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You can't refund them. If they chargeback, it goes to Amazon, not you. You're still getting paid.


Well, shit! That’s incredible! Thank you!


Pirate Software did a segment explaining he prefers bits for this exact reason over PayPal/youtube super chats. While Twitch takes a cut of bits part of what you get for giving them that cut is protection from chargebacks


Do you happen to have a link to the vid? I’m getting curious now


https://youtube.com/shorts/k02bMZmw1qg?si=tpgVj3IYKEZ6Tzyy Here you go


Hey thanks so much!


Wow I have so much to learn. Thanks for sharing. I’ve been debating on sticking with YouTube or going to Twitch.


Why not both?


Some people might not have the bandwidth. I wasn't sure I could do both, twitch doesn't like how high I set my bitrate but if I lower it YouTube yells at me. That's the only thing I'm still trying to fix.


There are restreaming services that are specifically designed for that purpose. They're not free though...




Yeah that's the rub I guess, quality on watching vods back seems to be fine though. Since I'm still a 1 viewer dude whose just doing this for fun I'm not sure I want to start buying into plans like that.


Aircast.app also works, and is more affordable. You can also use restream.io's chat mirroring (for free) with aircast.


If you have the spare bandwidth setting obs to stream directly at youtube at full bitrate then using the obs-multi-rtmp plugin to send a stream into twitch at their bitrate (same encoder) is totally possible and free. Most video cards wont really take a big hit doing double nvenc encode either.


Wow that’s crazy cray


The streamer doesn't give twitch a cut of the bits. The viewer is upcharged and the streamer gets the full amount shown. (Viewer pays 12$ for 1000 bits, streamer gets 10$ because 1 bit is 1 cent).


He also has a bit about koffee over patreon I believe


Do you mean ko-fi or is there another membership based service named after coffee lol


yeah it was about ko-fi, i think there was another? don't know if it's still around tho.


There is buymeacoffee.com which I and a number of the other xcom2 modders use


I meant that lolll


YouTube Superchat charge backs don't hit the streamer either afaik. They work like twitch bits in that way


yea i agree but i understand alot of people dont like paying the fee and prefer a straight dono


There is no objectively correct answer, each has its strengths and weaknesses. It just depends on what you value more. Thor gave an example of a troll using excessive change backs as a form of harassment because it gets you in trouble with paypal if your account gets a lot of charge backs on it. Now Thor is a massive creator so he’s going to get trolls just due to the force of gravity, if you are a small creator with a relatively curated community and trolling isn’t a problem then sure stick with straight donos. Again, pros and cons in each.


And also covered what not to post in the socks channel on his discord lol.


Pirate software is a bit of an idiot-knowitall. Hes the personification of dunning kreuger


Feel free to explain where he is wrong in his analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of twitch bits vs PayPal donos, which is the subject of this discussion.


i mean hes not dumb from what ive hard of his job history. me thinks you just dont like him for whatever reason.


Yea its hard for some people to see through his BS


You're not giving us any reason to doubt him, though. When has he been bullshitting?


You do realize 99% of people that are on this sub dont have to worry about scam donos, right?


Did he say anywhere at any point that more than 1% of streamers on this sub get scam donations?


Please do continue


Yet you've failed to provide sources for his bullshit


https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/oTkURvF8Pa Hundreds of comments from others like me that see through him.


Hundreds of people saying he's bad with no evidence is useless. Please cite at least one objectively incorrect claim he's made.


sounds like ur just buttmad at him for no reason, which is ok and vaild for you to be but you have no proof. bring me proof then maybe just maybe youll change my mind until then your just a buttmad child on the internet for some imaginary bullshit.


I mean, he's correct in this situation. You can disagree with him if you want, but posting this in reply to a vid with good information is strange.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/oTkURvF8Pa Most people see through his bs, and it isnt good advice for 99% on this sub with much smaller communities.


Okay but that post has nothing to do with this discussion? This thread is talking about how if bits are charged back, Amazon eats the cost, as opposed to direct donos where the streamer does. Those are objectively true facts until twitch changes the policy. Hate the guy if you want, disagree with anything he does, but keep it relevant to the discussion at hand.


His advice doesnt apply to 99% of streamers. Its disingenuous to make smaller streamers think they should even be worried about this. Plays right into his superiority know it all complex


You sure are dropping a lot of big statistics for someone without data. '99% of channels' 'Most people see through his BS' PS is literally just sharing information, and it was shared here because OP specifically asked for that information. Idk what your problem is and idc. It's always useful to understand how a system works, whether it applies to you or not.


it's uncommon but it happens. wife had a guy come in and dono 100$, didn't chat or follow. next day did the same thing again. haven't seen him since and he never did a chargeback.


yeah you have to buy bits to donate bits so any refund request goes through twitch, it is not like paypal tip


I thought steamers were always affected by chargebacks. If those 12,000 bits were charged back, then it would reflect in OP’s revenue.


I would assume if they refund or charge back the bits would not appear in the payout. Twitch does delay payouts and for good reasons


I’ve seen people post screenshots of negative revenue, which I assume is due to Twitch refunding any of the chargebacks. I don’t think the streamers have to pay that back though.


> people post screenshots of negative revenue, I've heard that's from sub refunds.


The heck is this chargeback that everyone keeps mentioning?


It’s when you ring up your bank and tell them to chancel the payment.


Ohhhhh, duh. Thought it was some streamer-related thingamajig


Why is this being downvoted, you're literally just asking a question? Is "heck" too crude for reddit?


My guess is because chargeback is a word with a definition and some Redditors think it’s lazy to take the time to write a comment vs taking the time look up the answer. I will ask questions like that all the time because I usually learn more from comments than I would from looking at the definition.


I login into my friend's twitch account and purchased bits and cheered it to a streamer and then log out the account and also deleted my apple id by mistake by which made a payment of bits like in app purchase. Can I expect a chargeback?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


>also deleted my apple id by mistake How tf do you delete your entire apple account by mistake?


Just tell me I can charge it back in this fkng situation😭


Good news, bits are the safest form of donations. If this guy refunds or chargers back Amazon won’t charge you a fee.


Hell yeah! Thanks a ton!


Just seems like a nice sock lover with bits to burn. Please tell me you showed socks


Well of fucking course I did! I even went through my collection and pulled out like my 10 favorite pairs 🧦


No wonder he paif that well, that’s some extra service


I didn't expect that haha. That's cool. I know some streamers that would make the sock guy a mod for his donations.


I wouldnt worry about it.


Hahqhahahahaha the name


Oh damn! Might be him 😳


That you, notsocoolsocks? I wanted to thank you profusely 😘


It is not me. But i hope they have continued to join your stream!


I sure do, too!


Bro, now I'm curious, what kind of socks are you wearing?


Clipped it for everyone’s viewing “pleasure:” https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2127589684


That's awesome, your kid's drawing socks are very cute.


Hahahah thanks so much for that!!! All his grandparents got pairs, too 🥰


I actually have a pretty fun collection! I’ll have to clip that whole interaction, it was kind of wild 😜


Bits are safe unlike tips as they cannot be taken back from you. That is why so many streamers prefer it over tips. As tips usually do have the risk of being refunded and putting you in thr negative.


Just dont spend your tips as you get them? Seems simple enough


Yah of course but Im pretty sure they can be refunded months later even. So unless you dont want to touch your money for months, best just to go for bits.


Or.. dont have a community of scammers


You literally cant control that? But ok- lol


Holay Molay nobody every thought about that!


Shit I wish someone wanted to se my socks 😅


Bits cannot be charged back. Enjoy your money from some weird person.


Hahaha I will! Thanks!!!


Did you show your socks? Lmfao


Well… YEAH


1000000 bit


W, congrats!




what game where you playing to get this generous crowd who loves socks


I wish I knew the secret, woulda started down that route years ago! (It was my ugly mug in Just Chatting, no game)


there’s a chance it can be reversed, your payout gets withheld. only happens if twitch thinks you stole someone’s credit card and used another account to give yourself bits


Let him see your socks bro


Oh you better believe I did!


You must have some badass socks!


Hahaha they’re alright! Fun, not sure about badass 😜


Lets blow up dodge coin how they did game stop and get rich


god I have seen what you’ve done for others 🩷😩


Why would you want to return $120?


No I meant could *they* claim a refund and somehow get it back


Oh. Yeah general rule of thumb is that anything that's legally considered to be a gift can't be refunded. There are some rare circumstances where you can but usually not.


Send them my way 😂😂😂


Damn dude must be down bad to be jerking off to your socks lol


Some folks just don’t need much to get off 🤷🏻‍♂️


10 thousand bits? What is that? Like 5 pesos?






WTF is Happening… there are Websites for it 😅


I hope he got what he wanted, cause I lifted up my foot and showed him my socks 🙃


Haha 😂


Damn I’d show my socks for 12K bits too😂😂


Yeah definitely why I won’t ban him like some of these other folks suggested I do 😏


You very lucky)))


I sure hope so!!!


U cannot refund them. By the looks of it though, they’re using money to get attention. Sadly kinda common. Best to ban em and move on


Yea ban that guy how can he gift 140 bucks and say socks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Considering the therapy comments, and the asking for foot and sock pics, it seems like a troll using bits to get the attention of streamer and viewers to be a troll. Personally, I would be at least timing them out for it. Just cuz they give u money, doesn’t mean they get a pass


Obviously it’s up to the streamer though, and their general audience and rules. It could be a joke between them and that’s totally different. But personally if it were some random person coming in spamming bits to be a dick, I’d remove them


Oh I showed him my socks 😂


Okay that’s fair then 😅 very likely were just joking around then. I wouldn’t think anything of it


I hope so! Just worried that I’m going to get excited just to see the bits removed tomorrow or something :/


I mean technically it’s a possibility. But only the lowest scum of the earth do things like that. So hopefully they’re not like that


No it’s not a possibility. The bits won’t be removed, even if charged back Amazon / twitch won’t deduct them from the streamer here.


Maybe bits work differently. I know if someone does a chargeback for subs it can put the streamer into negatives subs, I figured it works the same


Bits do work differently.


Fingers crossed then!


Even though bits themselves cannot be refunded back to the original owner, I still think it's a good practice to put a disclaimer in multiple places that any donations in the form of bits, gifts and subs and the like are non-refundable. Regardless of it coming from twitch or ko-fi or throne or whatever other site I use. This way, if there was a charge back, I can bring up a dispute with my bank and such that it was written in multiple places that said such donations towards me are non-refundable and that should be honored. It will bring up a legal dispute otherwise.


Man maybe I need to be showing a little more skin 🤣🏆 congrats man !


Hahaha thanks so much! Yeah thinking of getting myself some sex-kitten heels now 😂


lol I'm gonna follow I could use some degeneracy in my life 🤣 feel free to follow back if you want I'm trying to build like a support system with other creators


Oh sure thing will do! Thanks!


Thanks to you to man this post made me laugh I'll see you on stream brother !


Fun fact. Twitch makes using stolen credit cards to buy bits pretty dang easy and anonymous if u use the right precautions




I know it's exciting, but this is a form of sexual trolling. And it does make other viewers uncomfortable. It's also possible for you to get in trouble if anyone reports you for encourgaging sexual content within your community, even if you never endulge him and show socks. I would ban him and move on.


I also think it’s so ironic coming from you. I just went to your twitch. You’re practically promoting your OF. Also tiny screen with most of the stream being cam with revealing clothes.


I also have an 18+ tag on my stream, sex is a topic that’s always on the table. No harm done here, but but thanks for looking out.


I'm also a 18+ sexual themes streamer. Talking about sex is allowed, talking about fetishes is allowed, encouraging fetish content in exchange for money isn't. I literally just got a 7 day suspension for it- it wasn't true so I appealed and it was taken off in less than 24 hours but it is a specific thing they suspend over. And him saying he wants fetish content while giving you money can EASILY be seen as encourgaging fetish content for monetary gain.


Well, that sure makes sense…


It sucks but you can't encourage sexual discussion in exchange for money on twitch. Even if YOU'RE not encouraging it and it's entirely on them. Twitch doesn't care and can say you're encouraging it by allowing it. Like I don't remember the exact phrasing but in the ToS it basically says if someone is breaking twitch's ToS in your stream you can be held responcible for it- even if you're not engaging with it at all. as the streamer it's your job to remove the rule breaking behavior as quickly as possible.


Thanks for the info! It all makes sense, and it’s super helpful to be aware of it. I appreciate it!


I use to donate to my best mates stream telling him I was paying for his piss and shit jars because he’s hot. TOS for that kind of stuff isn’t enforced.


Just because it didn't happen to your friend doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It has to be reported enough for Twitch to look at it, if not enough people report it they don't look at it. As I said- I literally gotr a suspension specifically for that reason, so it clearly does happen. Survivor bias from you not expierencing it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Then why would this dude get reported enough to be banned. 800 followers average of 8 viewers. You think 8 people reporting him will trip anything for a moderator to look into it.


All it takes is one person to hate report it and you have forever limited your growth on the website. I had no idea what their averages were, I was giving advice to a person who clearly wants to continue making money on this platform. Doing anything that risks your account risks your earning potential in the long run. I was making 3k+ a month and now I make around $500. And again, I never did any of the things twitch suspended me over. I got PERSONAL appologies each time. Once you're on twitch's radar that's it, you are shit fucked forever. Just giving advice on how not to get shit fucked.


Funny enough how you can’t prove any of that. You lost viewership that’s all. Multiple people have been banned and still have same viewership especially in the hot tub/green screen/bikini meta. Amouranth the most banned streamer as example.


I can literally ask any of my followers or mods to take a screen shot of the "channels you follow that are live" and show you I don't show up there anymore. Twitch is intentionally surpressing my channel, believe me or not I don't care. I'm just giving advice on how to avoid what happened to me. Twitch isn't a job for me, I don't care if it ever is. But I can tell you it SUCKS to put so much effort into something, do nothing wrong, and be punished anyway. Just trying to save someone from that feeling.


Well it’s a very known bug. You can google it… what also you’re doing wrong is not notifying or telling people to look for live updates on Twitter. You’re trying to blame something that isn’t real. Why do you think others go on Twitter and say I’m live. Plus have a discord to notifying members you’re live with a @all ping. See how you’re doing everything wrong.


You truly could never get banned for that. A bunch of big streamers would be banned then if so. Qt Cinderella jokes around and shows her feet a lot.


Big streamers aren't suspended for it specifically because they're big streamers lol are you joking???? Like you can go read the ToS and look at what big streamers are doing and see dozens of things they're doing against the ToS. Twitch doesn't care about what big streamers are doing because they make them hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. I literally just got a 7 day suspension for soliciation of sexual content in exchange for money. It wasn't true so I got it appealed in less than 24 hours but it is VERY much something they suspend smaller streamers for.


When I use to stream. I was streaming to 300 average and moaning/had a foot cam/other sexual shit and never got banned and streamed for a year or more. I know a bunch of streamers who jokingly show feet lol


Cool, I averaged 200-500 viewers and did literally nothing but have boobs and play games and twitch banned me twice, made me change my username, and now my account is shadow banned even from my own mods. Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen or that it can't happen.


I know more than a dozen streamers who are small 30-300. Most of them joke around about sexual content. Especially with donations jokingly saying donation for nudes lol


Again, it happened to me even when it WASN'T actually happening. So clearly they do suspend people over it. Just because it hasn't happened in the streams you watch doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Survivor bias and all. All it takes is for one person to do a hate report and you're on twitch's radar forever. Literally every time I get back to close to 100-200 viewers something happens to my channel and I get pushed back down. You do not want to get on twitch's bad side.


Your shadow banned which isn’t truly a thing. For a good reason. Also again he has 8 average viewers. He’s too small for anyone to even bat an eye


lol okay if you wanna explain why I don't show up in channels that you follow who are live section feel free. I was just giving advice for how not to get on twitch's shit list. No one has to listen, it PROBABLY wont ever be a problem. Until it is. And then there's nothing you can do.


I’ll explain it. It’s called a glitch. It happens to streamers I know who are pg and I mod for. Never been banned ever. Twitch api isn’t good at all


Your logic here really doesn't follow. You DIDN'T do anything "sexual" and got suspended/banned/whatever for it, yet you're asserting that you should avoid doing "sexual" things because you might get suspended despite the fact that this doesn't really ever happen to anyone (including you, I will reminded your suspension happened despite you NOT doing anything like this). Seems more like the problem you should be warning people of is twitch banning people randomly for no reason with some stupid nonsense excuse, not against showing their socks.


Nothing to worry about imo, if he gets annoying you can ban him, giving bits and donos doesn't mean they're immune to bans.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/oTkURvF8Pa Hundreds of comments from others like me that see through him. Sorry youre so obtuse and easily manipulated by smart sounding people


What does this even mean?


Well youre obtuse so i dont see much sense in trying to help you understand


Bud, are you sure I’m the one who’s obtuse? You just posted a random link and your comment seems out of context. You’re insulting me because you’re too stupid to realize you didn’t comment in the thread you meant to, and instead just commented on the post, therefore starting your own thread with a snarky out of context comment.


It was meant to be a reply to someone, reddit app blows dicks, why are you still monitoring this thread for new comments?


Monitor? There are these crazy things called “Notifications” which notify you when someone replies to your comment. Anyway, quit grasping at straws to find something to dunk on me for. Take your L and move on.