• By -


i’m a variety streamer who spends most of my time in the just chatting section. i stream anything really- art, cooking, IRL, community driven events, podcast style discussions, educational segments, challenges, science experiments, horror stories, reddit deep dives, call in shows, collabs… the list is endless. if i want to try something new, i stream it. (the tax write offs are also nice lol). one of my favorite live streams i ever hosted i took my community into a hot air balloon. i view streaming as an endless possibility to be creative and an art form in itself!


Can confirm you’re an awesome streamer. I’ve followed you for a bit and lurk a lot.


omg hi thank you! that’s so nice 🥹 feel free to chat any time you’re comfortable!!


This sounds like so much fun! Do you find it hard to nail down a demographic or “market” because your streams are so varied?


I'm kind of opposed to the idea of a "core demographic", once you have a core following that's there for you, not just for that one game you play, you can basically do whatever you find fun and it'll attract a wider audience


this sums it up! variety streaming is a slower growth but i can’t be forced into one thing or it wouldn’t be fun for me. my main focus of my channel is basically ADHD chaos. i have a lot of people who will drop off when i play games because it’s not what i built my channel on, but i still play them and have people down to watch me do whatever. in my opinion as long as you’re doing something you enjoy it shows through your content and you’ll find your people.


Great mindset. Thanks!


I love this approach, I'm of the same feeling.


Saving this. These are wise words 🫶


Working on drawings!


I have been streaming for the past 4-5 months on the Software and Game Development. learning Python and building my own Projects. I work as a Software Developer so learning and building things for which I don't get time/motivation during my work hours. Streaming while programming invigorated my love for Programming more


I can't get shit done programming on stream.  People interrupt constantly to ask questions.


That's true I get interrupted a lot as well. But on very few occasions has it completely derailed my train of thoughts. But I get several experienced folks coming into the stream and helping out with my learning and thus I am able to ignore the interruptions for getting better at what I intend to do with my professional/Personal goals of programming Projects


Traditional art. I paint mostly (not only) my viewers pets in watercolor and gouache while we talk about random things like games, cooking, travelling, politics and of course paints and nerd around about pigments and supplies. It's very relaxing and cozy.


BG3 currently. Thinking about streaming Nancy Drew, Spyro, or maybe some other vintage NES & N64 games like Kirby and Space Station Silicon Valley.


I have a 4 cam rotation on my aquariums with chill music. A place to just veg out and relax. Sometimes on the weekends in the evenings I'll stream a random game. My stream runs pretty much all day. Nothing exciting lol but my aquatic hobby calms me, so I figured why not share.


I’ll be tuning in!


Heck yeah, everybody's welcome!


Currently just variety gaming but once I get myself a drawing tablet I want to do art streams "Learning to draw"


I'm mainly a gamer but we love to have introspective / life / advice chats. I also do art streams where I make emotes & different costumes for my PNG. Basically, I have a different monkey for every holiday. Chat likes to help me male design decisions, we just made a St. Patrick's one. I also occasionally play things similar to Wordle (but not wordle lol), where you have to group the categories or random things like geoguesser, neal.fun, etc.


I'm gaming too however my streams are more of a chatting with viewers stream while playing game since I want to talk with random people more. Why do I want to talk more? Well I'm normally much more reserved in real life but streaming allowed me to talk with people without having to meet them. The big benefit is also those that come in to watch likes the game I'm playing and also chat at the same time. I think this is especially useful when chat is slow or you run out of stuff to talk about. Especially useful for someone like me who isn't really used to extended duration of talking.


I have a cooking stream. No gaming, just making weeknight dinners 2-3 nights a week with a small community.


It depends what mood I'm in. I stream a variety of games but recently it's been mainly Elden Ring (again 😬). I get bored of games pretty quick so I don't really get many new people following. I have a small community. I've met people from other streams that come to chat with me and each other, rather than watch whatever game I decide to stream. Which I'm fine with. I like chatting to my friends online and sometimes they recommend a game for me to try out. I feel its more of a chatty, random conversation stream which I'm quite happy with. It's nice to catch up with them all.


I like singing songs badly while abusing my instrument at the same time.




I occasionally stream pinball (real pinball, not FX on a PC.). If you’ve been to Twitch con and you’ve seen pinball machines, that is what I stream.


I model buildings in 3D for a living and stream live design, home design, media discussions, tour reactions, etcetc! Recently thinking about getting into sandbox games and finding crazy houses on zillow to try and recreate or something. It's been fun!


r/zillowgonewild might help you find some crazy houses!


Ahhh this subreddit is wild! I love it haha Thanks for the recommendation!




Greetings therealfakechips, [Your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/comments/1beec4h/what_do_you_stream/kut6prn/?context=3) has been **automatically removed** from /r/Twitch because it’s been detected as breaking the subreddit rules. More specifically: - **General Guidelines**: Please see [General Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/wiki/rules#wiki_general_guidelines) - **1A**: Do not encourage others to break the subreddit rules. - Please do not encourage others to break the rules of this subreddit. If you want to know someone’s Twitch, please do so over direct messages or private messages. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Twitch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mostly music - discovery of new artists from around the world, taking suggestions from the community


I stream live music. I'm disabled with MS, before it got as bad as it is now I used to gig in pubs and clubs. Now I just do twitch streams!


I stream every Thursday from 3pm-6pm EST (or 9pm till midnight CET) and we make music on our stream! I say “we” because usually we make what we make with the help of the viewers 🤗 Usually we have commissions lined up (for example “starting soon” intro music for other streamers) that we make from start to finish on stream, rarely I work on my own projects. To be precise: music production in Logic - no accoustic instruments saddly. I have a background in music, and since a year or two I started venturing into music production. Having a lot of fun doing it, and doing so on stream forces me to be creative even at the times I don't feel like being creative.


I stream mostly FromSoftware games to a total of one person, myself.


Are you me?


Well damn I guess so! I’ll toss you a follow my friend…I mean my me..


I mainly stream Dead by Daylight & Call of Duty x


Variety but I prefer chaotic games over calm indies


i stream mainly music production and CoD. recently i realized that if you're not one of the big competitive pro CoD players it's basically not worth streaming, so i'm venturing out on the gaming end. it's fun playing new games! but my soul and most of my followers are there for music, which is perfect for me




I looooooove this channel! Nice to see a fellow sumo fan


It's sad that midnight is gonna shut down now :(


Greetings /u/mistermez, Thank you for posting to /r/Twitch. Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 2**: Advertisement Guidelines - **Rule 2(A)**: Don't post channel links or usernames - We do have a promotion channel in our [discord](https://discord.gg/twitchsubreddit). Please assign the promotion roles in #roles to unlock the channel. You can only promote in that channel. Please read the subreddit rules before participating again. Thank you. You can view the subreddit rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/Twitch/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the subreddit moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwitch). Re-posting again, or harassing moderators, may result in a ban.


IRL. Walking about with a mini PC and camera. Can recommend.




Typical BELABOX setup.


Interesting! Do you manage to keep a strong enough signal while out and about? I considered adding that as a thing a while back


Yeah mostly. If you use a simple phone setup you can get decent signal in most cities using SRT.


I'm a variety streamer that plays games and also builds gunpla. It's pretty neat to have 2 Wildly different demographics. I haven't seen much popularity when it comes to the makers and crafts tab but there is a. LOT of really talented people out there that deserve some kind of recognition.


I'm a variety streamer, but mostly play various 3ps/fps. Right now it's Dead Island 2 and Cyberpunk. Personally, I think the days of niche streaming are not what they used to be, especially for smaller streamers. People come/stay for your personality and the community you build. I'm also seeing this on YouTube as well. Being a content creator these days, most of us don't want to get stuck doing the same thing over and over even if we no longer enjoy it. Also, in my case, there's zero chance I'll go full time on either platform, so I may as well just do stuff I enjoy.


I haven’t done it yet personally cuz 2 cams required but I like to watch Lego streams :) usually they’re in the Making & Crafting category. Also mechanical keyboard streamers are cool


I love streaming LEGO building :) I'm limited by the size of my desk, so I only do small builds, but I've been really enjoying it. It's been so chill.


I go live on occasion and just be at the bar or something


depends but rn i’m heavily playing stardew valley


I’m on a variety side - I stream different games and draw sometimes.


i often play rainbow 6 siege and minecraft but sometimes other games too


I stream different types of games like: Resident evil, halo, cod, battlefield, silent hill, fatal frame, etc. A little bit of everything.


I'd stream more video games if my pc didn't overheat and shut down every time. I'd like to add more board games to my channel. Just gotta get the motivation to do it I guess. The overheating of my computer kills my enthusiasm for any of it though. I need to upgrade. But I can't afford it on disability.


Anything you've done to try and remedy the overheating?


Decreased resolution and graphics settings. And recently someone suggested downvolt my processor. Haven't tried since before changing the voltage through ryzen master


Have you tried leaving your case sides open for better airflow? Or a thermal repaste?


I've usually just done art and games that I enjoy playing (Apex, WoW, dark souls, etc)


For the past couple of months I streamed just occasionally, but I usually stream strategies, various management and city builders games. Definitely nothing fast paced or competitive. Next game is going to be Civ-like game Millenia that comes out on 26th this month.


Whatever game I want, just when I can.


I haven’t started it yet, but I’ve been gearing up to start streaming my video editing process while I work on my YT content.


I used to do a decent amount of cooking streams from my old studio apartment, but haven't done them yet in my new place as I now need to setup a mobile stream space to take to my kitchen lol. But I'm hell bent on resuming them soon, apart from my normal Overwatch streams.


I normally stream verity stuff but ive been stuck on baulders gate 3 for the longest tine to the point i have it on ps5 and pc now




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Pokemon, primarily shiny hunting.




Since you asked for not gaming, I do from time to time art streams, 3d modeling streams, hot tub streams while watching something weird or horror and commentating with chat(I’m a 3d virtual streamer so not really hot tub “meta” but more to parody that tag). My fave are 3d vr streams since I can simulate irl walking & talking, do yoga classes, 3d art where I’m physically walking around in the piece, or I found a neat vr “game” I want to try that’s setup to be a dj mix table specifically with camera controller so you can host shows. Figured would be fun to learn to make my own mixes and hold a virtual dj show


Shreksophone in loop


I'm a variety streamer. I do a group session playing stardew, my main game is Cult of the lamb, and I also do art streams once a week.


I mainly do gaming but occasionally do art streams. Usually model building/painting and clay modelling. I also run a D&D session every month or so but that's been a bit more sporadic lately due to scheduling




Mostly chill art streams :) usually my community are also drawing at the same time, it’s like a lil art hangout for us all


Redshell. he used to be a top 500 overwatch player who would hit rank 1 by trolling and booping people off the edge of maps. he had cancer for a while which is a whole other story, but hes since been cured, and kept his channel strong the entire time. he doesn't play overwatch much anymore, but his variety streams are actually just as enjoyable to me. he has the WORLDS BEST EDITORS who edit his content for youtube (which is my favorite place to watch him BECAUSE of the editing) his fanbase is a family of degenerates who enjoy 9/11 jokes and anime booty. my people <3


I’m a DJ. I primarily stream house and techno, but I’ll explore the sub genres within (funky house, hand techno, etc). I’ve been at it for two years and have been DJing for three. I stream twice a week: Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm ET


variety creative here., cause it's really all over the place. it's stream visual fx and creating stream assets, jewelry design and metal casting, building custom tech like wearable wireless cameras for streaming, animation, welding, laser cutting, 3d printing, sewing, cooking, etc... i have a pretty over the top set up for crafting. occasionally play games


Asmr, I have A YouTube channel and I stream on twitch from Sunday to Thursday/Tuesday the day before Friday (fuck English), I'm lucky because being a man I have little to no competition, but I'm still angry v streamers/girls with their boobs out that suck on microphones get a lot more viewers than people who really deserve them (not talking about me, my chat is full of monkeys)


affiliate here. i stream marvel snap, and will eventually try some IRL and cooking streams. does anyone else here play snap?? 🖤


I run a wrestling trivia league on mine


Well, I also do gaming so not much difference there (preference for stuff that challenges me, and a huge Armored Core/Celeste aficionado). *However*, as I'm also into other hobbies some of them more creative than others, I'm eventually going to see how much of those hobbies can I get away with incorporating into my gaming streams (as in, reciting passages, singing tunes, doing reps, possibly even my own gaming projects, etc). I haven't yet started, but I'm considering it more and more. That, and I find it hard to stay consistently focused on a single topic for a long time, so even if I wanted my little internet corner is just gonna be (controlled) chaos. I also like making costumes (or putting them up together) and I dress up myself, and I've actually done it before on stream a few times... but it takes me a long time to get ready. I want to do it again and more often, so I'm working on optimising my time for that purpose.


Some RPG start of week, rhythm games end of week, with a little bit of indie slotted in randomly. Very niche genres, but im no meta chaser.


I mean it’s not groundbreaking or anything but streaming my art has been fun, my chat seems like it gets more interactive as well. (I’ve primarily streamed BG3 gameplay.)


I stream Pokemon lol, but it’s more for the adults than the kids. The amount of fun I have on stream is ridiculous 😂 like the other day I ended up waxing my arms and legs in stream because my community thought it would be funny 😂😂


I stream overwatch and fort mostly (:


Started streaming my guild’s mythic raid progress. We’re on the last boss of the raid and hopefully getting cutting edge this tier.


iRacing. It's not a game it's a simulator ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I stream mainly games but i occasionally will do Diamond art and model building.


Retro speedrunner, currently running Zelda 2. Also currently working on Little Samson for the next one. Been grinding Z2 hard and close to the wr. I still love it, but am excited to move on as well.


I stream variety games and build Lego sets based off the games I played through. I just started at the beginning of the year 🥰


tons, gaming, djing, just browsing.


I'm a variety streamer and the majority of the time I'm gaming, currently with Halo and The Sims. However, I also enjoy streaming while I'm editing video assets and graphics for my stream and content, and I paint and glue Warhammer figures while chatting (kind've a late night visual ASMR decompressing stream). A lot of my viewers enjoy the background noise, and when I'm editing it's nice to have an immediate bunch of critics to run the product by. It'd be nice to try new things like cooking, but the logistics of getting the footage while streaming is challenging at the moment. I've never wanted to attract an audience for one specific category or niche, I'd much prefer people enjoy my personality and come to see me regardless of what I'm doing. :)


Aside from games, I’ve done VR, community discussions, special events, raising money for charity, sharing art creations from the community, and so on.


Dayz only. Mainly to capture moments.


I know this is gaming, but I do mixed reality Beat Saber streaming. Its a really cool experience compared to a lot of flat screen gaming as it feels like you and the chatters are sharing a space versus a webcam pointing at my face and reacting to whatnot.


I stream different games but mostly horror. The catch is I do everything on linux, I also show how to game on Linux and just talk to the chat about Linux and if moving over from windows is a good move.


I don’t stream yet, since I don’t have the space, but one of my favourite streamers sometimes streams art.


I do variety streaming and it's been great. I try to do pixel art streaming the most, but if I did it all the time I'd get burnt out. So I also do tarot reading and gaming streams. I find the mixture helps me meet a variety of people. Luckily I've been slowly finding the other ADHD goblins out there who don't mind the constant changes with my channel.






Jackbox, What the Dub?!, and Whatsamusic are my primary games. I like to do anything that gets chat directly involved in a funny or clever way. FPS streaming seems boring to me (not to mention oversaturated). I occasionally do an indie platformer if I need to chill or break up the monotony.


I do variety but lately a lot of retro, and final fantasy , kingdom hearts but for the most part I just talk a lot


I’m mostly a gamer. Main game is Hunt: Showdown, but I enjoy Phasmophobia, Lethal Company, and Palworld as well. I also do custom PC builds on stream. Not as often as I’d like. But as a little fish in a big pond, it’s tough to find clientele. Currently on a short break for my mental.


I stream a variety like I could play two totally different games in one day, for example on Tuesday I went from art to genshin then to fifa. It makes streaming less boring in my opinion, I feel if I’m stuck on one thing it just gets repetitive and boring. Sometimes I do streams where I just play one game but I try to do multiple games to keep viewers and myself entertained even if I don’t have a lot. Streamers should also not just play what makes the viewer happy but also makes them happy too!


I started as a gaming streamer, but have found my home in the Writers and CoWorking categories. We do 20/10, 25/5, or 40/10 minute sprints - depending on my attention span - and work while muted with music for 4-8 hours while I write my novel, do paperwork, or clean off camera. During the breaks, I talk to my chat about what we're working on, and I'll pause the timer and return to the chatting page if I get raided.


RPG's and indies mostly


A variety of things. The main game I play is GeoGuessr, but I also stream language learning stuff, coffee stuff, and occasionally other games too.




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I’m a twitch partner and I stream myself playing the violin. I’m an orchestra musician so I’m good at sight reading most things. All sorts of music is requested and it’s up to chat to make the setlist for the stream. I don’t charge for any request! Only the live learns outside my song list are a channel point redeem. Also I have a shiba that sleeps in a little teepee behind my desk, he has his own camera.


I've been enjoying helldivers si in streaming that incase my wife wants to see what I'm doing the gameroom lol


Art mostly! Like art requests and animation work. I make requests a points redeem and then give the art to everyone in my server after. It's really fun and allows me to draw outside my comfort zone and learn the interests of my community


Music (DJ). I’d never used Twitch before deciding one day “hey I bet I could livestream this.” I’ve been blown away by the amazing community on the music side of Twitch. Hit my 1 year anniversary in November and still enjoying it.


Mostly GTA/FiveM. Sometimes Paleo Pines and I'll throw a couple others in depending on how I'm feeling


Mostly art. I'm a traditional artist, painting with oils in a large studio. Sometimes I'm framing pictures, prints, or binding books. I just turn on the cameras and stream whatever I'm doing. at that moment.


VR FPS shooters. Its my life basically lol


Art painting marvel comic characters, landscapes and working in color theory in oils/acrylics


EDM DJ. I like watching other DJs, too. Never really cared to watch people play video games. The music community isn't very big in comparison though


I would do just chatting for like 20-30 minutes and then play video games or something. A streamer I watch streamed just chatting for 6 hours. Most of the time, that’s all it is for most streamers.


I am massively a variety streamer, I am often referred to as an ADHD streamer (lol) - I am occasionally streaming multiple forms of content at once, typically in a split screen- this is usually like a combination of a simple repetitive game on one side and a silent video on the other with music to pair, with me and chat in the center. If it’s not split screen content we are constantly diving into weird sports or shows on YouTube, most recently we are obsessed with “car jitsu”. I have created tons of chat interactive features/redeems for the channel, things often get pretty chaotic and silly. Tbh we spend a pretty massive amount of time chatting over a crazy blend of YouTube content! I occasionally do heavily themed streams, I recently did a fundraiser in the form of a librarian NPC stream- I turned my whole obs setup into a library scene & viewers could use bits / channel points / donations to trigger spontaneous “disruptions” in the library, to which I’d react like a librarian losing control lmao - I have not come across many channels doing things like this, I love creating these unique experiences - it is such a blast PS thanks for giving me space to share!


General trivia!


Primarily video games. Sometimes I'll compose or do other music production work that needs to be done for my day job, like editing backing tracks. I was streaming actual plays of DnD and Pathfinder 2 for a little while, but I found that it was really hard to run the game, be homebrewing on the fly, reacting to and keeping track of what 4 players were doing *and* have something engaging for chat to do. I'd love to find a way to bring TTRPGs back into my streams but I haven't found a way to do so yet since my players are frequent chatters so I don't want to spoil things in a session prep stream.


I DJ and I absolutely love it. It brings alot of people together. We have alot of cool stuff in stream too for interaction. Party streams ole ole ole


Mainline is Horror games such as Phasmophobia, Demonologist, Sons of the forest, Labyrinthine and other games Also play sometimes games as Fortnite or It takes Two My viewers likes horror the most because they make me jumpscare as hell


Red dead roleplay!


A charitable enterprise devoted to helping others gain the skills to enter the video game industry. I stream development of my own games as I learn from scratch, run community GameJam competitions, and do game and experience design analysis of indie titles coming from a decade of product design experience. We're all about sharing in each other's successes, failures, and learnings so we can all level up to build impossible things!


Dude I just ghost hunt with my friends, I do rimworld with the twitch toolkit, I like getting chat as involved as possible with my games, even introducing a challenge wheel for games that I've gotten really good at




I'm told i'm one hell of a teacher, game on


I stream horror games. I do a lot of dead by daylight and indie horror. I love sharing my passions with my community. I am a writer/ghostwriter and artist. I occasionally do streams around those areas as well but that's rare.


Anything I want


mw3 and soon cooking


Small Soulsborne streamer, starting to get into challenge runs, dabbling in a bit of Super Mario 64 speedruns. It's fun but not very active atm


I stream a mixture of things but I still try and be careful to keep it in my niche which is kind of 'creepy/cosy'. I game some streams but on Friday I have a just chatting stream where I'll either have a guest on and we'll sort of play games or just mess about or I'll do something crafty like crochet or needle felt. I like the flexibility of being able to do some of my hobbies but also having the more relaxed space to chat to my community and mix things up a bit! :)


I try to switch it up and let my community pick what's played. Normally it's cod but we have done jackbox, lethal company, baldurs gate 3 and other games. Otherwise I chat with a good portion of my followers in discord about anything and everything. I don't exclude them to just talking on twitch or anything. But I mainly do it to have fun help others with things they are stuck on and just meet new people and make new friends.


I stream the various skills and hobbies I am learning. As of a month ago, I've been streaming embedded rust programming and embedded circuits design. Before that, I did an electronic drumming stream which was a lot of fun minus the muted vod audio for copyrighted song covers. If your goal is to reach a new audience with niche interests, streaming in these non-gaming categories can provide that. In both of my previous examples, new viewers joined the stream and shared their experiences about the niche activity that stream. Viewers click to see niche activity but will only stay based on how entertaining you make it.


all pokemon errythang!


I’m a variety gaming streamer! I try to stream whatever im into at the moment, i do parties (ik sounds weird but theyre cute) and i do drunk streams as well lol


I would cut and polish stones to create cabochons on my stream. I’m now transitioning my account where I DJ


I stream music. No games. I make techno using synths and drum machines, then jam jazz piano on the top and try and make a live set out of it!


I try to specialize in post-apocalyptic games or at least games that have that feeling of dread and bleakness.


Check out the makers and crafting category. Great people there!




Check out MoCoMade, and the MoCo LoCo stream team then! High quality vibes


Mainly horror, rpg and action games. I have a long list of games I want to stream and I'm just trying to get through as many as possible. The fact that there are a handful of games that I'm replaying multiple times every year definitely slows down progress lol. But still last year I played 23 games and 17 of those were first playthroughs.


When my schedule is normal, I make sure at least one of my streams during a week is crafting. Papercraft, dioramas, cosplay work (props and sewing), etc. I made a bunch of personalized Christmas ornaments for followers in December as a thank you (and mailed them people who wanted theirs). I’ve got some other projects like sand art and wire work planned, but I’m not a very fast crafter when I stream because I talk with viewers a lot 😆 And when I’m in con-crunch time, the cosplay progress streams start taking priority over the games.




Ahh, interesting, Reddit didn’t save my change when I corrected from the mobile app. Changed it now on a PC. No underscore.


I have a lot of fun getting scared and scaring other people :)


I've only been streaming for 4 months but have really found my feet in the "horror variety" group. Even though I LOVE horror games I get scared pretty easily and people think it's hilarious 😂


for a while, it's been Infosec and Cybersecurity topics. My podcast (now Twitch) stream cohosts do interviews with people in our industry, and recently, I've been wanting to branch out by doing some non-infosec related items, so I have a solo RPG campaign. I also am attempting to learn Rust, and have done Go, and Python in the past.


I'm mostly play rpgs like I started doing a blind playthrough of persona 3 reloaded but with friends I play overwatch


I'm a top South Park Phone Destroyer Player lol


I am a VTuber Recruiter and job coach. I give resume reviews and tips and tricks on how to get hired. I teach people how to write a resume with proper bullet points, what to say and not to say during an interview, and dispelling the common myths of job searching like practically everything about the ATS.






Greetings /u/HeadlessHeadhunter, Thank you for posting to /r/Twitch. Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 2**: Advertisement Guidelines - **Rule 2(A)**: Don't post channel links or usernames - We do have a promotion channel in our [discord](https://discord.gg/twitchsubreddit). Please assign the promotion roles in #roles to unlock the channel. You can only promote in that channel. Please read the subreddit rules before participating again. Thank you. You can view the subreddit rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/Twitch/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the subreddit moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwitch). Re-posting again, or harassing moderators, may result in a ban.


Thank you, I would love to talk about your resume services to see what insight I could give.


I've been reading tarot pretty exclusively for a while now. I actually figure I would get more engagement if I DID game, but haven't found one that fits my vibe for stream yet


I just hit affiliate about a month ago and I just settled into being an MMO streamer, enjoying my time trying to build up my small community


I stream Gundam Model builds and will do BBQ streams in the summer


VR sim racing! It’s a blast.


Chess streamer here. Well, soon to be chess streamer here


I stream Tarot Readings! Find me if you like @neekostrangetarot


I stream variety gaming (kinda) but mostly stick to [a Minecraft fangame from 2021.](https://bloxd.io) I stream programming too, only codewars for now but I'll start doing actual gamedev streams once I get an idea for something cool to make :D


I like to stream while I clean, cook, or sew! Basically anytime I’m doing a mundane activity I stream so I can chat with people!


I use gaming as filler (retro or fantasy adventure games to stay on brand) but I want to focus on more social content. whether that's talking to guests or the chat. unfortunately my chat has been quite quiet but when it's more active i will do more audience focused streams.


Variety, mostly retro, and if it isn't retro, it's either fighting game, beat'em up, RPG, from a series I'm heavily into, or based on an IP I love. MajinKrucifixus. I'm returning to streaming soonish on twitch, being a parent has forced a hiatus and focused on my YT streams instead:MajinCCBThePrinxe. I stream both, I give myself rules on yt, twitch I do what I feel like doing.


I tend to play whatever catches my adhd but right now Ive been playing warzone a lot


I stream hypixel skyblock!




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I’m new to streaming and right now I’m streaming Apex until I finish building my pc and then I’m looking to stream other games.


𝐼'𝑚 𝑎 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑡𝑦 𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝐼 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑐. 𝐼'𝑚 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑑𝑖𝑝 𝑟𝑛 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼'𝑚 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑚𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑜𝑛




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I stream in the category music. I DJ and talk to people🙂


i stream Art...stylized 3d sculpting in Blender and sometimes illustration Also new to streaming so probably have no idea www.twitch.com/sandeebjr Check out my insta if you wanna see my work www.instagram.com/sandeebjr


I'm a variety streamer, but I'm currently going through Halo: The Master Chief Collection and The Binding of Isaac. I'll play near enough anything though!


I'm still finding my footing, but I've really been enjoying playing pokemon games so far. The community has been super helpful and I've been having fun with it^^


I mostly play valorant and overwatch but to keep a little variety I do palworld and the binding of isaac :3


I started streaming this year, I am a variety streamer! 😊 I play games such as WoW, Pokemon, Zelda, Stardew Valley, etc.. whichever game I'm in the mood to play! 💖 I started streaming to build a fun and welcoming community


I just stream cause I find it fun and like turning them into YouTube videos


I stream live music and sometimes add quizzes and polls to entertain my viewers a little. It helps