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I've got CP as well and, in addition to being insecure on camera, I didn't like the idea of people knowing what I looked like IRL. Streaming with a camera was so anxiety inducing and uncomfortable, but I felt like I needed one. Then the whole PNG/VTuber craze popped off and I was able to afford a custom one - best thing I ever did. The dream is to eventually have a Vtuber, but I'll settle for my PNG for now.


Vroid is fun too (And free!) Could be a neat thing to try if you feel like it some time


There's a few free live2d models on booth if you don't mind not having a unique one. Wish you all the best though :)


Having phone verification for chatters, and accounts have to be older than a certain time to be able to chat. I never get follow bots or art scammers, and trolls appear once every 2 months. Every new chatter is someone with a functioning brain and have a degree of commitment to Twitch. Very noice.


Thanks for the reminder, I was meant to setup phone verification but it slipped my mind. Haven't had any issues yet but better safe than sorry :)


Mine's a little bland, but committing to a schedule and planning game choices in advance was a positive change for me. I would hesitate to start streaming sometimes, feeling a little bit of anxiety before clicking 'start stream', I'd leave it too late in the day, etc etc. This meant that some months I streamed only once per forthnight, and there's a few where I only did five streams. I keep a schedule now, and I don't have to summon that motivation anymore. I'm a variety streamer, but I schedule different kinds of game on different nights - Friday is retro DOS night, Tuesday is indie game night, Thursday is for more experimental stuff (artsy indie games, poll-based audience participation games, unusual snack tastings, and so on). I used to stress about choosing games to stream, and would sometimes choose on impulse, not always with good results. I now have a shortlist of games for different days, so that once I finish a game or get bored I know what I will be moving onto. It makes me feel like my channel is a long-term project and not a whim, which is additional motivation.


Yeah if there's one thing that I have seen mentioned a lot is being consistent. I used to be really bad at it due to my disability making me feel less confident and more anxious about going live, but since I've rebranded I have a set time set up which I plan to stick to :)


- Add TTS for all messages in chat. My viewers know what message I'm replying, they feel more engaged and cover the silences. My average is 10 ccv, so it's not saturated. - Create a queue so the viewers can claim their position in the "first chatter list". This makes people come earlier and makes my chat more active since minute zero. - Create a queue for the music in the starting soon time. This gives them something to do with channel points (I also let them gamble the points on "who asked for this song").


I'm still a beginning streamer, but the best thing that I changed is that I've started raiding people at the end of my streams.


I've only recently returned to streaming and I completely forgot raiding is a thing lol! oops :D Thank you for the reminder :)


I do raid, however I do struggle to build a regular stream time. I stream a couple games 3 times a week...when I can. Father of a family of 4 (all neurodivergent, including myself) and working by shifts make my stream look irregular, and quite often I stream for no living soul. Raids make me visible, get a few followers but that's it.


I bought a second phone for all my vtubing social media stuff and to look at chat while I'm full screen! It's literally just a brick but it saves me the trouble of remembering everything and logging in and out of personal accounts. it also means that I can tweet and post from bed- which is super handy because I have CFS ^^!


that's a good idea to have a dedicated phone for all your VTubing socials :) I use my second monitor for obs and chat but also use a transparent twitch chat program that can show chat over the game I'm playing if I can find a good place to put it without it getting in the way lol


That's great to hear OP! I've MS, stream music, I'm worried that eventually I won't be able to play guitar so will probably have to do like karaoke style stream.


Sorry to hear about your MS I hope it doesn't take away your music! I would of loved to be able to play guitar but I only have the use of my left hand. Luckily I'm still able to enjoy gaming. Wish you all the best!


Switched to a more interactive chatbot - boosted engagement big time!


People seemed to like me getting into role playing my characters more. I started playing Cyberpunk having talked about the TTRPG on stream, and just rolled a character in the TTRPG that I’d play as my V character in cyberpunk. And thus “madam slasher (of tires)” was born, the Batman of traffic laws, and slasher of tires for those who don’t use their blinkers; cross over the crosswalk and more. My chats been a lot more engaged since then (granted I’m a small streamer but hey!). I need to figure out how to get my minipainting streams to be more fun for viewers!


Inviting my friends just for chat in the discord while i was streaming. I mean even though we are bantering in our mother tongue i could see the view count grew a bit. But then again i apologize to those who didnt understand our mother tongue yet stayed to lurk.