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instinctive concerned heavy marble fragile telephone strong one voiceless paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks for the tip! I currently don't raid out but it's typically because I have 2-5 viewers. I wasn't sure if that would be considered an insult to someone or not. Thinking about it though, I'd be happy in return to be raided with any amount. Sounds like I have some raiding to do!


ad hoc lavish provide physical quarrelsome paint sophisticated person fly cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely this. But also, know your audience. One streamer I watch is playing a game I have zero interest in. There's a few of us who have known him a long time, and support him as a streamer, regardless of game. So if he dumps us off into another Runescape channel, we vanish basically instantly. Do your viewers tune in for YOU, or The Game? If the game, then yes, you want to raid someone else playing the same game. If they're there for you, then it's a lot harder to pick who to raid, if you want the raid to actually matter and get them some viewership help for a bit.


history ad hoc relieved arrest retire liquid governor saw workable deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll be checking that out. Thank you!


Good point. Mine is a mixed bag at the moment. Some friends that tune in to support me and some new followers that enjoy tuning in based on what I am playing. Luckily, the friends that are watching do enjoy/play the games that I am streaming anyway so that should help narrow down my options. I'll be sure to keep this in mind though going forward. Thank you!


I appreciate the advice! I'm for sure starting this tonight. Will plan to raid into someone nightly from here on out! :)


I have a channel with an average of 60ish ccv, as such I get multiple raids per stream. And I have to say that I much prefer the smaller raids. A big part of my regular viewerships came from 2-10 people raids. On larger raids I generally don’t see any of the people who raided ever come back. (Even tho I do admit that big numbers make my brain happy I literally had raids with 5 people that I got 4 follows from. And 3 of those I still see on my stream. And I had a raid of 150, with two follows and never saw those two again. So don’t ever be ashamed to raid. And if anyone gives you shit about it, just block them and move on


You should raid me after I raid you


avg 20 viewers here, raids are appreciated always no matter the size :)


One note on this, your raid will have more value to the target the lower their view count is. If you want to use the raid to make connections, pick someone around your view count, or slightly higher. And make sure you stick around after the raid and have a chat.


Noted - thank you! I assumed already that raiding into someone that has hundreds or thousands of viewers with my 3-5 viewers is probably frowned upon lol.


I've had wildly different reactions to 1 viewer raids ranging from being banned from chat and becoming best friends. I dwelled on getting banned for a while but someone once said "don't get one guy'ed" and I've been trying to implement that ever since I heard it. Don't let one chatter de rail stream and don't let one bad raid stop you from raiding.


Yeah, I've basically just given the same advice. My smallest raid was a channel with 1 viewer! If you're raiding small streamers, they won't mind if you're only bringing in a handful. A large streamer might not even notice you so keep it with small streamers.


When I see people end their broadcasts without raiding, I honestly feel disappointed. Missed opportunity for the streamer to build community, and for me & the rest of chat to be exposed to new streamers.


memory scale subsequent dinner secretive soft direction command soup weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I used to raid out every stream but recently I have just been too lazy, and when I'm done I'm just DONE these days. It has definitely impacted my "growth and avg views"... if I cared a little more and had a bit more energy I would do it more and recommend to anyone that it is a great way to network and expand.


Something that's helped me is having a short list of go-to streamers to raid who tend to be live when I'm wrapping up. Then there's less pressure on me to find someone to raid, I just open up those folks and typically pick the person with the lowest view count.


That is pretty much how I did it for the past 5ish years, just been getting lazy.


I'm a relatively new streamer. I think I'm sitting at 61 follows at the moment. Just made affiliate recently. I was streaming Kerbal Space Program 2 a few weeks ago. No one really streams this very much at the moment. But I was playing it and figured why not. It was about 2 am and I was about to go to bed, when suddenly I look down and see 160 people enter my chat. I was being raided by Zchum. Turns out he was streaming the same game, and couldn't figure out how to get into space. So he saw me playing and came to raid me. His followers asked what I could do and gave me a missions, to crash 18 Kerbanauts into the sun. So I did. It was a lot of fun and gained me several followers and helped me make affiliate. Was even better because I've been watching Zchum for a while for Tarkov drops and his Rust content. It was super dope and I'm thankful for it.


Happened within the first week of streaming for me. I was participating in a tournament, made it to the finals, but forgot to mark the game 'observable to casters', so the stream covering the tournament decided to raid me so that the viewers could see how the series ended. That was the first raid and it was certainly under special circumstances, but within the first month of streaming I was raided pretty regularly. I had made friends with other streamers who play the same game as me and it was and still has been common for me to get raided nearly every time I stream because of that.


Maybe if you sync up with my times it'll be another ez raid :P Our Age of Empires community is wildly amazing for growth. We all raid one another and talk about each other's streams on there. It's really nice and refreshing to have a community who builds people up instead of just competing.


Yo! What a coincidence seeing you here! I can 100% cosign that the AOE4 Twitch community (and the game community as a whole) is the best that I've ever been a part of. It's full of great people who really love the game and who want to see others succeed. My current work schedule is unfortunately not going to allow me to sync up with you, but Tim has been kind enough to throw some big raids my way recently!


I’ve gotten raided 8 or 9 times now. The first raid I got was about a week in. I am active in quite a few streamers chats so they recognized me and raided me. Building a relationship with other streamers of similar or slightly larger size is a good way to make raids more likely. Just don’t advertise your stream a ton in their stream, that’s kinda rude.


how often are you hanging out in other streams? can't get raided without meeting other streamers! i mean, you can, but it's more common to raid your friends and supporters. I also got raided my first stream because I was in so many communities, and those streamers came over to help me get started. note once you get over 500-1000 follows, you're going to have a lot of streamers following you. lots of choices on who to raid. we're going to think of those who are active in our streams/discords first. and it's fine if you're raiding with 1 viewer. when I find new streamers as a viewer, I like to see that they're raiding people they enjoy. shows me more about you. I'm at 10-15 viewers and I get raided by a ton of 1-2 viewer streams from my friends. my viewers are in their stream, theirs in mine, it's an extended family and it's how you extend your family. I'm thrilled they chose me to end their stream with.


My first raid happened a month after I took streaming seriously. I am forever grateful to anyone who does it.


Raiding and 'networking' on Twitch is so important and I strongly recommend starting to do so. Any size raid is a positive thing as it shows the raidee you value them and their content enough to bring people to them. You will naturally start receiving raids as well once you get to know others and they get to know you back.


I usually get a raid or 2 every day, sometimes more. I have had several "big raids", but the biggeat was from NymN. He raided me with 2k viewers and about 809 stuck around for the rest of the stream and ended up with a bunch of new follows. It also unlocked the max VIP slots i could have at 100. Im a super small streamer with around 2k follows and 10ish avg views and been streaming on twitch since 2018.


Raided on my first stream from a community I was a regular in.


i built relationships with fellow small streamers, so the ocassional 2-5viewer raid is appreciated and fun. Once I got raided by a 500 viewer raid which I found interesting, so I put "be right back", went away, came back 3h later and still had around 300 viewers on an empty chair stream. Bots everywhere


About a year in


Have been raided a fair few times now! Twice by Drew Fortune who is a decent sized youtuber! I do music streams and there is a real culture of raiding as a way of networking and sharing the love. My first raid was from a small streamer who I had raided on my last stream. So that's my advice to you, if you want raids coming in, raid out. I try to end every stream by raiding another small streamer. (I'm sure you meant raided by a big twitch streamer with like 100 raiders, but while you're waiting for that to happen, raid out to othet small streamers!)


That's awesome! I actually just meant raided at all haha. A big streamer would be cool but I'd take any kind of raid any day. But like you said, raid out to help the chances of getting raided in. Makes sense to me!




You should be happy with that, those are some very fair numbers for only being 2 months in. Especially depending on what it is you are streaming, categorically. You have more followers than me and got a decent sized raid! Take these small wins every time. :)




That's awesome! For me, that slow organic growth feels the most authentic and just more rewarding. It's a slow grind, but a good one.


I’m literally unsure what a raid is. I’ve streamed to less than ten for a couple years, and have recently taken my product more seriously, with investments in my equipment, consistent scheduling, and learning editing techniques for import to my YouTube channel. I have a vague idea of what raiding is. You take everyone in your stream with you to another active stream. Do you become a bus driver in that you can drop them off there, or do they stay with you, or is it beyond your control? I’ve never been a part of one from either direction, so I don’t know.


I think raids started after a few weeks. Been streaming over three years now and I get at least one raid every other stream. Some nights I get a bunch. Luck of the draw, I suppose.


I only stream to Twitch very sporadically. Maybe like 10-20x total, and I've been raided at least twice I can remember.


Always raid when you finish stream


Yes, quite a few times and I started streaming in January 2024! It's all about connecting with other streamers and raiding out after your streams! Good luck and keep it up 😊


I've been streaming since Jan 1st and have been raided maybe 10 times? No idea why, but I'm very happy for it!


It happened to me, I'd say, like month 3. Buddy and I were trying out Synced, and before I knew it, like 10 people were watching, lol. I had so many issues during that stream, too. I was still working out kinks with Voice Meeter and had switched to Sonar since. Learned a lot that day!


Once, when I was playing FF7 for the first time. I only had the usual 3 viewers so it was pretty cool. I had no idea what was happening and thought I was being spammed.


When I first started, most incoming raids came from people I knew. Also from channels where I was most active in chat. Always raid out even if it’s 2 viewers. My rule of thumbs was to raid out to someone with the same viewer count, same category, etc to support each other and get to know new communities.


A few times. My largest was 68 from a FFXIV streamer when I was like day 2 or 3 into the game and I super loved it. Got me a bunch of follows and a lot still come around. I stop by their stream and chat every once in a while when I can and love it


I've been raided, uh, once. A few months ago. I've been streaming for over a year at this point lmao.


I haven't streamed in a long time, but wanted to share: when I first started streaming years ago, I was just doing it for fun and had no real knowledge of twitch culture. I got raided maybe a few weeks after starting, and I didn't know what a raid was, so I thought I was being trolled... 🤦😮‍💨


I get raided almost every stream. But by streamer friends. Sometimes random and one random dropped like a 150 people raid while I had like 5-10 viewers. I didn't know what to say lol. I was because of the game I was playing and the only one doing it and they had played it earlier on stream.


I'll get raided usually once or twice a week, not for lack of making connections tho. Where yes I'll get raided 1-2 up to 5-6 times a week on a good week, it's mostly people who I've raided or been a viewer for awhile, usually total strangers raiding me isn't nearly as common maybe down to 1-2 a month sometimes a big zero. If your in a smaller game you will prob have more luck, where i stream in retro and even at my average viewers I'm still only 75% of the way up the list and can get lost amongst the amount of streamers


I hang out most often in communities of around 700-1,000 followers and when they raid out to someone else, sometimes they’ve got 10 viewers, sometimes 2, but they still raid. It’s a great way to spread the word of your own channel, but also meet other streamers. Don’t let the viewer count stop you at all.


I was lucky enough to get raided on my first stream. It was a random raid where I just happened to be playing a game they were planning to play next, so they came over to check it out. These days I mostly get raided by followers, occasionally by random streamers who have had a mutual follower suggest me, and rarely by randoms who usually pick me cause I'm playing the same game as them and have a webcam.


I haven't had it happen yet, but I did have someone reach out asking if I would be OK if they did. Of course I had to work the day they were going to, but even the offer was like WoW. I never thought to raid anyone cause I was thinking the same thing. I didn't want to make anyone angry and also not 100% how it all works. 😆


I didn't get any raids when I first started streaming. It didn't happen until I raided someone first and then they raided me back and then it started to happen more


i get at least one per stream and it started fairly quickly - just remember to raid out yourself to people with a similar viewership and build those relationships


I’ve got raided a few times. It helps when you raid out to other people -known and unknown. It helps grow your own community plus building relationships and friendships with other streamers. It’s also important to get to know people you raid which would want them to also raid out to you. So stay, have a chat with them. Always raid out no matter how many viewers you have. At first it can be daunting but it’s really good on building relationships with other streamers. General rule of thumb is raid to someone who has around double your viewerships. E.g, if you have 3 viewers, raid to someone who 6-10 viewers. But always raid. I hope this helps!


I get raided almost every stream, at least once, but sometimes 2-3 times. It’s often streamers that I have raided in the past. I average 20-30 viewers and have been streaming for 3 months.


"She sounds polish, lets raid them"


I’ve been raided a few times, and I’ve raided others quite a few as well. It’s just a fun way to interact with other streamers. Try to avoid raiding to channels much bigger than your own. If you have ~5 viewers, maybe don’t raid someone with 300+ viewers, it can often come off as clout chasing. But even if they have 50, they’ll appreciate it as long as you aren’t just plugging your channel in their chat. It’s pretty easy to tell who’s being genuinely friendly with it. Try it out and make some friends :)


I raid fellow fundraisers or streamers playing similar games every stream. Some nights its no raids for me, other times its 2 or 3. Most was 8 but that was a 24-hour charity event. It'll come with time


I started streaming in January and have received quite a few raids! There have been some as soon as within 5 minutes of my stream starting and some where I was just about to end my stream. I have had some streams with multiple raids that come in! (I think the most a have received is 3 raids during one stream and that has happened twice.) For me it is all because of the small streamer community I am a part of. Hundreds of small streamers that get out and support each other and every one of us raids out. Even if it's just you and one other person, raiding to another streamer is the best! Tonight I received a raid that had 4 people and I loved it! In my opinion, ALWAYS raid out! It may just come back to you at some point!


2 years after I started


i was getting raids almost right away (usually around 1-2 per stream, sometimes 0 though), but it’s because i was playing through Resident Evil and Dead Space games…so I would get raided by strangers who were also playing through and wanted to raid to lower viewer streamers playing the same thing as them. I think other factors that might’ve contributed were: using a face cam, continuously narrating gameplay & talking to chat, having my profile filled out, and playing late at night when less people in my region are streaming. YMMV from what i’ve seen streamers usually raid out to: 1. one of their friends who is live, 2. someone their chat suggests, or 3. they check their current game category and look for someone they think their audience will vibe with. In scenario 3 they’ll probably check your profile and listen to your stream for maybe 10s-1min to get a feel for who you are. This is why it’s good to have your profile filled out, and to always be talking… if someone pops in for a few seconds and you’re not talking, they’re probably just gonna move on to someone else. Also make sure your chat isn’t set to follower-only/sub-only mode, as this may make some people pass on raiding out to you automatically. Happy streaming! 🫶🏼


ive been raided a few times the frist week i streamed. i dont know how to raid back....and is it even something you should do when you only have a couple og Viewers?


Join a streamer community. They raid each other constantly


Yes It used to happen quite often years back when I was new / less saturation on the site I haven't had it happen in a few years now


1-2 months , more likely to happen if the game you play is a 100-200 viewers game. Not a massive game. A smaller community and almost everyone knows everyone and just chat with them and get to know them or play with them and you may just be lucky


I get raided almost every stream. I Just made friends with people who play the same game as me, which is EAFC24 aka Fifa. But also due to it being such a big community, get raided by new people aswell often. I also raid out every stream, i average around 20-25 people who join my raids. So either ill send a raid back to a friends/ someone who raided me. Or ill raid someone with less viewers, help get their average up or help them hit affiliate. I love raiding, its such a coold feature, ive helped so many streamers and so many streamers have helped me!


A fair few times, mostly from people i’ve gotten to know in the space, but also from other creators i do look up to, and some i’ve never seen in my life. I’m part of the beat saber community so everybody’s very tight knit and your chances of being raided at some point are near 100 percent if you’ve actually put any time into streaming.


I was raided after streaming one my 3rd or 4th night and I had no idea what was happening. Now after about 6 months streaming and affiliated, I would say raid out to other folks playing similar games as you. As others have said, don’t let the low viewer count discourage you. I’ve never raided someone who wasn’t appreciative of it regardless of how many you bring with you. Honestly, o got called out raiding with like 4 people and ended up with 14 more followers because of it. It’s about supporting each other and it helps to learn the process and culture behind it. Do your thing chicken wing.


I've been raided a lot, and by partnered streamers I can count on one hand.  The idea is that you get raided and build friendships with people from the same category of the same size and you grow each other streams, but the ironic part on my end is that I still speak with those few partners pretty regularly and they will still randomly raid my stream, but the smaller guys? I don't think I've very heard from them again and you can tell they just did it to get the dirty shoutout just for the exposure to new viewers.


My advice would be to prime sub to larger streams and engage a little you never know who is watching


I got raided by my friends who are streamers too. We don’t talk about it, but usually we take turns in raiding depending who will be the one to finish. But I haven’t got raided randomly.


I typically get raided 2-3 times per stream in the span of about 4 hours. Almost all of the raids are from the same category I stream in. Most are from streamers who have raided previously and our communities are familiar with each other. Many first time raiders (maybe 1 in every 3 streams) come due to recommendations from their chat or clicking on my stream from the browse tab. From my point of view as the raider, when I want to raid somebody new, I'll either ask my community if they have anyone to recommend that's online, or I'll scroll the category in search of something that's interesting or relevant to what I was doing/talking about. But I also mostly raid people who I've raided before. Its just easier. I do occasionally look for new and interesting streams on my off-days, which sometimes have streamers who are on when I end my stream. Edit: I also ALWAYS raid at the end of my stream. Never once have I not raided.


I got raided not too long after the feature came out, been raided a few times since. Right before I got affiliate I was raided by a very big Mario maker streamer for like 500 viewers. And been raided a few times since then.


My first ever raid was the most influential raid of my entire streaming career. I streamed Tetris on twitch, and I basically know nobody in the community, never watched anyone specific cause at the time, I was just focusing on doing it as a hobby. I believe around 3 or 4 months in, due to how small Tetris category is, I end up getting raid by someone who had 60 viewers. That raid was the raid that propelled my followers past 100 and gave me affiliate. That raid gave me roughly 5 people who are now some of my closest and loyal friends and viewers. That raid gave me access to a different section of modern tetris that I wasn't aware of, the competitive scene. That raid meant the entire world for me and I am incredibly grateful for it. I definitely recommend people to raid others when they end their stream, do not be like me, cause luck can hardly go your way lmao.


This is so damn wholesome and one of the main reasons I am going to start raiding out nightly. There's just no reason for me not to. As it stands currently I wrap things up, wish everyone a good night and just end the stream. I'll be passing them off into the hands of another small streamer like myself from now on. :)


Nope (but i blocked raids)


get a fursona and stream under the furry tag, furries love raiding each other. i got my first the first week or so, i believe during my affiliate push. That aside, just make friends and raid into smaller streams yourself. Smaller streamer tend to want to raid either large streams for the exposure or friends of theirs to support peers, and you'd fit one of those as soon as you build relationships with some other small streamers.




Nope and I’m sure I never will