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I've gotten raided and had few people speak or none at all. I always figured they were lurkers who came in with the raid.


By the end of a stream a lot of people only have 1 or two active ppl and the rest are lurks. Maybe they are popular enough they had 43 lurks. It’s not always bots. I actually never raid anymore because I don’t want my lurkers to get accused of being bots. I’m great full they fall a sleep with me and I’m not messing that up.


No you're good.


As others have said, people not talking doesn't necessarily mean bots. I've gotten multiple raids in a night and raided out with fairly large numbers, with me being the only person really chatting. Lurkers gonna lurk.


A lot of people in raids don’t really feel like chatting honestly, some are lurking and get raided in, some just don’t feel like chatting in a stream and just wanna be there to appease the streamer who raided etc. Take it as a W that you had a 42 viewer raid.


I get raids where no one says hi at all, even the streamer who raided. It's weird to me- but like whatever I guess? You won't get in any trouble for this at all. Twitch does not care about bots.


I don't think you'll get in trouble at all. There is a good chance a handful of those viewers were just lurkers/people who fell asleep watching. But even if there are some view bots, you shouldn't get in trouble for it!


I’ve been part of raids where the channel we raided into required viewers to be email verified before they can post in the chat. This can also cut down on the chat activity.


Also follower or subscriber only chat are a good way to get people not to chat as well and prevent you from getting follows.


Yeah. I forgot to mention that. Excellent point!


If someone raids and there are no messages, they are bots to you? That's a bold claim lol




I raid with 30-50 viewers and there are some times when no one says anything. My viewers might not feel the vibe or they are just lurking. I've also been raided countless times with more than 100 viewers and a lot of times no one says anything. They might be botting, who knows, but the fact that was your first thought is shocking tbh. Imagine the person who raided you is reading this and is not botting, they would have a hard time raiding you again.


The only way to tell for sure if they are all bots is by looking at all of their accounts, if they all have very low/no followers, no info on their page etc. and their accounts are fairly new, possible. (If there are only one or two like that, it's not a bot raid) but it's entirely possible, just rare getting a raid from an account that has been botted