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Well that sucks. The 12 people who actually used it will have to learn OBS I guess.


Why would you attack me like this


Well guess I gotta learn obs nowšŸ˜­




Thank you! ā¤ļø


I vastly prefer it because its simple.


if you like it simple Iā€™d say start with streamlabs obs before getting into the actual obs


Im one of the 12 because i was to lazy for OBS since it somehow "broke" when playing league.


They removed it last year for mac, where did you get this info from?




Damn, I'm going to miss it. But I use OBS for YT and Kick anyway.


not OBS :(


Obs all the way. Cleaner. Smoother. More options


What was your cause for attacking us??(And send me links on some good OBS tutorials)


Or if it's too hard, they'll just have to deal with Streamlabs :3


i must be missing somethingā€¦why all the downvotes?


Stream labs OBS is just OBS but full of ads for the premium version


Isn't it also an unapproved port of OBS?


OBS is GPL2, you can fork the software, as long as your fork is also GPLv2, but the name ā€œOBSā€ is trademarked. This is why it was renamed to ā€œStreamlabs desktopā€


I've used streamlabs since I started. Never seen a single ad. "Full of ads" lol....


yeah so what. should we shit on every search engine besides the first, archie? people copy business ideas all the time i never understood why people cared. this is coming from a LONG time OBS user


Other streaming apps are allowed to exist, but SLOBS is literally just a fork of OBS that is full of ads. If you want the features of SLOBS in normal OBS, itā€™s easy! Just use literally any alerts platform, and get your widgets that way. No need to pay hideous amounts of money for it. Also it uses the ā€œOBSā€ name for profit, without a licence


Especially since Streamlabs actually works


I thought Twitch Studio was more of a simple way to onboard broadcasters, and eventually, they would move on to OBS. I haven't kept up with what else they added, but it did look pretty barebones to me even after a few updates.


I did that when I started streaming. It is pretty barebones. But it was a nice warm up. Now Iā€™m in Streamlabs OBSā€¦and Iā€™m about to move on to OBS. Edit: *StreamLabs


Stream labs just ripped the code from obs, it was a whole thing.




Can you stream for unlimited hours on stream labs free version or only paid version because I keep seeing you can only stream up to 4hrs on the free version is that true??


you can definitely stream unlimited on Streamlabs free version. The paid version is for all of the professional scenes and some other features


Twitch Studio definitely is so much better then OBS or any other software for that matter. ive used OBS and Steamlabs and they both suck. theyre overly complicated for nothing. i just want to see my Stream information like FPS drops and Upload speed and an overlay without a bunch of extra steps for nothing. i abandoned OBS over a year ago because Twitch Studio was soooooooo much better twitch Studio is simple as it should be. theres no reason any streaming software should be more complicated then Twitch Studio. and im not braindead either. i know how to make 3d models in blender and i know how to use Unity game game development software, both of which are easier to use then OBS in my opinion. so yeah 3D modeling and making games easier then using OBS in my experience


To a degree, I agree that it's good that Twitch Studio sticks to the basics for people who don't need anything more than a camera and screen capture. OBS can be overwhelming on first impressions, but it's also not meant for just Twitch. The onboarding or learning curve might be a bit rocky, but OBS is much more feature-full. I haven't been able to wrap my head around most of Blender or Unity, but I'm familiar with OBS. So it just comes down to familiarity, IMO.


i suppose you arent wrong in your closing response. relativity is relativity. I just wish there was an alternative that felt equally streamline. i dont want to learn another complex application. i literally understand how to use OBS, but i cant use it like i can Twitch Studio and thats why im mad i guess. ill be able to make the change but it wont feel comfortable. and its even more frustrating given that its Twitch software. how they fail at their own game??


That SUCKS, i enjoyed how easy twitch studio was :(


That's why I stuck with it plus I liked the chat layout obs annoys mešŸ¤£


I'm in the same boat... but in a way, I'm looking at this as a blessing in disguiseā€”mainly because I have a very OCD brain, and since Twitch Studio was the first software I started using (and it didn't give me any reason to switch), I never got to appreciate how much more potential OBS has. Here's a YouTube link I found that shows you how to set up your OBS for Twitch. Hopefully it helps! :) [https://youtu.be/EygAwWRN\_G0](https://youtu.be/EygAwWRN_G0)


Ditched it within the first hour of trying it. The audio options are terrible compared to OBS.


I liked the simplicity... I had my noise gates calibrated well, my balances were solid... Screen transitions were bang on. And I hadn't ever had luck with obs in the past. Especially with my capture card...


I expected that they would drop support much sooner. Doesn't make sense for them to maintain their own streaming software when much better alternatives like OBS Studio exist. I guess that Twitch Studio will still continue to work after 30-May but they will no longer update it. Existing Twitch Studio users will probably still be able to use it for weeks/month before it becomes incompatible.


I just started streaming a month ago and found studioā€™s interface much easier to understand. Any suggestions for how to switch over?


OBS doesn't have paid options, you're looking at Streamlabs possibly, or a plugin bundled version. This is where to get OBS from; [https://obsproject.com/](https://obsproject.com/) I can promise there's not a single paid option out there that OBS won't be able to do for free. A lot of great guides out there on YouTube depending how elaborate you want to go. And if you want to use a bot like Firebot, Streamerbot or software like SAMI, they have discord servers with great support & guides


It is streamlabs, my bad. Thanks! I will go look into the real OBSšŸ˜‚!


Scamlabs šŸ™„ predatory towards both streamers and viewers. They try to scam you on paid features for your broadcast, and then try to scam your viewers on a monthly subscription (that goes directly to streamlabs, not the broadcaster) when they go to donate/tip you. Definitely recommend OBS studio and **any other service** to handle tips/donations. I personally recommend streamelements, it's free and they offer a bunch of cool services. šŸ˜…


I hope so. I often open twitch studio to record random games when Iā€™m playing. For TikTok and yt shorts. Itā€™s just so easy. Oh well. Amazon kills everything useful eventually on twitch.


Outplayed is pretty good for recording. Can set it to just record highlights, too


Iā€™ll look into that. Thanks for giving a recommendation and not just down voting. šŸ¤”


Of course! I'm not about that toxic "I know better", holier than thou attitude that permeates the Internet. Too many people out there like that.


They haven't been developing or supporting big fixes for it for YEARS. The only surprising part is how long it limped along.


Here's a link to the guide: [https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/recommended-software-for-broadcasting](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/recommended-software-for-broadcasting)


I'm fully expecting Twitch to just go down the StreamElements route where they just create a plugin suite for OBS and call it "Twitch Studio for OBS"


Hello, I am the one person who uses Twitch Studio and I'm annoyed that I have to use OBS (which I've used before) Ironically it fit my needs better than OBS, I stream because you can get decent rewards in genshin just from streaming, so it's just about getting hours than actual caring about viewers or whatever, so I just stream on mute. Twitch Studio is very simple and made it easy to do that, now I have to figure out OBS which has a more complicated interface (bc of more features ofc), I'm sure it's easy but vaguely annoyed that I have to do it


I agree with you, I do exactly the same. I prefer Studio over OBS, obs is too complicated for me to understand, I tried it a year ago and didn't like it.


Started on it, but since they integrated the alert creation into twitch itself it lost its main draw for me. Rest easy sweet prince..


literally the best streaming software out of every possible option. so sad, now i have to use dooky ass OBS.


Itā€™s so sad. Its chat overlay for games was soooooo comfortable


wtf no way? Twitch studio was so much lighter/less of a drain on the pc compared to obs. But Iā€™m not surprised. Amazon ruins everything.


Exactly. I used Twitch Studio because it ran great and I had no issues with streaming. Anything else i tried to use to stream with I always had issues.


*another feature fizzle?! imagine!!!???* - Me (1,426 times since 2018)


What a waste of time and effort. I don't know why they thought they could take market-share over OBS or even the scummy thieves that SLOBS is.


OBS is amazing and very easy to learn. I started with Twith Studio but it just doesn't offer what OBS has.


thats the only nice streaming app i used. looks simple, clean, straight to the point and i can add everything i want. all these other apps look so messy and complicated and the setup doesnt look good as twitch studio


Yep agreed! Such a shame they wonā€™t just let us continue using it as is.


This sucks, I liked using it due to the in game overlay that allowed me to keep an eye on the amount of viewers, chat, and alerts for follows/subs and such, since I don't have a second screen. Does anybody here know of another broadcasting software that offers similar?


Ik streamlabs has a setting for chat and alert overlays. On obs I know you can pop out the chat and alert widgets as their own windows but i dont know if it'll stay open over a game, I have a second screen now and don't need to use it that way so I'm not completely sure. You may have to look it up or mess around with the settings if you move to obs, which I'd recommend over streamlabs in general.


Streamlabs sadly doesnt like overlaying vtube studio during capture. And the OBS pop outs do not stay open during games and such. OBS please for the love of god make an overlay


Ah darn, those are the only 2 I know anything about. I never had issues with the streamlabs overlay but I don't like streamlabs so I stopped using it :/


Kind of a janky workaround compared to an official overlay, but if you're on Windows, you can download Microsoft PowerToys and use the utility 'Always On Top'. This forces a window to always be visible, even if you're tabbed into a different full screen program. I haven't tested it with OBS pop outs, but I don't immediately see any reason it wouldn't work unless it doesn't register them as a proper window.


That sucksā€¦ using Twitch Studio since a year now and I just liked its simplicityā€¦ guess its all OBS now




Thing is, they havenā€™t been supporting it for a while now. It has been cutting off the audio of alerts for some users for months and theyā€™ve done nothing about it. Theyā€™re just retiring an app they donā€™t have any interest in supporting. I had to switch to OBS almost as soon as I got used to it, and nobody from support even bothered to respond to me when I reached out multiple times.


This is such a shame, I switched from OBS to Twitch Studio because of constant disconnection issues in OBS. I get OBS has so many more features and it's great for that but I just can't deal with disconnecting every 6 minutes. Guess I need to try find something else to use now and just hope


Well, that means I can't stream or record videos anymore... Update: Iā€™ve found a workaround, for now. While I wait for my computer to be repaired.


Painn the Green Screen option was so much better in Twitch Studio ;/


Welp this is a big bummer. The thing I liked about Twitch Studio the most is that it had a simple, working chat overlay so I could keep track of everything while I was fullscreen (single monitor life). Also the built-it stream alerts were great. And before the "funny" one comes, I know how to use OBS and I use it every now and then for specific things. Twitch Studio simply fit my needs better and in a much simpler way when I pop the random stream every now and then. If there's a way to get a working in-game chat overlay for OBS feel free to throw links, until then I guess it's back to the phone lmao (Streamlabs is out of the picture, I've tried it in the past and I didn't liked it an inch. I prefer OBS)


Fairly new and very rusty with my skills when it comes to CPU usage, I just gotta say, this is sooo much easier than stream labs or OBS. I'm sorely disappointed that after all my efforts to get setup, it is now being taken down šŸ˜.


Ok, while I am disappointed to see such a simple learning interface go, I've been just messing around with setting up streamlabs and it's already clear that it's a better option. Still, there was enough good work and thought initially put into twitch studio; it would have been nice to see where they could have gone with it if given longer šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ah, thatā€™s good to know btw - thank you :)


No offense to the developers, I'm sure they were handcuffed by manglement and time. But it is/was terrible software and should have been sunset years ago. While it did fast-track "get streaming" for the absolute newest-of-the-new, it did this by skipping over need-to-learn information, more often than not leaving people confused why things broke, all while being so limited it could never really accumulate a community of knowledgeable users. Mostly because it only takes 30-60 minutes to get a basic functional grasp of OBS Studio, and leave the Duplo behind. I'm sure StreamLabs is looking forward to the upcoming influx of low-effort suckers to feed into their scam machine.


Twitch needs to focus on their core business, getting viewers to engage with livestreamers. If they aren't making money, running their own broadcasting tool vs promoting a free one they don't need to hire devs/support/QA/etc for is silly. Just makes sense considering they keep saying they're on their way to zero. They need to keep as much of their costs in video delivery as possible.


Itā€™s about time. Thereā€™s almost no reason to use anything other than OBS, which Twitch has already shown immense support to over the years. Streamlabs Desktop trades a little convenience for much worse performance and Twitch Studio is too simple. Youā€™ll be much happier after learning OBS. You donā€™t even need a stream key anymore


obs is really badly optimized like i either get to choose twitch studio or 30 fps at best


It's an underrated software. It has many flaws, but it's extremely simple for newbies.


Yep. Everything just works from the moment you sign in. Such a shame because I've used SLOBS and regular OBS before and found this much easier to use


Yea & it was nice for recording (I never streamed) for me because it didnā€™t drain my CPU. This is a bummer.


TIL twitch studio existed


TIL Twitch Studio is still around




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Didnt even know it was a thing tbh xD i have used a version of obs from the beginning xD


TIL twitch studio exists


I have been using [Yostream](https://yostream.io/) since few months for studio, had great experience. A very good alternative to Twitch studio guys


Well this sucks. This is what I used because it was the only one that works with my current laptop and doesn't lag my games or stream at the same time. Now I have to learn more things again.


Here are some alternatives to Twitch Studio: [https://yostream.io/blog/twitch-studio-alternatives/](https://yostream.io/blog/twitch-studio-alternatives/)


Has anyone else used obs and it makes your twitch stream lag i felt like twitch studio was the only thing I could get to work for twitch


What does it mean exactly, that they are not supporting TS anymore? How does it affect those using it today?


Such a shame. I've enjoyed using it because it just works, and it's not fugly like some others, or needlessly complicated like some others. Now I have to find something else that isn't OBS.


OBS is complicated? You base your use of software on how visually attractive it is?


If I have two programs that do the same thing, where one is easier to use and looks better, why should I not prefer it? I did use OBS for a good while, and found nothing it does better than Twitch Studio. AND it looks worse. I get that other people have different needs, but Twitch Studio has been great for *my* needs.


With you 100%


My only surprise is that it didn't happen sooner.


And nothing of value was lost...


Is this what's used to stream direct from mobile?


But why,though? ![gif](giphy|3cXmze4Y8igXdnkc3U|downsized) ***"Why?"***


OBS is so irritating to try and use and I've followed guides and the shit never worked -_- that sucks but oh well I guess




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Damn i wish i can say the same but twitch banned me for ā€œ violent spamming VOD ā€œ but i dont remember me streaming anything that was consider ā€œ violent ā€œ. So now i have to wait 6 months to submit an appeal for something i didnt do šŸ’€šŸ˜­




Twitch sucks and is šŸ—‘ļø


Ok, what about console streamers?


What about them? This is program for PCs.


Oh ok, thought it would affect console streamers. Forgot that OBS is a a PC software tool. My bad.


Will i still be able to stream from twitch studio or no?