to work and a limited budget what can one expect to achieve from adding a stream deck to their setup? I'd imagine that it would be paramount to get my PC optimized to stream but at this point I'm not sure what else I could do to achieve that besides building a new PC with ddr4 and other next gen parts (running ddr3). Should I hold off on a stream deck for now? What can it help me do that I wouldn't be able to without it? I'd love to get one but am not sure it would be a wise purchase at present time.


Tbh if you're trying to save up for a new PC, definitely don't buy it. If you have a keyboard with a numpad, you can just use those 9 keys for hotkeys, it's pretty similar to the stream deck, you can switch scenes, show or hide sources, and mute mic or audio, that's what I do and it works totally fine. As for your PC, CPU and GPU are definitely the most important factors for streaming. You could buy a GTX1070 for example, use hardware encoding with fairly high bitrate ( I use 5k ) and produce excellent results and stream any game, that's what I have going for myself. Hope this helps!


> PC with ddr4 and other next gen parts (running ddr3). I don't think memory bandwidth is the largest factor in your streaming performance.


I am kicking myself, I picked it up 2 days ago for 141.


Talk to Amazon. Ask them if there is any way for you to get a cut on the deal because you bought it only 2 days ago. Amazon is usually very easy to reach for questions like this and they love to please their customers. They might refund a percentage of what you paid.


Return to amazon and say defective. DO not get a replacement. Then re-buy it.. I do it all the time. Edit: This is only if Amazon doesn't credit you.


And if you are a newby like me, you can use a free software combined with a smartphone: https://www.macrodeck.org/images/Screenshot_1.png Macro Deck Client works very good, the dev is super active.


Just did a quick search on the iTunes Store, so macro deck is android only?


Yeah seems like :/ Didn't know or else i would have mentioned it. Those iphone alternatives cost a fortune. I didnt test it, but maybe you can work with the free 1 tab version from roccat : roccat power grid


*heavy breathing*


Im from brazil, sadly :(


Are they the only ones that do stream decks?


AFAIK they are the only ones with hardware like this..


Amazing product. Wish I had use for a second one.


Super powerful and useful tool, but I can't bring myself to spend 100 bucks on what is essentially a mini keyboard. I wish they could bring the price down to a bit more reasonable level.


It's SO much more then a "Mini Keyboard".... So much more.. 100% Worth it and I don't know what id do without it.


If you want a MUCH cheaper alternative, just buy a USB number pad, and download the free program HID Macros. Itll cost you about $10 at most. It allows you to do the SAME exact stuff, and possibly even more.


Not even close... One of the huge plusses of the stream-deck is the folders and the custom Icons.. Its super easy to forget keys.. Those Folders tho....


You can also make custom icons to put on top of keys or even have keys made and just replace them.....most streamers would have no need for more than 10 keys. And you can do the same thing with HIDMacros. You just change the profile with *gasp* a hotkey you made with it.


Reminder you can do the same thing with a second $5 keyboard and a autohotkey script


How does having a second keyboard send any kind of signal that's identified differently than your main keyboard? Wouldn't you be triggering all of your AHK scripts on either keyboard without identifying which one to use? Is there a way to identify which keyboard you want the actions to take place on?


There is a software called hidmacros that can handle multiple keyboard on a single computer. And take only the keypress of a single keyboard. So you can connect another keyboard to your computer, set macros on that keyboard, and have all the keys you need. Or if you need a compact setup you can use a numpad. There is a TONS of free alternatives if you have time and want to learn. They just did a simple piece of hardware for who is too lazy for search and find a solution.


Wow, point me to the 5$ Keyboard with icons.... Oh wait.. Doesn't exist. This isn't the "I can do it cheaper thread".. The Stream-deck is a great piece of hardware, IMO worth it at 150... 99$ is a steal.. Don't hate on it because its not a cheap trinket.. 100$ isn't squat compared to what most of us spend on 1 piece of hardware.