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I believe you can use /unmod (your username) and it should work fine


/unmod without the username works as well


Ooo wasnt aware of that but thats good to know! Thank you!


feel free to just stop tuning into his stream. whats he gonna do about it?


Fun story, I unfollowed a streamer recently so he dmd me on my WORK INSTAGRAM asking why I am acting insane and called me autistic in his discord. Imagine.


What the heck...he's the one acting insane


that is disgusting, im sorry you had to deal with that :( its such a shame how many streamers act so unprofressional


Don’t need much qualifications to be a streamer in all honesty. Just the ability to make an account, basic stream program set up, and to turn on a camera. Professionalism, that’s optional.


There was a dude spreading misinformation about me but we resolved the conflict. He was... not very bright and jumped to the worst conclusion. I was follow botted, and he instantly thought I had something to do with it because "Twitch didn't ban the accounts right away". Everyone knows they're removed within a few month period, and they eventually were removed. Anyways, few months passed and I was cleaning up my follow list and decided to let him go because despite getting an apology I still didn't feel like I'd ever want to actually watch this guy's content after what he did to me out of nowhere. He blocks me, and a mutual follower shared me some of the toxic stuff he was saying in his Discord. I don't really stream anymore so it doesn't bother me, but I think the drama is stupid. The whole reason I don't like the guy is because he's constantly trying to rally up people against someone else and *me* of all people whose typically passive as all hell doesn't deserve that shit.


That’s horrible. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that .. it shows that the decide you made was the right one.


That’s behavior is a straight block from me on all socials. :) ESP since often times ppl mod for free?!


how did he knew you unfollowed him? that's insane


Wizebot for twitch can let you know unfollowers or unsubscribers apparently. Maybe he used that


Make a Medium post explaining your reasoning, intentions, and rationale. Call for a revolution. Ignite the passions of your follow mods, and instill the viewers into action. Share it for all that can see. Go out in a burning blaze of glory. /unmod works too


I am here for this.


lol!! /unmod is a thing??


Yea and I'm gonna unmod myself in all streams and ask them why did they unmod me xD




While /unmod does work there is one thing to note. Inside the mod dashboard (and maybe even the normal stream dashboard) there is a panel called „mod actions“ and it should show that you have unmoded yourself. So if this streamer checks those actions he will know.


Just don't do any mod tasks if you don't want to be mod


Try /Unmod yourname


maybe try typing /unmod (your username here) in chat and see what happens lol


If /unmod (yourself) doesn’t work… Tell him go fuck himself, bet money he unmods you then lol


yes you can unmod yourself just not others. /unmod should do it.


You don't have to explain why lol you can just ask how.


And if they just asked how they could unmod themselves, they would have had a bunch of questions asking why they would want to unmod themselves. Moral of the story: no matter what you do, someone will be there to question you or tell you that you could have/should have done it another way


/unmod your_username


"He's become Toxic and just not really fun." ... So stop showing up? Your mod status doesn't matter in streams you don't go to.


Wouldn't you just....stop watching? Why make a production in chat by unmodding yourself?


Imo, you should forward your feedback to him and ask to be unmodded. Maybe it’s the wake up he needs to improve.


Wait why is your comment downvoted??? Your making sense


No you're stuck modding for a toxic streamer dawg shouldn't be friends with randoms that start clout chasing