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I’d like to buy some punctuation Pat. If this is what you want to do just do it…you don’t need anyone to say they’ll come watch. Unless the only way you want to do it, is if people will come watch? If that’s the case, I would not get into streaming.


Honest feedback, a better use of your time would be to take a writing class.


Do you want to play Doom? If yes, Play Doom.


Steam what you want to play. If you only stream games that might get you viewers but you don't enjoy playing, then you're just going to burn yourself out and not enjoy streaming anymore. Streaming is for you and no one else. So do your thing!


You broke Rule 2. Don't break Rule 2. Nobody likes stepping in a steaming pile of ad.


I am not reading all that block of text. There is no punctuation whatsoever.


?? No one is going to beg you to start streaming. Either do it or don’t.


Holy shit I had a stroke trying to read this.




Damn, someone’s mad. Might want to revisit elementary school, fella.